How to be a secretary

Da NisargaKalal

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Violet is a sweat, small girl. Small not by her age but by heart and height. Lazy, very very lazy, and yet wi... Altro

1- A good secretary always listens to her boss
2- A good secretary always brings the boss's coffee
3- A good secretary always avoids phone calls
4- A good secretary never messes things up.
5- A good secretary helps out her boss
6- A good secretary enjoys her weekend
7- A good secretary never bitches behind boss's back
8- A good secretary never shares her true feelings
9- A good secretary never messes with the boss.
10- A good secretary never hides things from her boss
11- A good secretary never fools around.
12- A good secretary never forgets.
13- A good secretory never skips work.
15- A good secretary never ever makes her boss jealous.
16- A boss never kiss's his secretary
17- A good boss never lies
18- a good boss never gets angry
19- A good boss shouldn't keep secrets
20- a good boss never gets jealous
21 A good boss never shouts or fights.
22- a good secretary never takes leaves
23- A good secretary always apologizes for her mistake
24- A good secretary is never afraid.
25- A good boss should maintain personal space
26- A boss and a secretary should never get too close
27- A good secretary never seduces her boss
28- A good secretary never gets angry
29- a good secretary should remain calm
30- a good secretary shouldn't go on date with boss
31- A good secretary should live happily

14- A good secretary never thinks of making her boss jealous

884 17 5
Da NisargaKalal

The day is finally here, the day of the Crowfard's ball.

Usually, it was always on Saturdays because the "after" party sometimes went on late and there is always Sunday to rest afterward.

As promised I should be spending the weekend at home but due to this party and also Khloe and Lilly, we decided to get ready here and then go stay at home for a day and come back on Monday.

And for 2 days I haven't seen much of Alvin as he was again in his "Phase".

It's the time when he forgets that everyone else exists and that he is a human. He works late at night but recently he is been coming back home instead of sleeping in his office because I was now staying in the apartment below. Mainly this happened when he was thinking too much about something.

Anyways right now it was 4 pm and we were about to go and start getting ready but before we call could move into our rooms, there was a knock on my door.

"I'll get it," I shout, running to the door as the two girls wait curiously looking at the door.

"Alvin!" I act surprised. "You are still Alive!"

"Ha, ha. Very funny Lilliput," Alvin comments, slightly glaring at me.

" What do I owe this pleasure for?" I ask instead, leaning on the door, not letting him in. If he comes in now he will definitely not leave any time soon.

"I... " He clears his throat, looks at me, and then whisper's something under his breath which was hard to catch.

"Well?" I ask impatiently as I had to leave to get ready. before that, i was going to take a nap.

"Geez, woman. I know you want to take a nap. Nah- ah, don't you deny that," he smirks wagging his finger at me. I had just opened my mouth to comment otherwise.

"Ok, if you know that, then please tell me what you are here for butter," I really wanted to take a nap before these girls started playing Barbie doll with me.

"Umm, ok, ok, but first why are you not letting me inside?" he asks eyebrows drawn together. He narrowed his eyes at me finding something suspicious. " You hiding something from me?" he continues, trying to take a peek over my head.

"Don't be stupid Alvin, you know I can't hide things from you," I say instead because that is the truth.

"Ok, I'll believe you, for now, but still, why won't you let me inside?" He asks again lazily hanging on my door, riling me up.

I could sense the teasing tone in his voice.

"ALVIN!" I groan frustrated with his teasing. "I'll close the door now! " I warn.

He laughs in his deep baritone voice, making me smile. His laugh always brought a smile to my face.

"I was just kidding my little human. I just need to discuss something with Khloe." He says, patting my head twice, like I am some kind of bell, and moves in quickly before I could complain.

I close the door, turned around, and shouted, " KHLOE, ALVIN'S HERE-" and she was standing right there chuckling. "for you," I finish, mumbling the last part.

"What's up?" Khloe asks still smiling raising her eyebrows comically at Alvin.

"I don't know if you read the tabloids but there was this small incident, that happened a few days back."

So brief note: he is talking about the "Gay Cruise" incident.

"Yes. Go on." Khloe chuckles again, remembering that. I had told her just yesterday about all my office fiascos.

"That was absolutely gold!" Lilly cackles like a hyena standing next to me.

I had to bite my lip from laughing out loud.

"Anyways, I was hoping, rather I had planned to announce at the ball that Violet's my girlfriend. because she is the one who started this thing. Not that I am blaming you, baby," Alvin assures smiling my way.

"Sorry," I whisper biting the corner of my lip.

