We Deal Justice Our Way (Mha...

By Dredagoat03

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After sacrificing himself to save his friends and the ones he loved. Izuku Midoriya won the ultimate battle... More

The End of Days
The Day We Started
Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Control is the Key
The New Girl
Suspected Targets
Jailbirds & Old Friends
The Injustice League
Failsafe: Release
All For Naught Pt.1: Make A Choice
All For Naught Pt.2: Nightmares Become Reality Pt. 1
Side Story: Training Day
Misplaced by A Horn
Snow Cloud
Agendas and Bloodlines
Outrage & Usual Suspects
A Brighter Future
Epilogue: How Things Were Left
We Deal Justice Our Way!
Side Story: The Avenger & The Iceman
Side Story: The Story of a War Hero: Liam Blake
Side Story: Let's Help You Out Superboy
Side Story: Searching For a New Lantern
Side Story: Chaos In The Creation


511 14 73
By Dredagoat03

{Teton County}
October 10, 04:23 MDT

In a laboratory hidden underneath a park, the scientist from before who worked on Mr. Twister stood in the room working on something, or rather someone.

???: When the prodigal son returned, his father saw him and had compassion as he ran to embraced him. For this his son was lost, and is found. You, Tornado, are the prodigal son. And I rejoice in your return, and thank-you for making our little reunion possible.

He spoke as he stood working over Red Tornado. Behind him Brom was checking on the two androids that had came to attack the cave, Red Inferno and Red Torpedo.

Scientist: Now, you must have many questions?

He asked as he got no reply as he chuckled to himself.

Scientist: Oh, how could I forget. Your voice box is offline, but your eyes and ears still function perfectly as the prodigious mind I built all those years ago. And really, what else matters?

He says looking at Red Tornado as he moves away from the table to show that he had disconnect his arms and legs from his body and had his stomach part open revealing the cables and parts he removed.


Aqualad grabbed his water bearers as his tattoos glowed as he stares into the abyss.

Robin landed on a perch as he stared into Gotham.

Kid Flash crouched down as he grabbed his goggles before pulling them over his eyes.

Dekiru landed on the ground with a smirk upon his face as he charged his power with red static bouncing off of him.

Superboy floated above happy harbor as he stared out into the skies.

Ms. Martian flew back into the midnight sky as the moon reflected behind her.

Artemis pulled back her arrow as she concentrated on her target, as she then released it.

Flashes of the team were then shown as they were standing in the training center with Batman, Red Tornado, and Black Canary infront of them discussing their mission.

Another flash then showed a clip of Superboy and Robin jumping up out of a Cargo plane, as another showed Dekiru and Aqualad hid behind a table.

Another showed Ms. Martian using her physic abilities to tear apart a plane, as another showed Robin standing up with Artemis standing behind him.

Another one then showed Kid Flash running with Dekiru not to far behind him.

Another one showed Robin and Superboy behind a crate ducking incoming fire as he then threw a batarang towards a enemy.

Then the final one showed the entire team standing in front of a huge explosion.

In a burst of flashes it showed:

Red Tornado standing up
Izuku balling his fist drawing blood
The team standing in a interrogation room in Belle Reve
A girl with black and hair and blue eyes standing in front of Izuku
Miss Martian's eyes glowing green
T.O. Morrow walking over to a table
Brom checking on Red Torpedo
Izuku eyes glowing yellow as his body became misty

The team then turns around to stare out to the fourth wall.

Young Justice


{Mount Justice}
October 10, 16:58 EDT

Captain Marvel: Pineapple juice.

He offered to Wally as he sat down in a chair with his right arm casted and Wolf napping by his side. As he took the juice he sipped on it quenching his thirst as he released a satisfying sigh.

Wally: *Sigh* Just what the doctor ordered.

Captain Marvel: How's the arm doing Wally?

Wally: Meh, nothing wrong that nachos couldn't fix?

Captain Marvel: Ooh! You want nachos oh I'll go get you some.

He said flying towards the kitchen.

While he was the rest of the team were sparring with each other. Robin against Artemis, Kaldur against M'gann, and Connor against Izuku.

Artemis had thrown a right hook as Robin dodged it but had failed to dodge a swipe kick knocking him off his feet. In the move Artemis hit him with he shoulder sending him flying back as he slid to a halt.

Behind them M'gann threw a right hook in which Kaldur blocked as she then threw a left hook as he dodged the hit. He then stepped back as he sent a kick in which she blocked thanks to her training in martial arts.

Beside them Connor threw a heavy right hook as Izuku blocked it and sent a heavy right hook to his chest. As Connor grunted feeling this strength from his fist, he took the blow as he sent a right hook. Seeing this Izuku instinctively grabbed his arm and flipped Connor over his shoulder and to the floor catching him off-guard.

Supervising their fight Black Canary clapped her hands.

Canary: Good work everyone. In fact, it's been a very productive week.

She said as everyone came to a stop as Izuku helped Connor up.

Artemis: Yeah, for everyone except Kid malingerer.

She said referring to Wally as he sipped on his juice.

Wally: Hey! Arm broken in combat against the Injustice League, here. Sorry I can't heal super-fast like Izuku does or being nearly as invulnerable like Superboy here.

He said as the two shook their heads as Canary chuckled.

Canary: Hehe, I've really enjoyed being your den mother this week.

Computer: Recognized. Zatara, 1-1.

The computer scanned as Zatara stepped through the zeta-tube and walked over to the scanner as he accessed it to allow another person to come through.

Computer: Access granted. Zatanna Zatara, A-03. Authorization. Zatara, 1-1.

It initiates as the zeta-tube starts back up as a girl walks through.

Zatara: Zatanna this is the team. Team, this is my daughter Zatanna.

