Chapter seven, battle against the enemie

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(Your POV)

I woke up, it was still pretty dark outside. I look around Susan, Lucy and my tent. But when I saw Lucy's bed, it was empty. I quickly sat up. I look over to Susan's bed, she's not there. I grabbed my sword and ran out of the tent, still in my nightgown. I look around, but no Susan or Lucy. So I ran over to Peter and Edmund's tent. I storm in, 'Wake up!' i say with a loud whisper. They both sit up quickly, Peter already with his sword in hand. But he puts it down when he sees me. 'Y/n? What are you doing here?' Peter asks me with a sleepy voice. Edmund now sees my sword in hand and stands up. 'Why do you have your sword?' he asks me, coming closer. 'It's Susan and Lucy, they aren't in bed, or on camp.' I say with a worried look. Peter now sits up again. 'Are you sure?' he asked me. 'Yes, i've looked.' i say, right when i finished my sentence, petals and leaves entered the tent. I point my sword at the figure that's being created with it. 'Be still, my Princes and General.' She spoke. 'I bring grave news from your sisters.' She spoke.

Everyone was now up. Edmund, Oreius and I were waiting for Peter, outside of Aslan's tent. Peter walks out of Aslan's face, sad. 'She's right. He's gone.' Peter says while looking down. I feel sadness washing over me, I won't cry, not right now. I could see that the other were feeling the same. Edmund places his hand on my shoulder and says, 'Then you'll have to lead us.' to Peter. Peter looks at his brother. 'Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you.' Edmund says to his brother. 'We're ready to follow you.' I say to Peter. 'I can't.' Peter says. 'Aslan believed you could.' Edmund says. 'And so do I.' he adds. This seemed to hit Peter in the face, hope grows on him. 'Ready your soldiers, you know it's your time now.' Peter says to me. 'Yes, King.' i say, this was serious business, so serious names. 'Oreius, blow the horn, let's gather the troops.' I ordered him. 'Yes, General.' he says, solluting me before he goes to the horn and blows it. Right away, the first soldiers gather in front of me, and not 5 minutes later, almost the entire camp is in front of me. 'You all now what to do, you have trained, and now it's ready to put it to use. I believe in you, and I'm honoured I get to fight beside you. Grab your best weapon, your favourite shield, and put on your armour. It's time.' I say to them. "For Aslan!' I yell while putting my fist in the air. They all erupted and cheered. 'Dismissed.' I say. Everyone starts to get ready. I walk over to the Kings. 'I have your armour here by the way.' I say to them. Their armour layed next to mine. I had an armour but no helmet, it didn't fit with my hair. I pulled mine on and helped Peter and Edmund. Peter walks off with Oreius, to get his sword sharpened. 'Hey, Y/n.' Edmund says to me, as I strap a band of his armour. 'Yeah?' I say, now looking up at him. Only now I noticed how close we were together, I was so focused on the strap, I hadn't looked at him. 'Well, you know, in case one of us... I just want to say, no...I' he falls over his own words. 'Ed' I say. 'I just want to do something, because I'd hate myself if I hadn't done it and something happened to one of us.' He said to me, 'Okay, what's that?' I asked him, still close to him. He places his hand on my cheek and he comes closer and closer to me. 'This.' he says with a whisper. And then our lips touched. I was really surprised, but I didn't pull away. A whole new feeling gets to me, I had butterflies in my stomach. I place my hand on his hip, leaning in even more. We moved in sync, it was a magical moment, but a short moment. We moved away from each other and looked in one another's eyes. 'We have to go.' He says softly to me, still with his hand on my face. 'We do.' I say, still holding onto him. 'Y/n! Edmund!' Peter shouts from somewhere. 'Where are you? We have to move!' he says to us, we hastily make our way towards him, getting onto our horses. Peter led the way, with Edmund and me next to him. The troops followed us to the field where the battle will take place. Its was time to split our troops, a third would go with Edmund, to go to the top of the hill, and the rest would come with Peter and me to the bottom. 'Goodluck.' I say to Edmund. 'You too, and you Pete.' he says. 'Goodluck Ed.' he says with a smile. 'Archers, go with King Edmund!' I ordered. They do as I say and follow him. We go further, and get to the right place. Peter and I were standing on a rock, so we could see everything clearly. We had sent a gryphon to see if the troops of the Witch and herself were nearing. We could see him getting back to us. He lands next to Peter, who is to the right of me. 'They come, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own.' He was worried. 'Numbers don't automatically win battles.' i say, 'No. But I bet they help.' Peter says. We could hear horns of the enemy, and soon later a minotaur on a rock, he roared and pointed his sword at us, and as he did, the biggest army I had ever seen, came towards us. In the middle, now came the Witch with polar bears pulling her, coming on to the rock next to the minotaur. I put my fist in the air, so our army wouldn't attack, it was a sign so they would keep their positions. Peter looks over his shoulder to his brother on the cliff, and Edmund gives a small nod to his brother, Peter looks back to the front, 'It's almost time.' he says to me. 'Steady your weapons!' I shouted back to our soldiers. I look at Edmund, he as well gives his troops my orders. He looks at me and gives me a small smile, I give it back, but look forward again fast. Peter pulls out his sword, and points it half up. The Narnians cheered for their King. I too, pull out my sword and look at Peter, as the Witches army starts coming towards us. He nods as i give the signal, as i do, hundreds of gryphons start to fly over our heads, with stones, they fly forward and let them fall onto the enemies, some get shot down, but as they fall down, they take some enemies with them. 'Are you with me?' Peter turns to me, 'To the death.' I answered him. 