the Just and the General (Edm...

By Rose2read44

7.1K 108 10

Y/n has lived with the Pevensies for quite some time. When they have to leave their home behind and find a di... More

Chapter one, the shelter.
Chapter two, hide and seek.
Chapter three, meeting Tumnus.
Chapter four, a broken door.
Chapter five, Father Christmas
Chapter seven, battle against the enemie
Chapter 8, a throne and a meddal
Chapter 9, happened again
Chapter 10, date?
Chapter 11, wolves
Chapter 12, will you?
Chapter 13, i do
Chapter 14, Spare Oom
News about sequel!
Remake of this story!

Chapter six, Aslan's camp

408 9 0
By Rose2read44

(Your POV)

We arrived at a huge, green field. With allot of tents on them, it looked powerful. As we made our way towards the camp, a horn was being blowed. Peter, Susan and Lucy now walked up front, and me and the Beavers close behind. Every Narnian that we passed stopped with what they were doing, and looked at us, they also no walked behind us, followed us further in the camp. 'Why are they all staring at us?' Susan asked, 'Maybe they think you look funny.' Lucy says with a grin, Peter and i laughed at the sassy comment of Lucy, even though this all is happening. We arrived at a tent, who was standing alone, and had all sorts of flags on it. Someone was standing in front of it, he looked like he was in chharge of an army or something. Peter took out his swords and let it show to the person, half human, half horse. 'We have come to see Aslan.' Peter said. The half human looks at the tent in front of us, and we all follow his lead. Not long after, every one around us, starts to sit on one knee, i followed immediately, together with the Beavers. Peter, Susan and Lucy looked around them, they now looked at me, i signalled that they too, have to go sit on one knee. Now, the most powerful looking lion i have ever seen, walks out of the tent in front of us. 'Welcome, Peter, Son of Adam.' The Lion starts, 'Welcome Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve.' he said towards them. 'And welcome to you Beavers, you have my thanks.' He said to the Beaver who now stood beside Lucy. 'But where are the other two?' He asks, i think he didn't see me, since i sat behind Peter, who is a bit bigger than me. 'Y/n is right here sir.' Lucy said, pointing at me. 'Welcome, Y/n, Daughter of Eve.' he said to me with an apologising nod. 'But then where is the fifth?' He asks, looking around to see if he sees Edmund. 'That's why were here sir.' Peter started, we now all stood up. 'We need your help.' Peter said. 'We had a little trouble along the way.' Susan ads. 'Our brother has been captured by the White Witch.' Peter says. 'Captured? How could this happen?' Aslan asks. 'He betrayed them, Your Majesty.' Mr Beaver spoke up. 'Then he has betrayed us all!' The half man, half horse spoke. As he said those words, I grabbed one of my daggers, ready to walk over to him, he looked rather scared of me. "Peace, Oreius.' Aslan says, seeing my reaction. 'I'm sure there's an explanation.' Aslan says. 'It's my fault, really.' Peter spoke up, 'I was too hard on him.' he adds. 'We all were.' Susan spoke, placing a comforting hand on her brother's shoulder. 'Sir, he's our brother.' Lucy said. 'I know, dear one. But that only makes the betrayal all the worse.' Aslan says. After a while we got some other, better clothes. Lucy and Susan got this lovely dress, Peter got grey pants and a grey blouse. And I got brown pants, with a white blouse with a leather corset. The corset was for protection, Oreius explained to me. I stood now, watching over the cliff, resting one of my hands on the Lion's head of my sword. 'Enjoying the scenery?' Aslan asked me, who had walked up to me. 'It's beautiful.' i say. 'What's on your mind, dear one?' Aslan asks. 'I'm glad I am, but why am I here, Aslan?' I ask the Lion, now looking at him. 'I understood that the Pevensies are all Kings and Queens, I'm not. Why am I here then? If I have nothing to add.' I asked Aslan. 