the Just and the General (Edm...

Bởi Rose2read44

7.2K 109 10

Y/n has lived with the Pevensies for quite some time. When they have to leave their home behind and find a di... Xem Thêm

Chapter one, the shelter.
Chapter two, hide and seek.
Chapter three, meeting Tumnus.
Chapter five, Father Christmas
Chapter six, Aslan's camp
Chapter seven, battle against the enemie
Chapter 8, a throne and a meddal
Chapter 9, happened again
Chapter 10, date?
Chapter 11, wolves
Chapter 12, will you?
Chapter 13, i do
Chapter 14, Spare Oom
News about sequel!
Remake of this story!

Chapter four, a broken door.

540 7 0
Bởi Rose2read44

(Your POV)

The next day, Peter, Susan and Edmund are playing cricket in the backyard, while Lucy and I are reading our books under the tree. Edmund for once hit the ball, but it wasn't going the right way. It went straight through a window, knocking something over with a crash. We all looked at each other, before getting up quickly and ran inside. We were now standing in front of a broken window and a harness, which had been knocked over. 'What on eart is goin' on?' we hear Mrs Macready say. 'The Macready.' Susan says. 'Come on!' Peter says while he darts to run, we were all following close behind, afraid of the lady. We ran up and down, hearing her everywhere, we didn't know where to go. Eventually we came into a familiar hallway. Eventually, after trying to open all sorts of doors, Edmund opened one. We all walked in, in the room with the wardrobe, we closed the door behind us, thinking we were safe. But we already heard footsteps outside the door, and Edmund opened the wardrobe, suggesting we all should go in. 'You've got to be joking.' Susan said. But now we also saw a shadow turning towards us under the door, so we all just got in. With Peter and Susan inside. We all walked towards the back of the wardrobe, which didn't go very easily, since we were with five. 'Your on my toe!', 'I'm not on your toe!', 'Move back.', 'Will you stop shoving?'. It all ended with Lucy, Edmund and me standing once again, in the forest, and also with Peter and Susan on their arses on the ground, in the snow, they stood up, taking in their surroundings. 'Impossible.' Susan said. 'Don't worry.' I start, winking at Lucy, 'I'm sure it's just your imagination.' I said with a grin. 'I don't suppose saying we're sorry, would quite cover it.' Peter said. 'No. It wouldn't' Lucy said, throwing a snowball in Peter's face, 'But that might!' she says with a laugh. Susan, Peter, Lucy and I, all start to throw snowballs at each other. Until one hits Edmund and he says 'Owh, stop it!' he exclaims. 'You little liar' Peter says. 'You didn't believe them either!' Edmund says defending himself. 'Maybe we should go back' Susan says. 'Shouldn't we at least look around?' Edmund says. 'I think they should decide,' Peter says while pointing at Lucy and me. 'I think you should decide Lucy!' I said to her with a smile. She looks at me with a big smile. 'Mr Tumnus' she says. Peter gave us all a coat from the wardrobe, since it was still freezing out here. Lucy now grabbed my hand and we started to walk towards Mr Tumnus's house, with the other siblings following close behind. Lucy starts to tell everything about Mr Tumnus, it was all great to hear, it brought really fun memories of the last few times we went there. I stopped Lucy when I saw Mr Tumnus's house, with the door open and half broken down. Lucy tried to run in, but I wouldn't let her. 'No! He might need our help.' she says to me. 'Or it could be dangerous, Lu.' i said to her, 'I'll go in, i know the house, it's better that way. Lucy, you stay here with your siblings, I'll come and get you if it's safe.' I say looking at them all. 'Don't go in alone, it could be dangerous.' Edmund said with worry to me. 'No worries Ed, I can save myself, but I probably don't even have to.' I say with a smile. I walk away from the group, and walk slowly into Mr Tumnus' house. Everything was shattered on the ground, books, glass, potts, everything. I walked in further, checking all the corners. 'It's safe! You can come now!' I yelled outside after I checked if no one was there. As the siblings walked in, they couldn't believe what they saw. 'Who would do something like this?' Lucy asked sadly. I noticed a message that had been hammered to the wall. I rip it off, and start to read it outloud, so the other would here it too. 'The Faun Tumnus is hereby charged with High Treason against Her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans. Signed Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police. Long Live the Queen.' i finish, Lucy, Peter and Susan were now standing next to me, Lucy holding on to me. 'Now we really should go back.' Susan said. 'What about Mr Tumnus?' Lucy asked. 'If he was arrested just for being with a human, i don't think there's much we can do.' Susan replies. 'You don't get it do you?' I ask Susan while putting my arm around Lucy, 'Were the humans.' i say. 'She must have found out he helped us.' Lucy added. 'Don't worry, we'll think of something.' Peter says to us. 'Psst' something said. We all looked outside, we only saw a bird. 'Did that bird just 'psst' us?' Susan asks, more to herself than to us. Peter walks out, with me following closely behind, then te rest. We hear wood breaking and rustling in the snow. 'Psst' we here once again. Then we saw a beaver. 'It's a beaver' Lucy says. Peter puts out his hand for the beaver to smell it. 'Here, boy.' Peter says while clicking his tongue. 'I ain't gonna smell it, if that's what you want.' The beaver replied, Susan and Edmund looked shocked, the beaver talked! Lucy and i laughed, mostly at their faces.'Uh.. Sorry.' Peter says to the beaver. 'Lucy Pevensie? And Y/n l/n?' The beaver askes Lucy and me. I take a step forward to push the rest behind me.'Yes?' i say. The beaver shows us Lucy's hankie. 'Hey, that's the hankie I gave to Mr..'' Lucy started. 'Tumnus.' The beaver finished. 'He got it to me just before they took him.' he explained. 'Is he alright?' I asked the beaver. 'Further in.' he said softly, while walking away from us. I start to follow him, with Peter and Lucy behind me. 'What are you doing?' Susan asked, 'She's right, how do we know we can trust him?' Edmund says. 'He said he knows the faun.' Peter explained. 'He's a beaver. He shouldn't be saying anything!' Susan says. 'Everything alright?' The beaver says to us, coming back. 'Yes, we were just talking.' Peter explains. 'That's better left for safer quarters.' The beaver says before he starts to walk again. I start to follow him, the rest following my action. 'He means the trees.' Lucy explains. 'Come on, We don't want to be caught out here after nightfall.' The beaver says to us. After we've been walking for a while, we see in front of us a lot of wood, it formed the house. 'It's lovely.' Lucy compliments Mr Beaver. 'It's merely a trifle, you know.' he answered. We walked further down the hill, and we were now right outside his home. 'Beaver, is that you> i've been worried sick!' we heard a female voice say. 'If I find you've been out with Badger again, i...' the female beaversaid, but she stopped herself when she saw us. 'Well, those aren't badgers.' she says. We now stood in front of her, 'Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day.' She said, i assume Mrs Beaver. 'Look at my fur. You couldn't give me a ten minute warning?' she said to her husband. 'I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped.' he answered laughing, we chuckled at his comment. We were invited in and gladly took the chance. 'Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?' I ask after being inside for a while. 'They'll have taken him to the Witch's house. You know what they say. There's few that go trough them gates that come out again.' Mr Beaver answered. 'But there is hope, dear. Lots of hope.' Mrs Beaver comforted Lucy. 'Oh, yeah, there's a right bit more than hope! Aslan is on the move.' Mr Beaver says. Edmund stands up, he sat beside me on the stairs. 'Who's Aslan?' he asks for all of us. The beaver starts laughing, 'Who's Aslan? You cheeky little blighter.' he laughs. But his wife hits him on the arm, gesturing to us, who were confused who this Aslan was? 'You don't know, do you?' Mr Beaver asks us. 'We haven't exactly been here very long.' Peter says. 'Well, he's only the king of the whole wood. The top geezer. The real King of Narnia.' Mr Beaver explains. 'He's been away for a long while.' Mrs Beaver says. "But he's just got back! And he's waiting for you near the Stone Table!' Mr Beaver tells us. 'He's waiting for us?' Lucy asks. 'You're blooming joking! They don't even know about the prophecy!' Mr Beaver exaggerated. 'Well, then...' Mrs. Beaver motions at us. 'Look. Aslan's return, Tumnus' arrest, the secret police, it's all happening because of you!' he explains. 'You're blaming us?' Susan asks, confused. 'No! Not blaming, thanking you.' Mrs Beaver says. 'There's a prophecy. When Adam's flesh and Eve's bone sits at Cair Paravel in the throne, the evil time will be over and done.' Mr Beaver explains to us. 'You know that doesn't really rhyme.' i say. 'I know it don't. You're kind of missing the point!' Mr Beaver answered. It has long been foretold that two Sons of Adam and three Daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia.' Mrs Beaver explains. 'And you think we're the ones?' Peter asks. 'You'd better be, cause Aslan's already fitted out your army.' Mr Beaver explains. 'I think you've made a mistake. We're not heroes.' Peter explains to the beavers. 'We're from Finchley.' Susan says. 'Thank you for your hospitality. But we really have to go.' Susan says. 'No, you can't just leave!' Mr Beaver says. 'He's right.' i say, 'We have to help Mr.Tumnus.' Lucy agrees. 'It's out of our hands.' Peter answered Lucy. 'I'm sorry, but it's time the five of us were getting home. Ed?' Peter says. I look around and see Edmund is not here. We all looked at each other, 'I'm gonna kill him.' Peter says to us. 'You might not have to, has Edmund been to Narnia before?' Mr Beaver asks. We all run out of the house, I'm up front with Peter close behind me. We try to follow Edmund's footsteps in the snow, hoping we could catch up with him, but as soon as we come up a hill, we see a huge ice castle. With Edmund right at the gates. 'Edmund!' Lucy yells, 'Shh, they'll hear you!' Mr Beaver shushed Lucy. Peter tries to run to Peter, but the beaver tackles him and steps on to him. I pushed Mr Beaver off of Peter and held him down, I was quite shocked I knew how to do that, and wondering why I just did it, it felt like instinct. I was not the only one that was shocked, so were the Pevensie siblings. Mrs Beaver, weirdly, looked proud. I let go of Mr Beaver, helping him up. 'Your playing in to her hands.' Mr Beaver explained. 'We can't just let him go.' Susan says back. 'He's the bait! She wants all five of you!' Mr Beaver tells us. 'Why?' Peter asks. 'To stop the prophecy from coming true. To kill ya!' he explains. Susan turns to Peter, 'This is all your fault!' she yells, 'My fault? So you knew this would happen?' he tells her back. 'I didn't know what would happen, hence why we should've left when we still had the chance!' she says to him angry. 'Stop it!' Lucy interrupts her siblings. 'This isn't gonna help Edmund.' I say calmly. 'They're right. Only Aslan can help him now.' Mr Beaver tells us. 'Then take us to him.' Peter says, one of the first actual good ideas leaving his mouth today.

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