Not all heroes wear a cape (A...

By harrisonwellsfan999

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Harry Wells is a 16 year old genius who co-runs STAR labs. He is told that his people skills are terrible, so... More

Character stats, and Bio
The top three villains
Ch1: first day.
ch2: sweet justice
ch3: Hero assembly and testing

ch4: first full week of school: Monday

175 2 3
By harrisonwellsfan999

Harry woke up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for school. He went downstairs to make himself some breakfast. He opens his fridge and pulls out some leftovers, he had some pasta with a mix of rotisserie chicken. He puts it in the microwave for a minute and 30 seconds and eats. At around 7:00 he start getting ready for school, he packed his lunch, his school materials, and his super suit into his bag, and left a note before leaving the house.

 Harry decided to walk today because he was looking up facts while he was eating and found that you need a license to drive a motorcycle, he was lucky no one pulled him over. He thought that since he learned to drive one when he was a kid from his dad that he could just buy one and drive it. "I'll have to apply for one later." He thought to himself. He started walking in the direction of his school and he would be there in 30 minutes. On his way he saw a fight between the villain girls and hero girls taking place. Everyone cheered but Harry only saw a loop. He had be thrown into the trunk of the villains girls car before and the hero girls fought the villains them before. And now they're at it again. 

"I should find a way to make sure these villains don't keep coming back." He thought to himself.

Once he got to school he was met with a bumps from the jocks, he fell down and was helped up by Hal Jordan the most liked of the football team, as Harry heard. "Hey man you okay?" Hal asked. He helped Harry up. 

"Yeah I'm good, but tell your teammates to watch where they're going." Harry said with venom. "Sorry. They're just..well I don't know." Hal replied. 

"Oblivious, moronic, idiotic, any of those sound right?" Harry said with disdain.

 "Look I'm sorry man I don't know what to say." Hal said defensively.

 "No it's not your fault, I use to talk to people like this because they always kept screwing up, I still need to work on that, I'm sorry." Harry said back.

 "It's cool dude, what class do you have now?" Hal asked. 

"Calculus, why?" Harry asked. 

"Well I was thinking maybe we'd meet again in a class we both have." Hal said. 

"I have PE at fourth period, do you?" Harry asked.

 "Yes, so I'll see you there?" Hal asks. 

"You know it." Harry replies.

 He and Hal go there on ways, class doesn't start for another 30 minutes so Harry decides to sit in the cafeteria and watch a show on his phone, he goes to netflix and watches a true crime documentary. 

20 minutes had past and the story was getting good, until a girl with blue and black hair shaved on the sides grabbed his phone. "What'cha watching there buddy?"She asked.

 "None of your business, I remember you but never got you name, what is it?" Harry asked angrily. 

"It's Leslie Willis if you have to know, and what was yours?" She asked with a annoying grin.

 "Harry Wells, now give me back my phone!" He said grabbing his phone.

 Leslie held onto it and they fell to the floor fighting, everyone gathered and watched as they fought. Until Principal Chapin came in and saw. 


 They both go quiet and point at each other. "Fine, detention for both of you!"

 Everyone starts to leave, Harry picks up his phone and starts to walk out. Leslie makes a gesture pointing two fingers at her eyes and back at him. He goes off to Calculus and decides he needs to make himself a force to be reckoned with. Once he gets to calculus he sits at his desk and just thinks about unrelated stuff since he could pass this class without even listening. So he just drifts off and doesn't listen. 

Once class was over he goes off to history, he's usually excited about history, but the teacher has a super dry teaching method, so he was going to ask someone to tutor him about it later. He sits in his chair and just drifts off again because even when he tried to listen he still couldn't follow along. He's tapped on the shoulder by someone, when he turns around he sees it's Diana. 

"You should really focus, this could be on our test this week." She whispers. 

"What's the point, if the teacher wants me to focus they should make this more interesting." He whispered back. 

"Well keep focus, it's best to still pay attention." She said back.

 Harry just turns back around feeling uninterested in what the teacher was saying. He goes off again just thinking about other things. 

History class ends and Harry goes to English, his least favorite class. He goes in and sees the teacher standing in the front of the class. Once everyone is in, she sits down on a stool. 