"I told you already, I'll handle it. Stop frowning now." Alvin orders, giving me a small hug, and rubbing my back.

Don't know when he walked up to me. He had long legs anyway. "Ok."

"Where was I? Yes, right! I was hoping that I would announce that Violet is my girlfriend and that whole gay cruise thing was a hoax but now that you are here my belovee-eed Khloe," Alvin stops giving her a charming mega-watt smile.

"I am hoping that you can pretend to be my girlfriend for the time being. This way Violet won't be conscious of people or anything. " Alvin narrates his plan, looking expectantly toward me and Khloe. " So what do you think Khlo? Up for some drama?"

"For Violet and you? Always." Khloe says, giving her a dazzling smile.

"Thanks, Khlo. You are the best!" Alvin leaves my side and picks Khloe up in a tight affectionate hug.

"I think you should be leaving now", Khloe whispers next to Alvin's ears, when she saw me glaring at his back.

"Well like I said before, I know my Lilliput wants to take a nap. I'll leave it up to you guys to wake her up. See you, ladies, later." Alvin announces, taking a step away from Khloe.

Once he leaves after a quick bye, I dive straight into my room to take my nap.


Waking up to heavy knocks and thumping on the bedroom door is not a fun way to start your day, I tell you. It makes you more grumpy.

Yawning I go and open my bedroom door, "Whaaaaaat? why are you-"

"Vi, we have been trying to wake you up for the last 30 minutes! WE WILL BE LATE!" Lilly barges in pushing me to the side, almost making me take a tumble, followed by Khloe.

I look outside my window realizing that it's still early evening. I must have had a wonderful nap.

"What time is it anyway?" I ask suppressing my yawn.

"We only have like 45 minutes before Alvin and you brothers are here!" Khloe exclaims, rummaging through my cupboard.

"Now what are you waiting for? Go take a bath and be out in 10 mins or so help me, I'll come inside and drag you out." she threatens.

"Geez, why so violent Woman? no wonder my brother is afraid of you," I yelp, as she pushes me inside the bathroom.


In the last Lilly did end up barging into the bathroom but only because I was opening it to step out. And there was 2 minute of glaring and scolding but only 2 minutes because we were running late because of me.

So sparing the gory details of me getting ready with the two girls hovering over me, let me jump straight to the part where I admire myself in the mirror.

Hahaha, just kidding. I won't waste my time on that, so let's move a little forward in time.

"And---d done!" Khloe announces happily, spinning me around in my vanity chair.

"Woah careful," Lilliy catches me in time as I try to raise from the chair. I had to regain my balance so I wouldn't lose my footing again because of this spinning.

"I am good now," I announce throwing a small smile her way.

"You know Khloe, ex or not, Alvin will chew you and spit you out, if you brake his precious Lillyput," Lilly teases sarcastically, making Khloe chuckle.

"Don't I know that" Khloe acknowledge, fixing up her own dress.

"Don't be so mean Lilly, Alvin is not like that"

"Oh hush Vi, you don't know that guy. If things come to you, he is like any other Alpha male, waiting to beat the shit out of someone."

"No! That not-"

"Ladies, are you ready?" Alvin's voice interrupts us. Making me jump. His voice is just so scary sometimes.

Like he is carrying his own echo or a bass attached to his throat. He had that baritone to his voice that could easily scare someone. I don't know how to explain that to you.

"Yes, Alvin, we are done, just please wait outside," Khloe shouts, tugging at my hand.

I raise my brows at her confused.

"Violet, you need to bring your A-game today. " Khloe says being serious, her hands on my shoulder.

"Okey?" I trail off unsure.

"You have to. I mean, you have to keep your distance from Alvin today as much as possible."


"No Vi, Khloe is right. If this has to work then you need to maintain a little distance, and maybe enjoy the view from the ball today," Lilly says smirking at the last part, linking her arm with me.


I take a deep breath, shaking the nervousness "Yes," I whisper.

"You guys are- "All the boys, that is my two brothers and Alvin all start speaking at the same time when Lilly gives her famous glare and cut them off.

That is when they take their time to access us. My brother Richard was going to be guard today.

"You look amazing my love, " Ricky the icky, complements Lilly, taking her in his arms and then whispering something in her ear that gets him a punch in the stomach and a kiss on his cheek.

And he doubles over in pain grimacing.

I wanted to laugh at that though, Lilly was never aware of her super strength.

"And how do we look?" Khloe asks twirling in front of the guys and then she twirls me around in my silky red dress as I giggle.

