UNLESS [Onceler X Reader]

By Kaylen_Park

1.2K 28 17

'Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not' -Dr Seuss More

~~White Void~~
~~The Stump~~
~~Fallen Night~~
~~Broken Strings~~


115 3 2
By Kaylen_Park

Y/N: Come on guys, this is not making my hair any better

The animals all look to you with confused expressions as they tilt their heads at you

Y/N: Seriously, it's not that difficult to wash hair


Y/N: Yes, I know I said to use the fruit for my hair. But it is clearly making it worse


Y/N: Well lesson learned! Don't trust anything I say!


Y/N: No, I'm not blaming you guys... I brought this onto myself

You sighed as you lay on the grass with your fruit covered hair in the river

You just wanted to cleanse your hair because it had been not looking it's best

So you told the animals to gather the truffula fruits to try and use for your hair

It was another one of your great ideas that didn't go to plan

Y/N: Alright, just get this stuff out of my hair

The animals complied and washed all the fruit out of your hair, the gunk going down the river

Once they were done, you lifted your torso up as the birds used their wings to blow your head dry

Once it was dry, it still didn't look its best, but you were just gonna have to settle for it

You look to the animals around you and gave them a small smile

Y/N: Thank you guys, At least we tried


Y/N: What now you ask? Well, I guess we just wait for that tree chopper to get back


Your face then goes pink and your eyes enlarge at one of their questions that the just ask you

Y/N: Do I LIKE HIM!? What!? Are you crazy!? No!


Y/N: So what if I stare at him a lot!? He's an... interesting... person. I'll give him that. But do I like him!? Pfft! Yeah, no!


Y/N: Okay fine, yes he's... he's tall, yes he's sorta handsome, he has raven hair that's as dark as night... These freckles that look like tiny drops of... sunlight... that kissed his cheeks... And these... blue eyes... like sapphires... sparkling like an ocean... And this... smile... that makes him look like he's the happiest person in the world...

You realize what you were saying, and shake your head, while you feel your face warming up excessively

Y/N: No no! NO! I don't like him!

You then hear something in the distance

You look to see the Onceler walking back with his mule and sign, with his thneed still wrapped around his neck

But he didn't look to be in the best mood

You run up to him to see what looked to be red stains on his face with tomato pieces stuck in his hair

You step in front of Onceler to stop him in his tracks

Y/N: Hey, what happened to your face?

He chuckles nervously as he scratches the back of his head

Onceler: Oh this? Oh, it's nothing

You cross your arms and tilt your head at him

Y/N: You sure? It doesn't look like nothing

Onceler: I'm fine, really!

You say nothing, but raise your eyebrow as you tilt your head down

He nervously smiles at you

But then exasperatedly sighs

Onceler: Fine! I guess the thneed isn't as popular with the people as I thought

Y/N: Told you

Onceler: Hey! But they could come around! They just... need some extra convincing

Y/N: You're gonna try again?

Onceler: Tomorrow? Definitely! But right now, I'm gonna go inside and work on a few more of my songs

He gives you a big proud smile, while you just scoffed at him

Y/N: Alright, but first, you need to clean yourself, you still got a few tomato pieces stuck in your hair

Onceler nervously chuckles as he touches his hair under his fedora hat

Onceler: Oh, well that's embarrassing, haha...

You then suddenly grin as you get an idea

You step closer to him with a friendly grin on your face

Y/N: Say, let's make a deal

He crosses his arms as he glares at you

Onceler: Deal? Was me not chopping down any trees not enough?

Y/N: No, a different kind of deal

He tilts his head up in thought before looking back to you

Onceler: Okay... I'm listening...

Y/N: If I help you clean the gunk off yourself, then you can help me clean my hair, what do you say?

Out of nowhere, Onceler starts chuckling at your words

You look to him with a confused expression

Y/N: What?

Onceler: Y/N, that's not something you need to make a deal for. You could've just asked me to help you

Y/N: Really?

Onceler: Yeah, I mean, you annoy me, but I'm not cruel

Y/N: G-Great

You smile at him

He starts walking back to his tent, but stops suddenly and turns back to you

Onceler: ...

Y/N: ...

Onceler: You coming inside, or...?

Y/N: Oh! Right! Yeah!

You follow behind him awkwardly as he walks back into his tent, him scratching the tomato pieces out his hair

When he closes the door, he looks to his surroundings and his brows lower

Onceler: What are they still doing here?

