Just a small crush

By Marllenaher

2.6K 40 54

You were an up and coming streamer and you had just made some nice new friends that invited you to LA so you... More

First chapter / notes
Streamer Awards
Chuckle Sandwich
Last chapter

Party time

549 10 6
By Marllenaher

It was the morning of your plane ride, it was two days before the streamer awards, and it was early as all hell in the morning. You had quite the plane ride ahead of you. Boarding the plane you texted QT that you were on the plane and when you would land, and all you received back were a bunch of heart emojis. You smiled to yourself as you decided to update some social media, and you posted a story on Insta that you were soon in LA. You then heard the pilot speak over the speakers, so you put your phone on airplane mode and got ready for the flight.

Finally landing in LA, you looked outside at the shining sun and warm weather. You were so happy to finally be here. After getting your luggage you headed for the exit, ready to find an Uber or something to get you to the house, but looking up from your phone you saw Slime standing there just staring right back at you. You laughed and went up to him.

"Why are you here?" you asked with a laugh.

"Why do you think? "To pick you up!"

"But no one said you would be here, I was just going to get an Uber or something."

"Yeah I was the only one available to pick you up and an Uber from here to the house costs a fortune" he Chuckled.

Smiling back you said "Well thank you for saving me that money then."

"No problem, need me to help with your bag?"

"No that's alright, I got it" You said following him towards the car.

The car ride was quite nice, you listened to some nice music and talked a little until you were at the house. Before you could grab your bag, Slime was already on his way into the house with your bag in hand. So you just sprinted after him and followed him in the door. He just beelined to the stairs and showed you to the room. It was nice, it looked cute and cozy. And you could tell that was all because of QT. So you made a mental note to thank her later.

After putting your things down you went back downstairs. You heard laughter coming from a room that you suspected to be the living room, so you followed the voices, and were met with Aiden, Nick, Slime and QT. You walked in and said hi to everyone, they all shouted hi back, except for QT. She stood up and went right over to hug you and told you how excited she was that you were finally here. You smiled and thanked her for letting you stay here and making your room look so nice. After some small talk you asked where Ludwig was, and they all answered that he was Live. Slime did something on his phone and said that you could just go in there if you wanted to. But you said that you didn't want to interrupt him in the middle of the stream. But Slime turned his phone to you so you could see Ludwig just sitting in his chair talking to chat. As slime gave you an idea to just sneak in and surprise him a little bit. Which you thought was a great idea as you turned around and ran to his room. Standing outside his door, you quietly opened the door and sneaked as cartoonishly as you could towards him. Almost standing right beside him, you could see his chat all spam your twitch name.

Which he noticed, and replied "Yeah, she's supposed to get here today, I don't remember when though."

Perfect opportunity to reply "Im already here"

He spun around to look at you and you could see how scared he was as you just started to uncontrollably laugh. He screamed your name and told you in a sad tone how much you scared him. Which just made you laugh harder.

After your laughter had died down, he told you to pull up a chair and sit down. But you told him you didn't want to interrupt if he had something to do.

"Stop being so nice all the time and just sit down!" He yelled a little.

It made you chuckle, but you did as he said and pulled out a chair to sit beside him.

He clapped his hands together after you had sat down.

"Alright!" What do you say about a classic tik tok time?" He turned to you to wait for your answer.

"Yeah that would be fun!!" You smiled back.

"Okay, so I think we should make it a little more fun with some alcohol involved? You laugh, you take a shot, what do you say?"


He laughed and told his chat to hang around for a few minutes while he went to get the alcohol. He muted the mic and turned cam off. He stood up and leaned over to you to give you a big hug saying how happy he was that you were here, but also scolding you on how bad you scared him, which made you laugh again. After the hug he walked over to a little shelf thing where he had a bunch of alcohol neatly placed on the shelf. He picked up a bottle of Fireball and showed it to you with his eyebrows raised in suggestion.

"Let's. Fucking. GO" You smiled back at him.

"This is kind of really good timing, a little pre game before the party tonight!" He said on his way back to his chair.

"Oh shit, there's a party tonight?"

"Nobody told you?" You shook your head at him "Well, yeah a bunch of people are coming. Almost every streamer in the area plus a few other people. We just wanted a get together before the awards. And now you can meet everyone in person first"

"Nice!" Now I'm excited!" You thought long and hard on how you would ask if Schlatt would be at the party. After watching his content for a while, you had developed a small crush on him (a BIG crush, but not that you would admit that to yourself). So you just asked.

"Will Ted be there? I'm so excited to finally meet him" Trying to make a nice segue, and not seem desperate.

"Yeah, he's bringing his girlfriend so she can beat me in beer pong again" he laughed to himself. And then you quickly asked

"Will Schlatt come too?" You could already feel your cheeks heating up as you tried not to think about it.