"Alright class, so this week we'll be doing a team project, each of you will be researching a historical figure and explaining what big impact they had on the world. I'll select names, the two that are said will pair up, ready? Carter Hall and Harleen Quinzel,  Garth Bernstein and Karen Beecher, Jessica Cruz and Harrison Wells." She said.

Harry heard what she said and out of nowhere Jessica was right next to him. He flinched a bit when she said hi. 

"Hey Harry, how's it going?" she asks.

"Do you always startle people like this?" He asks.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm just excited to work on this project!" She says enthusiastically.

"Well I hate this subject, so I'm likely gonna be useless for this project." Harry says miserably. 

"Don't say that, come on, we can go to the library to pick our historical figure." She says.

"Okay but I'd like to do one that's unheard of, to be more original." He says.

"Alright, I love it! We can do something that not many people have heard of, and bring an awareness to it."  She says pulling Harry along with her.

Once they get to the library they start looking online and in books for a historical figure that's not well known. Harry keeps looking but doesn't seem to like any of them. 

"Uggh, nothing is good here, none of these people spark me as interesting." Harry complains. 

"Well what do have interest in?" Jessica asks. 

"Mostly science, I like comic books, but nothing in this library is really inspiring." Harry said.

"Hmm, we have until friday to complete this, why don't we meet up after school and think of something?" Jessica said. 

"Actually I have detention after school, could we meet at like 4:30?" Harry asked.

"Sure, your place or mine?" Jessica asks.

"I guess mine." Harry replied. 

"Okay see you then." Jessica says.

The bell rings and everyone heads to the cafeteria for lunch. Harry bolted because he knew the lines would be too long if he walked there. Once he got there he saw only a few people were in line, so he quickly grabs a tray and the lunch ladies put the food on it. Harry goes to an empty table and eats. While he eats, he listens to a podcast about the mythology of zombies. But that's interrupted when Leslie and her friends surround him.

"Oh, come on, Leslie please just go away." Harry says.

"You got me in detention nerd, you're gonna pay!" She says.

"Why am I even here?" A red haired girl says.  

"And who are you?" Harry asks her.

"That's Pam, and she'll put the fear of God in you when she's done with you." Selina says.

"Don't even believe, so all of you just leave." Harry says.

"You can tell us what to do!" Doris says.

"Very dramatic, you should join theater, hahaha!" Harry says laughing.

Doris has a very angry expression on her face and she clenches her fist.

"Doris relax we'll get him later." Leslie says. 

They walk away and Harry continues eating. He continues listening to his podcast, until he gets an email on his school email. He opens it.

Dear student, we have selected you to give a tour of metropolis high to a group of student who are considering joining us. Please come here this Saturday to show them around. We're always looking for new students so make them feel comfortable here. Also if there is any concern please us so we make sure everything is okay. This is non negotiable.

Harry looks at with annoyance. He already has a lot to do this week and now he has to show some new student around? The bell rings and he goes to P.E. He bumps into Hal Jordan. 

"Oh hey man, ready for P.E?" Hal asks.

"Probably?" Harry replies.

They go off to the gym where they are told to do standard exercises, play dodgeball, and run laps. Harry hates doing P.E but to be a superhero hero, he's gonna need to get in shape. P.E goes by pretty quick so he'll be out in no time. He and Hal talked to Harry about joining his friend group. "We need a smart guy for our group because, if I'm being honest, we don't really do well the way we are and could use someone like you to guide us better" Hal said.

Harry thought for a moment "Okay I'll join your group, but I have detention after school and a have to study with Jess so I'll have to meet them tomorrow." Harry said.

"Sounds good to me." Hal said.  

The bell rings and he goes off to chemistry more in pain then he'd usually be. He walked in to see the teacher setting up a lesson. He sat down and looked at the front of the room where he would actually listen to his teacher professor Stein.

"Okay class this week we'll be doing a team project that will be completed by the end of the month, so I'll be picking teams with a program." Stein said. He pulls up a computer and types everyone's names in. "Jimmy Olson and Barry Allen,  Gigi Mulwray and Richard Conners, Harry Wells and Pam Isley." Stein said.

