The Swan and the Queen

By BrendaChenowith

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Regina's young life was ruined the moment her mother accepted the King's marriage proposal, and all her dream... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

229 10 7
By BrendaChenowith

***Trigger Warning: This chapter contains descriptions of non-con sexual assault as well as the after care of injuries sustained in said act.***

Chapter 4

After their first meeting at Eala's farm, they began meeting twice a week, realizing that they look forward to seeing each other and often count down the time until they can be together again. Eala's farm began to thrive, allowing her to produce more and sell more. They were both happier and healthier and in good spirits. Regina continued to bring Eala a new book every week, oftentimes reading it herself the previous week, allowing them to discuss the book after Eala finished reading it.

"Can I kiss you?" Eala blurted out one evening as Regina was preparing to return home. It was their fourth time meeting at Eala's farm, and they had spent yet again another amazing evening together, talking and eating Eala's amazing food.

" want to kiss me?" Regina asked, suddenly shocked. No one had ever kissed her before, especially not the King.

"Regina, I've wanted to kiss you since the first night you asked if you could join me for dinner."

"How come you haven't kissed me yet?" Regina asked, still shocked.

"I...was too scared to be honest," Eala admitted.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Regina smiled, reaching to tilt Eala's chin up.

Their eyes met for a moment before Regina leaned in and pressed their lips together. A bolt of lightning shot through their bodies as they both began to deepen their kiss, pulling away after a few moments.

"That was my first kiss..." Eala whispered, her eyes still closed.

"Mine too..." Regina answered, pressing her forehead against Eala's.

"Was it worth the wait?"

"And then some," Regina said, pulling Eala in for another sweet kiss.

"I don't think we should meet twice a week anymore," Eala said before initiating a third kiss.

"Please tell me it's because you want to meet more than twice a week, not less?" Regina asked, a little breathless from their kiss.

"More. Definitely more," Eala whispered.

"I couldn't agree more," Regina said, initiating another kiss. Needless to say, Regina arrived back at the castle much later than usual.

Everything was perfect.


A few weeks later, Eala was out in the fields, harvesting new vegetables to sell at the market, when she heard the sound of hoofbeats rapidly approaching the house. She rushed to the front just in time to see Regina's horse galloping toward her with Regina on his back. Something in the pit of her stomach told her this wasn't going to be a happy surprise.

"Regina? What are you doing here? Did I mix up the dates?" Eala asked as she approached the fast moving horse.

That's when she realized that Regina was crying.

"Eala..." she whispered as Eala reached up to help her off the horse. Regina fell into Eala's arms immediately, her body shaking as she wrapped her arms around the blonde's neck. She realized as she held Regina that she wasn't in her usual light blue dress, but still wearing what appeared to be her nightgown.

"Regina, what happened?" Eala asked, holding the shaking woman tightly in her arms. She held Regina for a few more minutes until the woman pulled away. Eala scanned her body to make sure she wasn't injured.

That's when she saw the stream of blood trailing down the front of Regina's nightgown.

"Regina, what happened?" Eala asked again, this time with more urgency in her voice. "Did he do this to you?" Regina simply nodded as tears ran down her face.

"He came to me this morning and...forced himself on me. He wouldn't stop, even when I started screaming that he was hurting me. He just held me down and forced himself on me harder. He didn't stop until he was...satisfied..." Regina cried, causing Emma to hold her closer.

"Come on, let's go inside. You should lay down for a while," Eala said with anger in her voice. If I ever meet the man who did this to Regina, I'll kill him with my bare hands! she thought to herself as she gently encouraged Regina to go inside and lay on her unmade bed.

"Will you lay with me for a little while?" Regina asked, her voice shaky, on the verge of tears.

"Of course!" Eala said, laying behind Regina, wrapping her arms around her, holding her tight.

They stayed like this for a while, with Regina crying in Eala's arms until she eventually dozed off.

"May I look?" Eala asked about a half hour later, after Regina woke from her short nap, her voice soft and soothing. "To see if your wounds need attention. You can say no if you don't feel comfortable."

"No. It's alright. I trust you," Regina said after a few seconds. Eala slowly unwrapped herself from around Regina and made her way down to the foot of the bed. Carefully, she moved Regina's nightgown, lifting it just enough to get a good glimpse at Regina's injuries.