Ludwig turned to look at you and bursted out laughing as you felt your cheeks get even hotter and more red.

"You don't think I noticed how fast you asked about Schlatt, not to mention how red you are right now" he said while laughing. You playfully smacked his shoulder and tried your best to defend yourself, but you could only stutter trying to find words.

"So you have a crush on Schlatt?" He asked.

"I.. Um.. Maybe just a small one" You stuttered out still blushing like crazy and he started to laugh even more.

"That is so cute." he said, smiling at you.

"I just think he is really funny" "and kind of hot" you whispered at the end.

"Yeah he said he would come" You smiled. "So.. Are you going to try anything with him?" He smirked at you,
"No! I just really want to meet him." You lied to both yourself and Ludwig, and he could clearly tell it was a lie.

"Okay, but cool down your face before I turn the cam back on"

You giggled and rested your cold hands on your cheeks while breathing to signal that you were ready. So Ludwig turned the cam and mic back on and started talking to chat while trying to find a good video to watch. But all you could focus on were all the butterflies flying around in your stomach.

It ended up being quite a lot of shots, and you were both in a really good mood. But it wasn't that long until people were arriving. So Ludwig ended the stream and you told him you needed to take a quick shower and get ready before the party. He just nodded to you and you left.

After a good shower, you did your makeup and put on your best party outfit, ready to meet some people.

Walking down to the living room, you found everyone and a few new people. You introduced yourself and said hi to the new people. You were just walking around chatting with people as you saw Ted and his girlfriend Shea walk into the kitchen that you were now in. Your heart started beating fast thinking that Schlatt might be right behind them. But after they had gone over to some people you saw that no one had come in after them. You shook it off and headed towards them to introduce yourself. They were both so kind, and you couldn't believe that they knew who you were.

After some time chatting. Ludwig had called everyone to the kitchen and he started to fill a bunch of shot glasses with some hard liquor. While doing that, he said that they had made a little party tradition that people pair in two, and link their arms together to take a shot. He said it was like a nice friendly thing that they had kept going for a while and wanted everyone to participate. So everyone found a partner while you went to grab a shot. standing back, you realized everyone had found a partner, and you were the odd person out. Jokingly you called out to ludwig

"So you didn't think to count the amount of people" You laughed. Ludwig looked at you with his arm already linked with QT.

Before he could even reply, the door opened and Schlatt walked through. The door was behind you and you didn't even notice that anyone walked through, until you could see Ludwig smirk at you as he said

"Perfect!" Schlatt will take a shot with you!"

You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you looked behind you and were met with his brown eyes looking down at you. He broke the stare you were holding as he took a step forward and filled a shot for himself as he said

"Are we still doing this every time?" to which Ludwig screamed yes back at Schlatt which made him chuckle as he turned around to you with a shot in hand.

"Okay great!" "Now everybody link arms" Schlatt bent down and wrapped his arm around yours as you fought hard not to stare at him. "CHEERS '' Ludwig screamed, and everyone started to down their shots. Your eyes snapped back to Schlatts before you downed your shot, feeling the heat of Schlatts stare as you did.

After you both took your shot, Schlatt pulled his arm back, and stood up straight, making you look up at him towering over you. Music started playing and people started chatting.

"I'm Y/N btw"

"Yeah I know who you are, I have really enjoyed your Mario Kart streams" He chuckled at how shy you had become.

Feeling your cheeks heat up again, you tried to distract him by bringing up whatever you could think of.

You just stood there talking for a while until Schlatt said he was going to get a drink, and if you wanted one. You nodded and followed him to the table where all the alcohol was set up. There were so many different bottles of liquor, and you saw everything you needed to make a shitty Long Island ice tea.

"I can make a really shitty Long Island ice tea for us?" you smirked looking up at him. He smiled at you and took a step back to let you do your thing. So you mixed both drinks and handed him one. You watched him take a sip and nod his head.

"This isn't that bad"

"oh so you're a cocktail kinda man." You smirked up at him. It made him chuckle.

He nodded his head to the side to signal you to follow him. He led you into the Living room and sat down on the fairly empty couch, you sat down beside him. You made a conscious choice not to sit too close, afraid he would think you were clingy. He started asking you questions about Mario Kart, saying you should play together some day. You kept sitting there just talking for a long time. And by the end of the conversation you were sitting cross legged with your knee resting on his thigh, and his hand resting on your knee. It made your whole body warm with his hand on you.

Ludwig and Nick had been beaten again in a game of beer pong against Shea and Ted, of course Ted barely hitting any cups, and Shea being a raining victor of beer pong. Ludwig wanted to try his luck with someone else and looked around and saw you two sitting awfully close on the couch. He smirked to himself seeing the way you both looked at eachother, and Schlatts body language towards you, which Ludwig had never seen towards another woman before. But he still decided to interrupt.