'Y/n, you are indeed not a Queen, but you are the General of the army. The leader of the army.' he says. 'But I thought Peter..' i say, but Aslan interrupts me. 'Peter, is also your King. But you are in charge of the army, they will always listen to you, and with Peter, or any other King or Queen, it may take longer before they do so. You also are the highest rank below the Kings and Queens, Y/n.' He says with a smile. I smile back, 'Father Christmas said that i knew how to use the weapons, know how to fight, how come?' i ask Aslan. 'Your the General, Y/n, it's your job.' he says. 'Y/n, you must know some things about being the General. It's your job to protect Narnia, but also to protect the Kings and Queens, they probably won't like that, but it is your job.' he says now a bit more serious. I nod, to let him know I understand. 'Now, could you get Peter for me?' he asked me, so i went to look for Peter and send him up. I start to help some Narnians with their chores. They were surprised that I wanted to help them, but I had nothing to do, so why not lend a hand. But after a while, I heard Susan's horn. I look at Peter, he looks at me, and he comes running down, i'm going up front unsheathing my sword, so does Peter, and we run towards the river, Oreius and some other Narnian soldiers follow us. When we came to the river, we saw those same packs of wolves we saw at the waterfall, and we saw Susan and Lucy in a tree, with the wolves just below them. 'Oi!' I yell, trying to take their attention. Oreius and I were ready to attack, but Aslan stopped us. 'This is Peter's battle.' he said to us, so we stood down. Peter points his sword at the wolves. 'Come on! We've already been through this before.' the wolf said to Peter. 'And we both know you haven't got it in you.' the wolf added. 'Peter! Watch out!' Susan said to her brother, because another wolf is circling him. Aslan pins the wolf down, so Peter only has to focus on one of them. 'You may think you're a king, but you're going to die, like a dog!' the wolf says, before jumping on to Peter, the wolf laid still on top of Peter. I helped Lucy and Susan down, and we ran to Peter and shoved the wolf off of him. Peter was okay, he hugged us, all three of us. Aslan released the wolf and it ran off, 'He'll lead you to Edmund.' He said looking at me, he wants me to give orders. 'Oreius, and you six, follow him.' I said to them, they saluted me and followed the wolf. I helped Peter up, and Peter, Susan and Lucy, together with Aslan, made their way back to the camp. Some of the Narnian soldiers who stayed behind asked me to practise with them, so of course I did, they are my soldiers. I fought them, sometimes more than one at the time, but I got better and better, and started to win faster and faster. After a while, we too made our way back to camp. When I walked through camp, I spotted Oreius. 'Oreius.' I say, he turns around and once again he salutes me. 'Yes, General?' he says. 'At ease. Where's Edmund?' I ask him, he looks to his left, and I follow his gaze, to see Edmund hugging his siblings. 'Thank you.' i say honestly. I see the siblings now just talking, so I start to run in their reaction and I almost tackle Edmund into a hug. I then pull away and grab his face, I start to examine it. He had some tiny wounds and some bruising. 'I'm gonna kill them.' I muttered, Edmund laughed, I didn't know he heard me. 'Hey.' he says to me, 'Hello.' I said back with a grin. 'Are you alright?' I asked him. 'Yeah, I am. But are you?'' he asks me while looking me up and down to my mud stained clothes. 'Oh, yeah! I practised with some Narnians.' I said to him, 'Practise? With Narnians?' he asks, also looking confused at his siblings. They all grind at how confused he was. 'Yeah, I fought with some of the soldiers.' I say, like it was the most normal thing ever. 'Okay, now I really have to go to bed.' he says, a bit shocked. I just laughed, 'Goodnight.'