There was dried blood running down the inside of Regina's thighs, leading from her labia. After asking Regina's permission, she gently spread Regina's labia to reveal the source of the bleeding. Small cuts littered her labia, and Eala feared they didn't stop there, based on the small drops of blood that still trickled out of Regina's vagina.

"I know of a salve that I can make to help heal and soothe your wounds. Will you allow me to make it and help apply it for you?" she asked as she covered Regina back up.

"Yes, please," Regina whispered. Eala smiled sadly as she climbed off the bed and made her way over to the other side of the room.

Regina watched as Eala moved quickly around the small house, pulling out herbs and other ingredients, crushing and mixing everything in a small wooden bowl. Once the salve was ready, she poured some warm water into a larger bowl and pulled a clean rag out of a drawer.

"If it's okay, I'm going to clean off the blood before I apply the salve. May I?" Eala asked, making sure to respect Regina's body.

"Sure," Regina said as she rolled over onto her back one more time.

Eala slowly lifted Regina's nightgown once more, then began gently wiping the dried blood off Regina's legs and labia, making sure to apply the smallest amount of pressure needed to get the job done. The last thing she wanted was to hurt Regina more.

"I'm going to apply the salve now. It might be a little cold, but you should start feeling better right away," Eala explained before she began to gently apply the salve to Regina's injuries.

"I think you have some injuries...internally...would you like me to apply the salve there as well?" Eala asked, her voice low and calm.

"Yes...please..." Regina said, her voice so weak and small it broke Eala's heart. "Just go slow."

"Of course," Eala said, shifting on the bed to give Regina a comforting kiss before returning to the task at hand.

Gently and slowly, she began to apply the salve inside Regina's vagina. Eala expected Regina to shudder at her touch, but instead she seemed to relax as she quickly but gently soothed Regina's wounds.

"How does that feel?" Eala asked as she finished and covered Regina back up again.

"Much better, thank you," Regina said, rolling onto her side again, pulling her legs up to her chest. Eala quickly climbed off the bed, placing the bowls on the table next to the hearth before rushing back over to Regina, covering her with a blanket. As soon as Regina was safely tucked away in her bed, she climbed back into bed next to her, pulling her into her arms.

"Get some rest," Eala whispered as she straightened the blankets around their bodies.

"You don't have to lay here with me. If you have things to do for the farm, I understand," Regina said, her eyes growing heavy.

"The only thing I have to do today is lay right here and hold you. And eventually make us something to eat. But until then, I am right where I need to be," Eala said, kissing the back of Regina's neck softly.

"Thank you," Regina whispered as she slowly drifted off to sleep. The feeling of Eala's arms around her made her feel so safe, and so loved. She never wanted that moment to end.

They spent the rest of the day in bed, Regina drifting in and out of sleep as she tried to process the events of the morning. In between naps, she would wake up, surprised to find Eala still there, her arms still wrapped securely around her body. They would talk while she was awake, until she eventually dozed off again.

The sun was already starting to set when Regina woke up for the last time, shocked when she didn't feel Eala's arms around her. She sat up and looked around the small room, to discover the object of her affection hunched over the table, mixing what looked like another batch of the salve she used earlier, the smell of food cooking wafting through the home.

"You're awake. I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Eala asked, rushing over to Regina.

"No, not at all," Regina said, leaning over to kiss Eala.

"It was getting late, so I needed to start preparing dinner for us. I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't have time to prepare anything more. I have some vegetable soup cooking. I thought that would be a nice, warm, comfort dinner," Eala explained. "I also made some more salve. We'll need to re-apply it again before you leave. I made enough for you to take some back with you. You'll need to reapply it again over the next few days until you come back. I'll keep making it until you're all healed."

"Thank you," Regina whispered, climbing out of bed to join Eala for dinner. Although she was still a little sore from her encounter with the King this morning, she was already feeling much better.

They ate dinner together and Eala reapplied the salve before sending Regina home with enough to last another two days until their regularly scheduled meeting. Regina rode back to the castle slowly, the saddle irritating her slightly. She knew it would be a long two days before she could return to her love. Two very long days.


Eala was waiting for her outside two days later as she galloped toward her farm, the sun just starting to set behind her. Although it had only been two days since Regina's surprise visit, it felt like it had been an eternity. Regina practically ran into Eala's arms as soon as she arrived, holding the blonde incredibly tight.

"I missed you," Regina whispered, her face buried in Eala's long blonde hair.

