Vader's second chance

By DarthAsh18

187K 4.9K 1.1K

An incident on Malachor sends Darth Vader through time and on the path of redemption. Will he use this chance... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Temple system
Sith Order code
Empire system
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (x2)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 21

3.2K 105 4
By DarthAsh18

On Naboo, Vader, Padme, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Ventress and Jango Fett discuss future plans. "I am sure that you all have questions."
Anakin nods. "A few."
Vader looks out over the group. "We are here to attempt to answer those questions. Who wants to go first?"
Qui-Gon speaks up. "I spoke with Kaminoans. They said Maser Sifo-Diyas commissioned the army ten years ago."
"Something to ask your Order about."
Padme is next. "What could this third-party hope to gain by starting a war?"
Jango shrugs. "War is profitable."
Asaji scoffs. "You would know about profitable suffering."
Vader snaps at her. "First Sister."
She bows her head in shame. "I am sorry, Master."

Vader turns to Jango. "Is there anything you have yet to tell us?"
Jango looks outside where his son is playing in a garden. "He said that if I got caught, I should head to Geonosis."
Vader formulates a plan that gives them information without making him look suspicious for having that information. "We'll use you as a mole."
Obi-Wan jumps in. "Out of the question. He is a bounty hunter. We can't trust him. It's not happening."

They are listening to Jango's commlink. "I can't believe this is happening."
Asaji smirks. "Believe it Jedi. We are about to learn who is on the other side of this war."
They hear voices talking before it settles on a man they know well. "Now is the time to choose between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems."
There is shock from the Jedi, mostly Obi-Wan. "Count Dooku? But he was once a Jedi."
Vader shakes his head. "And many Sith, including the first, were Jedi." Or the most part he talks about lowering taxes and free trade.
Padme comments. "That doesn't sound too bad." Then he brought up battle droids. "That's not good."
Cutting off the transmission, Vader looks at the Jedi. "Inform your council of what we have learned. We shall prepare for war." Not even Obi-Wan could muster an argument as they leave. Vader notices that Anakin looks far less tired.

On Coruscant, Padme, Vader and Ventress walk through the halls of the senate building. "You still haven't told me your plan senator."
Padme just smirks. "Just wait in the hall until I give you the signal. You'll know it when it happens."
She enters the room where the vote will be taking place. The senate talks for quiet some time, occasionally drifting onto frivolous or selfish topics before Padme speaks. "I recognise that the senate will not listen to reason. And I know that the Republic army will come into being, whether I want it to or not. So, after a long, difficult debate with my Queen, we have reached a decision. So, we have decided that Naboo will no longer be a part of the Galactic Republic," this gets a lot of scandalised whispers rom the crowd "and furthermore, we will be swearing our allegiance to the Sith Empire."
Vader looks at Ventress. "Prepare to enter the world of politics." The Dark Side users walk into the atrium with an air of confidence.
While the senate whisper amongst themselves, Palpatine appears nervous. "Now, senator Amidala, I implore you to reconsider. Naboo is a planet very dear to me. The idea of losing it pains me greatly."
Padme looks up at him. "I am sorry Chancellor, but this is my final decision. Should the Republic have need of Naboo's cooperation, Grandmaster Darth Vader will be its voice." She steps back from the podium and Vader stops next to her as she nears him. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
Her expression is nothing short of fierce determination. "I have never been surer of anything. Just promise you will take care of my planet."
He looks her in the eyes and rests a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I promise."
She relaxes. "Thank you." He steps to the back and Vader takes her place at the podium.
The first person to speak is one of the senators. "Are we sure having a Sith close to the senate is a good idea? The Jedi say they are prone to deceit."
Vader responds coldly. "I find your lack of faith disturbing senator. I swear to you on my own life, that I have no interest in Republic affairs, and should this war be put forward, I will not fight for you. I only act in the interests of my systems. That will be all." He leaves the atrium, the voice of the senators following his entourage.
Padme appraises him. "You left quite a strong impression."
"Is that a problem?"
She chuckles. "No. Its politics."

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