He introduced the girl as his daughter, Zatanna Zatara. She had beautiful black hair and blue eyes, wearing a white single-breasted shirt with a black tie a black jacket and a black skirt. She also wore a pair of black shoes. As she walked in she was nervous by all the new faces and some of those who faces wouldn't seem likely around these parts or planet. As she looked over the group her eyes stumbled onto Izuku's as his locked on to her.

M'gann: Hi, I'm-

Robin: Robin! *Ahem*, I mean, I'm Robin.

He introduces himself a little to quickly as the girl was taken aback in which he saw as he cleared his throat.

Robin: Ah, she's M'gann, us, and that's Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, Connor, and the team leader Izuku.

He introduced them as she and Izuku locked eyes once more as if there was some sort of connection. Seeing that he was distracted, or his attention was lost Kaldur shouldered him as he came back to reality.

Izuku: O-Oh sorry, Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you.

He said as he stuck his hand out to shake hers as she grabbed his hand.

Zatanna: Zatanna Zatara. Nice hair by the way.

Izuku: Oh really? Heh, my hair isn't usually white like this it sorta just appeared one day and poof, hehe. So, uh, will you be joining the team?

He asked as they were still holding hands until Zatara walked over standing in between them as they let go.

Zatara: Yeah, let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is strictly a visit.

He says directly to the team but looking sternly at Izuku as to get his point across.

Zatara: Though I am sorry we missed the training. It's something from which Zatanna could benefit.

He says walking over to talk with Canary.

While they were M'gann turns her head to look at the team.

M'gann: "Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?"

Connor: "Not just Zatara. I mean, why is Marvel still hangin' around?"

He questions looking at the team as Zatanna stood beside Izuku as she looked at them taking notice of what they were doing.

Wally: "Because we like having him around."

Artemis: "You like having him around cause he waits on you hand and foot."

Wally: "And your point is?"

He says.

Kaldur: "It almost makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado's tenure as our supervisor."

Robin: "Yeah, at least he trusted us."

Connor: "If you ignore the fact we shouldn't have trusted him. He was the traitor. That machine nearly got all of us killed."

He exclaimed.

Izuku: "Don't remind me. I still have a bone to pick with those other androids. They left a permanent change inside of me they got to answer for."

He said balling his fist as Zatanna watched as he did.

Zatanna: Are you guys having a psychic conversation? Cause I can't decide if that's cool or, uh, really rude.

She asks getting the team to look at her as Canary and Zatara looked back at them. Knowing why Connor decided to be the spokesperson.

Connor: Alright, fine. We were talking about Tornado. It's been weeks since his attack and the League hasn't told us anything.

Canary: The League is searching for Tornado as well as the other androids that invaded the Cave and their creator, T.O. Morrow. Batman's made tracking them down our highest priority.

She told them.

Robin: But you've found none of the above.

Canary: Not yet, but Tornado is Justice League. The team is not to pursue this. Izuku, as leader you are to make sure that none of your team members endanger themselves in the act. We all know what happened last time during you're encounter with them.

She said as everyone looked towards Izuku as he hid his balled-up fist behind him as his nails were starting to dig into his palm drawing blood.

Zatara: Why don't you all take Zatanna on a, uh...a tour of the Cave?

He suggested as Izuku sighed and looked over to his left where Zatanna stood to see that she was gone. He then looked as he saw that she was sitting over by Wolf as she rubbed his fur.

Captain Marvel: Uh, you're giving a tour? Cool!

He said walking in holding a tray of nachos as Wolf smelled it and quickly ran over towards him.

Connor: Actually, I was hoping you'd take Wolf outside. He needs the exercise. Uh, we'll join you in a few.

Captain Marvel: Sure, sure. I-I can do that. Come on, Wolf.

He said as he ran down the tunnel to the outside as Wolf followed behind him.

Wally: Uh, what about my nachos?

He whined watching as he ran with them as he was then grabbed by Connor and yanked to follow along with them.

As the team left the mission room, Izuku walked behind Artemis as suddenly Zatanna appeared beside him wearing a purple blouse with white pants rolled up to just above her calves and a pair of sandals.

Izuku: Huh, when did you...how did you...?

Zatanna: We're not really taking a tour, are we?

She deduced as the team stopped as Connor looked back at Zatanna.

Connor: No. We're hunting down that robot.

He said as Zatanna looked back at Izuku as he nodded his head.

Izuku: Yes, we are.

Zatanna: Oh, wow. Out loud and everything this time.

Artemis: Um, not to be rude but I'll be blunt. What about the new girl?

She asks as Izuku looks back at her.

Izuku: I'm sure she won't tell, right?

Zatanna: I can't tell. Not if you kidnap me.

She says staring Izuku in the eyes as his heart skipped a beat as a blush slowly grew on his face. Seeing this caught Artemis attention as she smiled at the girl.

Artemis: Oh, it seems the big strong white-haired bunny is blushing. She's gonna fit in great.

She said as Izuku shook his head embarrassed as the team moved towards the bio-ship and left the cave in camouflage mode. As they flew in the air, they passed over Captain Marvel who was trying to play fetch with Wolf as he threw a log that was sizeable for him to catch.

Captain Marvel: Fetch. Come on! Fetch.

He said trying to get Wolf to play as he was too busy eating the nachos Marvel left for him to eat.

Meanwhile in the ship the team sat as they flew silently through the air as they suddenly received a call from the cave.

Canary: *M'gann, the Bio-ship wasn't authorized for depature.*

M'gann: We're kidnapping Zatanna, us, to show her Happy Harbor. Be back soon.

Canary: *Roger that. Uh, have fun.*

She said standing in the cave as she and Zatara looked at the map tracking them as she had then cut off the tracking system.

Zatara: I did not give her permission to-

Canary: They're good kids, Giovanni. Trustworthy kids. Don't worry, besides Izuku's with them and out of all of them he has a great sense of avoiding danger.

She said as she turned away not even showing her dishonesty as she knew how Izuku act's.

