Rivaling The Straw Hat Pirate...

By JackieBlueReader

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You embark on a journey gathering your crew and increasing your bounty You later get noticed as one of the mo... More

Introduction : What Made You Become A Pirate
Part 1: First Adventure As A Pirate
Part 2: New Island, Forest Of The Animals
Part 3: The Samurai From Wano...
Part 4: Meeting The Right Hand Man Of The King Of The Pirates
Part 5 : The Sniper & The unexpected Reunion
Part 6: Fates decision....
Part 7: The Jolly Horizon Pirates And Villa Magnum
Story (2/2) Starts Part 8: What Lies Beyond The Dawn Teaser
Part 8:What Lies Beyond The Dawn
Part 10: Aller Versus Ussop
Part 11: Shank's Bet
Part 12: Realization Of Stakes...
Part 13: The City Of Moltens Peak
Part 14: Redemption
Part 15: To The Center Island : Jewels Cove
Part 16: Akainu's Hunch...
Part 17: Kyyu Vs. Zoro (Swordsman To Swordswoman)
Part 18: Badger Strength
Part 19: To Be A First Mate...
Part 20 : Luffy And (Y/N)

Part 9: The Chase Begins

145 9 0
By JackieBlueReader

The ship rocks back and forth as everyone celebrated their achievements so far and the New Crewmember Kole...

Jolter and Rojin had set up some drinks for all to share and food was stacked up ready for munching...

You had laughed as you put your arm around the jolly, Kole and danced together...

Kyyu had enjoyed the light snacks that could fill up her little appetite...

Hyoco had stacked each portion on top of each other crafting a tower full of food and managing to eat it all as Aller claps laughing at the sight...

Rojin was obsessed with his new sword always gripping the handle and playfully swinging it whenever he got the time...

Jolter helped herself to some seafood kebabs as she enjoyed the view of the sea...

She had her mouth stuffed full as she chuckled in bliss...



(A transponder snail was ringing)

The nearest person to the snail, Hyoco had answered it as the crew continues to party...

"Hello... M... Mhm... Mhm... Kole its for you!"

Kole turned around holding some alcohol and he took the call...

"Hello, Its Kole..."

(It turned out to be Kole's friends who had no idea about him setting out to sea with you)

"Ah... (laugh)... Don't worry i'll be fine,you just take care of the company whilst im gone...I have a letter listing all the employees that have been promoted...Thanks for teaching me all this..."

(Kole felt the atmosphere between the caller and him)

"Im indebted to you...Thank you"

(The caller ended the call seeming to be satisfied with the air thats been cleared)

Kole than popped another bottle then went back to party...

A few hours later the party relaxes...

You and Jolter look at the map she pieced together...

You filled your mug with the left over drinks enjoying the moment...

Jolter was more laid back this moment alswell, she tied her hair back and took a pencil to write over...

"Im wondering why Shanks came over to visit you..."

"He wanted us to join the search for this orb treasure thing"

"Yeah but, why would he choose us over the many pirates that are dominating the New World..."

"I can't really put my finger to it as im clueless to the right answer, Maybe we just built different?"


"So this map that Kole gave you carries the island where the orb could be?"

"Not just an island really... This orb is inside an island surrounded by other scattered islands so we could call it a type of country perhaps?..."

"Let me see...Thats So cool"



"I Know...This island breathes adventure..."

Jolter raised her head to look at you...

You cross your arms and face the ground coming up with a decision...



"Lets go to that island..."

"W-Wait you actually considering going there?!" (Jolter says with sweat dripping down her face)

You smirk...

You reminisce about the times you spent with Kyyu and Hyoco at the island 'SenjakuYashi' where you three spent years as kids growing up...

You decide to share with Jolter...

"Theres this island that i grew up in...I met a few people that inspired me to become a pirate through their stories and teaching me their ways of life...Kyyu and Hyoco were also with me to witness all the great moments at that island..."

"Wait they were also there?"

"Yeah, Its an island for retired pirates who had sailed the seas"

"Wait i also heard that Blackbeard had a similar island that were specifically for pirates"

"He did?"

"Im sure he like runs the island,But an island where both Hyoco and Kyyu grew up with you?"

"(laugh), Yeah...Im thinking of representing them by getting that orb then placing it under 'SenjakuYashi" as a way of thanking them for the person i am today and also a pleasant gift"

Jolter smirked...