"Get over here you two!" You both looked over to him standing by the table. "Beer pong time!"

You looked over at Schlatt and he smirked back and stood up.

"Come on" he said as he stretched out his hand for you to take as you stood up from the couch. You smiled and he led you over to the table.

Standing beside each other by the red solo cups, he asked you

"You any good at Beer pong?"

"Pretty decent" you replied with confident smile

"Alright, let's go" He smiled as he threw the first ball.

He hit the first one, and Ludwig and Nick had to drink. And now it was your turn, another hit. Ludwig and Nick screamed and had to drink again, while Schlatt celebrated.

The game was starting to get a little too close, Lud and Nick had two cups left on their side, you and Schlat had three cups left. It was your turn, and you could win it all if you both hit a cup each. You were throwing first, but you were really starting to feel the effects of the alcohol, you just prayed that your aim was true. You aimed and threw the ball, closing your eyes until you heard Schlatt yell "YES" from beside you. You looked over at him and smiled.

"You can do this, I believe in you Schlatt" you said as he was taking aim.

"Blow on it for good luck?" He asked, presenting you with the ball. You looked him in the eyes and blew softly on the ping pong ball. He turned back and threw the ball and sank it right in the cup. He screamed again and soaked in all the praise he was getting from the small crowd surrounding the game.

He turned back to you, "I think you're my lucky charm now" It made you blush, lucky for you, Schlatt didn't notice as he was busy trash talking Lud and Nick.

You felt a hand on your arm, QT was standing there asking you to come with her. She dragged you into the kitchen which
had less people in than before. But sitting there were a few of her girlfriends. They were all deep in some gossip as QT pulled you into the group.

"Thank god you're finally here!" Maya smiled at you.

QT piped in "Yeah we were afraid Schlatt had brainwashed you at this point" You all laughed. You stayed with them for some time, just talking and playing "never have I ever".

Now you were starting to get pretty drunk, and the girls had all disappeared. You were talked into shotgunning a beer with Slime to see who could do it the fastest. Schlatt had just entered the room when he heard Aiden scream "GO!". He watched you make the hole in the can and tip it back. He was staring at some of the beer escaping your mouth and running down your throat and disappearing between your breasts. He had to shake himself out of the trance as he watched you lift the can showing that you were already done, while Slime was still going. He looked so defeated when he realized he lost.

The night was coming to an end, and people were heading home. But Schlatt had found you again and you were now sitting in your bed talking about god knows what, like two completely wasted people.

You had laid down on the left side of the bed looking up at the ceiling. Schlatt copied you, and laid down on the right side. You closed your eyes and started humming a familiar song. "After last night" by Silk Sonic. Schlatt turned his head to look at you. You looked like a goddess, laying there with your soft hair flowing everywhere, a soft glow on your face from the low light in the room. And humming a song Schlatt could relate to at this moment.

You opened your mouth to quietly sing the chorus of the song

"Ater last night, I think i'm in love with you
Woke up and I can't get you out of my head
After last night, I don't know what to do
When im gon' see you again"

Schlatt kept staring at you as you finished the song and turned your head to look back at him. You flipped onto your side towards him, and he did the same. You inched a little closer, and Schlatt figured out what you wanted. So he opened his arms and pulled you into his chest.

He was so warm, and he smelled so good. A mixture of alcohol but with an overpowering smell that is just unique to him. It was intoxicating, and you kept taking deep breaths just so you could smell him a little more.

You felt yourself almost falling asleep but manage to mumble out into his neck

"I think it's time to sleep"

He grumbled in response, and went to move away. But you wrapped your arms around him to hold him in place.

"I do have to leave if you want to sleep" He chuckled

Barely even awake you managed to say "No you dont"

"You want me to stay?"

You mumbled out a small "yes"

"Okay, I'll stay, but we need to get ready for bed first."

You grumbled as you left his embrace and sat up at the edge of the bed. With your back to him you managed to slide off your clothes and laid back under the covers in only your underwear. When your head hit the pillow you felt the whole room spin until you felt the bed dip beside you. You opened your eyes to see him scooting into the covers in only a pair of boxers. It made a few butterflies flutter around in your stomach. Making you realize that he was actually going to cuddle you to sleep. You would have never imagined that this is where the night would end.

He laid on his side with his arms out, ready for you to curl up into his chest just like moments before. So you did, smelling him just like before. He somehow smelled even better now. And the addition of his warm skin against yours, and hearing his slow heartbeat against your body, lulled you right to sleep. Schlatt smiled to himself as he heard you small snores, and closed his eyes to slowly fall asleep with the feeling of you against his chest.

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