Robin: Where are we going? Batman is the world's greatest detective and he searched for Tornado and Morrow in every logical location. If we're gonna do better, we need an illogical solution. A truly dumb idea.

Dekiru: And there's no better person for that...

He says as he and everyone else looks over to Kid Flash.

Dekiru: Besides you.

He says.

Kid Flash: As a matter of fact...

He goes on to say.

Meanwhile, in the laboratory the scientist now known as T.O. Morrow was continuing to work on the disassembled Red Tornado as Brom had powered on the two androids.

Morrow: Look, Tornado, your brother and sister are back online. We'll have you up and running too. Maybe even turn your voice box back on as soon as I'm done copying and downloading your memory files.

He said as he brought over a cable and connected to his central processing unit hooking it up to his computer to download and store his memories.

Morrow: In the meantime, I'll tell you a story.

He said as he grabbed a chair and pulled it over to the metal bed that Tornado laid on.

Morrow: Once upon a time, a brilliant scientist decided to build his own superhero to infiltrate and destroy the Justice Society of America. His first creation was, Red Torpedo, hero of the ocean deep a machine programmed to think he was a man.

He told remembering how his first creation was Red Torpedo when he had ginger hair and wore a red spandex the same as an Olympic swimmer would wear as he sported a red domino mask.

Morrow: Unfortunately, that programming was crude. Torpedo never quite fit in. Your eldest brother was a failure. But the scientist believed in his plan and began again. Your sister debuted as, Firebrand, a much loved and admired heroine.

He told remembering how Red Inferno was once 'Firebrand' as she too had ginger hair much like her brother and stood with The Flash aka Jay Garrick as she juggled a ball of flame for others amusement. But amidst the crowd she spotted a known villain by the name of, Dragon King, as he took a shot at the Flash intending to kill him only for her to jump in the way.

Morrow: If only she hadn't been so darn heroic. Yet our intrepid scientist would not quit and this time, the android would know he was an android. The new approach worked. Red Tornado, the robot hero was inducted into the Justice Society.

He told remembering how Red Tornado stood with the rest of the members of the Justice Society as he shook hands with Dr. Hourglass as they posed for a picture.

Morrow: The scientist believed he had triumphed. But Tornado's original heroic programming and Pinocchio-like desire to become more human caused him to betray his creator, his father. Still the scientist refuses to give up.

He said as he stood up from his chair and looked at the two androids behind him with a determined stare.

{Belle Reve}
October 10, 18:35 CDT

Inside Belle Reve, the team and Zatanna stood inside an interrogation room as Professor Ivo was seated behind a desk with his hands cuffed.

Miss Martian: Warden Strange owed us a favor for stopping last month's prison break. He's given us five minutes with you.

Superboy: Spill, Ivo. How do we find T.O. Morrow and his Reds?

He questioned him as Ivo remained unfazed.

Ivo: Now, why in the world would I know how to find Morrow?

He questioned.

Kid Flash: Because and here's a truly dumb idea, you're Morrow's biggest competitor in the evil android game. Who better to keep track of what he's up to, and where?

Ivo: Ah. I see your point. So let me rephrase. Why in the world would I tell you how to find Morrow?

He asked as Izuku stared at him as his eyes flashed red.

Shigaraki: "Give me control, I can make spill the information we need to find that bastard that burnt us."

Izuku: "I thought I made sure you couldn't speak again for a while."

Shigaraki: "Did you really think this cage would hold me. I told you I will have my chance again, and you won't be in the way to stop me!"

He shouted causing Dekiru to grunt as he looked at Ivo.

Dekiru: He knows something about Morrow. Miss Martian do what you need to do.

He told her as she nodded and used her telepathic abilities to read his mind as Ivo simply smiled watching her try.

Ivo: Oh, please. As if I've never faced a telepath before.

He said as Zatanna walked out from behind the group and to the side of Ivo as she spoke.

Zatanna: Trulb tuo S'worrom eurt noitacol!

Ivo: Morrow's in a secret underground base beneath Yellow Keystone National Park one hundred meters south of Old Faithful.

He blurted out shocking himself and the others as they looked at him bewildered by what had just happened.

Ivo: Wait. What-what just happened?

He demanded as from behind the camera recording the interrogation. Professor Hugo Strange, watched shocked that this happened as he was now angered by this.

Morrow: Download complete.

He said as he tapped on his computer downloading and accessing the information he got from Red Tornado's processing unit. As he held a remote in his hand, he pressed the button as the laboratory buzzed as a machine was being lowered down from above as whatever was on it was covered in a white tarp. Once it landed on the floor Morrow stopped the machine as he walked over to the table.

Morrow: Time for the upload. But first, introductions.

He said as he pulled the tarp back infront of the now three androids of his creation as they looked before them.

Morrow: Red Tornado, Red Torpedo, Red Inferno. I like that name so much better than Firebrand. Meet your baby brother, Red Volcano.

He said introducing the new android that laid before them now known as, Red Volcano. Like his android siblings he consisted of a red armor and a bulky muscular build. In the center of his chest, he had a yellow insignia of a triangle with four cracks stretched out from it and a circle in the center, and right now he was inactive.

Morrow: This red won't bother infiltrating the heroes. He'll simply destroy them with the help of your memories.

He simply stated as he dragged a cord over and plugged it into his central processing unit as he attached it to the computer and began downloading all of the information and plans inside of the android.

Morrow: Finally, the scientist has built an android that transcends the need to be human.

He said as he finished up as he grabbed his remote and turned around to face Red Volcano.

Morrow: No more Pinocchio's.


Pressing the button, Red Volcano was now powered on as he whired to life. Slowly he sat up from the table and stood on his two feet as he walked over to Morrow and stood before him. Red Volcano stared down at his creator menacingly as he grabbed the remote in his hand and crushed it as he grabbed both of his hands and held them out in the air.

Red Volcano: Hello, father.