As soon as Harry heard that he knew that ether fate hated him, that he had the worst luck, or that he's just gonna be that guy that everything bad happens to. He looks around and sees Pam and walks to her.

"Hi, listen I don't want to be partners with anyone, I'd do better on my own. So how about we just think of something and be done with working with each other okay?" Harry said to Pam. 

"Whatever." Pam says.

"Let's just get started." Harry says annoyed.

He kept trying to think of ideas for a project but Pam wasn't listening to them, she just stared at a plant she was holding. Harry looked at the plant with curiosity.

"Hey what kind of plant is that?" Harry asks.

"Oh its uh.. its nothing, just a fern." Pam says.

"No that's not a fern, I can tell, what is it really?" Harry asks.

"Please stop." Pam says.

"Wait a minute, Isley..Isley, why does that name sound familiar, was anyone in you family by any chance a botanist?" Harry asked. 

" dad. The plant I'm holding is called a toxicodendron isleyonis. He made it for me, the day he gave me it was the last time I saw him." Pam said. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I do know who your talking about, the man was a genius." Harry said.

"You think my dad was a genius?" Pam said.

"Well yeah, he was working on ways to protect plants from the harmful byproducts humans create all the time, if his work wasn't shut down he'd probably have found a way to modify plants to handle harsher climate." Harry said.

Pam smiled at hearing what Harry said. "I haven't met anyone who knew as much about plants as me." Pam said.

"I appreciate what plants do for the world, it's always good to know how they work." Harry said.

Pam laughed "Hey sorry about getting off on the wrong foot, what with Selina being made at you." Pam said.

"It's cool, I'm just glad we started getting along now, and sorry about being rude a couple of minutes ago." Harry said.

Once they had broken ice the two of them start talking about more science and developed a respect for each other, they weren't friends yet but they're at the start. Once the bell ringed they started packing up and headed for their next classes.

Harry was going to his easiest, computer science, all he had to was answer coding problems and be done, and with there being a bunch of time left he would just go on his phone and do whatever, listen to music, a podcast, watch a show just anything he wanted. 

When he got to class he picks up a computer and opens up the quiz, he types in the answers quickly so he has free time. As good as he was, he'd still make mistakes in typing code even if it's just python.

Once he was do he just closes the computer goes on his phone.

The bell rings and he knows he has to go to detention. He gets up and walks to the library. On his way there he bumps into some people and goes into the library. He sits in a chair and waits for Leslie and Mr Chapin. After 10 minutes of waiting Harry gets bored and goes on his phone. 

Suddenly the power goes out and every light bulb in the room explodes. Harry is startled by this. He start hearing noise from outside and gets up to see what going on. He sees that no one is in the halls so he goes outside and sees Livewire sucking up all the electricity.

"Hahahahaha. Alright Metropolis high get ready to be shocked as I pull off my best performance since my humiliation of the superhero girls, turning Metropolis High into my very own studio!" Livewire says. 

She continues to absorb more electricity. Harry runs into the school quickly gets his protective suit on, puts on his gauntlets, tightens his mask, removes his glasses, and puts on eye contacts. He runs to the back door of the school so he doesn't look like he's coming from inside the school. Once he gets out he runs to the front and sees Livewire. 

"Hey, Zeus rip off, why don't you go snack on packet of batteries instead of this school." He said. The crowd now looking at him.

"Oh, if it isn't the new hero Exo, this should be fun." she says.

Exo threw two knives at livewire and she dodges them. Livewire fires bolts of lightning at Exo but was barely able to avoided them. Exo looks around for anything that can help him since he left his cannon at home. He sees that the flagpole is on the ground and goes toward it, Livewire fires at him and he avoids them. He rips the flag off the cable and pulls it out of the pole. He ties it into a lasso and prepares for a standoff. Livewire sparks energy from her hands, Exo grips the cable lasso. Livewire fires first, then Exo uses he gauntlets to throw the lasso around Livewire and pull her to the ground. He ties it to one of the pillars to ground her.

"What wrong Livewire, blow a fuse?" Exo says. 

