FROSTBITE • mikaelson mate

By silent-flames

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"Nothing burns like the cold." - In which a traumatized girl navigates being the mate of the Mikaelson sibl... More

prologue: snow and ash
part one: mystic falls
chapter one: tea and butterflies
chapter two: explanations and adventures
chapter three: serenity
chapter four: calm and cruel
chapter five: reluctant revelations
chapter six: heartache
chapter seven: miracles
chapter eight: escaping problems
chapter nine: arguments and resolutions
chapter ten: a welcome change
chapter eleven: exploring and explaining
chapter thirteen: finding klaus
chapter fourteen: blameless
chapter fifteen: chaos ensued
chapter sixteen: repercussions
chapter seventeen: hunting and insanity
chapter eighteen: an unwelcome visitor
chapter nineteen: the plan
chapter twenty: the rescue
chapter twenty one: rapture
chapter twenty two: the lockwood mansion
chapter twenty three: taken
chapter twenty four: the sacrifice
chapter twenty five: depression
part two: road trip
chapter twenty six: werewolf hunting
chapter twenty seven: a broken man
chapter twenty eight: the chase
chapter twenty nine: chicago
chapter thirty: pizza and shopping
chapter thirty one: parting ways
part three: home
chapter thirty two: snow

chapter twelve: dreams and wishes

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By silent-flames

dreams and wishes

After our brief but rather passionate kiss, Elijah had suggested that we go outside for some fresh air. We were currently sat on a bench under an oak tree in the middle of a field. I closed my eyes and tilted my head upwards, basking in the sun. It was so peaceful and I smiled to myself.

"What's your dream?" Elijah asked.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him, "My dream?"

"What do you want out of life?" Elijah clarified and I thought for a moment before answering.

"Most people would answer that question with a dream job or a country they want to visit. My dream is quite simple and yet it has alluded me all my life." I said, feeling a little melancholy.

"And that is?" He prompted, although he didn't rush me, merely let me talk at my own pace.

"A family." I said with a swallow.

Family had always been a touchy subject for me. I'd considered Henrik to be my family since he found me, but no amount of love from him (or anyone) would fill the whole in my heart left by my birth parents abandoning me. I'd never been adopted so I'd never even had a parental figure.

"You have Henrik," Elijah said gently, grasping my hands in his, "And you also have me now. We are your family."

"I know," I shrugged, trying not to let the emotions brought on by his words overwhelm me, "You have to understand that this is very new to me, having someone want me."

"Who wouldn't want you?" Elijah said with a frown and I smiled sadly. He was genuinely confused as to why anyone wouldn't want me.

"My parents didn't." I let out a forced laugh and Elijah watch me for a moment before shuffling closer and engulfing me in a hug. I let myself relax in his arms, the smell of his cologne comforting me. Elijah held me tight as he pressed a kiss on my forehead. He didn't speak, but his actions help more than any words possibly could have. I let out a shaky exhale as it really sunk in that I had a family now, people that I can rely on and love. But they weren't the only family I wanted.

"I want children." I blurted out, figuring honestly and openness was the best way to start this relationship, "Obviously not now but one day." Elijah tensed and I pulled myself from his hold to look at his reaction, worried I'd just ruined all the progress we had made.

"Vampire's can't procreate." He said delicately and I nodded, having already presumed this based on all the vampire lore I'd heard about in the past.

"I know, but Henrik can, unless witches cannot procreate?" My brow furrowed, I was still wildly unfamiliar with all things supernatural.

"Yes, witches can have children." Elijah confirmed with a nod.

"So would you be okay with that? Me having a child?" I asked hopefully, a giddy feeling rising in me.

He hesitated and I panicked for a moment, my heart sinking before he spoke, "It's not something I've considered since I was human but if it would make you happy then it would make me happy." I grinned at him and he smiled warmly back. "Have you talked to Henrik about this?"