Morrow: Son, you're hurting me.

Red Volcano: Yes, but pain is so...human. And per your programming I've transcended any concerns for humans.

He said as he forcefully began to pull his arms apart as he ripped them out from Morrow sockets as he started short-circuiting revealing metal parts falling out from where his arms were instead of blood. As Morrow's body fell to the ground electricity sparked from his damaged parts as his jaw hung from his mouth and eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Red Volcano: No more Pinocchios.

He said as he looked at the torn arms he held in his hands and then to the android before him that posed as his creator as it spoke.

Morrow: His son was lost. Son was lost. Son was-!


Shutting the android up for good Red Volcano stomped down on its head crushing it to small pieces as he scrubbed his foot against it like rubbing the ground. He then turned back around to look at his brothers and sister.

Red Volcano: Did you know father was an android?

He asked as the androids didn't respond. Not worried he looked back at the arms in his hands before throwing them away as he looked for the repair man.

Red Volcano: Where's Stikk?

He questioned as he looked around to see he was nowhere to be found as he looked back at the android.

Red Volcano: Father, you were right. Humans are annoying.

He said coldly.

Back with the team, they flew over the lands heading close towards the location they received in which Morrow's lab would be found.

Izuku: M'gann block out all external communication. Canary, Zatara, and Batman I wager will find out that something has happened back at Belle Reve and will try to contact us or either find us one.

He tells them as Robin turns in his seat to look at Zatanna.

Robin: Look. I'm trying to be all nonchalant here. But-

Artemis: I think what he's trying to say is that we're all just trying to get a handle on your powers. Could you teleport us to Tornado or Morrow to a cell or force his bots to surrender?

Zatanna: Or create peace on Earth for all time?

She said as Izuku looked over to her excitedly as he magically pulled out his notebook and pen.

Izuku: Wait you can do that?

Wally: Dude, do you always carry that around with you?

Izuku: The same way as Robin carry's his utility belt with him.

He said as he looked over to Zatanna as she chuckled at his expression.

Zatanna: Hehe, no. Sadly I can't, not even Zatara couldn't do all that and I'm nowhere near on my dad's level. I need to know a spell cold, or else have time to prep it. Plus, all magic requires energy which usually has to come from within. I just can't make the impossible happen at will.

Izuku: So, if the problem is you can't generate enough energy to produce powerful spells, why don't you just expand your storage of energy you already have to produce more to create even powerful spells. And since you have magic who knows maybe you can manipulate the elements or even transfiguration as they both have something in common with energy base elements.

He said writing this all down in his notebook as he had already drawn a perfect picture of Zatanna in just a minute as he jotted down a description of her power and a few ways of how to improve it. Hearing no reply, he looked up to see everyone was looking at him shockingly.

Izuku: What?

Zatanna: Did you just come up with that, just now?

Izuku: Yeah, that's what I always do. Especially, for someone like you, your magic looks so cool and I really want to see what else you can do with it. I bet it's amazing.

He said as Zatanna blushed at the fact that he gave her a compliment of her powers.

Wally: Dude, how come you never helped me out with my abilities?

Izuku: Because you never asked. If you decided to really focus on your speed, you wouldn't believe how much stronger and faster you really could be if you just 'run'. I have a theory that if you somehow can build your speed up to the point that your able to generate enough friction and momentum you can reach up to further heights than you are now and can even generate electricity, I believe you could probably enter a realm of pure energy and speed that will enhance your speed capabilities making you even faster than the Flash himself. Which is why at the moment you are too slow, and I am way faster than you.

Wally: Alright, alright. Cut it out.

He said as Wally really began to think about what he meant as Superboy sighed.

Connor: What's our ETA to Yellowstone? I'm way past ready to stuff Tornado into a trash compactor.

Kaldur: Are you so certain he betrayed us?

Connor: Aren't you?

Kaldur: I am not convinced. And even so, that makes him but the victim of his creator's programming. Certainly, he deserves a chance to prove he's more than the weapon others designed him to be.

He said as Connor thought about it as he turned around in his seat and stared outside the window. Thinking that Kaldur was right as he and Red Tornado were both creations by their own creators with the purpose of performing the task that was expected of them to do.

Red Volcano: Listen to me, my brothers, my sister.

He calls out to them as he stood before them,

Red Volcano: I have been downloaded with all your memories. Father's too. Oh, he left out the bit about him being an android but he did reveal his plan, his dream for our destiny.

He said as he walked over the arms on the floor and towards a screen as he pulled up a map of Yellowstone.

Red Volcano: There is a semi-dormant supervolcano beneath Yellowstone. Father gave me the power to activate it in three stages. The eruption will decimate the planet, kill millions' and trap the rest under an impenetrable cloud of ash.

He said as the screen showed what he meant as the result from the awakening of the volcano would release a large cloud of ash over the globe worldwide.

Red Volcano: While humanity struggles to survive we will build a Red army to make this Earth a Red planet.

He finished as the screen showed the earth being taken over by multiple other Reds under their command, or rather his. After he was done the laboratory began beeping as they were receiving an incoming call.

Ivo: *Ivo to Morrow. Thomas, are you there?*

He called as Red Volcano turned towards the communication device and connected to it as he altered his voice.

Red Volcano: (Morrow's Voice) I'm here, Anthony. What do you want?

Ivo: *Reluctantly, to warn you. The children have learned your location. I do not believe they've told their elders and betters. But they are on their way.*

He told him as Red Volcano turned his head to face Red Tornado.

Red Volcano: (Morrow's Voice) Perfect.

{Yellowstone National Park}
October 10. 20:22 MDT

After flying to their location, the ship flew through a geyser that rose out of the ground into the forest as it landed in a soft patch. Once it did everyone inside the ship stood up as Izuku placed his notebook back in the pouch of his suit.

Izuku: Alright everybody. Switch to stealth.