"I missed you too," Eala answered, her hand gently rubbing Regina's back. "How are you feeling?" she asked, pulling away from Regina's embrace, surveying the woman to make sure there wasn't anymore visible bleeding.

"Much better, thank you. That salve you made really helps."

"Good. I made more for you. I can apply it again before you leave, if you want."

"Thank you." Regina blushed.

"Stop saying thank you. There's no need to thank me." Eala smiled, cupping Regina's face. "He hasn't...again, has he?" she asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer.

"No. I haven't even seen him since that morning. Once he gets what he wants, he tends to leave me alone for a while, until he needs me again," Regina answered, a sadness in her voice.

"Good..." Eala said, reaching down to grab Regina's hands. "Let's go inside. I've been cooking all day again. I have to make up for that pathetic excuse for dinner the other night." Eala laughed, leading Regina inside.

They ate dinner together, Eala's roasted chicken and fresh baked bread completely overshadowing her vegetable soup from two days ago. After they ate, they sat around the fire that Eala built in her outdoor fire pit, Eala's arms around Regina in a protective and loving manor.

"Oh, I completely forgot," Regina said suddenly, rushing over to the saddle bag attached to Rocinante, who stood outside waiting to return home. She removed a small silk bag from inside and carried it back over to the fire. "I umm...I got you a little something. To say thank you for all your help the other day. I know I showed up here unannounced, and you dropped everything to help me. I just wanted to show my gratitude."

"Regina, you didn't have to get me anything," Eala said, accepting the gift, not opening it just yet. "Of course I dropped everything for you, Regina. I lo—" she started to say, stopping herself suddenly, her face turning bright red. "I mean, of course I would drop everything for you, Regina.

"Will you open it, please?" Regina insisted. Eala smiled as she untied the delicate ribbon, reaching into the small bag to pull out its contents. Shock fell across her face as she stared down at the silver necklace that dangled from her fingers.

"Oh Regina..." Eala said, her eyes fixed on the silver pendant that hung from the chain. "I don't know what to say."

"I saw this and I thought of you," Regina said, filling the silence.

"It's a swan," Eala whispered, her voice cracking slightly as the pendant with a silver swan swung gently in front of her face.

"Do you like it?" Regina asked, suddenly scared at Eala's reaction.

"I love it! It's beautiful," Eala said, her eyes still fixed on the silver pendant.

"You're beautiful," Regina whispered.

"Thank you," Eala whispered. Even in the darkness, Regina could see her face turn bright red. "You didn't have to do this."

"I wanted to. To say thank you for everything you did for me. No one has ever been that kind to me before. I wanted to say thank you," Regina explained.

"Thank you." Eala smiled, reaching out to hand Regina the necklace. "Will you put it on me?"

"Of course." Regina smiled, grateful that Eala was accepting her gift. Eala shifted her long blonde hair onto her left shoulder as Regina quickly clasped the delicate chain around Eala's slender neck. The pendant fell against her chest perfectly, as if it were specifically designed for Eala herself.

"Regina, I love it so much," Eala said, clutching the pendant. "I'm never going to take it off."

"I'm so glad you like it!" Regina smiled.

"Thank you, Regina," Eala said, pulling Regina in for a deep and passionate kiss, the kind of kiss Regina had never experienced before. The kind of kiss that left her wanting more.

"I need to get going. It's getting really late," Regina said as she pulled away from Eala's kiss, gasping for breath. The fire had begun to die down from neglect, as they spent the remainder of the night kissing passionately.

"Yes, I suppose you're right," Eala said, releasing her grip on Regina, allowing her to stand on shaky legs as she slowly made her way to her Rocinante. "I don't want you to. I know you have to go...I know you can't stay here. I just...I just miss you when you're not here, Regina. And I know you have to go back to him...I just don't have to like it." Eala still clutched Regina's hand, the other held her new swan pendant as hard as she could.

"I don't want to go either. One day we'll be together, I promise. One day we can freely be together. Until then, we just need to be patient," Regina said, kissing Eala once more, sweetly. "I'll see you soon, I promise."

"Alright," Eala said sadly, then added, "Don't forget the salve. You're going to need to keep applying it for another couple days."

"Thank you, my love. I have it."

"You called me your love," Eala said, a stray tear falling from her eye.

"I know. I mean it," Regina said.

" Mo Ghràidh..." Eala whispered.

"What does that mean?" Regina askes.

"My beloved..."

"I'll see you soon, Mo Ghràidh," Regina whispered.

