Scream TV Series (Male Reader)

By WeaselSnipes

12K 284 160

Y/N lived in Lakewood, Louisiana his entire life but after a cyber-bullying incident resulted in a brutal mur... More

Love Interest?
Episode 2: Hello Emma
Episode 3: Wanna Play A Game?
Episode 4: Aftermath
Episode 5: Exposed
Episode 6: Betrayed
Episode 7: In The Trenches
Episode 8: Ghosts
Episode 9: The Dance
Episode 10: Revelations
Episode 11: I Know What You Did Last Summer
Episode 12: Psycho
Episode 13: Vacancy
Episode 14: Happy Birthday to Me
Episode 15: Dawn of the Dead
Episode 16: Jeeper Creepers
Episode 17: Let The Right One In
Episode 18: Village of the Damned
Episode 19: The Orphanage
Episode 20: The Vanishing
Episode 21: Heavenly Creatures
Episode 22: When a Stranger Calls
Episode 23: Halloween Special

Episode 1: Pilot

1.1K 26 10
By WeaselSnipes

My name is Y/N L/N. I've lived in Lakeview, Louisiana my entire life. I have a few friends such as Emma, Audrey, Noah, Brooke, Will. Recently a video called, "Audrey's Face Suck Extravaganza" was posted and Audrey is getting bullied because of it. After I finished eating my dad drove me to school and I met up with the popular kids since I was friends with Emma, she invited me.

"Alright which one of you did it?"

Will: What are you talking about?

"Who posted the video?"

We look and see Noah and Audrey talking.

Emma: I thought we agree to trash that video?

Brooke: She was bound to come out one day. Look at her.

Jake: What's the big deal if she is a lesbian?

Emma: Okay, the big deal is it wasn't her decision to tell the world.


Jake scoffs and I look at him.

"Jake. Did you or did you not post that video?"

Jake: I wasn't the only one in the group thread. And I did delete that video, after I sent it to PJ. Girl-on-girl demographic.

Emma: Riley?

Riley: Sorry. Zoey saw it on my phone.

"Do you any of you morons understand the word, "Viral"? No offense Brooke."

Brooke: Non taken.

"Wait, where's Nina?"

Will: You know she did the wide release.

Brooke: Of course, it was Nina. She's a spoiler sociopath with no impulse control. I mean, she's probably ditching right now to avoid your good-girl wrath. Em, Y/N, your little friend will be fine.

"They not really friends anymore."

Will: Just give it 24 hours, okay? Someone will text and drive their hybrid into a tree and we'll have a new headline.

"I want to go on record and say I do not like what we're doing."

Brooke: Oh, come on, Y/N maybe Audrey will Taylor Swift her anger into creative energy for one of her little films.

I shake my head.

"I don't know why I hang out with you guys."

Will: Emma, she'll be fine. Okay?

Emma nods as the bell rings and we all went to class as Mr. Branson taught our class.

Mr. Branson: Cavemen made fires. Those fires cast shadows, and those shadows created fear. Men have been obsessed with scaring each other ever since.

"And thus, horror movies were created."

Me and Noah high five each other.

Mr. Branson: Brooke. Would you please tell us which genre originated with The Castle of Ortanto?

Brooke: The castle genre?

Kieran: The gothic genre.

Mr. Branson: Thank you. Guys, look, I get it. Nobody wants to sit around reading 500 dusty pages of monks and curses.


Mr. Branson: But nobody's forcing you to watch The Walking Dead.

Jake: Ooh! Is The Walking Dead on the midterm?

Emma: Zombies are not literature, Jake.

Kieran: Why not? George Romero, Horace Walpole, it's all the same bones.

Mr. Branson: Or the same rotting flesh. Kieran's right. Gothic genre is all over TV right now. You have American Horror Story. You have Bates Motel, Hannibal.

Jake: What about Texas Chainsaw or Halloween?

"Those are Slasher movies first of all."

Noah: Exactly. You can't do a slasher movie as a TV series. Well, think about it. You know, girl and her friends arrive at the dance, the camp, the deserted town, whatever. Killer takes them out one by one. Ninety minutes later, the sun comes up as the survivor girl's sitting in the back of an ambulance watching her friends' bodies being wheeled past. Slasher movies burn bright and fast. TV needs to stretch things out. You know, by the time the first body's found, it's only a matter of time before the bloodbath commences.

Afterwards the bell rings and word of Nina's murder spread around quickly.

Women (On PA): Nina's Patterson's death is a great shock. Once you've seen the grief counselor, you're free to return home. Classes will resume tomorrow.

Me and my friends were trying to find out anything about Nina.


Jake: This Wi-Fi sucks. The cops aren't saying much. "Her mom found her body. The victim of foul play." I need gory details.

