Seeing Double (TMNT)

By ImAbitFruity

2.1K 87 82

This fic takes place straight after the ROTTMNT movie, where instead of staying in their dimension, mikeys po... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

148 7 18
By ImAbitFruity

When Mikey made his way to the surface after a mental breakdown, he wasn't expecting his brother to be flirting with an overgrown rabbit within the next 3 hours. Honestly, the man had literally been on his death bed a matter of days ago, and now he was shamelessly trying to woo the rabbit Yokai. Gays. He had migrated back to Murakami's with Leonardo, Donnie, Karai, Michelangelo and Leo, plus his new friend, Usagi, after they found the two of them exchanging phone numbers in the alleyway.

They were all sat at various tables across the restaurant; Raph, Raphael and Mona on one near the kitchen, Leo and Usagi were sitting comfortably in a secluded corner, and Leonardo, Donnie and Michelangelo were sat with him near the centre of the restaurant. It was nice having gourmet food that he didn't have to cook. Other than pizza from Run of the Mill, Mikeys cooking is his families main source of food. Was, their main source of food. At this rate his tremors would prevent him from cooking for a while. With that thought, he glanced down at his shaking hands bitterly. He didn't regret what he did, saving Leo, not at all. But all of the activities he enjoyed most involved using his hands; spray-painting, cooking, drawing. They would serve as a constant reminder of what he sacrificed, and what he couldn't do anymore.

Mikey turned his attention to the interior of Murakami's, absorbing the intricacies of the restaurants design. The walls were a deep, burgundy red, with golden dragons delicately painted on as a feature wall. Booths lined the wall, with the farthest one being taken up by Leo and Usagi, who were chatting away animatedly. A kitchen filled the centre of the restaurant, with stools and benches surrounding it, forming a square. Traditional lights hung from the ceiling, red lanterns decorated the roof above the kitchen and bamboo plants sat in any empty corners and bare spaces throughout the restaurant.

The smell of food lured Mikey's eyes to the kitchen; Mr. Murakami was cooking up a storm! He watched the chef slice through various vegetables and meats, then wrapping them dumpling-style and steaming them. He watched with baited breath, completely absorbed with the techniques in display. Before he knew it, Pizza Gyoza was being plated in front of him, with more plates for Leonardo, Donnie, Karai and Michelangelo. He began eating slowly. Precariously holding chopsticks with his twitching hands, challenging himself to see what his limits were. He managed three Gyoza's before his wrists and fingers started to ache, then he grumpily switched to picking up his food with his hands. He noticed his tablemates sharing sympathetic glances in his direction, but he chose to ignore them. He explored the texture of the meat and vegetables, and the taste of the cheeze, onion and pepperoni mixing with the dumpling wrap, relishing in the mixture of flavours. Once his hands recovered, Mikey vowed to make this for him and his brothers back home.

Mikey quickly finished his plate, announcing very loudly that he was 'SO FULL' to his brothers and other tablemates. Leo and Usagi were still talking away. They sat awfully close to each other, giving sneaky glances then flushing and scooting away ever so slightly if their eyes met, just to be pulled back by the other with and arm around each others shoulders. Mikey thought he could see Usagi's hand on Leos thigh, but he could force the information out of a dazed Leo afterwards, rather than spy on them. Donnie obviously wasn't following the same train of thought as Mikey, though. He was visibly staring in the lovebirds direction, glaring daggers at an oblivious Usagi, while Leo would spare his twin a frustrated glance every now-and-then. Thank goodness Raph couldn't see them, otherwise he would have gone full 'Mumma-Raph' mode on Leo and dragged his ass back to the Lair, leaving Usagi in the dust.

Other-Donnie, who he hasn't properly met yet, was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Other-Casey. Other-April had headed back to the Lair, after being properly ABANDONNED by the purple turtle and the black-haired human. Mikey couldn't wait to have a group conversation with everyone- he missed socialising! They had been stuck underground for so long that he thought he would go insane! Besides, they needed to come up with nicknames for everyone; putting 'other' in front of peoples names was getting REALLY annoying. He slouched into the stool he was sat on, sparing more glances across the restaurant, and thinking about the differences between this world and his own.

For starters, Other-Leo was giving transfem vibes, he definitely wanted to give Leo a bow in their mask tails- OOH or maybe a plait! 0ther-Raph was honestly like a chihuahua (tiny yet so full of rage) that it made Mikey laugh. Other-Donnie CLEARLY had a situation-ship with Other-Casey, and there is only one Casey?? Did they not have an apocalyptic future in this dimension? Mikey scoffed at that thought. And no Kraang either? Ugh, lucky bitches. Speaking of Kraang, he needed to check in on his brothers after the last few days. Now that they had processes everything that had happened, Mikey needed to make a mass appointment with Dr. Feelings for his family. Not him though- he is the cheery little brother, who does whatever is necessary to support his family, no need for him to get help!