"I'll see you soon, Mo Chridhe..." Eala whispered back. " heart"

Tears fell down Regina's face as she rode back to the castle. She didn't want to leave Eala, and it was getting harder and harder to leave when the time came.

"You're late." Tink laughed as Regina approached the waiting fairy. "Hey, what's the matter?" she asked, as soon as she saw the upset expression on Regina's face.

"Nothing," Regina said with a sniffle before she eventually admitted, "It's just ... it was so hard to leave her tonight."

"I can imagine," Tink said, her voice sounding sad as well.

"Tink, can we ever truly be together? Will we ever be free to be together?" Regina asked, tears falling down her face.

"That, I don't know," Tink said, not knowing what to say. "Maybe it's time she knew the truth about you, Regina. Maybe it's time to tell her that you're the Queen."

"You're probably right, Tink. But I'm not ready, not just yet. I'll tell her soon..." Regina said, turning to walk back to the castle, saying good night to her friend.

That night she dreamed of a future with Eala. A life just the two of them, working and living on Eala's farm, growing old together.

It was a beautiful dream.


Three weeks later, Regina galloped toward Eala's farm, a wide smile on her face as she saw the small farm take shape in the distance. She was surprising Eala once again, arriving hours earlier than usual. The King was away on diplomatic business and decided to take his daughter with him, leaving Regina alone in the castle. She took this as a good sign and immediately called for Tink to meet her in the forest. There was only one place she wanted to be, and that was in Eala's arms, and she wasn't going to waste any time.

Eala came running out of the house when she heard the hoofbeats approaching, remembering the last time Regina showed up unexpectedly.

"Regina? What's the matter?" she asked, fear in her voice.

"Nothing, Mo Ghràidh," Regina said, practically jumping off Rocinante's back, rushing to Eala. "He's away for the day and took his daughter with him. As soon as I found out, I rushed over here. I couldn't stand to be away from you any longer."

"I am so glad you are here, Mo Chridhe. I missed you so much!" Eala said, pulling Regina in for a passionate kiss. "Dinner isn't ready yet. I was going to grill some steaks I bought this morning. It's a little too early to start cooking though."

"I think I can figure out a way for us to pass the time." Regina smirked as she grabbed Eala's hand, directing her back inside the house.

Before long, they found themselves laying on Eala's bed, their lips locked together, kissing so passionately that nothing else in the world mattered except the two of them. Eala's hand slowly began to brush against Regina's side, stopping as she softly cupped Regina's breast over her dress, squeezing slightly, causing a small moan to escape Regina's lips. The new sound startled Eala, who didn't even realize she was touching Regina so intimately.

"Oh, Regina, I'm so sorry! I ... I didn't mean to touch you like that. I shouldn't have done it!" Eala said, quickly pulling her hand away from Regina.

"No, it's okay," Regina said, her face turning bright red. "I like it. It felt really good." She grabbed Eala's hand and moved it back to her breast.

"We never talked about ... taking our relationship to another level..." Eala said, stuttering slightly. "I mean, you're married, so we really shouldn't be doing it."

"Eala. He means absolutely nothing to me, you know that. I was forced into that marriage by my mother. You are the one I want to be with, not him," Regina said, reaching to gently cup Eala's nervous face.

"Would you want to ... I mean, would sex be ... something you might want ... to..." Eala tried to ask, her nerves getting the best of her.

"Yes," Regina whispered, a wide smile forming on her face. "Would you want to ... with me?" she asked.

"More than anything in the world." Eala smiled. "But only if and when you are ready. And not a moment sooner," she added, her eyes locking with Regina's

"I'm ready, Mo Ghràidh. I'm ready to be with you fully," Regina said, her eyes filled with lust. "Are you?"

"I am more than ready to be with you, Regina." Eala smiled, cupping Regina's face softly.

Eala leaned down to place a very soft kiss on Regina's lips, before slowly climbing off the bed, and standing in front of Regina. Slowly, her hands reach up to begin to untie the laces of her bodice.

"Wait!" Regina called out, jumping off the bed quickly. "Can I ... can I do that?" she asked meekly, her voice low and shy.

"Of course." Eala smiled, dropping her hands to her side.