Noah: Um, hello? Miss, why am I here?

Emma: That's the "mandatory" part of mandatory grief counseling.

Noah: No, but seriously, I feel shocked, mild interest, but not grief.

Riley: Guys, Nina was murdered in cold blood. Do you not even care?

Emma: It just doesn't seem real.

Jake: Here we go. One of Nina's neighbors tweeted that her throat was sliced ear to ear. The press is all over this.

"This was not foul play. It was a murder. Someone murdered her for a reason."

Noah: How you know?

"I know a thing or two about serial killers."

Emma: As in.

I look at them and I sigh.

"If I tell you, you promise you won't tell NO ONE."

Emma: Promise.


Noah: I won't.

Everyone agreed they wouldn't.

"Do any of you remember all those murders 19 years ago in Woodsboro, California?"

Emma: Yeah. Why?

"The Serial killer... is my grandpa."

Everyone went wide eyed.

Noah: He's your grandpa?!

"Yeah. After he was arrested my mom changed her name to L/N."

Emma: Why don't you like talking about him?

"Whenever people know about him everyone tends to stay away think I'll turn out like him and kill people and I heard people saying it Bradon James but he is dead."

Emma gets up and walks off.

Kieran: Who's Brandon James?

Noah: Uh, just like Y/N's grandpa. He killed a bunch of students 20 years ago. He, um... he cut some others up.

He shows a picture of Brandon James.

Noah: This is him. Emma's dad got stabbed. He almost died. Brandon had Proteus syndrome, like the Elephant Man. People say he was born a monster, but I think he was bullied and beaten into one.

Kieran: And you know all this why?

Noah: I don't know. Some guys like sports. Me and Y/N like serial killers.

"Just not my grandpa."

Noah: And Brandon James is my Dallas Cowboys. He was a classic case of the deformed kid who lived in the shed. Mom homeschooled him. Dad was ashamed of him. His older brother, Troy, was the only one who cared about him. Whenever he went out, he wore this post-op surgical mask. They tried to fix his face a few times. Never really worked.

Riley: What made him start killing people?

Noah: Rumor is he fell in love. His brother said Brandon was obsessed. Wrote her anonymous love letters. Made her little carvings. Brandon found her at the Halloween dance. He got up the nerve to talk to her. It went okay at first. But then a bunch of drunk jocks jumped him. They thought they were saving her from a monster. After a lifetime of taking it, something in Brandon snapped. He killed five students by the time he was done. The manhunt ended at Wren Lake. The girl agreed to meet him. Nobody ever knew who she was.

Afterwards we all went home and I finished my day and went to sleep. I went to school the next day and we saw the news as me and my friends watch.

Sheriff Hudson: At this point, we're questioning persons of interest, and we're looking for Miss Patterson's ex-boyfriend, Tyler O'Neill. If anyone has any information on his whereabouts, please, call the hotline number on the screen. Thank you.

Riley: So, Tyler, did it? For reals?

Will: Em's mom worked the scene. Tell them what you heard.

Emma: A neighbor saw Tyler's car parked out front around the time that Nina was killed. There was no sign of forced entry, and his fingerprints were found on a glass in the kitchen. Now his foster parents can't find him. Nobody can.

Riley: When he dated Nina, they were always at each other's throats, but... How could he do that?

Brooke: Do you think one keg is gonna be enough?


Emma: Do you really think a party's a good idea tonight, Brooke?

Brooke: It's a prayer vigil. People in mourning get thirsty.

"I'm going to use the restroom."

I got up and went inside and I got a phone call.


???: Hello, Y/N.

"Who's this?"

???: Take a guess.


???: What's your favorite scary movie?

I went wide eyed.

???: That's right. I know of your family's history. What your grandpa did to that girl.

"How do you-"

???: I have my ways.

"What do you want?"

???: You Grandpa had no motive to kill but I do. I'll be seeing you real soon.

The call then hangs up and I left the bathroom. After school ended, I did not attend the party since I was wondering about that call. I eventually went to sleep. I came to school next morning and I see a police approaching me.

Police Officer: Hey, Y/N L/N.


Police Officer: You mind stopping by the station tomorrow morning before school, answer a few questions?

"For what?"

Police Officer: We have word that you are the Grandson of the famous killer that took place in Woodsboro, California.

"Just because my grandpa was a psychopath who wanted to kill people does not mean it runs in the family but sure."

Police Officer: Okay.

He then walks off.

"Someone tipped off the police. I'm going to kill them."

3rd POV:

After School Noah was talking with Riley.

Noah: You really want to know how it ends? Let me tell you. Everyone has secrets. Everyone tells lies.

Y/N looks at a picture of his grandpa and he puts it down.

Noah: And everyone is fair game... Until there's no one left...

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