Ricky and Alvin gasp at the same time, about to say something when Lilly elbows them both in the stomach.

Ricky may look like a free-spirited open minded person, but coming to me, he was not. Even though we fought a lot, he was secretly very very protective of me.

"You look gorgeous as ever Khlo and my little human-"

Like always Lilly cuts him off.

"She looks ravishing, doesn't she? If I wasn't straight, I would be all over you baby," Lilly says with a purr to her voice and then blows a kiss at me, her hand sweeping my curls off my face. 

I tell you this girl can even make a straight girl fall for her. Though this was just her acting, this made me shy.

I give her a wide smile when we are interrupted by an exasperated sigh, followed by a fake cough to gain our attention.


They both like interrupting each other. Always.

"Ricky, are you sure that your girlfriend is into you? It surely doesn't look that way right now."

Alvin asks with a straight face, making Richard choke on his water.

"Maybe she is just with you, for Lilliput?"

"oh, you are one to talk", Ricky retorts scoffing holding his girlfriend even closer.

Alvin raises his eyebrows at that, asking for clarification.

"Why do you think Khloe was with you, then? " Ricky continues.

"Because, I am handsome. " Alvin says arrogantly as if this should be an obvious thing.

"Whatever makes you help sleep better at night buddy." Ricky whispers, a naughty smirk on his face.

I laugh quietly seeing the banter.

Alvin looks over his shoulder slowly, scanning from my toes to the top of my head, and then stop at my eyes.

Taking a look at me. "Come here baby," Alvin orders softly.

And like an automatic command to my body, I start walking towards him.

"All of you, the car is waiting downstairs. I and Violet will just be out after you guys," he informs asking them to leave us alone indirectly.

"HI," I say looking up at him, smiling widely.

"Hi my little human," he greets in turn giving me his smoldering hot look and a smile on his face.

"You wanted to say something?"

"Just that Richard would be staying with you so don't stray too far. I'll have to be with Khloe most of the time. Okay?" he whispers, his hands touching my back directly.

I gasped a little in shock as I could feel his warms fingers on my back, where, it was just laces/ strings holding my dress and nothing else.

"Violet?" Alvins asks, his eyebrows raised.

"Okey, yes" I whisper my voice coming out all husky and airy.

"Good now let's go. We have a long evening ahead of us."


"Ok, Richard, keep an eye out on Lilliput, alright? I would be busy tonight." Alvin grumbles when we reach the venue.

"Geez dude, I think you forget sometimes that she is our sister," Richy smirks, chuckling.

"Yes, yes. Now let's go." He says adjusting his bow ties and opening the car door " Khlo?"

Right after Alvin exits, Khloe leaves behind him. Lilly, squeezes my hand giving me a small smile, and leaves next.

I am the last one the exit the car. And as soon as I am out, I could hear people shouting. The paparazzi.

"Shall we?" Richy smiles offering me his arm. And I place my hand on the crook on his arm, just like Khloe was holding onto Alvin's.

Though Khloe was standing a lot closer to Alvin right now, it was getting a little jealous, making it difficult for me to breathe.

"Breath pickachu, breath, If Alvin sees that you like this next to me, he will break me. You know that right?" He jokes with a hint of seriousness and I chuckle.

"Good, now keep that beautiful smile on your cute face, and let's go." And we start walking towards the entrance.

"Mr. Crawford, Mr. Crawford, is it true that you recently went on a gay cruise?' Someone shouts from the crowd and I cringe internally.

It was my doing after all.

When non of us answer him, someone else shouts from the back, "Isn't that Khloe Noktorn? Hey Khloe, we heard that you are taking a break right now, is that true?"

"Hey Khloe, do you know, Mr Crowford?"

And there are just firing off questions one after the other, nonstop.

But nobody answered even a single answer and we just went inside. I had no idea what Alvin was planning.

As we keep walking stepping in the biggest hall of this one place, someone tugs at my hand harshly breaking my hold on my brother. Hissing, I turn around to-

"Don't give me that look, we have something to do now, let's go," If you haven't guessed it was Lilly. I had no idea what had gotten to her.

"Wait, Lilly-" Richard tries stopping us but Lilly as always does let him finish.

"I promise I will not let her get hurt and bring her in one piece, and she will not drink" She promises, whisking me away.

"What was that Lil? Why are you manhandling me?" I ask groaning as my wrist hurts, also I was at risk of falling in this dress.

"We my baby doll are going to make Alvin jealous" Lilly smirks like some evil plan conjured up in her mind, " and also Alvin's crazy ex is here." 

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