Lego ninjago masters of spinj...

Oleh Goldenmoon77

8.3K 173 37

Long before time had a name, Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitzu Master, using the Four Weapons of Spi... Lebih Banyak

(Y/N) bio, weapons and abilities
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV

Chapter III

585 17 4
Oleh Goldenmoon77

(It has been a few hours since the four ninja, Sensei wu and Y/N have traveled to the caves of despair to retrieve the scythe of quakes. During their journey Y/N crossed paths with Korashi, second commander of the skeleton army and his ability of underworld fire and chains. During their fight Kai used the scythe of quakes, which Wu warned him not to use. Now the ninja, wu and Y/N are traveling on a ship to the frozen wasteland to retrieve the next golden weapon, the Shurikens of ice. As the ninja were trying to pass time.)

(Jay): I spy something... white!

(Cole): *Sighs* Could you try to be quiet for once? This ain't easy. By the way have you realized Y/N has been in a deep state of concentration?

(Jay): I know right? Whatever happened at the caves he's been very concentrated.

(Zane): He told me about him, he said his name was Korashi. He is the second hand commander of the skeleton army.

(As before they could continue to chat about Korashi, the boat stumbles as they're sailing ahead.)

(Jay): *Groans* I spy something broken!

(Kai: *Worried* If Sensei knows the way to the next Golden Weapon, then why isn't he steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles.

(Zane): Sensei's wisdom is beyond my own.

(Wu): The most powerful move in Spinjitzu can only be accomplished when all four elements are combined. Earth! Ice! Fire! Lightning!

(Jay): Uh, what happens when all of them are combined?

(Wu): The Tornado of Creation. The power to create something out of nothing.

(Kai attempts a few moves that might activate the Tornado of Creation. But it fails.)

(Wu:) No, Kai! If done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences.

Kai: Disastrous consequences. Right... (The boat then crashes on icy land. As the three sails were instantaneously frozen solid.)

(Cole): Uh... wasn't me.

(Kai): Did I do that?

(Wu): No. We are here.

(As in front of them were three giant torii gates made of solid ice, a pathway covered in snow and leading up ahead was giant ice mountain with a bright blue storm up in the sky. As the young Senju felt the boat crashing into the sheet of ice as he finished meditating.)

(Y/N): Cole, you didn't hit another iceberg did you? Or did Kai do something ridiculous again?

(Cole): *groans* No Y/N, I didn't so knock it off. And if Kai did do something dumb I would say it.

(Jay): There you are! Where have you been?! We've been sailing our butts off and you were meditating?!

(Y/N): I was getting focused on what's up ahead of us, and if Korashi were to show up. Anyways this is the place Sensei told us about.

(As the ninja began to trek through the snow to the entrance of the ice mountain passed the torii gates and entered the mountain. As inside the ninja then walk to the Weapon's direction and come across a few frozen skeletons.)

(Cole): Whoa... looks like someone's already been here.

(Y/N): Indeed...and it looks like they didn't have such luck.

(As the ninja began to search for the Shurikens, Zane saw them floating in the air as the ice dragon head was hanging from the ceiling.)

(Zane): The shurikens!

(Zane reaches for them in mid-air, but gets frozen in the process, awakening the Ice Dragon at the same time.)

(Y/N): Uh...guys, I think we should run!!!

(Kai, Jay and Cole): You don't have to tell us twice!!

(The ninja then escape the Frozen Wasteland with the shurikens and a frozen Zane. They crash onto a dead end, unfreezing Zane in the process.)

(Zane): Ow.

(Y/N): That was close, but we did get the Shurikens of ice. So two down and two more to go.

(Wu): Next up, the nunchucks of lightning located at the floating ruins.

(The ninja head to the Floating Ruins to collect the Nunchucks of Lightning. The Skulkin are shown to be following the ninja.)

(Zane): We're being followed.

(Y/N): Go, I'll fend them off! (As Y/N then summoned his sword and jumped down to were the skulkin were and began to fend them off.)

(Jay): Now let's go!

(The ninja climb to the top of a ruin attached to the ground by a chain. With parts of debris floating around the ruin.)

(Jay): Heh, alright! I got them! *he grabbed the nunchucks of lightning*

(Just as he is about to leave, the Lightning Dragon appears out of nowhere.)

(Y/N): Uh...jay, turn around.

(Jay): Why's...that. (As he turned around, the lightning dragon was behind him.) AHH!!

(Jay instinctively jumps off the ruin with the support of his gliders while his fellow comrades follow suit. As down below the ruin Samukai was watching them glide away. Meanwhile Korashi who had his eyes fixated on Y/N.)

(Samukai): *laughs evilly* All according to plan.

(Korashi): Indeed.

(As the ninja escape to a place called the Forest of Tranquility, it is seen they are celebrating as Wu meditates and Y/N was on a tree branch watching guard as he had his senju scroll on his back.)

(Kai): Come on, Sensei. Join us.

(Wu): There is still one weapon left! We must get our sleep!

(Jay): Aww, Sensei. Look, you gotta admit, we're kicking their boney butts.

(Kai): Get up here. Show us some moves.

(Wu): I guess I could. Now this move is very special.

(Zane): But if done incorrectly, will it lead to disastrous consequences?

(Everyone began to laugh, including Y/N who was smiling as he felt better and more relaxed.)

(Kai): Zane, is that a joke? A sense of humor... you found it!

(Wu): *Singing and dancing* Shake what your momma gave you. Yeah, look at this one now. Hmm... oh yeah. Spin round. Oh yeah. I put my feet.

(Kai): Hey Y/N! How about you join in. I'm curious to see what moves you got.

(Y/N): I don't know...I have to make sure I keep guard-

(Jay): Oh cmon Y/N! Show us what you got, unless you are to chicken.

(Y/N): *smirking* Oh? I'll show you moves. I call this the senju shakedown!

(Kai and Jay laugh and join him dancing, with Cole playing the drums and Zane meditating. As after a few hours pass, they all begin to fall asleep a quiet, calm whispering voice could be heard by Kai's ears which he recognized as his sister, Nya.)

(Nya): *Whispering* Kai... Kai...

(Kai): *Waking up* Huh?

(Nya): Kai...

(Kai): Was that...?

(Nya): I have to go... *She starts running away*

(Kai): Nya! Wait up! *Chases after her* Slow down! Why are you running so fast?! *He loses Nya* Nya! Where are you? *He spots the Fire Temple and goes to the entrance when the door opens*

(As meanwhile back at the campsite, Y/N woke up as shortly as Kai left.  Not noticing Kai, Y/N saw him run towards Nya, seeing this Y/N then grabbed his scroll and headed off to where Kai was going. As meanwhile a familiar flame aura was was flaring up to where he was standing shortly after he left.)

(Nya): Kai...

(Kai): Nya? *He proceeds to the inside of the temple*

(Upon searching for his sister, he finds her standing in front of the Sword of Fire.)

(Nya): Don't worry. *As slowly Nya began morphing into the shadow of Garmadon. As the voice slowly changes to Garmadon*

(Garmadon): I'm right here, brother. *Laughs evilly*

(Kai): Garmadon. *as he reached behind him for his sword, he realized he left his sword at the campsite*

(Garmadon): Forgot something?

(Kai): You can't hurt me here. You're banished. Trapped in the Underworld.

(Garmadon): And that is why you are going to remove the Sword of Fire for me.

(Kai): I don't think so!

(Garmadon): Are you sure about that?

(Garmadon then disappears as the real Nya is chained above the lava.)

(Nya): Kai!

Kai: Nya!

(Garmadon): If you don't remove the sword, how else will you cut the chains to save your precious little sister?

(Nya): You know it's a trap. I can... free my...self. *Struggles with the chains* Okay, that's tight.

(Nya is then dropped closer to the lava.)

(Kai): Nya!

(Garmadon): Tick tock. Tick tock.

(Kai reaches for the sword and performs Spinjitzu.)

(Kai): Ninja, go!

(He cuts off the chain and rescues Nya while Garmadon laughs evilly.)

(Kai): Stay close.

(Nya): (Fearfully.) Trust me, I'm not going anywhere.

Kai: (To Garmadon.) You can't hurt us! You're only a shadow!

(Garmadon): Even shadows have their uses. Bedsides who said I was just by myself?

(A shadow version of Kai appears in front of him and Nya. As well as Korashi appearing behind them from a flaming aura.)

(Nya): Kai! Look out!

(Kai): Stay back, Nya.

(Nya): Stay close, stay back. Make up your mind.

(But as she as backing up she bumps into Korashi, as she turned around she was frightened and terrified by the skulkin commander, fear took her over as she tried to scream for help.)

(Nya): Kai! Hel- *Korashi's hand soon muffles her cry for help.*

(Kai): Nya! You let her go right now. Or else-

(Korashi) *smirking and laughing evilly* Or what? If you use the sword of fire on me, you'll risk hurting your dear, sweet sister. So what will you do lone ninja?

(Y/N): Who said he was all alone!

(Suddenly the young senju then jumped into the fire temple with his tree ent fist jutsu as it made a direct hit onto Korashi's jaw, sending him through the volcano wall freeing Nya in the process.)

(Y/N): Kai, don't worry about me I'll handle him you just make sure Garmadon doesn't get the sword!

(Kai): Right, thanks for saving my sister.

(Y/N then gave a nod meaning 'no problem' as he jumped through the hole to stop Korashi. As Kai attempts to attack his own shadow, but nothing is working while the shadow easily attacks him.)

(Nya): That's not fair!

(Garmadon): Oh, am I being too hard? *More Kai shadows are created.*

(Kai struggles to get up as he trying to fight them. One of the shadows disarms him and picks up the sword when Wu appears out of nowhere and attacks the shadows, retrieving the sword back.)

(Garmadon): Brother. I see you protect one, but what about the other three?

(Wu): They are safe! Far from you grasp, Garmadon!

(Garmadon): I wouldn't be so confident.

(Garmadon shows Kai and Wu what is currently happening at the Forest of Tranquility. Cole wakes up in front of a Skulkin Warrior and reaches for his scythe, but it is taken by Kruncha while Nuckal stands on top of Zane and Jay and Samukai wields the collected Golden Weapons.)

(Samukai): I believe these belong to Lord Garmadon now. *The Skulkin celebrate their victory and cheer on as meanwhile back at the temple*

(Wu): My brother must not unite the four weapons. We must keep them apart!

(Garmadon): Awaken, guardian of the deep! They're stealing the Sword! You must not let them escape!

(As Wu, Nya, and Kai attempt to escape the Fire Temple, Garmadon wakes up the Fire Dragon to stop them from doing so.)

(Kai): There's no way out! He's taken away all our options.

(Wu): All but one. (Wu jumps onto a rock suspended on the lava.)

(Kai): Sensei, what are you doing?!

(Wu cuts the rock using the sword.)

(Garmadon): No, you fool!

(Wu): If he is to bring the other weapons here, then I will take the Sword of Fire to the Underworld. It is my sacrifice to pay.

(Kai): No! It's mine. I shouldn't have come on my own. You don't have to do this! There has to be another way!

(Wu drinks his last cup of tea before falling off to the Underworld.)

(Kai): NOOOOOO!!!!!!

(Garmadon): Then I will see you there, Brother! (His shadow follows Wu to the Underworld. Leaving Kai and Nya alone isn't the fire temple.*

(Kai): This is all my fault. Sensei won't be able to hold up for long.

(The Fire Dragon appears behind both Kai and Nya, which the latter notices.)

(Nya): Forget Sensei. What about us? 

(As meanwhile with the young senju, he is facing off against the skulkin commander. As he was breathing heavily as his stamina was depleted.*

(Korashi): : I told you last time at the caves of despair didn't I? You would fall. *as korashi began to show his true flaming skeleton form*

(As Korashi then charged at the young senju, he the jumped out of the way as Korashi whipped a chain around his leg, spinning him around faster and faster. Slamming him into the stalactites as he threw him into a wall making him drop his sword. As Y/N tried to reach for his sword, Korashi then placed his boot on his hand holding him in place.)

(Y/N): Must...warn...the...others.

(Korashi): It's no use now, we've already won. 

(As Korashi then knocked out the young senju, he then took away his scroll and sword and binding him in chains. As he opened a orange rift to the underworld dragging him down below to be held prisoner. Leaving nothing but silence.)

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