Regina reached up and slowly began to untie the strings of Eala's loose bodice. It was clear the garments she wore were not made for her body type, not like the custom-made gowns that Regina had back at the castle. All things considered, Regina would rather have the simplicity of Eala's life than the one she was expected to live in the castle.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, Regina slowly pulled the bodice off Eala's body, tossing it on the floor, her hands automatically reaching for the simple dress she wore underneath. She hiked the linen fabric up, exposing Eala's pale legs until she reached her waist. She took a deep breath as she continued to raise the dress, Eala's arms reaching up instinctually, allowing Regina to pull the dress over her head completely. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at Eala, standing in front of her in only her linen panties. Regina's eyes fell on her bare breasts, her nipples already hard with anticipation. Regina's shaky hands hooked around Eala's panties, urging them down until they fell in a puddle on the floor, leaving Eala naked in front of her for the first time.

"May I?" Eala asked, taking a step toward Regina, kicking her panties to the side as she did.

"Yes," Regina answered quietly, a blush creeping across her face.

Eala closed the gap between them, reaching for the laces of Regina's bodice, untying it slowly. Her ribs felt relief when the restrictions of the bodice disappeared as Eala's strong hands tossed the garment on the floor.

"Turn around," Eala whispered. Regina slowly turned, pulling her long brown hair away from her back, giving Eala access to the buttons that ran down the back of Regina's cotton dress.

Regina held her breath as Eala began to slowly unbutton her dress, exposing the skin of Regina's back as she went along. Eala pressed soft and gentle kisses along Regina's spine as she hooked her fingers under the top of her dress. Her fingertips grazed the top of Regina's arms as she gently pushed the dress off her shoulders, causing it to fall to the ground in a pool around Regina's feet. Eala's hands rested on Regina's hips as she hooked her fingers around Regina's cotton panties, urging them down as well, joining the dress that was still gathered around Regina's feet.

"You're so beautiful," Eala whispered as her arms wrapped around Regina's body from behind, her bare breasts pressed against Regina's back.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you are," Regina whispered, reaching behind her to thread her fingers through Eala's long blonde hair.

"Are you ready?" Eala asked, placing a soft kiss on Regina's neck.

"Yes," Regina whispered. Regina stepped out of her dress as Eala reached for her hand and led her slowly back over to the bed, urging her to lay back down on her back.

Eala followed her onto the bed, climbing onto Regina, straddling her lap, her core hovering over Regina's hips.

"If you need to stop or take things slower, promise me you'll tell me," Eala said as she leaned over, her face above Regina's.

"I will. I promise," Regina said, her heart pounding from having her naked Soulmate so close to her.

"Good." Eala smiled, leaning in to place a soft and loving kiss on Regina's lips.

She slowly lowered herself onto Regina, their naked breasts pressing against each other for the first time, as their kisses became deeper and more passionate with each passing moment.

A few minutes later, Eala suddenly broke their kiss, moving her attention to Regina's neck, placing soft and passionate kisses down her neck toward her collarbone, urging Regina's head to the other side so she could continue to place soft kisses along her neck. It took everything in her power to keep from marking the soft skin under her lips, knowing she couldn't leave any visible marks on her lover. But that wouldn't stop her from leaving them where only Regina could see.

Regina arched her back, pressing herself into Eala as she ran her tongue over Regina's right nipple, her right hand cupping Regina's left breast, caressing it gently. A low moan escaped Regina's lips once more as Eala took her nipple into her mouth, sucking softly. She stayed there for a few more moments before making her way to the other side, making sure to give both of Regina's breasts the attention they deserve.

After a few more moments, she continued her slow descent down Regina's body, leaving a love bite below Regina's left breast, a present for Regina to discover later. Regina could feel Eala's swan pendant tap against her skin as Eala made her way down, her lips leaving a trail of heated kisses in their wake.

Eala paused when she reached Regina's hips, gently urging Regina's legs open wider, allowing her better access to Regina's soaking core.

"Has anyone ever kissed you here?" Eala asked.

"No," Regina whispered, attempting to catch her breath.

"May I?" Eala asked, her eyes filled with lust.

"Yes, please!" Regina answered, a little more eager than she anticipated.

Eala smiled as she dipped down, placing a soft kiss on Regina's mound before repositioning herself in between Regina's legs. Regina's heart skipped a beat when she felt Eala's fingers against her core, gently opening her folds.

The feeling of Eala's lips and tongue against her overly sensitive clit was like nothing she has ever felt in her entire life. Her mind went blank as she focused everything she had on the feeling of Eala's tongue slowly swiping through her soaked folds.