I shook my head, "It's never something we talked about because we were never in a relationship besides, I want to sort out my mental health before bringing a child into this world."

"My offer still stands, I'd be happy to pay for therapy." Elijah offered and I rolled my eyes.

"Good luck finding a therapist that won't think I'm insane after I mention the fact that a witch and vampire are my soulmates." I chuckled, imagining the look of horror that I would receive.

"There are supernatural therapists, you know." He informed me and my brows shot up.

"Wait, really?" I asked, struggling to believe that that was actually a thing.

"It is, after all supernatural creatures go through a lot of trauma, probably more than most humans would go through in their lifetime."

"Huh, that actually makes sense." I said, lost in thought for a moment, "I think I might actually like to see one of these supernatural therapists."

"I'll ask around but do you have any preferences?" Elijah asks, pulling his phone from his pocket and typing something.

"Just that they're female and have a warm persona. I wouldn't be able to stand someone who sat there looking stern as they diagnosed me with various mental disorders." I answered after not much thought.

"Noted." Elijah said, putting his phone back in his pocket whilst maintaining eye contact with me.

"Have you tracked down Klaus yet?" I asked, trying to keep to hope out of my voice.

Elijah hesitated before slowly saying, "It's complicated."

I narrowed my eyes at him, suspicions taking over me, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"My contacts have learned of his location," Elijah said reluctantly, clearly choosing his words carefully, "But with your safety in mind, I think it prudent that we keep you away from him."

I blinked, trying to process his words before looking up at him accusationally, "But you said..."

"I said I would find him. I said nothing of you meeting him." Elijah said sternly, "He is a vindictive man and the world would be a safer place with him gone."

I gaped at him, clogs turning in my mind before coming to a horrific realisation. "You want to kill him." Elijah said nothing to dissuade me an my heart pounded so hard that I could hear it beat.

"He is dangerous."

"He is my mate! Not to mention your brother! How could you even consider something like that? How is it even possible, I thought you Original Vampires are impossible to kill?" I said standing up and backing away from Elijah with horror.

"It's a bit more complicated than that. Klaus has a different father to the rest of us, and our mothers infidelity was only discovered when we were all turned. His father was a werewolf, making Klaus-"

"Some sort of hybrid." I finished and Elijah nodded.

"But our mother bound his werewolf side and my brother has spent his entire immortal life trying to break the curse. I belief that should he manage to break it, he will be vulnerable during the first change."

"How can he break the curse?"

"He must sacrifice a vampire, a werewolf and a doppelganger." Elijah replied and I winced at the thought.

"Doppelganger? Why does that ring a bell?" I said to myself and my mind drifted back to my time with Rose and Trevor, "Elena, the girl I was with, she's the doppelganger?" Elijah nodded and I frowned, not liking the thought of her being sacrificed in some archaic ritual, "She seemed so nice."

"So now you understand why he cannot be allowed to live. He has done unspeakable things and will continue to unless he is stopped. Elena and the vampire and werewolf will be his final victims that will help rid him of this world." Elijah said coldly in that calm manner of his that I dislike so much.

"People can change." I said, with tears in my eyes and I refused to look at him, "Does Henrik know your plan? Is that why he seemed to distraught this morning?"

"Yes." Elijah confirmed and I looked up at him with cold eyes.

"You are a cruel man, Elijah Mikaelson" I said, my voice shaking, "This is cruel to me, cruel to Henrik and especially cruel to your siblings, who will be condemned to an eternity under the sea, all because you are determined to see the worst in Klaus. You think you're superior, but do you know what I see? I see a bitter man, who thinks he is the lesser evil, just because he presents a different mask to the world. You're not better than him, if anything, you're worse."

And with those harsh words, I turned around and ran back to the hotel, not stopping until I reached my room and turned the lock, my mind buzzing. All I knew was that one way or another, I needed to find Klaus.

Author's note: Guess who we'll be seeing next chapter ;)

Originally published: June 13th 2023

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