Mikey turned his attention to Other-Leo, proposing the idea of a group dinner tonight to have a proper conversation. Other-Leo smiles at him, praising him for his idea, which makes Mikey grin widely. He was already so excited to try cooking again, OH! He should ask Leo to help! As long as he isn't too busy with his new BOYFRIEND. Ughhh. Maybe Raph would help instead.


Back at the Lair, Casey and Donatello had locked themselves in the lab, snacking and talking and drinking like they had all the time in the world. Because they did. No more baddies to fight, they could FINALLY have the teenage adventures they had dreamed about at the ripe age of 25! Empty wrappers lay scattered across the floor, along with bottles of soft drink and vodka. On a normal night, Donatello would be fuming at the state of his lab. But tonight was no normal night. Tonight, he was sitting here, pissed, with a cute boy. He was uncharacteristically happy, but Casey didn't seem to mind. In fact, Casey seemed to be really enjoying himself. He had also snagged a vape on the way home, wanting to try it with his best friend over anyone else. He had been offered it at parties many times before, but had refused until now. Why? He had no idea. Donatello made him feel giddy, like a cool, floaty, giggly kind of giddy. The vodka floating in his system wouldn't help though.

"Do you want some?" Casey grins lopsidedly after a while, waving the vape in Donatello's face.

"Sure, why not?" Donatello giggles, snatching it from Casey's hand and examining it. Casey watches his friend, basking in the little mannerisms he adored. Donatello continues to eye off the vape for a minute or too, like he was considering his options, before raising it to his mouth and taking a hit. He immediately starts spluttering, the smoke drifting out of his nostrils and mouth as he lets out a mixture between a laughing and coughing fit. Casey laughs as Donatello swears, then grabbing the vape and trying it for himself. He had smoked weed before, surely this wasn't that different? He inhaled, breathing the vapour into his lungs and holding it there, then exhaling, watching tendrils of smoke float into the air. Shit- he's dizzy now. His head is spinning, and next thing he knows he is stumbling to the ground, dragging Donatello with him. They giggle together, the alcohol, dizziness and feelings creating a confusing, yet fun, atmosphere.

Casey's heart skips a beat when he realises the position he fell into. Donatello is sprawled on the ground, still giggling away, completely oblivious to the flustered Casey that is somehow STRADDLING HIM. Keep it cool, Casey Jones. You've done this at parties before, with guys and girls; what makes this different? The answer flits into his mind, catching him off guard before he quickly pushes the thought into the back of his brain. He was too pissed to deal with that. Instead, he leans in, offering the vape to Donatello once more, who mimics Casey's action from before. He reaches up for the Vodka-soda mix resting on the benchtop above them, sculling half the glass to cool his nerves. The smoke from Donatello's mouth mingles between them, their faces still close as Casey resides comfortably on top of his friend. Oh fuck, he is STILL on top of Donatello.

Eager to distract himself from the current... situation, he has another hit, blowing the smoke into Donatello's face, who sighs, breathing in the smoke and blowing it back.

"Hey..." Donatello starts, before busting into giggles, which makes Casey grin. "Wanna try something?" He drawls, taking a hit and holding it in his mouth before leaning in, closing the gap between them. Their lips meet, startling Casey, but he gets the gist of what's happening when Donatello opens his mouth, blowing the smoke from his mouth to Casey's. Casey breaths it in, relishing in the feeling of their kiss (?) then blowing the smoke back into Donatello's face. They chuckle together, their faces remain close together as their breath mingles with the proximity. Donatello smiles lazily, but Casey feels like his eyes are boring into his very soul. Casey returns the smile, leaning back to devour the intricacies of his companions face. His eyes, his smile, his shoulders. This is it. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for the rash decision he made. He leans in slowly, placing a hand on either side of Donatello's neck, closing the distance between them once more. Their lips meet, and Donatello quickly retaliates. Pushing himself up to deepen the kiss, he interlocks his hands behind Casey's neck.

They break apart, pausing for a moment, then Casey moves his lips lower. He makes his way from Donatello's lips to his neck, pecking kisses on the corner of his mouth, his cheek, his jaw and his adams apple before lingering at the base of his neck. He starts to suck, causing Donatello to gasp and arch his neck, offering more access to his collarbones. Moments later, Casey's lips part from their place on Donatello's neck. He smirks at the hickey already forming at the base of the mutants neck. Donatello groans, mumbling incoherently about wearing a hoodie for a week because of him, which makes Casey smile even wider. They kiss once more, grinning into each others mouths in bliss.