"(Huff)... Im not sure they gonna allow a former marine to enter"

"Don't worry about that... Plus you a pirate now"

"(Laugh)... Yeah...But Im still struggling to fight marines with my own hands though"

"You'll get a grip of this sooner or later, trust the process...Also remember, you are my first mate... So whatever i do you stick beside me through thick and thin"

Jolter walked up to you with a tight grin...


You both fist bumped with joy...

Jolter giggled excited for her future as a pirate onward from now...

"Lets go!!!"

You and Jolter wondered where those words came from...

"Luffy!! You Too reckless" (You heard sounds of swords rustling)

You ran to the nose of the ship with Jolter...

You noticed the wind pick up...

You turned around and commanded...

"Hey, Rojin...Raise the sails!!"

"Sure Captain!"

The Ship hovered forward with high speeds...

The waves begin to rise splashing your ship, sprinkling in some droplets as you see the sun shine through creating rainbows through the waters...

You ship steadys and you see land from a distance...

Jolter raises her voice since the crashing of waves were prevailing most sound...

"Guys gather up!!!"

Everyone gathered as you hopped down the nose and to the deck to join...

Jolter pulled out the map once again...

"I managed to gather information on the different islands... I jotted down their names as neatly as i could..."

Hyoco shrugged...

"You tried"

Jolter Punched Hyoco, giving him a massive bump on his head...

"Anyways...Judging by the waters behavior and the winds vigorous movement...we should be nearing Tempest's Eye...I do not advise we head straight ahead To the center island...There is a current that could wreck us...Im assuming other pirates are thinking the same..."

Kole agrees by nodding his head...

"So... Our Next stop should be the Desert Of Dunes...Its leads to another island that will takes us to a better path where we could enter Jewels Cove"

You stood up...

And wore your cape once again...

"Guys you alright with this?"

(Aller cocked her gun)

"Im deadass ready for this Captain!"

The rest of the crew got ready and wore their gear...

You unsheathed your sword and pointed forward...

"Set sail!!!"


The ship was swung around vigorously managing to keep a steady pace onward... The seas were washing away the fish that swam near and from the centre was the most menacing watersprout stretching almost
(10 skyscrapers wide)

It was the centre point of Tempast's Eye...

You noticed a few little ships from a distance...

Jolter was the first to speak...

"No way Marines!"


A fleet of Marines had cocked their guns and aimed at your boat...

With a few lieutenants leading the squads...

"Pirates are nearing the island, under no circumstances are we letting them fiddle with this places materials!"



You turned to Kole...

"Hey, could ya send me there?"


Kyyu walked in...

"You really sure about this Captain? We will need your directions from this point forward and the Marines might extended the time away"

"Don't worry about that, Im leaving all the decision making to Jolter, You guys will have to level the things out first..."

Jolter raised her head and Kyyu sighed...

"Got it Captain... Kole!"


Kole aimed for the nearest marine ship...

He carried you and flew to the sky with natural speed...

"Is this alright Captain?"

"Yeah, Make me fly in a way that i land on my feet horizontally"

Kole spun around for a few seconds and sent you beaming forward like a jet...

You could feel the wind pushing against you and your skin pulling...

"Gear Fourth!!! Bounceman"

As you were beaming you saw a cloud emerge from the corner of your eye...

A thick figure jetting forward in sync with your speed...

You pulled back your sword and embued it with Haki... A hint of black lightning came off the sword...

Marines saw you and the figure storm forward in seconds, unable to move past their doubts for if they want to shoot...

The figure Blew on their thumb and pulled back...

You finished powering your attack...

Your Shoulder Coat writhed and billowed under the speed...

You throw your arm forward as soon as you neared the Marine ship...

The figure attacked their Marine target...

"Bursting Kyouki!!!"

"King Kong Gun!!!!!"

Both of your strikes caused multiple ships to eradicate under flames sending a huge shockwave around its area...

All you could see was the dust you caused while falling...

A solid platform was visible and you landed...

You sheathed your sword and swung your right arm to push away the dust...

"Ugh...woah...look at all the ships..."

The smoke covered the sky from your area creating a smoke dome in which you were in...Only leaving the fire to be a valid light source...You saw pieces of destroyed ships and some guns floating above the wobbling waters...