'For Narnia and for Aslan!' Peter shouts. As he does, I point my sword to the front, 'For Aslan!' I shout as I do, and the soldiers shout Aslan's name, and we start charging forward. I went up front with Peter next to me, and our armies met, around the middle of the field. Right away victims fell to the ground, of both teams. I stabbed a dwarf as I charged towards a minotaur. He throws the first swing, i block it and turn with my sword his, it falls to the ground, on his back he grabs an axe. He swung at my face, it barely hit me, only a small cut was made on my cheek. I could block his axe with my sword and cut his throat with one of my daggers, and I charged further forward, with Peter still beside me. We can see the witch coming closer, but Edmund thank god sent out a fire fenix and it split the two armies keeping the Witch's army behind the made fire wall. We kept fighting the ones that were on our sides, but we were with way more, but the wall didn't held it's ground long. The Witch got through easily, sending her and her troops towards us. 'Fall back!' Peter yells to me and my troops, 'Get them to the rocks!' I shouted to the soldiers. As we did, the horns are being blown, sending a signal to Edmund and the troops he's with. We get to the rocks, and the archers shoot at the enemy, stopping quite some of them. But an archer of the Witch shoots Peter's horse, and Peter falls to the ground. 'Y/n!' Edmund shouts to me, I look at him, and he points towards Peter. As I was closer to Peter than him, I went to him quickly. Oreius and a rhino start covering for me and charging past me and Peter, trying to kill the Witch. 'Stop!' I shout at them, but it is no use. I pull Peter up, and we look as Oreius and the rhino lead themselves into their death. Orius makes it to the Witch but she was quick and turned him into stone. We could see a lot of our soldiers getting killed, we were losing. 'Edmund! There's too many, get out of here! Get the girls and get them home!' Peter yells to his brother. Mr Beaver dragged him away from the battle. I could see the Witch nearing Peter, ready to get to him. I was quite far away from him, i start making my way towards Peter, killing and injuring enemies on the way. Edmund beats me to the Witch, and shatters her staff, sending out a bright light. I run even faster now, worried about what can happen. The Witch stabs Edmund in the stomach and he falls to the ground. Peter shouts for his brother's name, and makes his way towards him. Peter starts fighting the Witch, but he makes big moves, easy to block. I see Edmund lying on the ground, but I have to go help Peter, before he lays next to his brother. Peter gets knocked down to the ground, but stands up again. 'Oi!' I shouted, trying to get the Witch's attention, but she didn't hear me. As I keep running, I hear a big roar on top of the hill, I recognise it immediately. We could see Susan, Lucy and a lot of other troops behind Aslan, now again, we stood a chance. Peter was distracted for too long, and The Witch charges at him, they fight for a small amount of time, but Peter gets knocked to the ground. The Witch stabs her sword in his arm, as she was about to stab Peter, killing him. 'Hey!' I shout now to her. She turns around and sees me, I swing at her, but she blocks. She forgets about Peter, thank Aslan, we fight. She swings and I block it, but I just keep charging harder and harder. One of my swings took out one of her swords, now she had one left. She swings at me, but I move it around me, I twist around it, and push her to the ground. Before she could swing again or stand up, I stabbed her with my sword, pinning her to the ground. Blood comes out of her stomach, she drops her sword. I push her sword away from her and run off, to find Edmund, I see Susan and Lucy nearing Peter, but I ignored them. I let myself fall next to him. 'Hey' Edmund says weakly to me. 'Hey' I answered with tears in my eyes. I take off his helmet and lay his head in my lap. And stroke through his hair with my hand. 'It's going to be okay.' I said to him, but also a bit to me. He grabs my other hand, and we just look at each other. From my eye corner, I could see Aslan biting off the Witch's head, it was now truly over. Peter, Susan and Lucy now run over to us, letting themselves fall next to their brother. Ed was by now gasping for air, and I just shushed him, still stroking his head. Lucy grabs her cordial, and lets a drop fall in his mouth. He stops breathing and his eyes close. Peter, Lucy, Susan start crying, I couldn't imagine losing my brother like this. As i was crying too, i placed a comforting hand on Susan's back, Peter and Lucy were hugging. Susan lets herself fall onto me, crying over the loss of her brother. But then, Edmund starts coughing and he opens his eyes again. Peter pulls his brother into a hug immediately. 'When are you gonna learn to do as you're told?' he asks his brother, still crying and laughing at the same time. Lucy grabs her brother and pulls him in a hug, Susan joins in, and pulls me in as well, Peter hugs us now as well. All clad, that the other was alive. Aslan walks towards us, he pushes my sword to me, and gives me an approving nod. He then blows on one of our soldiers, who was turned to stone, and he comes alive again. Lucy looks at us with a smile, and starts going around soldiers, giving them a drop of her cordial. 'We thought you were gone.' Susan says to her brother. 'Nah, you can't get rid of me that easily.' I push him in the shoulder, that's what he's saying after he almost died? He looks at me and his face drops. 'Your face.' He says while placing his hand at my chin to further inspect. 'Oh please, you almost died and you're worried about some cuts and bruises? You don't look too flattering yourself, King.' I said to him sarcastically. They all start laughing, 'No, really, Y/n, you do look horrible, some of those are definitely going to be scars.' Peter says to me. 'Wow, you would almost say I fought in a war.' I said rolling my eyes, I mean, what did you expect? 'How's your arm?' I ask Peter. 'Better, I got some of Lucy too.' he says to me.

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