You look to some of the animals that were still lying around his living space

You then look back to him

Y/N: What can I say? Your place is comfy

Onceler: Listen, my place, my rules

You frown at him, he frowns back

You then roll your eyes as you sigh

Y/N: Ugh! Fine!

You turn to the rest of the animals and shrug your shoulders

Y/N: You heard the tree chopper, you all need to give him his personal space

The animals collectively 'Awww' in disappointment

But they listened as they got up and left the tent, still a bit bummed

Once Onceler closed the door, he gestured towards his ladder that led to the second story of his tent

You complied as you climbed up the curvy ladder that led to a bathroom

It had the usual stuff a bathroom would need

A sink, a mirror, a bathtub that could also work as a shower, and so forth

Y/N: So you're telling me that every time you need the bathroom you have to climb up a ladder?

Onceler was now up on the second story with you, standing next to you as he looked at his own bathroom

Onceler: Well, the toilet room itself is outside. This is just the general bathroom

Y/N: That's really poor planning

Onceler: That's why I keep my toothbrush downstairs

You gasp

Y/N: Is THAT what that is!?

Onceler: Yes! Toothbrush! For your TEETH!

You realized the mistake you made that morning with his "brush"

You kept a straight face but you were dying of embarrassment on the inside

Y/N: Geez, sorry. My mistake

Onceler: It's fine. It's fine. Now let's just wash your hair. The sooner it's done, the sooner you leave

Y/N: Agreed

Onceler: Now, if you could just, lie down in the bathtub

You complied as you stepped in, still fully clothed

You lay down with your head near the drain and your legs hanging out the edge of the bathtub

Onceler takes off his hat, so that it wouldn't fall while he was busy

He grabs the shower head and starts wetting your hair

Your eyes widen slightly

Y/N: Wow

Onceler: What?

Y/N: The water's really warm

Onceler: Well... Yeah?

He chuckles

Onceler: Why, did you expect me to use cold water on you?

Y/N: When it comes to you. I wouldn't be surprised if you did

He rolls his eyes at your response as he continues wetting your hair with the water

He then reaches to the side and grabs an unfamiliar bottle

He opens the cap with one hand, and he brings the bottle close to your hair

Your hand shoots up and grabs his wrist

He gives you a raised brow, while you look to him with a concerned expression

Onceler: What are you doing?

Y/N: What are YOU doing?

Onceler: What do you mean what am I doing? I'm trying to clean your hair

Y/N: With that?

He looks more confused with every response you give him. His eyes then trail to the shampoo bottle in his hand, he looks back down to you with a smirk

Onceler: Are you... Scared of a shampoo bottle?

Y/N: N-No...

Onceler: Okay

He shrugs his shoulders and tries to use the shampoo, but you held tight to his wrist, still preventing him

Y/N: Wait! Hold on just one second!

Onceler: What?

Y/N: I... I've never used shampoo before... Is it safe?

He looks to you as if that was the most ridiculous thing he's heard all day

He looks back to the shampoo bottle then back to you

Onceler: I... I mean... As far as science goes, yes. Um, how have you never used shampoo before?

Y/N: Well listen, tree chopper, when you just magically appear into the world, you don't have that much experience to begin with!

Onceler: Can you stop calling me tree chopper?

Y/N: Only if you stop calling me orange hair

Onceler: But that's the thing, you do have orange hair. And I'm not a tree chopper anymore. So I can call you orange hair if I so please, orange hair

Y/N: Whatever, tree chopper

You glare at each other for a few seconds before Onceler continues with your hair

He pours some shampoo on your scalp and begins massaging the shampoo into your hair

As he does this, the nervousness of the shampoo quickly subsides for you

The feel of it was even kind of relaxing

Although there was an annoyed tension between you two, he was gentle with the way he washed your hair

Using his fingers gently, making sure no shampoo got near your eyes

He then finished off as he sprayed down your hair

He smiles at you

Onceler: See, wasn't so bad

Y/N: Okay fine, it wasn't terrible

You sat up from the bath tub while Onceler grabbed a towel from behind him

He turned back around as he put the towel on your head and started ruffling the living heck out of it

Y/N: GAH! What are you doing?

Onceler: Drying your hair! This is the quickest way!

Y/N: Stop!