A bit later we were all sitting and eating. 'Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed.' Lucy said to her brother with a chuckle. 'I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back.' Peter says to us. 'We're going home?' Susan asks. 'You are.' Peter says to his siblings. 'I'd promised Mum I'd keep you four safe,' he adds. 'But that doesn't mean I can't at least keep you three safe, and Y/n and I will stay behind and help.' he said to the other Pevensies. 'But they need us.' Lucy says. 'All five of us.' she says. 'She's right Peter.' I say looking at him. 'It's too dangerous.' Peter answers. 'You two almost drowned and Edmund almost got killed!' he says to us. 'Which is why we have to stay.' Edmund says, now we all look at him. 'I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it.' Edmund says. 'I suppose that's it then.' Susan says while standing up. 'Where are you going?' Peter asks his sister. To get in some practice, you coming Lu?' she says. Lucy stands up and follows her sister with a smile on her face. I now too stand up. 'Well come on then, Kings.' I say. 'What?' Peter asks. 'Well you have to practise sword fighting don't you think? You know, I can help.' I say with a grin. Peter now too has a grin on his face, ready to fight us. 'What do you mean, you can help?' Edmund asks while standing up with Peter. I shrug at him and walk to get my belt with my sword and daggers on it, putting it around my waist. 'Edmund, here's a sword for you, it's yours.' i said while giving him a sword that was made for him by a Narnian. 'Thanks.' he says. We walk towards an openfield, and I place Edmund and Peter in front of me. 'Come on, attack. I will just use one of my daggers, and you two can use your swords.' I say to them, with a grin on my face. Edmund just looks confused, but Peter starts attacking. He swings his sword up to my head but I ducked in time. Edmund follows his brother's lead, and swings at my feet, but I jumped over. Peter now walked forward and tried to hit me in the stomach with his sword, but as he did, I grabbed his arm, turned it around, he went with the movement and was now with his back against me, and I held my dagger at his throat. 'Damn, Y/n. That was fast.' Peter says to me. 'Yeah, i practised a bit.' I say, letting him go. 'How did you know how to do that?' Edmund asked me, still not sure who I am, here in Narnia. 'Well, my King, I will always be at your service, as it is my duty as General.' I say while cursing for him, with a grin on my face. 'Really? You are the General, leader of the army?' he asks. 'Don't worry, you're only in charge of a country and me and my army.' I said sarcastically to him. 'In charge of you, huh?' he says with one of those grins of his. I feel my cheeks getting warmer. 'Oi, he got you there, didn't he.' Peter says, laughing at my state. Before I could defend myself, Mr Beaver came up to us. 'Peter! Edmund!' Mr Beaver says. 'The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan.' He tells us. 'She's on her way here.' he adds. Edmund and Peter start running down, I follow with Mr Beaver by my side. 'You have to keep your soldiers in line.' Mr Beaver says to me, I nod in response. We came back to camp, and everyone was already at one place, me made our way through, to join Susan and Lucy who were up front. We placed ourselves next to them and we saw her coming. She got carried by weird looking creatures, and a dwarf was yelling up front, 'Jadis, Queen of Narnia!' he yells. "Go away, Witch!' some of the Narnians yelled. 'Empress of the Lone Islands!' The dwarfs continued. 'You don't belong here!' another Narnian yells, 'Go away!' said another, mainly soldiers on our side. Mr Beaver looks at me, this was what he was talking about. She had a lot of her own soldiers behind her, i held my hand at my sword, for precautions. The Witch got out of her throne, and walked towards Aslan, but as she walked she looked at Edmund. I could tell he was scared by her, because he grabbed my hand when she looked. 'You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan.' The Witch spoke to Aslan. We could hear murmurs around us. 'His offence was not against you.' Aslan said in reply. 'Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built.'' the Witch says to the Lion in front of her. He growls, 'Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch.' He says to the Witch. 'I was there when it was written.' Aslan spoke. 'Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property.' Peter draws his sword and takes a step forward, i too unsheath my sword, i let go of Edmund's hand and step in front of him, so if they try to take him, they have to go through me first. 'Try and take him then.' Peter says cold. 'Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right, little King?' The Witch asks. 'Aslan knows that unless i have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water.' she says to all of us. 'That boy will die..' She points at me, of course she means Ed, but i won't step back. '..on the Stone Table, as is tradition' She finishes her sentence. 'You dare not refuse me.' she says to Aslan. 'Enough.' he says back, 'I shall talk to you alone.' Aslan says to the Witch. He then leaves in to his tent, and the Witch follows him.

The Pevensies are sitting on the grass, still in the same place, waiting until they step out again. I was, with a few other soldiers, including Oreius, watching the troops of the Witch closelly, we didn't sit, no we stood right in front of them, not looking away, them doing the same. After a while, the Witch steps out, everyone stands up, or takes the focus of each other, all eyes are on the Witch. I felt nervous again. I stepped closer to the Pevensies and was now beside Lucy, she held my hand, she was anxious asswell. The Witch looks at Edmund, but walks past him. Aslan walks out of the tent, 'She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood.' he spoke to all of us. All of the Narnians started cheering, hugging and finely releasing their breath. 'How do I know your promise will be kept?' The Witch asks Aslan. In response he roars loudly at her. She sat back in her chair quickly. Everyone started laughing and cheering. Susan and Peter pat their brother on the back, and Lucy hugh him tightly, Peter places his arm around Susan, and when Lucy stopped hugging her brother Edmund, Peter placed his other arm around her. I walk to Edmund and place my hand on his shoulder, 'Congrats, you're a free man.' I say with a wink. He smiles at me and gives me a hug. Now some Narnians come to us and pat us on the back, or even hug us, everyone was happy and relieved.

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