ataraxia. h.s

By vanillasoy

156K 4.9K 4.3K

noun. a state of serene calmness [sequel to bambi] More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.


4.6K 160 242
By vanillasoy

"Chels this looks so good."

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the plates of food Chelsea had beautifully laid out in the conference room, she'd even opened the middle sliding door, which I had no idea existed, I thought they were two separate rooms, to make it one large room with the table in the middle.

"I know right," Chelsea grinned as she bumped me with her hip and I nodded at her, her smile not dimming as I made my way back to my desk, my eyes finding the time and I saw there was only ten minutes of the day left.

I had no more emails left to answer and I instead used my last ten minutes of work to perfect the out of office reply before I turned it on and double checked everything before putting the phone onto voicemail and shutting down my computer.

It was Christmas in two days!

I was so excited and I was about to make it everyone else's problem.

I put my bag on my desk before I pushed my chair in and I made my way towards Harry's office and pushed the door open easily, to find Harry on the phone.

I smiled as Harry looked up at me, a smile on his lips before he rolled his eyes and I just shook my head at his behaviour as I made my way over and Harry rolled his chair out for me.

I took my rightful seat on his lap and wrapped my arms around him as he rolled his chair back into his desk and I felt his chest rise and fall easily under me.

"Yeah, m'still here," Harry said into the phone and I stifled my laugh.

"No, I just think this should have been brought to my attention at least two weeks ago, if not before."

I had no idea what Harry was talking about, or who he was talking to but he sounded very sexy when he was mildly annoyed at people.

People that weren't me.

"I'll tell you what Jones," Harry said slowly and I bit my lip. "I'm going to go and enjoy my Christmas party with my staff, who are all very good at their jobs and don't make stupid and incompetent mistakes like you have, whilst you work late to right your wrongs."

I jumped as Harry slammed the headset down onto the received and I pulled back from his chest to look up at him, my brows furrowing at Harry's grumpy face.

"Are you okay?" I asked, reaching up to smooth out the crinkle between his brows and I frowned as the crinkle went away, only to come back again and I realised Harry was really grumpy.

"No," Harry huffed as he cupped my cheek and I pouted.

"But I will be."

I didn't get a chance to say anything, or even attempt to make him feel better as his lips met mine with force and I blinked rapidly before I closed my eyes and lent into him, my lips moulding around his as he pulled me tight against his body.

The hand on my face stayed put as Harry's tongue slid into my mouth with ease, whilst his other hand wandered around my body before he slipped it into my dress and cupped my boob, my bra stopping him from getting where I knew Harry wanted to be.

"Okay," I pulled back out of breath and wide eyed and Harry huffed as he opened his eyes and I saw his blown out pupils. "People are still here."

"So?" Harry muttered as he dipped his head into my neck and pressed soft lipped kisses to my skin as he cupped my boobs over my dress.

"This is making me feel better."

"I'm glad," I said honestly. "But, we have a party to attend."

"Do we have to?" Harry huffed as his teeth nipped at my skin and I slapped at his chest. "What if I wanna keep you locked in here with me?"

"And how bad would it look if the boss skipped out on his own Christmas party?"

"No one will care," Harry rolled his eyes as he pulled back to play with strands of my bouncy curled hair. "No one even likes me."

"That's not true," I said immediately. "Heaps of people like you."

"Because I gave them bonuses."

"No," I laughed, until I thought about it and nodded. "Well, yes. But they liked you before that."

"I appreciate you trying," Harry said as his forehead thudded against mine and he held my waist.

"I like you," I said. "Isn't that all that matters?"

"It is all that matters," Harry sighed and I lent forward to kiss him. "You're all that matters."

I swallowed as I pulled back from Harry and I cupped his face instead as I looked at him, I really hoped he didn't genuinely believe no one liked him at work.

Surely, he knew that wasn't true. He has Chelsea, and me, and Niall and Zayn.

I knew Susan thought of him fondly too, but then again she liked everyone.

Beth thought he was hot and Aarav really respected him and said he wanted to build a business like Harry's one day.

I always neglected to tell him that Harry's step dad had given him the company to begin with.

"Don't forget you have a speech to give, that I really want to hear," I cheesed at Harry, getting the laugh I wanted from him and I lent forward to kiss him again.

My simple peck turned into something more as Harry snaked his arms around my waist and kept me held to him.

I smiled against his lips as his tongue slid across my bottom lip before Harry nipped at it and I laughed and pulled back.

"People might get the wrong idea if I'm in here too long," I told him and patted his chest and Harry sighed before rolling his chair back and I climbed off him.

I waited for him as he shut his own computer down and Harry picked my hand up as I pulled his door open; everyone was pretty much gone from their desks, nothing but black screens staring back at us, and Harry and I made our way towards the conference rooms.

Niall grinned at us as we made our way into the room, Christmas music filling the air and lots of laughter and chatter and we joined him as he pointed at the glasses of champagne and Harry got one for me and himself.

"When do you do the speech?" I asked Harry as I lent against the wall, people watching, and because of that, I was aware of people looking at Harry in curiosity.

"Usually at the start," Harry said easily and I nodded.

"Why is everyone looking at you like you're Bigfoot?" I asked, Niall laughing at my description whilst Harry just looked at me in amusement.

"I don't usually join them," Harry said and I frowned.

"What he means is, he sits in his office for the first hour of the party, comes out and does his speech and then leaves," Niall butted in and I turned to look at Harry in shock.

"It's awkward and people can't really relax when their boss is around," Harry shrugged and I pointed at Niall.

"He's different, they like him."

"They like you too," I muttered with an eye roll and I just shook my head at Niall's raised brow.

"Ah, the seasonal pity party," Niall scoffed and I pressed my lips together so I didn't laugh. "I thought he'd grow out of it. Especially, now he has you."

"Do we need to have a talk?" I asked Harry who shook his head and I eyed him suspiciously.

"I am not having a pity party," Harry clicked his tongue. "I'm thirty fucking three."

Niall and I both laughed at Harry's annoyed words but neither of us said anything to contradict him, I was, however, just a bit worried about him.

I thought he was in control on his phone call and it certainly sounded like he was.

Was it a really bad mistake and now Harry was worried about that?

Or did Harry really think that no one at work liked him?

Surely, it couldn't be that, and if it was true, which it wasn't, and people didn't like him; I would always think Harry couldn't give any less of a shit about what people thought of him.

Maybe I was wrong.

"Try to mingle and not be such a downer," Niall said before he left us and I watched as he joined the group of people around one of the charcuterie boards and I smiled at his social butterfly nature.

"It's Christmas on Saturday," I said as I nudged Harry, trying to cheer him up. "We're going to Surrey tomorrow."

"We are," Harry nodded. "I can't wait."

"Me either," I said honestly as I sipped on my drink. "I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Styles-Twists celebrate Christmas."

"I doubt it's any different from you and your family," Harry smiled and I eyed him before I laughed. "Okay so maybe my sister has never told me I didn't deserve the love of our dad."

"Exactly," I nodded. "But I mean, family arguments certainly bring fun to Christmas, don't they?"

"They do," Harry laughed as he wrapped his arm around my waist and I froze for a moment, aware of a few peoples eyes flicking over us and zeroing in on Harry's very public display of affection.

"M'Mum usually drinks too much wine and is asleep by four on Christmas Day."

"Oh that's a classic," I laughed and Harry squeezed my hip. "My Dad has a beer with every meal of the day, starting off with breakfast and he's asleep by at least four too."

"I can't wait until we get old and do that exact same thing," Harry hummed making me laugh. "Do you drink on Christmas?"

I barely got a chance to open my mouth before Harry was laughing again and shaking his head.

"What a silly question, of course you do."

I gasped in mock offence at his assumption but I couldn't pretend to be mad at him, his silly little look on his face making me smile and I nodded, which made Harry grin.

"I usually drink on Christmas Eve," I admitted. "Alexei and I go to the pub with our friends and then we drink on Christmas Day too."

"That's the least surprising thing you've said today," Harry said and I rolled my eyes as I lent into him and he pressed his lips to my head.

"What are you going to make out of your gingerbread tomorrow?"

"I hadn't really thought about it," I said before I drained the rest of my glass. "Probably just round biscuits."

"I have a few basic cookie cutter shapes down there," Harry hummed and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Circles, stars, squares etc."

"Well then, maybe I'll go crazy and do some stars," I nudged him before I untangled myself to pour myself another glass of champagne out and I looked over my shoulder to see Harry still nursing the first one.

He did have to drive home, so that made sense.

"Oh Harry, I was thinking," I blinked as Chelsea bounced over to us and Harry nodded at her. "You do your speech soon and then after that we'll do the awards."

"Do I have participate?" Harry asked and I nudged him again, maybe I should blow him in the bathroom or something to cheer him up.

"Yes, you're giving out the little trophies," Chelsea reminded him and looked at him pointedly and I grinned.

"Cute, it's like the dundies," I laughed and Chelsea nodded.

"Yes but better because I put a lot of work into the awards, and you get a certificate and a little trophy with sweets in," Chelsea said and I felt my eyes round out.

"That's so cool, you're so smart and fun," I gushed making Harry laugh as Chelsea flipped her hair out.

"So, when are you doing the speech?" Chelsea asked, turning her attention back to Harry and I watched them stare each other down for a moment.

"Now?" Harry sighed as he gave in and Chelsea nodded triumphantly and I laughed.

Harry rolled his eyes before he knocked back his glass of champagne and put it down on the table and I kissed him quickly before he made his way towards the front of the room and I saw Chelsea hovering by the music and she slowly turned it down until it was almost silent.

"Good afternoon everyone," Harry cleared his throat and I watched as everyone stopped chatting to listen to him.

"I'll try to make this short and sweet, I know everyone wants to eat, drink and be merry, however as we come to the end of another year, I just want to take a moment to reflect and express my gratitude.

"This year we have faced quite a few unprecedented challenges and had to adapt our thought processes and our ways of working but we did it, and through it all we proved that, first and foremost, we are a team."

Harry was cute when he thanked people and I couldn't believe this man thought people didn't like him!

"It's not just about numbers and achievements, as much as I like both of those things," Harry paused as everyone laughed and I smiled.

"Our team's dedication and support to one another has been incredible. Whether its lending a helping hand, offering guidance, or simply sharing a laugh, we truly have created a positive work environment that makes coming to work a joy."

Is it though?

Did you really love getting out of bed at six thirty in the morning when its cold and dark, Harry?

Because I know I didn't.

"As we reflect over the past months and look forward to recharging, take a moment to celebrate your accomplishments, both work related and not, take pride in all that you have achieved. Success is not just about the results, its also about personal growth and learning from our experiences.

"Let's carry the lessons we've learned and the skills we've developed into the new year, you can enjoy your breaks knowing that all our work has laid a solid foundation for the coming year. I'm sure we all have our fair share of office stories, and its moments like that make this office more than just a job."

Like the time Michelle screamed at me because we turned up to work together?

Or the time I spent my own money on a drink from Starbucks only to dump it into the bin in front of her?

"So take a moment, especially today, to share your favourite funny or memorable moments with your colleagues and friends. Laughter brings us closer together and its the perfect way to create lasting memories.

"However, before we do part for the holidays, I want to take some time to remember those less fortunate, and spread the spirt of giving. Lets find ways to lend helping hands to those in need, and it can be through any sort of way, donations, volunteering or simply offering a kind word to those who may be feeling lonely.

"This time of year can be particularly hard for some, and you never know when a kind word or compliment will be needed more than ever."

What the fuck, Harry was about to make me cry!

He didn't need to be so nice and kind and thoughtful and yet he always was and it kind of made me mad.

How did I become like that?

Better yet, how did he like me considering I wasn't anything of those things!

"I'll wrap this up now because I know Chelsea is practically foaming at the mouth to get into her party games, she's so wonderfully organised for us," Harry smiled and I laughed, my cheeks heating as he looked up and met my eye and I smiled at him.

"I want to encourage each of you to take time to relax and spend some well earned quality time with your loved ones. Take the opportunity to recharge your batteries and surround yourselves with family and friends, creating warm memories that will last for years to come.

"I won't ever be able to say it enough, however, thank you once again for all your hard work, and dedication to this company and to me. I am constantly honoured to be part of this team and I look forward to another fantastic year with you all. Merry Christmas."

I was the first one to clap for Harry as he made his way through he people, shaking a couple of peoples hands and I wasn't even embarrassed about it as he rejoined me on the wall and I lent up to kiss him.

"You were right," I told him as I pulled back.

"Was I?" Harry asked with a raised brow and I nodded. "About what, my love?"

"I liked this speech a lot more," I said honestly. "It was very kind and thoughtful."

"Thank you," Harry smiled as he flicked my nose and I crinkled it, making him chuckle. "I tried my hardest."

"Okay, hey everyone so I've probably told most of you that we have some games and stuff to do," Chelsea announced to the group just as Niall turned the Christmas music back on so the room wasn't completely silent.

"I've worked really hard on these and I thought it would be really cool if we had some office awards!"

I smiled as I listened to her intently, everyone chatting lowly amongst themselves and I had to admit I was kind of nervous, what if she gave a nice one to Michelle?

Surely she wouldn't.

Wow, it was Christmas and I was being a massive bitch, I shook my head at myself and my thoughts.

"Harry, come back here," Chelsea demanded making me and Niall laugh and he rolled his eyes before he joined her at the front of the room again and I grabbed an empty chair and took a seat just as Niall joined me.

Chelsea pointed at the little table, that I hadn't seen her bring in, full of little plastic trophies and if I squinted I could see that they all had little individual candy canes in them and I hoped she had more of where those came from.

I loved candy canes.

"Alright, this first one is the colour coded calendar award and it goes to Susan!"

I clapped immediately as Susan made her way toward the front of the room and I let out a cheer for her as other people laughed and clapped and I smiled as Harry shook her hand before handing her a trophy and Chelsea hugged her before giving her certificate over.


"This one is for the pop culture expert award and it goes to Sophie!"

I clapped for Sophie as she stood up and pretended to bow making me laugh and I reached over to get another cracker and I dipped it into the hummus.

"This is the its five o'clock somewhere award and its for Niall!"

I clapped loudly for Niall who rolled his eyes and threw back his glass of whatever it was, because it certainly wasn't champagne and I laughed.

Surely that was proving the point of Chelsea's award and I smiled as I watched him and Harry hug before he pulled Chelsea into his chest tightly.

Niall grinned at me as he made his way back over towards me, raising and shaking his trophy above his head as if it was a lot bigger than it was.

"The white rabbit award, someone who's always late to meetings, even the ones they make, goes to Tyler."

I rolled my lips together as I met Harry's eye across the room and I clapped politely as Tyler reluctantly went to shake Harry's hand, who just was just as reluctant and I shook my head in amusement at him.

What a child.

"The best person to take home to your mum, goes to..." Chelsea trailed off and I raised an eyebrow, what an interesting choice for an office award. "Ivy!"

I jumped as Niall cheered loudly in my ear before he laughed as I elbowed him in his side and I felt my cheeks heat as I stood up and made my way over towards two of my favourite people, one of them giving me a shit eating grin.

"That's so embarrassing," I muttered as Harry handed me my trophy and we both just stood there awkwardly in front of each other for a few seconds, before I stuck my hand out all serious and Harry shook my hand, just as serious despite our ridiculous smiles.

"Congratulations," Chelsea grinned as she handed me the certificate and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm never showing you my lingerie again," I snapped at her, making the bleached blonde laugh loudly and I saw Harry's head snap towards us as I ducked my head as I made my way back into the room.

I grabbed a plate full of cheese and meats and little mini pigs in blankets and other good things and sat with Niall, listening halfheartedly to the awards and I clapped when someone I actively liked got an award.

"Alright these are the last two," Chelsea smiled as she looked at the two certificates she was still holding and I peered around the room curiously.

I wonder who hadn't gotten one so far.

Harry definitely hadn't and I really hoped he'd get one, hopefully an embarrassing one like me.

"This is the casual Monday to Friday award, for continually pushing the boundaries of business casual and of course," Chelsea smiled. "It's for Michelle!"

I sucked my teeth as Michelle grinned and flicked her hair over her shoulder as she celebrated with Beth before collecting her award and I held Harry's eyes over the top of Michelle's head so he didn't look at her once as he gave her the trophy and shook her hand.

Even Chelsea's hug was lacklustre and I smiled, I enjoyed how petty my loved ones are.

"And this one is very special and dear to my heart," Chelsea smiled.

"Before I present it, I would like to say thank you to Harry. I know it's cheesy and brown nosing but we're very lucky to work for someone like you, and despite everything being a capitalist nightmare, there is no other place I would rather work."

I laughed at Chelsea's heartfelt and frankly brutally honest speech, because she was right.

All capitalism was a nightmare and work always sucked, however I loved spending money and I loved being able to work with Harry.

I'd told him before and I was pretty sure I'd told Niall, and Chelsea and my own family that I'd had some really shitty bosses in previous jobs, and that, Harry, was so far the opposite of that, it was insane.

I easily understood why people thought he was mean and scary, because he liked results and he prided himself on being the best he could possible be.

Holding himself and the people he worked with, and the people that worked for him, to the highest possible standards.

But he was always fair, and very rarely judgemental, and I'd never known him to be rash or demeaning, or even snide.

He was an employer that wanted the best for his employees; as well as his company.

Maybe I just thought that because I had an unfair advantage over everyone in this room and got special treatment.

Oh well.

"So this award is for you Harry," Chelsea smiled as she held the single certificate. "The Vampire award, most likely to arrive the earliest and leave the latest."

Ain't that the fucking truth.

I clapped loudly, ignoring some of the looks because I didn't care, I thought it was very cute and I was obviously very biased and the way I saw Harry's cheeks tint pink was absolutely everything to me.

I laughed as Harry reluctantly hugged Chelsea before she gave him his certificate and he wandered back over to me just as Niall and I shoved the last pigs into our mouths and I smiled up at Harry from my seat.

"Congrats," I nudged Harry as he sat on the empty seat next to me and he rolled his eyes.

"Thanks," Harry muttered. "She's a fucking nightmare, dunno why I put up with her."

"Because we love her," I sighed as I lent against his shoulder, just as Niall brought over a plastic cup for me and I peered down into, it was clear and it smelt like paint stripper so it was definitely vodka.

"Do you know what brand these?" I asked as Harry I went back for some more pigs in blankets, offering Harry my plate where I'd piled at least ten of them before I sat back down and shoved two in my mouth. "So gooof."

"Don't talk with your mouthful," Harry chastised and I rolled my eyes but chewed and swallowed the sausages. "And no, I'll ask her."

"Please," I nodded before I picked up another one.

"Ugh I love mini sausages."


I stopped by my desk to grab my water bottle before I headed back towards the conference room, the majority of people still in there, but a handful had made their way out back into the main office and were sat around chatting and I smiled.

I lent against the doorway as I looked at Chelsea and Niall discussing which Christmas song they should butcher on the karaoke machine and I shook my head in amusement, like of course Chelsea had a karaoke machine.

Peak Chelsea behaviour.

"Looks like we're under the mistletoe."

Tyler approached me and I looked up to indeed find a bunch of plastic mistletoe hanging in the doorframe and I pursed my lips.

How had I not noticed that before.

"And threes' a crowd."

I laughed as I recognised Harry's voice from behind me and I looked over my shoulder to find Harry who was staring Tyler down, who just rolled his eyes and pushed past me to head out in the main office.

I turned around to look at Harry as we stood in the doorway, his eyes leaving me to flick up to the plastic plant and I raised an eyebrow at him.

Harry lent down and pressed his lips to mine and I smiled as I shuffled a little closer to him as we kissed, Harry's tongue poking at my lips for a moment before he pulled away and I felt my face heat as I saw several of my coworkers looking at us.

"Where'd you go?" I asked Harry, I had got up to go to the bathroom and Harry was in here.

"Grabbed my phone," Harry shrugged before he pulled his hand out of his trouser pocket and showed me his phone, not his work phone and I was pleased.

I moved out the way with a pleasant smile at Derek as he apologised and Harry stepped out of the room to let him out before he joined me and I lent against the wall again.

"Mum said they're leaving around nine," Harry said as he looked down at his phone. "They'll stop into Charbonnel, like usual and then come down to us."

"So what time will they get there?"

"I dunno, probably like two o'clock, depending on traffic," Harry shrugged and I nodded. "It's about four hours from where they are to us."

"I see," I nodded. "Second, what's Charbonnel?"

"Chocolatier," Harry said easily and I nodded...I just bought Cadbury's but okay.

"I am very nervous," I told Harry.

I knew it probably wasn't the time or place, but I kind of figured we couldn't really talk about the upcoming situation in depth here, and that was exactly what I wanted.

"About what?" Harry frowned. "Chocolate?"

"No," I laughed, looking up at him in amusement and I shook my head at his cute little confused frown.

"Spending a week with your family."

"What? Why?" Harry asked, before he moved to lean sideways against the wall rather on his back, and I realised he had pretty much caged me in.

"Do you not like them?"

"No no," I said immediately, I was sure if Harry thought I didn't like his family, then that would be the end of us.


"It's not that at all."

"They like you," Harry said, his confused frown not lifting. "If that's what you're worried about. Gem loves you, I think that's obvious."

I laughed at his statement and yes I had to admit Gemma's desperation to hang out with me every time I saw her, or if she knew I was around whilst Harry was on the phone was funny and definitely made me feel better, it still didn't really help.

"I just," I paused for a moment and chewed my lip. "I really want them to like me, especially your parents and I'm just worried. I don't know what about, like specifically, but I just want them to like me."

"Okay," Harry nodded. "Remember how you were nervous about flying and I was with you every step of the way and at the end of it, it turned out to be totally fine?"

"Yes," I nodded. "This is not really the same."

"It's exactly the same," Harry smiled, his pinky wrapping around one of mine and I bit my lip. "It's the same, if not even easier because there's nothing that could kill you."

"I think Anne could kill me."

Harry laughed at my statement and I just stared at him, I wasn't joking.

I hadn't forgotten what Harry'd said about her reaction to his news about Rebekah, I didn't want to die by a fish knife!

"She could," Harry agreed and I stared at him bug eyed.

"She wouldn't."

"Okay lets drop it, you're not making me feel any better," I rolled my eyes but still laughed at him.

"No," Harry said simply before his finger slipped from mine and my entire hand was held and I was pulled out of the conference room and I floundered as I looked over my shoulder to find Susan shaking her head at me with a fond smile.

"H," I groaned as he guided me into his office before shutting the door gently behind us and he pulled me over to the sofa and sat down and I stood there staring at him.

"My love," Harry said firmly and I sat down and toed my boots off before I crossed my legs under me on the sofa and I picked at my fingernails.

Neither of us said anything for a while, but I was aware of Harry's eyes on my face, the entire time, and I honestly didn't even know where to start, or what Harry wanted from me.

I had meant it when I said I didn't know what the specifics were with my worries.

I jumped as Harry's hands landed on my bare legs, his warm skin melting the chill on mine as he rubbed his hands up my legs, resting on my knees for a moment before he yanked and I was pulled across the leather.

"Okay, I did not come in here for this," I laughed as Harry man handled me onto his lap and I was straddling him as he lent back against he sofa and Harry raised an eyebrow at me as his hands settled on my thighs, under my dress.

"That's not what's happening," Harry said slowly. "I want you close during this conversation."

"See, that makes me nervous."

"Why?" Harry raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged before I started to gnaw on my bottom lip and Harry looked at me in disappointment.

"Just say all your thoughts."

"I don't think you'd love me anymore, if you heard all of my thoughts."

I stared at Harry who just stared back at me, my words hanging in the air of his office and I couldn't believe he really thought he wanted to hear my thoughts.

I wasn't even talking about this situation and Christmas and his family. I meant in general.

My mind was not a fun place to be at the best of times.

"I think I'll love you until the end of time."

"Now why would you say that?" I huffed, "That is the most romantic shit I have ever heard."

Harry laughed at me and I shook my head as I lent forward, my head thudding against his chest, and I sighed. I knew I had no one to blame for myself for this conversation.

I could have just kept my mouth shut but I was stupid.

"I know you keep saying your family likes me but I'm just worried," I said. "I'm not the most likeable person and obviously its really important to me that your family likes."

"Do you think m'lying?" Harry asked and I lent back and frowned.


"So why don't you believe me about them liking you?" Harry asked as if it was the simplest question in the world and I sighed.

"And you not being the likeable is the biggest pile of shit, I've ever heard."

"It's not that I don't believe you..." I trailed. "My default setting with literally everyone, anyone, is that they hate me until they specifically state that they like me."

"Do you want me to call m'Mum and ask?" Harry asked. "Because I will. I'll do it right now and you can listen to her say I like your girlfriend."

"No, don't do that," I muttered. "That's dumb."

"Yeah, it is, but I'll do it if it makes you feel better," Harry said as he pulled his hands from my legs and instead held my face.

"I'm scared if your family don't like me, then you'll leave me."

"Now, that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard," Harry scoffed and I stared at him.

I had literally just confessed my biggest fear, like I'd stand on top of a really tall building and look down, even though heights made me sick, but the thought of losing Harry would literally ruin my life.

I didn't know how I could ever function without Harry now, he was literally my every single thought from the minute I woke up; to the minute I went to bed.

I woke up next to Harry, I fell asleep next to Harry.

I was so dependant on him, it was almost scary.

"Harry, its not like my family," I said. "I'm actively hoping you don't like them, if your Mum doesn't like someone, how long do you think they'll last with you? As if Anne isn't your favourite person."

"I am my own person," Harry drawled as he looked at me. "M'a grown adult man, who doesn't do whatever his mum tells him to do."

"And how long did Rebekah last?"

"Are you really comparing yourself with to her?" Harry scoffed and I shrugged.

"There are a lot of similarities and it would be a logical jump for your Mum to make."

"I think you're really smart, so I need you to listen to me closely Ivy," Harry said seriously, and I raised an eyebrow at him, gesturing for him to continue.

"You're being fucking stupid."

"Okay, this conversation is done," I said as I pulled myself off his lap, and I kept my eyes firmly pointed away from him.

I pushed Harry's hands away as he tried to grab at me and I made my way towards the door, and I managed to get it open just in time for Harry's arm to appear above my head and his palm landed flat on the door and shut it loudly.

"No, it isn't," Harry said firmly before he forcibly turned me around and I stared up at him wide eyed.

"If m'Mum didn't like you, it would be because of some weird hang up she has rather than you being some kind of a bad person," Harry said. "There are no similarities between you and Rebekah."

"The money thing is literally right there."

"You think my Mum was rolling in it when she met Robin?" Harry snapped and I swallowed.

"I appreciate you being open and honest and I understand that your feelings don't make sense and you don't know any kind of specifics, because emotions are like that. However, you are not going to lose me. Ever."

I swallowed thickly as I stared up at Harry, and either I needed to get my eyes checked again, or they were filling up with tears because Harry was suddenly sort of blurry.

"If my Mum comes to me on Boxing Day and says, Harry I don't like her," Harry said.

"Which she won't, but if she did y'know what I'd say? I'd tell her that's her problem, because it is. I'm thirty three, and I know that's something you overthink about too, but I am a fully grown adult with his own mind, sweetheart."

"I just need her to like me," I said quietly, and I blinked rapidly to clear my eyes.

Why did Harry always make me cry?!

"No you don't," Harry shook his head. "It's you and me. We're a team, right Bambi?"

I nodded and Harry smiled, his thumb coming up to wipe my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his waist before I fell into him, and one of Harry's hands help the back of my head and the other rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, although my face was all smushed against his shirt so it didn't really sound like anything.

"You have nothing to apologise for, m'love," Harry said gently as he lifted my head and I lent up to press our lips together. "You and me, right?"

I nodded in agreement and I felt my heart lift at the sight of the smile on Harry's face. I had a lot of dumb thoughts and now I was kind of embarrassed that Harry knew some of my dumb thoughts.

"I can't believe I was going to go back out there without my shoes," I laughed and I watched as both Harry and I looked down at my sock clad feet and I wiggled my toes making Harry chuckle.

"At least they match today," Harry pointed out and I laughed before I rolled my eyes and elbowed him.

Harry pulled me back over to the sofa and I sat down, watching as Harry knelt down and I sucked my bottom lip under my teeth as he picked my boots up and slipped them back onto my feet.

One of my hands came up to run through Harry's hair as his forehead thudded against my knees and I savoured the softness of his hair.

"You're my favourite person, Bambi."


i did not get ANY Taylor tickets 🙃 however i am going to see my fave band in November for like the 5th time 🥰

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