You snatched the towel away from his hands and then, by suprise, threw it at his face

He yells in fright by the sudden blindness of the towel blocking his view

He takes the towel off his face, an annoyed expression present

Onceler: Hey! You-

He suddenly stops as he glances at you glaring at him

He looks at your fluorescent orange hair still damp from the ruffling of the towel

But it takes an intriguing charm

The vibrant orange hue of your hair shimmering under the sun that was setting down into the day

Glistening like tiny crystals

The messy and ruffled look of your hair fell imperfectly but it looked as though the imperfections were only adding to your subtle beauty

Onceler face went pink

Flustered, he couldn't believe that such thoughts were crossing his mind about you, of all people, you!?

He turns around to face away from you. To not make the obvious blush on his face any more obvious

You tilt your head to him confused

You then look to your side to see the shower head still laying in the bathtub

Suddenly, you got another one of your bad ideas

Albeit funny, it was still bad

You slowly picked up the shower head quietly while he was facing away

Y/N: Um, Onceler? I think you got a tomato piece still stuck in your hair

Onceler took a deep breath as he straightened his posture

Onceler: You've got to be kidding me

Y/N: Nope, turn around and I'll fix it

He sighs before turning back to you

Onceler: I swear, if-

Out of nowhere, his face was sprayed with water

He screams in fright and stumbles back a little

You laugh at his reaction

Onceler: What the- WHAT WAS THAT!?

Y/N: Whoops! My finger slipped

You laughed again while Onceler was giving you the most unenthusiastic face ever

Onceler: Not funny

Y/N: Hey! At least it didn't get on your precious hat

Onceler: Yeah, well now my hair is wet. Thanks a lot-

You then spray him with the shower head again, your whole chest heavy with laughter

Onceler groans and wipes his face

Onceler: You know what? That's it!

Y/N: Wha-?

Onceler snatches the shower head out of your hands and then aims it towards you

Y/N: Wait! Onceler! NO-

He pulls the trigger and water is streamed all over your hair and face once again

He laughs like he's just beaten a super villain in a video game

Onceler: HA! Payback!

You wouldn't let him go off that easily, so you reached out, trying to snatch the shower head back, but he had a from grip

You pulled the trigger either way, and the water sprayed all over the front of his clothes

Onceler: Oh now you've done it!

He points the shower head at you once again as he begins drenching you in water

You laughed as you blocked the water away from your eyes, trying to run around him as he tried to spray you

Even Onceler started chuckling too as he soaked you down

You grabbed the shower head back once again, now spraying him down until he was soaked

You took the time while Onceler was distracted by the water to escape down the ladder

Onceler: Hey! Get back here!

Y/N: Over my dead body!

You ran outside the tent while Onceler was climbing down the ladder, getting ready to chase you

You laughed as you ran out into the forest, he also laughed as he chased behind you

A light-hearted moment for a heavy start

Time Skip~~

It was now nightfall

Onceler was in his pyjamas, sitting on his bed with his guitar, practicing for the song he was going to sing tomorrow to sell his thneed

He mumbled under his breath as he strummed his guitar for inspiration

Onceler: Hm... Still not right...

Y/N: Hey!

Onceler screams at the sudden voice from outside his window

Once he calms down, he sees you standing outside with an innocent smile on your face

He frowns at you

Onceler: For the record, there is something called "knocking"!

You roll your eyes

Y/N: I was just wondering... Can I come inside?

Onceler: I mean... Yeah. It wouldn't be right to just let you sleep outside

Y/N: Really?

Onceler: Yeah. It's cold outside, so I understand

You smile once again at him

Y/N: You suprise me more every minute, tree chopper!

Oncelers neutral face now turned to one of displeasure as his brows lowered

Onceler: You know what? Nevermind, you can sleep outside

Y/N: Oh come on! I was joking!

Onceler scoffed as he stood up

Onceler: Alright, fine, you can come in-

He didn't even have time to finish his sentence when you jump through his window into the tent

He stares at you with a questionable expression. You stare back

Onceler: I uh... I was just gonna open the door, but, sure! That works too

Y/N: Was I supposed to use the door?

Onceler: ...

Y/N: ...

Onceler: Um... Make yourself at home, I guess

Without saying anything, you flop straight on his bed

Onceler: Wha- Hey! Not on my bed!

Y/N: Well where else am I supposed to sleep!?

Onceler: You...

Onceler looks around his house, and he finds that his bed is indeed the only thing you could sleep in

He groans in defeat

Onceler: Okay, how about this? We can sleep in the same bed, but we create a distance between ourselves

Y/N: I was going to do that anyway

Onceler: And NO touching!