"Eala..." Regina whispered, trying to will her brain to remember how to speak. "Can I touch you?"

"Of course," Eala whispered, shifting back on top of Regina, dragging her tongue on Regina's heated skin on her way back up. Regina could taste herself on Eala's tongue as they kissed passionately, Regina's arms wrapping around Eala's body tightly. Sensing Regina's hesitation, Eala gently grabbed Regina's hand, directing her down between her legs, pressing Regina's fingertips against her own throbbing clit.

"Touch me here," Eala whispered, her breath getting caught in her throat at the feeling of Regina's fingers.

"I don't know what to do," Regina said, her nerves getting the best of her suddenly.

"Just do what I do," Eala said, her voice calm and soothing.

"Okay," Regina said, her voice still sounding nervous.

Eala smiled as her own fingers met Regina's clit, moving slow and soft circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Regina's fingers shook slightly as she followed Eala's lead. After a few moments, Eala's fingers moved down slightly, one finger slowly slipping into Regina, causing Regina's hand to stop moving as she adjusted to the new sensation.

"Is this okay?" Eala asked, her voice full of concern as Regina's lack of movement.

"Oh Gods yes," Regina said, her voice breathless. "Don't stop!" Eala smiled as she slowly moved her finger inside Regina, adding a second finger before Regina could even fully comprehend the first one.

"Wait," Regina said suddenly, moving slightly to reposition herself under Eala. "You too." She gently inserted two fingers into Eala, causing the blonde's eyes to roll back in her head at the feeling of Regina's fingers inside her.

Slowly, they thrust inside each other, their bodies finding their natural rhythm. It didn't take long before they were bringing each other over the edge, their orgasm washing over them at the same time. Eala collapsed beside Regina, their arms and legs wrapping around each other as they held each other close, their bodies twitching from the after shock of their powerful orgasms.

A few minutes later, Eala felt Regina begin to shake, the faint sound of crying coming from the woman in her arms.

"Regina?" Eala asked as she pulled away to discover that Regina was, in fact, crying. "Regina, what's the matter? Did I hurt you? Oh god, I hurt you, didn't I?" Eala panicked, trying to make eye contact with Regina.

"No. No, of course not!" Regina said, reaching up to cup Eala's cheek.

"Then what's the matter, Mo Chridhe? Why are you crying?" Eala asked, worry filling her voice.

"It''s just that...for as long as I can remember, I used to picture what my first time making love would be like, even before I truly understood what making love really was. I always picture it being in a romantic setting, slow and intimate, with someone I love more than anyone else in the world. My first time was the complete opposite. It was hard. Rough. Devote of any emotion or love whatsoever. I was scared and in so much pain that I cried for hours after it was over. I have grown to despise that man, the one who took that experience away from me." Eala stayed quiet as Regina told her tale. Regina could see the anger burning inside her eyes as she listened supportively. "What we just shared was everything I imagined my first time to be like, everything and then some." Regina cried, her tears falling on the pillow under her head. "That should have been my first time, Eala. It should have been with you, and not him ." Regina buried her head in Eala's chest.

"Even the part about being with someone you love more than anyone else in the world?" Eala asked. Regina nodded shyly, as her eyes rose to met Eala's. "I love you too, Regina. More than anyone else in the world."


Henry stayed absolutely still as he listened intently for the sound of the shower in the next room. He knew he wouldn't have much time once his mom got into the shower. She always checked on him after taking a shower before retreating to bed.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of the bathroom door closing and the sound of the water turning on. He jumped out of bed, ripping open the laptop that sat idle on his desk across the room. He frantically began typing, filling out the necessary information on the website, including the numbers to the stolen credit card he acquired earlier that day. He would return it after he was done, of course, hoping his school teacher didn't notice the strange charge. He hit the submit button on the website, seeing the new email notification pop up immediately, indicating he had already received the confirmation email that his request had been received and processed. Clearing his browser history quickly, he shut down the computer before slamming the lid shut and diving back into bed just as the sound of the bathroom door opened. A moment later, he heard the sound of his mother tiptoeing into his room, quietly making her way over to his desk to make sure his computer was shut down for the night, before quietly making her way out of his room, closing the door behind her with a silent click.

Henry laid with his back to the door for a few more minutes, a large smile spread across his face, until he eventually fell fast asleep.

A/N: I have NO idea how to pronounce Mo Ghràidh and Mo Chridhe. I'm not even going to attempt. If anyone does know, please let me know!

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