The Lost Kingdom

Bởi sunflowersatdusk

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Man and elf cross paths to fight against the war of Sauron Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: The Arrival of the Warrior Maiden
Chapter 2: The Battle Begins
Chapter 3: Meeting the Fellowship
Chapter 4: Joining the Fellowship
Chapter 5: The Mines of Moria
Chapter 6: The Battle in the Chamber of Mazarbul
Chapter 7: A New Understanding
Chapter 8: Drawn
Chapter 9: The Journey Continues
Chapter 10: The Battle on the River Anduin
Chapter 11: The Uruk-hai
Chapter 12: The Betrayal
Chapter 13: A Promise
Chapter 14: The Journey to the Second Battle - "The Unspoken Bond"
Chapter 14: A New Day
Chapter 15: The Battle for Middle-earth
Chapter 16: The Elven Union

Extra Chapter

53 2 0
Bởi sunflowersatdusk

Five years had passed since Legolas and Aria's wedding, and they had settled into a happy life together in the Mirkwood forest. Legolas' father, Thranduil, had grown to accept their union, although he still harbored some reservations about Aria's human heritage.

One sunny afternoon, Legolas found himself in his father's chambers, discussing the latest news from the neighboring kingdoms. As they talked, Legolas couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him.

"Father, I have some news," Legolas said, his voice filled with anticipation.

Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "What news?"

"I'm going to be a father," Legolas said, a wide smile spreading across his face.

Thranduil's expression softened at the news. "That is wonderful news, my son. Congratulations."

Legolas felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had been nervous about how his father would react to the news, but he was pleased to see that he was happy for them.

"It's a girl," Legolas added, unable to contain his excitement.

Thranduil's eyes widened. "A girl? That is the first daughter in our line for a long time. Your mother would have been thrilled."

Legolas felt a pang of sadness at the mention of his mother, who had passed away many years ago. But he pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the joy that his daughter would bring.

"She's due in a few months," Legolas said. "Aria found out she was pregnant a few weeks ago."

Thranduil leaned back in his chair, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "How did she find out?"

Legolas chuckled. "She had been feeling sick for a few days, and she thought it was just a stomach bug that wouldn't go away. So she went to the healer. When the healer announced she was pregnant , she couldn't believe it."

Thranduil laughed softly. "It's always a surprise, isn't it? I remember when your mother found out she was pregnant with you. She was over the moon."

Legolas smiled at the memory. "I can't wait to meet her," he said. "Aria and I have been talking about names, but we haven't decided on anything yet."

Thranduil leaned forward, his expression serious. "Legolas, I want you to know that I may have had my reservations about your union with Aria, but I have grown to appreciate her as a person. And I will love my granddaughter with all my heart, just as I love you."

Legolas felt a sense of warmth spread through him at his father's words. He knew that Thranduil had always been a proud and stubborn elf, but he was grateful for his support.

"Thank you, Father," Legolas said, his voice filled with emotion.

Thranduil smiled. "Now, let us toast to the newest member of our family. May she bring joy and light to our lives for many years to come."

They raised their glasses, the chink of crystal ringing out in the quiet room. Legolas felt a sense of contentment settle over him as he sipped his wine, knowing that his daughter would be loved and cherished by all who knew her.

The day of Aria's delivery arrived, and Legolas was a bundle of nerves. He paced back and forth outside the room where his wife was giving birth, his heart pounding in his chest.

Thranduil stood beside him, a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Everything will be fine, my son," he said. "Aria is a strong warrior, and she will give birth to a healthy child."

Legolas nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in his stomach. He had heard stories of difficult deliveries, and he didn't want anything to happen to Aria or their child.

Hours passed, and Legolas paced back and forth, his anxiety growing with each passing moment. Finally, a midwife emerged from the room, a smile on her face.

"Congratulations, it's a girl," she said, holding out a tiny bundle.

Legolas' heart swelled with love and pride as he took the bundle in his arms. Inside, he saw the most beautiful little baby girl he had ever seen. She had Aria's dark hair and Legolas' piercing blue eyes that reminded him of the ocean.

"What shall we name her?" Aria asked, her voice weak but filled with joy.

Legolas looked down at their daughter, his heart overflowing with love. "Let's name her Elara," he said. "It means 'beloved' in Elvish, and she is already the most beloved thing in our lives."

Aria smiled, tears of happiness streaming down her face. "Elara," she repeated. "It's perfect."

As they held their daughter, Legolas couldn't help but marvel at how tiny and fragile she seemed. He was filled with a fierce protectiveness, vowing to do everything in his power to keep her safe and happy.

Thranduil approached, a wide grin on his face. "May I hold my granddaughter?" he asked.

Legolas nodded, passing Elara into his father's arms. Thranduil held her carefully, his face lighting up with joy.

"She has your eyes, Legolas," he said, his voice filled with love. "And her mother's strength."

As they all sat together, basking in the glow of their new family member, Legolas knew that his life would never be the same. But he also knew that he wouldn't have it any other way. He was a father now, and he was ready to take on whatever challenges came his way.

Thranduil was bursting with pride, and he couldn't wait to share the news of his granddaughter's arrival with his subjects. He called for a gathering in the main hall of the palace, and soon elves from all corners of the kingdom began to arrive.

As they settled into their seats, Thranduil took the stage, a wide grin on his face. "My people," he began. "I have wonderful news to share with you today. My son, Legolas, and his wife, Aria, have given birth to a beautiful baby girl."

The room erupted into cheers and applause, and Thranduil smiled, his heart swelling with joy. "Her name is Elara," he continued. "And she is the most precious thing in the world to her parents and to me."

He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "And so, it is with great honor that we gather here today to celebrate her birth and to welcome her into our kingdom."

The room fell silent as Thranduil motioned for Legolas and Aria to step forward with their daughter. They walked to the front of the room, all eyes on them, as Thranduil began to speak again.

"Elara is a symbol of hope and love," he said. "And so it is fitting that we perform the traditional Elvish ceremony of blessings for her."

He motioned for a group of elves to come forward, each holding a different object - a flower, a crystal, a feather, and more. They arranged themselves in a circle around Elara and her parents, and Thranduil began to chant in Elvish.

As he spoke, each elf stepped forward and placed their object on the ground in front of Elara, offering a blessing for her life. Legolas and Aria stood beside their daughter, holding her close, as the ceremony continued.

When it was over, Thranduil stepped forward and placed a necklace around Elara's neck. It was made of gold and emeralds, and it glimmered in the light. "This necklace represents the bond between our kingdom and our new princess," he said. "May she wear it always and remember that she is loved and cherished by us all."

As the ceremony ended, the room erupted into cheers and applause once again. Legolas and Aria held Elara close, tears streaming down their faces, as Thranduil hugged them all.

"Welcome to our world, little Elara," he whispered. "You are already so loved."

As the ceremony came to an end, Thranduil knew that Elara's story was just beginning. He looked down at his granddaughter with a sense of wonder and anticipation, knowing that she had a bright future ahead. He knew that she would lead their kingdom one day, ready to take her place among their people and continue the legacy of their family. And so, Thranduil whispered a quiet prayer for Elara's future, knowing that she would always be a part of their world. Little did he know that Elara's journey would take her far beyond the borders of their kingdom, and that her destiny would be intertwined with the fate of Middle-earth itself.

Elara Will Return

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