Y/N: Wouldn't dream of it

Onceler: Okay, so we agree?

Y/N: A hundred percent

Onceler: Okay, good

Y/N: Good


Onceler: So, can you just scoot over?

Y/N: Oh, yeah sure!

You shuffle a bit to edge of the bed. Onceler climbs onto the bed and next to you

You both had underestimated how small the bed was compared to you two

Your bodies were just centimetres away from each other. So if either of you move just slightly in your sleep, it was bound to break the no touch rule

You lean your head towards him and smile widely

Y/N: Just... One, teensy, tiny, little thing before we sleep?

Onceler: Yes?

Y/N: Can... some of the animals come sleep in here tonight? Not all of them, but some?

He glares at you with a straight face

You frown at his reaction

Y/N: What? I'm asking you for your permission, this is YOUR home, and your fully sober, F-Y-I!

He tilts his head back then sighs

Onceler: Fine... Just, NO sleeping in my cups and bowls, no egg laying, and no eating from my fridge

Y/N: I'll be sure to tell them that

Onceler: Thank you

He smiles as he pats your head and lays down in his bed

You start to lay down as well, still keeping some distance

Onceler reached for his light and then it was dark, with the only light source shining from the moon reflecting on your faces

A few hours later~~

You wake up to something holding tightly around your stomach

You look under the blanket to see Oncelers arm. But he was shaking, shivering, and he was muttering something under his breath

Y/N: Onceler?

He didn't respond as he kept muttering and held you tighter

You turn your body to face him. His eyes were still closed, but his face looked terrified

A nightmare

You raise your one hand to his shoulder and shake him awake

He opens his eyes with a shock. Sweat running down his forehead, his breath heavy

You looked to him with concern

Y/N: Are you okay...?

Onceler: Y-Yeah... I-I'm sorry... I probably should've told you I have these nightmares... I'm sorry

Y/N: Oh, you don't have to be sorry. I just wanted to know if you were okay... It looked like a really scary dream...

Onceler: Yeah... I'm sorry... Um, I'm just gonna try to sleep again

He turns his body the opposite of you as he takes his arm off your stomach

Y/N: If you want to talk about it, I'm here, you know

Onceler: Really?

Y/N: Yeah, I mean, you annoy me, but I'm not cruel

Onceler chuckles a little as he hears that familiar sentence

You chuckle with him

And then you turned away from his body to fall back asleep

But before you could do that, you feel Oncelers body shift on the bed

Onceler: H-Hey... Can I ask you something...?

You turn your body back around, both of you now facing each other

Onceler: You don't have to if you're uncomfortable with it... I just... I thought I'd ask

Y/N: Sure

Oncelers face goes pink as he stumbles on his words before even getting a sentence out

Onceler: C-Can I hold you... Just for tonight...?

You felt your face heat up from the question

Y/N: Um-

Onceler: It's just that... back at my childhood home, when I got nightmares, I would hold a stuffed animal, but... I kinda forgot it there...

He chuckles nervously, and you just stare at him

He stops smiling as he notices your face

Onceler: I'm sorry. Was that weird? That was weird wasn't it? I-I can understand if I freaked you out now-

Y/N: Uh, no, no, I'm not freaked out at all

Onceler: So... you're comfortable with it...?

Your face goes pink, and you feel this weird feeling in your chest

But you smile at him jokingly, ignoring these symptoms

Y/N: If it helps you, then yeah

Onceler: T-Thanks...

He gives you a subtle smile, the corners of his mouth curving against his cheek

You turn around to get comfy, and he shuffles closer to you, wrapping his arms around your stomach, pulling you closer to him

And the whole time he was doing this, the more evident the feelings inside you were

You felt your face warm up as if you were sitting right in front of a fireplace

You felt a pit deep in your stomach, like your stomach itself was falling into a never-ending hole

And your heart beat was so loud and fast that it sounded as if there was a tiny drummer playing one continuous loud beat over and over. Vibrating your chest

And for some reason, you didn't want it to stop

Whatever these feelings were...

It was addicting

You felt yourself craving this feeling

The feeling of wanting to smile involuntarily, the feeling of wanting to jump all around the earth, the feeling of wanting to scream at the sky in joy

You wanted this feeling to last...

You wanted this feeling...

You wanted his touch...

You wanted him to make you keep feeling these things...

You wanted him...

You wanted Onceler...

You don't know how you realised it

Or when you realized it


You felt something for this mortal


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