Chapter 11 : Angry birds

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                            I'm not gay !



The following day in the Hawk mansion , no one spoke to one another . It was as if something in the house had switched and it was suddenly cold again . Justin and his mother avoided each other like the plaque . He was bugged because that meant that the relationship they had built was tumbling down in a blink of an eye . His hands were already tied so he couldn't save every piece from falling down . It was depressive to think that they would go back to ignoring each other's existence again , he was already adhered to having his mother's attention by now .

The boy had a slight gut feeling as to why his mother was avoiding him but he couldn't be certain about it . It could be the fact that he didn't inform her about his whereabouts yesterday or maybe his mother was done pretending and was finally sick of him , again . It could be that his mother has found another hobby that she enjoyed rather than to entertain his nonsense . He was insufferable beyond endurance and maybe she was starting to see that .

Justin was currently in the kitchen , looking for something to eat in the fridge . He was in nothing but his black sweatpants , and his unruly hair in every direction . The bruises on his body were healing in an inconceivable way that is not explicable in human intellect . The red blotches from yesterday were now replaced by his fair skin , the scar on his hand had disappeared too .

Nothing was out of the ordinary .  His body was fine too , no pain on his lower back could be detected and he wondered why ? Yesterday he was convinced that he'd broken a muscle but now why was he feeling like a recharged battery ?
He was all but confused at the discovery . Could it be that I was imagining everything ?  It was the only valid answer for all his burning questions .

He closed the fridge after grabbing a water bottle . I just lost my appetite he thought sharply  . He was about to leave the kitchen when his mother suddenly appeared in front of him . She came out of nowhere and he screamed like a girl in her face .

He looked  ridiculous as he jumped away from the kitchen door to save himself from nothing . His mother was looking at him unamused , her hands folded on her bosom . She was looking as elegant as ever , with a knee long red dress that hugged her petite body , and stiletto heels on her feet  . She was wearing a diamond necklace as well , her black hair tied neatly on her head . She looked like a queen , beautiful and graceful .

" Why are you half naked in my kitchen ?" she said , making her way inside the room . Justin couldn't tell if she was in a good mood or not .

" Because it's hot ? " Justin answered timidly . He wasn't expecting his mother to talk to him again . It made him look down guiltily at the little faith he had on her . " I didn't think I'd catch you here , I thought you had gone to work already ."

" It doesn't matter , what's done is done ." she said , leaning over the counter to look at her son properly . He looked different from yesterday . No more bruises plastered his handsome face . " Can you tell me what actually happened yesterday ? "

Justin looked at his mother with wide eyes , how was he supposed to tell her what actually went down ? He couldn't risk her doing something stupid for him again . He was certain she'd hunt Andrew down and make his life a living hell , and he couldn't have that . She may be powerful but Andrew's power was out of this world . That bastard could kill her with a snap of his fingers .  Of course he wouldn't tell her that the guy was a bloody vampire who was out for his blood , his mother would go mad . Who knows what she'd do if she finds out . He wonders if she'd even believe him if he did tell her .

The West Side [Book 1]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα