My Ghidorah

By wolfdagger11609

17.3K 209 43

Encaged in ice, sleeping only to be found by Batman. Ghidorah emerges out from his icy prison to fight for ju... More

Death of Lois
Hello Ghidorah
You forgot me
I'm back idiots
League reunites
Supergirl meet Ghidorah
Battle of Siblings
She finds the Truth
A captured Kryptonian
Four Kings
Saving Man of Steel
Fate and Brainiac
Your Life after

God Vs King

652 8 0
By wolfdagger11609

You were furious that someone would dare hurt your friends, especially your queen. You had ran across Gotham all the way to the Bat cave in a hurry not wanting the person to lay another hand on them. Once you got in you saw Superman and Wonder Woman knocked out on the floor as well as Supergirl and Batman. You walk towards them but stop when you feel something watching you, then that person came out the shadow and into view. He was Godzilla.

Godzilla looked at you with anger and hatred. You knew a look like that anywhere except you didn't know why he was doing this, why he feels the way he does. He walks closer leaves a respectable distance between both of you. Then you decide to get some info out of him.

Y/n: Godzilla

Godzilla: how do you know?

Y/n: well I shot Rodan and buried Mechagodzilla. Then you were that ridiculous blue outfit, what are you even wearing?

Godzilla: what do you mean what am I wearing? I look awesome in this

Y/n: I'm wearing armour like I'm about to enter hell and you putted on your workout attire and I thought this would be interesting.

Godzilla: it will be---

Y/n: really well you aren't dress that good to signify your good or awesome.

Godzilla had enough of this and charged at you without a second thought. You retaliated with a backhand to the face were he went flying through four walls. He looked up at you smiling, then he got up and shot his atomic beam our his mouth. You shot your gravity beam at his beam to try and stop it only for it to overpower your beam and blast you away. He then came up to you and threw a right hook which you caught and punched him using his own fist. He was mad about you doing this so he ran at you and tried to kick you in the nuts but you didn't like his idea and punched him in the skull. He was not liking how this was and decided to do something you wouldn't expect coming. He ran at you again but tackled you into the wall were you knee him in the stomach and grab hold of his neck. Then the surprise happened and Godzilla shot you with a deadly atomic beam to the chest. You drop to one knee and coughed up blood. This made you realised you couldn't mess about. He had to be destroyed.

Godzilla: how does it feel? The pain? The agony?

Y/n: I've felt really better but why are you doing this?

Godzilla: Im doing this for revenge. You took everything away from me!!!

Y/n: what did (coughs up blood) I even do?

Godzilla: in the future were I'm a great superhero, people revive you just so I could be exterminated. You went to my house and kill my wife and child. Now I'm here for revenge!!!

Godzilla grabs you by the head and started punching the daylight out of you.

Godzilla: Once I have finished with you I will kill everyone in this universe but maybe not Supergirl, I know you have a thing for her so how about a lifetime of torture?

Y/n: you put your (coughs up blood) hands on her then I will (coughs up blood) beat you black and blue.

Godzilla: I'm already pretty much black and blue

Y/n: then I will make it darker.

He laughed at this and pulled out a rusty sword.

Godzilla: goodbye Ghidorah.

Before he could do anything, you let yourself transform into you big Ghidorah form and all three heads looked menacingly at Godzilla. Godzilla backed up a bit then decide he was going to do the same and transform as well.

Godzilla: this is going to be fun

He started running your way and you started to flap your wings.

San: so what is happening?

Y/n: we're beating up lizard face

Ni: yes my kind of fun

You then charge at him at extreme speeds and he does the same. The area around the pair was destroyed and both didn't seem like they will stop. They then started biting at eachother but Ghidorah just regenerated himself over and over. Then Godzilla got back to his feet and unleashed an Atomic beam but the Ghidorah brothers used their Gravity beam and overpower the "God".
The beam redirect into Godzilla and knocked him into the floor then You and your brothers wrap your necks around him.

Then Ni gets hold of Godzilla top mouth and keeps hold of it whilst San holds the bottom jaw open. You looked down Godzilla throat then unleashed a powerful Gravity beam destroyed his insides. Godzilla was dead and you look at the people below you. A portal opened up and you chucked Godzilla in.
When it shut you looked at your two brothers.

Y/n: Thanks for helping me guys.

Ni: no problem, no one touches our Brother

San: that's right.

Ni: now transform so you can go and take care of your wife.

Y/n: my wife?

San: yeah Supergirl

Y/n: she ain't my.... Nevermind goodbye brothers

Both: goodbye brother

You untransformed and walk back to the Bat cave were Supergirl was sat on a chair and Batman had just handcuffed the still unconscious bodies of Superman and Wonder Woman.  Supergirl looked at you and ran to hug you.

Supergirl: are you alright? Are you okay? What happened?

She was obviously very worried about what could of happened to you.

Y/n: yes I'm fine let's just get your cousin some where he won't be trouble.

Batman: I have just the place.

At Fortress of Solitude

Superman is in Kryptonite infused handcuffs, his powers being extracted from him by a machine Batman was using.

Batman: Kara, it's safe now.

Supergirl flies in with you holding her hand and Superman took notice of this. The two of you approach him.

Superman: Even without my powers, the Phanton Zone can't hold me. I'll be back.

Batman: We'll be ready.

Batman presses one of the buttons and the portal to the Phantom Zone opens behind him.

Supergirl: Kal, I don't, I wish

Superman: We were family, Kara.

Supergirl: We still are. I hope someday you'll see that.

Superman: (to you) take care of her

He then turns to the portal.  He takes one last look at Supergirl and you. Then he walks into the Phantom Zone to hopefully never be seen again.

Batman: Are you all right?

Supergirl: No. (touches the S on her chest) This symbol should give people hope. He made them fear it.

Batman: That symbol's meaning is up to the person who wears it. When Clark
and I founded the Justice League, we didn't govern people. We protected them. Plain and simple. Maybe the world could use a team like that again. (holds out a hand to her) Welcome to the circle of trust.

Supergirl smiles and shakes Batman's hand and then turns to you and kisses you. It was finally the end of the chaos. Now you can just go chill and relax.

Hello there, there is only one more chapter left and I would like to thank everyone who has added this book to a reading list, voted or just generally read this. Thank you so much and I hope you have an amazing day. Goodbye.

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