Chapter 12, will you?

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(Your pov, two years later)

It was around ten in the evening, Edmund and I were just chilling in his room, well our room sort of. I was reading on the sofa and Edmund was playing chess with himself.

Edmund jumps on top of me on the couch, 'Why?' I asked him. 'Just, because.' he answers. He lays his head on my lap and I go through his hair with my fingers while still reading my book. 'Y/n?' Edmund asks, 'Hm, yes?' I ask back. 'Have you ever thought about our future together?' Ed asks, I lay down my book and look at him. 'I have, have you?' I ask. 'Yeah, I have as well. Would you ever want to get married? Or have kids?' He asked me. 'I never really thought about that, I think.' I said to him, 'Would you?' I ask him. 'Yeah, I would love to get married to you. And I think I want to have kids one day, yes.' He says. 'Me too.' I say, before giving him a kiss on the head and continue reading.

(Edmund's POV, the next day)

I was walking with Peter through the gardens of Cair Paravel, talking about who knows what. 'Peter, I wanted to ask you something.' I say to my brother. 'And what's that?' he asks. 'Well, you know how you are probably the closest thing to a father figure for Y/n here in Narnia?' I ask him, he looks at me with big eyes. 'Father? I'm not that old you know, i'm only two years older than Y/n and you.' He says to me in reply. 'No, alright. But she does feel like family to you right? Like, maybe a bit like a sister?' I ask him, hoping he agrees. 'I have been living with her for 7 years here in Narnia, one year in Finchley. And even before that, she was more at our house than at her own. So yes, of course she feels like a sister.' He says to me, like it's obvious. 'Okay then.' I answered. 'So what did you want to ask?' Peter asks. 'I want your blessing. I want to ask Y/n to marry me.' I say, looking up at him. He looks at me, not knowing where to start. 'You want to marry Y/n?' He says, I nod in response. 'I'm sorry Ed, but I'm not sure.' He says to me, 'Wait, you're not sure?' I was surprised, I was positive he would say yes, I was quite disappointed. 'Ed, you're still so young, enjoy it.' He says to me, 'Peter, I have been with Y/n for 5 years. I have fun with her, I love her. I can still have as much fun when I'm married to the person I love.' I said to him, he looked at me hesitantly. 'If you hurt her, I'll kill you. If she hurts you, I'll kill you.' He says, 'I say, marry her. I can't believe you, out of us four, are the one to marry first.' He says laughing and then pulling me in a hug. I'm gonna ask her to marry me, I can't believe it.

(Ed's POV, one month later)

'Ed, are you ready?' Y/n asks from outside the bathroom. 'Yes, I am.' I say as I walk out of the bathroom. I grab her hand and we walk out of the castle. We walk towards the woods to go on an evening walk. We do that quite often, especially in the summer, since it's beautiful with the sunset. We were walking for about 20 minutes till we came to a small lake in the middle of the forest. 'It's beautiful, isn't it?' I say to Y/n. I stand at the side of the lake, looking over the water. 'Ed.' I hear Y/n say from behind me. I turn around and she grabs my hand, small tears forming in her eyes. 'Y/n?' I ask, 'Ed, I want to ask you something.' she says. 'You know how you are my King?' she asks, 'Yes...' i say. 'Well, you're also my love, family and best friend.' She says while she gets on her knee, and takes out a small box. Was she? I feel tears starting to form in my eyes. 'I would love it if I could spend the rest of my life with you.' she says. 'Edmund Pevensie, will you marry me?' She asks, opening the box and showing an amazing silver ring. 'Y/n L/n, of course i'll marry you. I love you.' I say as I grab her hand and pull her up, kissing her on the lips. 'You know i was planning on asking you, you know?' I say laughing with tears running over my face. 'Yes, I'm sorry Peter was such an arse to you when you asked for his blessing.' She says with a smile. 'How do you...?' I am confused. 'I asked Peter for his blessing. He actually cried when I asked, but I also asked him to be a bit harsh towards you when you would ask.' She says with a grin. 'Oh, you're such an asshole.' I say before she hugs me tightly.

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