"Man, I'm kinda sleepy, not gonna lie.." Donatello drawls, glancing towards the exit to the lab as the alcohol finally starts to hit. He hadn't been drunk before, of course he was going to be a lightweight!

"I mean, the others wouldn't be back yet, we could go for a nap in your room..." Casey smirks, already stumbling off Donatello's lap and offering him a shaky hand up. Donatello takes it, allowing himself to be hauled up from the floor, and the duo stumble to the purple turtles room, laughing giddily and falling asleep in each others embrace.

Little did they know, a certain red-head had seen them, cooped up on the couch waiting for the others to return. She smiled to herself, chuckling into her book. Good for them, it was about time.


The Lair was quickly filled with the sound of laughter echoing off the walls. Stomachs full from a delicious lunch, and a new friend joining them, they traversed the extensive sewer tunnels back to their home. The familiar, albeit gross, smell of their home served as comfort after a day out for Raphael. He had had a peaceful conversation with Other-him and Mona, who were standing on either side of him for the duration of their walk home. Already, he had noticed that Raph had a very similar role in the family as Leonardo, other than being leader, although Raphael and his alternate shared their temper and fierce protectiveness. He honestly wanted to get to know their alternates better. Firstly, they are so young! Apparently, when they fought the Shredder in their universe, Other-Mikey was only 15; they weren't allowed to the surface until that age! He couldn't even imagine defeating the Shredder that young- it made him feel immensely sorry for the little guy. Other-Leo hadn't always been leader either; Splinter had just given him the role of leader after the Shredder, providing NO GUIDANCE whatsoever! Looks like all Splinters were bad Dads. He chuckles dryly to himself as they enter the Lair, noticing April snuggled up on the couch, absorbed in a book. She looked pretty amused, smirking as she gestured for Leonardo to come talk to her.

Raphael couldn't be bothered to try and eavesdrop the two of them, deciding to separate from the group in search of Donatello. He wanted to try and take SOME interest in whatever thing he would be tinkering away on. At first, he would have worried about leaving Mona alone with his brothers, however she quickly found a place in his makeshift family once she decided to stay on Earth. He announces his leave, walking towards the lab. Donatello would have slept there, again. He opens the door to the lab, wincing at the grinding sound the steel door makes, and even more so at the state of the room. Soft drink cans, chip packets, and 2 WHOLE BOTTLES OF VODKA litter the floor, the room smells of fruit and there are chairs tipped over under the workbench. The sight astounds Raphael; Donatello NEVER leaves his lab messy, and alcohol? Where did he get it from and who was he drinking with? Raphael grumbles under his breath as he strides from the room, slamming the steel door shut behind him as he makes his way to his brothers bedroom. He decides against screaming right away, hoping to catch Donatello still drinking in his bedroom. He opens the door ever so slightly, grimacing at the loud creak it emits. Raphael peers through the door, T-Phone in hand in case there is something photo worthy, and boy was the sight definitely photo worthy! He gasps at the scene in front of him, snapping a photo while he's at it.

The room is in shambles, Donatello's small comic collection is strewn across the floor, the bedsheets appear to have been thrown across the room, and low and behold lays Donatello, sprawled across the mattress with CASEY MOTHERFUCKING JONES snuggling up against him!?! The two of them are sound asleep, completely unbothered by the creaking door or Raphael's presence. Casey is sleeping peacefully, drooling onto Donatello's plastron, black hair tousled and tickling Donatello's nose. Donatello is snoring away with his arms resting on Casey, his purple mask is askew as he sniffles at the hair assaulting his nostrils. Raphael snickers to himself as he creeps further into the bedroom, getting many more photos from various angles- blackmail for later, of course. He practically skips out of his brothers room, desperate to tell SOMEONE about the new development in their little group. Probably Leonardo, Michelangelo was too much of a blabber-mouth! Or he could tell April! Scratch that, he was gonna tell both of them!!

Raphael rushed towards the living room giddily, a new skip in his step. What could he say? He was a sucker for gossip! In his excitement, he ran shoulder first into the doorframe to the living room, resulting in a grumpy stumble towards his brother their best friend. He sucked air through his teeth, wincing at the pain blooming in his shoulder, it would definitely bruise. Gossip was more important than icing random injuries, however, so he continued his stride to the couch, beckoning towards the pair so that they could chat in peace, while shouting their names.