He said as he pressed down on his suit activating his suit's stealth mode as he then held out his hands showing his band as he activated revealing his Full Gauntlets.

Robin: I can never be not surprised how cool those things are.

Izuku: Yeah, thanks to Dr. Roquette. She worked in quick time to get the repairs back to me. I just have to wait on my suit.

He said as he then walked over to Zatanna as she looked at him.

Izuku: You don't have to come with us. It'll be good if you want to stay on the ship this is our mission.

Zatanna: But I thought you said that I was strong did you not.

She says lifting her eyebrow as Izuku rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

Izuku: Yeah, I did. But you don't have to if you want to.

Zatanna: Is that an order?

Izuku: Heh, no. Zatanna, would you like to come and whoop some robot butt with us?

He asks as she smiles.

Zatanna: I never thought that you would ask. Emit ot yrt tuo eht wen kool!

She spoke backwards as Izuku watched as a cloud of mist enveloped her body as it then disappeared showing her standing in a suit similar to her father's but just fit for a feminine body as he blushed.

Izuku: So cool.

Zatanna: I'm glad you think that way, Ukuzi.

She said.

Suddenly as she did, Izuku's eyes changed from red to green like magic as he held his head feeling as if some weight was lifted off his back as he watched her exit the ship.

Izuku: Aw, crap. Did I say that aloud?

Artemis: Yes. Yes you did.

She joked as she and the rest of the team left the ship as Izuku followed after. Once they were out the ship's hanger door closed up as it switched back into camouflage mode as the team ran out to the location of where the laboratory should be. Unbeknownst to them, a camera was in the woods allowing Red Volcano to see them as he turned his head to face Red Tornado.

Red Volcano: Prove yourself a loyal Red, brother. Kill them for me.

He ordered him as Red Tornado looked to the screen to see the team running towards the location of the laboratory.

As they ran through the forest they came up behind a bush as Robin held out his glove and activated his tracking system.

Robin: Ivo was right. Something's down there.

Dekiru: Then let's get moving.

He said as he ran out first as the other followed behind him. As they did a sudden gust of wind picked up causing all of them to stop as the wind was starting to push back against them as they flew back against the ground. As they all looked up they saw that Red Tornado was the cause of it all as he levitated in the air with his arms folded looking down on them.

Miss Martian: Red Tornado! Why are you doing this?

She questions him.

He then moved his arms out and created another tornado infront of him as it began to drag itself into the ground kicking up dirt and splitting the ground as something was engraved.

Miss Martian: "Message received."

Superboy: Who cares. Let's squash this tin-can!

He shouted as he ran forward as Aqualad followed behind him. As Superboy turned around he placed his hands down doing maneuver seven as Aqualad jumped on his hands as Superboy threw him into the air as Dekiru jumped forward and grabbed Aqualad by his arms and hurled him at Red Tornado as he reeled his fist back to punch him. Seeing this Red Tornado countered by making the wind block the attack as he sent him flying back at into Dekiru knocking them both down onto Superboy as they rolled to the ground.

Artemis ran past them and prepared her bow and arrow as she shot two towards him as he simply redirected them back to her feet as Robin ran up beside her.

Artemis: Look out-!


As the arrows exploded the two were sent flying back as Kid Flash got in a runners position.

Kid Flash: You're not the only spin doctor around here.

He said as he then began to spin his body around so fast, he became a speeding tornado as he was headed towards Red Tornado as from behind Miss Martian flew in to strike from behind only for Red Tornado to grab her and throw her at him as the two fell to the ground. Running up Zatanna prepared to say a chant only to have the wind mess up her words as Red Tornado appeared before her and grabbed her throat. As Zatanna started choking, she suddenly passed out due to the lack of air around her as Red Tornado took it away from her. He then threw her body to the ground as she laid there with the rest.

As he stood staring at them he felt the ground shaking behind him.

Red Volcano: Quite a performance, brother but we both know that's all it was. I have all your memories, Tornado plus a next gen processor.

He states looking down at what was carved by his wind that said 'Play Dead'.

Red Volcano: I know your next move before you do.

He said as he raised his hand out and made the earth around the carved out letters rise into the air as he controlled it. As the others stood up from their act Izuku looked ahead at the earth as he saw Red Volcano preparing to attack them.

Red Volcano: Blowing a message into the sand?

He scoffed as he shattered the earth and sent it towards them.

Dekiru: Aqualad! Superboy!

Both: Right!

They shouted as they all jumped into the air and attacked the earth pieces before they could hit their teammates, but some of the debris managed to get past them as Miss Martian had to use her telekinesis to throw one away as another fell onto Zatanna. As if he had his danger sense Dekiru looked back at her.

Dekiru: Zatanna!

Zatanna: I'm good.

She said as she stood up from the smoke.

Zatanna: "The Red Tornado's getting away."

She said looking back to see he was flying away.

Artemis: "Is he abandoning us?"

Miss Martian: "I don't believe that."

Dekiru: "M'gann's right. Let's stick to the mission and take care of this android once and for all."

He said as Kid Flash ran past him in a blur as heading towards the pillar that Red Volcano stood on.

Red Volcano: You stand no chance against me, humans.

He said as Kid Flash jumped up intending to go for an upper cut as Red Volcano leaned back and punched him away.

Miss Martian/Superboy: We're not humans!

They said together as they flew towards Red Volcano to attack.

Red Volcano: Apologies. I suppose the properly inclusive term is...

He says as he manipulates the earth below them to form into rocky hands as they stick out of the ground and smash into the two.

Red Volcano: Meatbags.

Dekiru: I think somebody needs to get you off your high horse!

He said running towards him as Red Volcano looks his way.

Red Volcano: If I am high, then you are below me like the ants you are.

He said as he raised his hand and sent three earth pillars his way as Dekiru reacts and activates his power speeding himself up.