Livewire looks at him with anger. While everyone was looking at Livewire, Exo goes off and finds a place to change back into his regular clothes. Once he's done, Harry decides to walk home because detention was likely canceled due to the supervillain attack. But now he could study with Jess.

1 hour later  

Harry was sitting on his couch when heard a doorbell. His grandparents were having a date night and were going to stay out a little late. He goes to open it and sees it Jess.

"Hey how it going?" Jess asks. 

"It's going well, considering the Livewire incident." Harry replies.

"It's a good thing that Exo guy was around." Jess says.

"Yeah it is." Harry replies

They get to work on there historical figure project, they go through a list of leaders, commanders, and Philosophers until finally Harry found one that he saw as interesting.

"Hey do you know who the philosopher Plato is?" Harry asked.

"No never heard of him, but from the excerpt I'm reading, his philosophy, is used in today's education, and also inspired other western philosophies such as epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics.  Does that sound good to you?" Harry asked.

"I do like the sound of this guy, should we get started or should we part ways now?" Jess asks.

"How about nether, why don't we just hang out for now?" Harry asks.

"I'd like that." Jess says.

They sat on the floor talk for little bit about politics and where they stand on it, they both have the same political belief. After that they talk about science, Jess was big on environmental science, while Harry was a physics person. They talked about pets, Jess was a cat person at heart but loved dogs also, Harry and everyone in his family was allergic to cats so they were a dog family. They talked about a bunch of stuff for an hour. Eventually they had a deep conversation about life. They laid back on the floor looking up. 

"Do you think we'll ever be able to fix it?" Jess asks.

"Fix what?" Harry replies.

"The world's problems, I sometimes wonder if what I do is making a difference." Jess says.

"Well, it doesn't have to be a big difference." Harry says.

"What do you mean?" Jess asks.

"Solving big problems now, isn't possible, that's a marathon. But you can make a difference for say a kid who doesn't have much food, and help feed poor communities, by doing that you're making a difference." Harry says.

Jess looked at Harry she felt comforted by what he said. She climbs on top of him.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks.

"Have you kissed a girl before?" Jess asks.

"N-no." Harry replied nervous.

"Well I can help with that." Jess says.

"What do you mea-" Harry says before being cut off.

Jess kisses him on the lips deeply, she hold his head while their faces turn red. Harry kisses back for a moment, but gets nervous and pulls away feeling shaky. 

"Oh my god, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." Jess said with a blush.

"No no no, its fine, I just wasn't expecting that. Why did you though?" Harry asked. 

"I don't know, when we talked I felt comfortable, you made me feel.. I don't know, seen. Plus I thought you were..." Jess said.

"Were what?" Harry asked.

"Kind of...cute." Jess admitted. 

"Oh...well, I'm sorry about pulling away." Harry said. 

There is a silence for a moment.

"So what now?" Jess asks.

"Well I was enjoying it.., but I want to take this slow, for now, do you want to continue where we left off upstairs?" Harry asks.

"I'd love to, but no further then before." Jess said.

"Got it." harry replies.

Harry and Jess go upstairs into Harry's room. They sit on his bed where Jess makes the first move. She kisses Harry, she puts her hands on the back of his head pulls him in to deepen the kiss. Harry puts his arms around Jess's back to hold her steady, he kisses her on the neck a little and then back to her lips. There so soft that Harry can't think clearly. They both have red all over their faces and continue.

1 hour later 

After an hour Jess and Harry are still making out, until Jess gets a call from her moms, she hears the phone and see it's them. They stop so Jess can leave. She packs up her school stuff and gets ready to leave.

"Hey, what does this make us?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure, but I know its something sweet." Jess says.

She kisses Harry before leaving. And Harry heads back to his room. Once he's there he says to himself, "Guess Grandma was right, I do have stuff to learn in high school", he sits in bed thinking about Jess, as she had just become his first kiss. 

Writer: hello, I haven't uploaded in while so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If the Jess and Harry thing felt to soon I can see it, but they're not in a relationship right now. At the moment they just experimented to see what it was like. Until their relationship is actually defined they aren't together, just so you get what I wrote and not mistake it for them being boyfriend and girlfriend. Also nothing else happened, they just made out, that's all. Anyway I hope you like this story and I'll post more later.

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