"(Cough)... Argh... (Cough), (Cough)... "

The sound of a balloon, later revealing to be the same figure you saw earlier flew into the dome, deflating around and landing...

The cloud grew more transparent revealing a person with a scar and a StrawHat...

He dusted his strawhat from across the area then he notices you...

"Ah... Could you be Another Marine?"

"What the hell...Who are you?"

The man then wore his strawhat...

"Me?... Im Luffy... The Man who will become the king of the pirates"

"The king of the pirates?...Like Gol. D. Roger?"

"Shishishi... You know him-

The smoke dome you both created blew away, causing the sun's shine to hit you both unexpectedly...

The water splashes hit your face and rainbows emerge...

You see dozens of ships heading to the island and also fighting Marines...

"Is that other pirates?"

Luffy stood back a bit and broke a sweat...

"More pirates have come...this treasure must be serious"

You and Luffy look at each other with suspicion as you both squint your eyes...

"Ain't no way you are getting to the treasure first!"

"I will be the one, not you!!"

You and Luffy jump to the sky landing on other Marine battleships...

You see a lady in white hair holding a mace from across the ship...

"Thunder Bagua!!!"


Solders scream to the pain...

She bashes all the marines that stood in her way and continues running forward...

"Wheres the treasure!!! The orb said to give its holder wealth... Heed this and remember for the rest of your lives... I am Yamato...When you hear my name bear its power!!!"


You look to your left and see a lady in blue hair...

"Get out of my way-Arinsu... You going to mess up my hair and im not even at the center yet-Arinsu!!!"

You hear Luffy...

"Ah...Headbutt, Yamao!!!"

A wierd atmosphere had surged through your body and your surroundings are blue in color... You felt the chills through your spine as you began floating...


Your surroundings had transitioned past Tempest's Eye, through Thunderheads Trail and ending up in The desert of Dunes...

You remained in the sky and felt the temperature change...

The atmosphere had returned back to normal and you see some ships fall down to the desert...

One was near you still in falling position in the sky...

You held on to it and forced your speed down the ship to get balance...

You hopped to the next ship and held tight, fighting the heavy wind...

You had gotten a grip and saw some treasure within the falling abandoned ship...

It began to float and was a bit static, all the coins and daggers around it had gone a certain direction... You were perplexed at the sight at chose to ignore it...

You climbed to the top of the ship as you saw you were nearing land...

You embraced for impact...


You survived but once again were surrounded by dust...You heard swords clashing outside of the dim smoke...

You walked out and saw pirates fighting each other...

A few Animal like figures were colliding at each other too...

You dustsed yourself...

"(Maniacal Laugh) Die!!!"

You dodged the random swing from nowhere...

It was a bloodthirsty pirate who also seemed to have joined the hunt...

You gave him a strong swing on the stomach and he collapsed on the ground...

You looked up and saw the shore from your desert and see the cloudy coverage where Tempest's Eye is located...

You turned around and gotten a better sight of the pirates clashing...You see your ship covered full of sand...

"Ah!...No way..."

You stormed to the ship in panic for your crew


You turn around and see Kole who is dusting himself...

"Captain im alright... Wierd how we suddenly appeared in the sky, turns out that we somehow teleported to this desert, Should we sail to the center?"

"Kole, glad you alright, wheres the rest of the crew?"

"Well, they were all mad by the turn of events and stormed off to fight, Jolter wanted to look for the person that did this"

You turn around to your ship...

"Ah... Its full of sand"

"But don't you worry Captain...It took no damage whatsoever,it just needs a deep clean..."

You let out a sigh of relief and dust yourself... You stretch your muscles and look at the battlefield...

"Kole...Lets go fight"

Kole immediately had a bitter reaction to what you said...He took several steps back toward the shore and his wings dropped...

"I... I don't think i can...Right... N-Now..."

You face him questionably...


A beam had hit you out of nowhere in such a short time...

You flew across Kole and to the nearest tree,tumbling...

You held your head and looked at your bloody palm...

You saw Kole who was hesitant being pushed back by the figure...

It spoke robotically...

"^Target found...Entering Hostile mode^"

You see a Pacifista standing infront of you

You let out a struggling chuckle...

"(laugh)... Haven't seen your type since Water City near Water 7 back then...Its been a while"

You lay your hands on your legs and begin your fighting stance


Thanks a bunch for reading this part of the story


The next part will arrive at:
20 June (14:00 UTC)

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