Dekiru: "Kinetic Boosters x10 plus Overclock and Springlike Limbs."

In a flash he disappeared and ran in a zig-zag as he jumped up and drove his foot through the pillar as he came out the other end completely obliterating it.

As he came out he jumped into the air as he saw the other two coming his way. Quickly he wrapped his arm around the second one as he slid around it like a hool-la-hoop as he stood on the pillar and awaited for the second one to come as it smashed into it. Once he jumped Red Volcano sent another one coming at him faster than the others as he reeled back full gauntlet and smashed the pillar into pieces. As he then front flipped bringing his right leg up high as he brought it down onto Red Volcano as he was forced to block with his arms as due to the weight the pillar he stood on was starting to crush.

Red Volcano: Insufficient and Unrelenting. Your strength bares no weight against my own.

He said as he controlled the earth below him as he was pushed away from Red Volcano as he was sent flying backwards. As he did he looked downwards to see Artemis and Aqualad heading his way as he used the earth below him to split apart creating a huge hole as the two fell into it. Quickly Artemis shot an arrow attached with a line to the top as she swung over and caught Aqualad as she quickly pulled the both of them back to the top. Once she did the earth closed back up behind them causing the earth plates to stick out as Robin used it to run on as he threw an exploding disk at Red Volcano as he caught in which it exploded in his hand creating a big smoke cloud.

Red Volcano: I have access to all of Red Tornado's memories which allows me to anticipate your every move.

Zatanna: Emoks emoceb a dlofdnilb!

She chanted as the smoke around him suddenly wrapped around Red Volcano's eyes blinding him as he grabbed it trying to tear it off.

Zatanna: Tornado never knew my moves.

She said as Dekiru landed beside her as he dusted off some rocks from his shoulder.

Dekiru: I bet you have a lot of great moves to.

He said as Zatanna looked his way as she smirked causing him to realize what he had just said.

Dekiru: Crap, I just did it again. I didn't mean that I-!

Zatanna: It's alright, I don't mind.

She says as Dekiru smiles as he looks at her and back towards Red Volcano as he watches a laser beam burns through the smoke from his eyes as he then activates the super volcano behind him. From it lava and ash spewed out to the grounds as from their view it looked like the end times were coming.

Deep below in the laboratory. The other three androids stood as Red Tornado had a capable connected to a speaker to his voice box since it was taken out.

Red Tornado: We must stop him.

Red Inferno: Why? Once we believed we lived. Now there is only Red Inferno and Red Torpedo. Why should we help save humanity when we are no longer human?

Red Tornado: The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human, but you were heroes.

He said as the two looks at each other realizing what he meant and what they have to do.

With lava flowing from the volcano Red Volcano lifted his hands as he summoned rocks covered in lava and sent them towards the team. Kid Flash quickly outmaneuvered them as he ran past them coming to a stop.

Kid Flash: "He's activating a stage two eruption. It gets to stage three, kiss the hemisphere goodbye."

Dekiru: "Then let's stop him. Everyone attack from all sides."

He said as Superboy leapt forward to punch him as Red Volcano simply caught his fist and threw him away.

Running up Dekiru turned around as he blasted blue flames at Red Volcano as he had to shield himself.

Dekiru: Burn you red piece of garbage!

He said only to watch as Red Volcano lifted his hand commanding the earth to block the flames as he then sent it at him. Dekiru then dodged it as it smashed into the ground sending large debris behind him, but as he looked he saw it all heading towards Zatanna.

Artemis: "Zatanna, look out!"

She said as she turned her head to see the rocks incoming as she raised her arms to shield herself. In a streak of light she was suddenly picked up and carried bridal style as she looked to see Dekiru was the one who swooped her off her feet.

In a smooth motion he kicked his feet against the ground bringing it up as he then kicked the earth heading their way smashing it to pieces.

As he did he then jumped away with her as he landed beside Kid Flash putting her down.

Dekiru: You good?

Zatanna: I am now. Thanks.

She thanked him with a growing blush as he saw this and smiled.

Dekiru: No problem.

He said as he looked back to see Aqualad try to hit him only for Red Volcano to send a rock at him. From behind Miss Martian in camouflage mode tried to strike only for him trigger a lava geyser beside her causing pain due to the excess heat.

Miss Martian: Ahh!

Hearing her cry Superboy looked up to see he had Miss Martian by the back of her hood. Seeing this Zatanna looked at Kid Flash as she walked over and placed her hand on his back.

Zatanna: Ekoms dna Srorrim etaerc Dik Hsalf snoisulli!

She chanted as the smoke around them suddenly became copies of Kid Flash as they all took off towards Red Volcano.

Zatanna: I, use a scaled down version when I wanna sneak out of the house.

She said.

Dekiru: That's so cool.

He complimented.

As Red Volcano sensed the clones incoming, he raised his hand and commanded earth bullets to hit the clones as they started to reduce into smoke. Using this distraction Kid Flash ran to the side and got a clear shot as he ran straight through and grabbed Miss Martian away from his grip. With her in his hands he slid over back to the team as they were about to attack until a powerful water geyser rose from the ground and shot at Red Volcano.

Robin: Nice hit!

Aqualad: The attack wasn't mine. Look!

He said pointing over as the team saw Red Torpedo standing as he commanded a jet stream of water to carry him into the air as he commanded two water torpedoes to clash into Red Volcano sending him into the lava. He then tried to get himself out by creating an earth pillar to stand on but Red Tornado came flying back down as he crashed through causing him to fall back in. As he rose out only to receive fireballs to the face as he looked up to see Red Inferno. She then flew through the air and tried to kick him under but he was stronger than her as he grabbed her hands.

Red Volcano: Sister! Brothers! Stop!

He demanded only for Red Torpedo to launch himself into the air and crash into him as they pushed him under the lava. Red Tornado soon joined to as he stomped his feet down pushing him under even more as his siblings held him down.