"LEO, APRIL!!" He exclaimed, voice full of new found glee. It startled the duo, causing them to look upwards onto Raphael's excited expression, then share a knowing glance and turn to him with a smile.

April presses first, questioning whether their happiness came from the same news. "Raph, do you know what we know?" She leans over in her seat, staring at him with her eyes widened in anticipation.

"Well it depends, April. What do you know?" Raphael smirks in return, laughing as April grumbles to Leonardo, nudging him with her elbow and raising an eyebrow in Raphael's direction. Leonardo grins cheekily, gesturing towards his bedroom and hauling himself up from the couch, pulling April and Raphael with him.

The trio quickly settle in, sat in a circle on the tiled floor of Leonardo's room. This was practically a ritual for the three of them. They were affectionately named the 'Gossip Group' by the rest of their family for a reason. Soft music played in the background, enough to mask their voices from the outside and candles gifted from April were burning in the corner of the room, filling the air with scents of citrus and flowers. Raphael was already giggling heartily as he pulled out his T-Phone. He leaned his shell against the side of the bed, skimming through the photos he took of Casey and Donatello. The other two eyed him off suspiciously, awaiting the oh-so-exciting news. They had been running out of things to talk about in their sessions, as Raphael was the only one in a proper relationship, although April had cautiously informed her best friends that she and Karai had enjoyed dinner and drinks together the other night.

Raphael finally finds the perfect photo, turning his T-Phone dramatically. Leonardo and April gasped in shock, plastering their hands on each others shoulders and screeching with laughter. The pair sat giggling, whispering in each others ears and resting their foreheads on the others shoulder when they couldn't breath, while Raphael sat impatiently in his spot. They had been laughing for minutes now, he just wanted to spill the tea!! He clears his throat rather obnoxiously, which quickly calms the duos bellowing laughter into the occasional giggle, before explaining what he saw.

"So, after we got back, I wanted to see what Donnie was doing. Being a good brother... Y'know?" He begins, pausing when Leonardo starts to giggle, mumbling in between breaths about it being a 'miracle' that Raphael wanted to ACTUALLY pay attention to his science-crazed brothers latest project. Raphael rolls his eyes, poking his tongue out in his brothers direction. "Ehhh, its a work in progress- IM TRYING OK!! Anyways, I went to check on him in his lab, thinking he would be tinkering away on WHATEVER he does, but he wasn't there!"

April narrows her eyes, squinting as she tried to remember the brief interaction she saw between Casey and Donatello. Raphael opens his mouth to speak again, but she interrupts, "that makes sense, because I saw them leaving the Lab before you all got here. 'An let me say, they looked a little TIPSY!" She giggles, accentuating the 'tipsy' with a circular motion of her pointer finger near her hear.

"Yeah, you should have seen the Lab- it was a mess! If Don wasn't pissed, he would have lost his shit; there were empty vodka bottles, soft drink cans and snack packets were all over the floor, and the stools were tipped over! It smelt fruity in there too!"

"Was that a gay joke...?" Leonardo's expressions deadpans, glaring at his brother then quickly laughing at his annoyed expression.

"No, HAMATO LEONARDO, it wasn't. Just because your gay as fuck doesn't mean everything is GAY!" Raphael groans, poking his brother in the centre of his plastron and throwing his head back with an exasperated sigh. "As I was SAYING- Donnie wasn't in the Lab, so I went to check his room, which is when I found them snuggling together. Obviously I had to take some photos for blackmail, and then I rushed off to tell you two!" April starts to speak, but Raphael cuts her off with his final comment. "I think they were vaping, which explains the smell." He finishes, and Leonardo turns to him in confusion.

"Wait, how would you know what vape smells like, RAPH?"

"What can I say, the Mutanimals threw some killer parties back in the day! And yes Leo, this was back when I used to sneak out right after we defeated the Shredder. No need to go all Mumma Leo on me!" Raphael grins.

"Oh SHIT- I told Other-Mikey that we would have group dinner!" Leonardo groans, smothering his face in his hands. With both sets of turtles, Mona, Casey, April and Karai, there was a heap more mouths to feed than usual.

"Someone else can handle it, O Fearless Leader, come have a nap with us. I'm feeling ANCIENT after all that gossiping." Raphael grins once more, tugging his frantic brother back down beside him. Since the other turtles arrived, Leonardo was back in his old role. Taking care of everyone, putting others first at his sake. He deserved some rest.

April starts to giggle, and before they know it, the 'Gossip Group' were snuggled together comfortably. They quickly passed out, April with her head resting on Leonardo's shoulder, and the brothers resting shell to shell against the bed, lulled to sleep by the soft music and pleasant aroma filling the air.

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