As they were under the lava their bodies were reaching the heat limit to how much they could resist the lava as they were slowly starting to melt. Seeing this Red Volcano sighed.

Red Volcano: Father, would be so disappointed.

He said his last words as before he could fully die he did as he was built for and activated the next eruption of the super volcano before his death. Just as Red Tornado was about to be sunken into the lava Superboy flew in and grabbed him as he landed by the team. As he did the eruption of the volcano started as the ground began to shake and ash slowly rose from the inside of the volcano. Seeing this Kid Flash turned to Red Tornado.

Kid Flash: Tornado, listen. We are on the verge of a stage three super volcano eruption. There's no turning back from that. We need to vent pressure fast, but the ash cloud will bring on a worldwide nuclear winter unless you divert it.

He told him as Red Tornado nodded his head.

Kid Flash: Triangulate the pressure locates.

He said to Robin as he did as so using his gauntlet computer as he mapped out the points.

Robin: There, there, and there.

He said as Artemis stood forward and pulled back three arrows as Abe shot them in the air as they suddenly activated boosters which sent them to the three points as they exploded slowing it down momentarily. With that Red Tornado flew in the air all the way to the hemisphere as he then created a large wind vortex that began to suck in the smoke pushing it out behind him into space.

As he was doing so Kid Flash watched as his plan was proving successful.

Kid Flash: It's working!

He said as with Dekiru in the back of his mind Shigaraki smiled.

Shigaraki: "Not for long!"

He said sticking out his hand from behind the bars of the cage.

As he did suddenly Izuku's hand twitched releasing a powerful radio wave that traveled like a bird hitting Red Tornado as he was starting to malfunction. As the team saw this panic erupted within Kid Flash.

Kid Flash: No, no! What's going on?

Robin: Tornado's short-circuiting, somehow an EMP was released hitting his systems. Right now he's fighting against it but he won't for too much longer.

He said as Dekiru had a distress expression on his face.

Dekiru: "What the fuck, Shigaraki! What did you do?"

Shigaraki: "The only thing that will make you see things my way. You need me, you need my power! There's no saving the day if your living in an ash covered world like your friend said."

Dekiru: "Screw you!"

He shouted as he stood within his mind glaring at him.

Dekiru: "You really have to stoop this low to do this. Tell me how I can stop it."

Shigaraki: "Why? And screw up this perfect chance."

He said nonchalantly as he laid against his cage and smiled looking at him.

Shigaraki: "I know what power to use to help your friend, but you don't. If you give me back control, I promise not to hurt your friends and that girl as long as you don't interfere with my plans. Sounds like a good deal to me what do you say?"

He says trying to strike a bargain again as Dekiru glared at him.

Dekiru: "You think that's going to work on me again? Nah, not this time you won't."

He said causing Shigaraki to lose his composure as he stood up again glaring at him.

Shigaraki: "What?!"

Dekiru: "I'm done making petty deals that keep harming my friends because of you. I'll find out to save everyone with or without your help. And I know just how to do it."

He said as he looked at Shigaraki as if he was reading his mind.

Shigaraki: "What the hell are you doing brat?"

He questioned as Dekiru smiled as he stood back.

Dekiru: "I got what I needed. Ciao!"

He said before disappearing as Shigaraki grunted as he punched the bars of the cage infuriated.

Outside Dekiru looked up as he stepped forward. Getting the attention of his team he stuck his hands out as they started to emit a purple cloud of mist as it traveled all the way up to his body causing his eyes to become a misty yellow.

Dekiru: Leave this to me. I got this.

He spoke in a shallow dark voice as his body suddenly began to warp as he disappeared from the group. Just in the heart of the tornado created by Red Tornado, Dekiru appeared as he looked at him.

Dekiru: Don't worry. I am here!

He said as he created a large warp gate with his body sucking in the rest of the ash cloud like a huge vacuum as in space he created another warp gate that blew it all out. After clearing it all out the volcano began to cool back down as it was inactive.

Kid Flash: Haha! They did it!

He said as in the air Red Tornado body suddenly stopped as he was falling. Quickly Dekiru moved through the air like a cloud wrapping himself around Red Tornado as he then disappeared with him. On the ground the team looked to their side to see a warp gate open as Red Tornado was laid down on the ground as the gate suddenly warped out Dekiru's body as he touched the ground. Suddenly the portal slowly sunk back into him as his eyes returned back to normal as well as the rest of his body leaving him a panting mess.

Robin: Dude!

He ran over as he helped him stand up as well with the help of Aqualad.

Robin: How did you do that? I didn't know you had other abilities as well.

Aqualad: Though I wouldn't like to ponder into it, I too would like to know?

He asked as Dekiru looked up to see the rest of his team looking as he sighed.

Dekiru: Heh, believe me. Even I don't know what all that I can do. From what I can tell I'm just scratching the surface.

He said as he looked over to Red Tornado and walked over to him.

Dekiru: Let's get Tornado back to the lab. He needs repairs.

He said as he picked him up with the help of Superboy as they walked away. Not seeing the hand of Red Volcano that was still out as it was reduced to ashes.

After making their way back to the laboratory the team was looking around for parts and repairs so that they could fix him.

Robin: There, that should do it.

He said.

After getting him down they were able to plug his power cord back into him as he was functional again as well as fixing his voice box.

Red Tornado: Yes. I can speak again.

Dekiru: Yes, you are.

He said standing as Zatanna stood beside him holding his arm across her shoulder to help him stand.

Red Tornado: Thanks to you of course. Dekiru.

He said as he nodded his head.

Aqualad: You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save the planet?

He asked.

Red Tornado: The planet would have survived. It was humanity that was saved, but not by me. My sister and brother were the true heroes this day.

Aqualad: My point is, you were never the mole. Never a traitor.

He said.

Red Tornado: No. I left to protect you from further attack and to find my creator. Morrow.

He explained.

Kid Flash: Cool. Souvenir.

He said holding up Morrow's robotic arm as Robin picked up another replacement for his legs.

Robin: Red, look we can rebuild you better than you were before.

Red Tornado: I do not believe I should be repaired.

He said as away from the group Superboy was listening to the conversation as he had a question on his mind he was meaning to ask.

Superboy: Why did you even volunteer to be our den mother anyway?

He questioned him.

Red Tornado: I was the pragmatic choice. I do not require sleep, I have no secret identity, and I do not have a double life to live.

Kid Flash: But you do have advanced ai programming designed to learn, evolve, adapt.

Miss Martian: Hello, Megan. You wanted to become more human.

Artemis: And you couldn't do that with the League. Their stiffs.

Robin: Heh, and you're sure not gonna learn emotion from Batman. Trust me I know.

They said as Izuku looked over to him.

Izuku: Then that means you weren't just there to supervise us, you were there to learn from us. The students becoming the teachers.

Red Tornado: I do not know if these statements are accurate. But they are true. And if I understand the 'term' correctly then I think I have come to, care, for you all.

He said as the team had all smiled at him hearing him open up about how he truly feels.

Superboy: See, practically a meat bag already.

He joked.

Red Tornado: That reminds me. Izuku, my brother and sister wished for me to apologize for them about burning your body. They said that they were assigned to do it.

He said shocking everyone as they looked at him.

Dekiru: By who?

Red Tornado: They couldn't tell me. There was a restriction set within them that kept them from telling anymore. All they could say was that it was for an experiment.

He said as that last part set within Izuku's mind. The real reason behind all of this was because someone wanted to play 'Experiment' with his body, but who was it?

After fixing him up the team left the laboratory as they went back to the Bioship to fly back home. While inside Izuku was writing down in his notebook everything he had witnessed today. Coming up with new ideas on how to improve their performance and build their powers to combat unique strategies together, but right now he was finalizing everything he got from watching Zatanna. Strangely, she was unique to him in a way and peaked his interest.

Speaking of whom, she turned around the seat as she faced him propping her right leg over her left leg. Just staring at him as he looked up and stared at her.

Zatanna: So, what are you doing?

She asked.

Izuku: You know. Just writing down new ways we could each improve and how to help strengthen the other's abilities. It's kinda what I just do on the regular.

Zatanna: Nice. You got anything on me?

Izuku: Yeah, I just finished.

He said giving the notebook to her as she looked to see and was impressed by what she saw. He had a perfect picture drawn out of her as well as a description of her magic, the spells she used, and a few ways on how she could improve.

Zatanna: Wow, this is very nice. You're a very good drawer by the way.

Izuku: Thanks. So, what do you think about your little kidnapping escapade.

He said as Zatanna leaned back in her seat with a small smile on her face.

Zatanna: It was nice, best I ever had. Though it may be my last.

She says as Izuku raises an eyebrow.

Izuku: Why you say that?

Zatanna: Well, that's if my dad doesn't ground me for life because of this.

She said looking out the window at her reflection.

Izuku: I don't know. Maybe he won't punish his beautiful daughter too bad.

He said flirting as she looked back at him with a blush. As Izuku this time was fully prepared and meant it as he sat back looking at her, avoiding the looks from the others who was giving him a sly smirk.


Back at the base a thunderstorm was outside as the fury of a father could be heard from within.

Zatara: She is grounded for life!

He said as he then looked at Canary.

Zatara: 'They're good kids Giovanni, Don't worry Giovanni, Izuku is with them Giovanni.' She's never going the team. Ever! And when I see Izuku I will cast a spell so dark he would-

Captain Marvel: Um!

Walking in the two looked over to see he and Wolf were soaked in rain.

Captain Marvel: Are they coming out to play or what?

He asked.

Shigaraki: *Sigh* I failed again.

He sighed sitting in his cage as he played with his hands.

Shigaraki: One thing I can say about this brat. He may look like him, but he acts nowhere near like that. That brat has a backbone I can tell you that much.

He says holding up his hand as he placed it against the cage as this time he felt no pain or shock as he smiled.

Shigaraki: The way he uses All For One in ways I never thought imaginable. You'd be surprised just how good he can wield it...

He said as suddenly a dark presence looked through the back of his mind as he smiled looking behind him to see four red eyes.

Shigaraki: Master.

He said as suddenly a dark force pushed through the void of his mind shattering the cage as if it was nothing as Shigaraki stood complete free to move.

AFO: It seems our plan has succeeded. The more he continues to use All For One the more powerful I grow.

He spoke manifesting as a vestige in the mind, wearing his signature suit showing his white hair and malevolent red eyes.

AFO: This boy is indeed spectacular. But he is nothing more than a pawn in a kings game.

He said as a chair manifested out of darkness bouncing around with red electricity as he sat down in it humming satisfyingly.

Before him a table appeared with a chess board in place with chess pieces already on it. One side was white, and one side was black. As he sat up he looked at the board as he watched as the memories of Izuku flashed showing everything he has been through all until now has been orchestrated and planned by him. From the time he manifested his power, to facing Klarion and allowing his chaos energy to bring out the influence of All For One, the few times he would experience personality changes similar to Shigaraki, and even to them making the bargain where Izuku would start to use All For One in place of One For All so that he could grow stronger.

AFO: Isn't it just great when everything is going your way. With no vestige of One For All here to stop us, not even the petty influence of my dear younger brother. Nothing will get in our way from taking over the body of this boy and bringing chaos and destruction to this world. This will be the story we have rewritten of how we became the greatest Demon Lord of all!

He spoke.

As far behind them in the darkness of the domain. A small flicker of green light floated from the ground as if it was a small butterfly. Flapping its wings, it flew away from the two as to not be spotted.

A sudden shift in Izuku 'Liam' Midoriya-Utsukushi, is soon to come.

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