Pregnant With The Alpha's Pups

By MsTurtles

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Sophia was the omega of The Blood Rage pack. She was the outcast of the pack, her parents died in a rouge att... More

Pregnant with the Alpha's pups - Prologue
Where My Life Changes - Chapter 1
The Rejection - Chapter 2
Wait... What?! - Chapter 3
A New Start - Chapter 4
First Ultrasound - Chapter 5
Tough Decisions - Chapter 6
The Truth - Chapter 7
I Want A Job - Chapter 8
Meeting The Pack( Part 1) - Chapter 9
Meeting The Pack (Part 2) - Chapter 10
Labor - Chapter 11
This Wasn't Planned - Chapter 12
Telling Him - Chapter 13
Telling Her - Chapter 14
Getting Settled - Chapter 15
Surprise Chapter!! - Chapter 16
What The Hell!? - Chapter 17
Too Weak - Chapter 18
Decisions - Chapter 19
Going Home? - Chapter 20
To Blood Rage Pack - Chapter 21
Get A Doctor - Chapter 22
Accept Her Or Be Exiled - Chapter 23
It's Very Disgusting - Chapter 24
You Are My World - Chapter 25
Do You Have To Go Away? - Chapter 26
I Miss You So Much - Chapter 28

First Of All Fuck You! - Chapter 27

689 22 6
By MsTurtles

Katherine and Henry dropped the twins off an hour after we've had lunch. The twins were still wide awake. This was good, because I want Blake to spend some time with them before he has to leave to go and be an amazing alpha and help that small pack.

We were sat in the living room on the rug with the twins. They were having a bit of tummy time, which they didn't like at all. "Blake I was meaning to ask you something." I started the conversation, nervous as hell. Why you ask? I have no idea. 

"Yes, of course. What's on your mind?" He asked wrapping his arm around me. I leaned into his and I inhaled a deep breath, loving the fact that his scent is all I can smell.

I waited for a few seconds to pass before I asked" I was wondering when the acceptance trials will be..." I trailed off, not sure if this is the right time to be asking this question.

Blake was quiet for a few minutes. He looked really focused with his eyes glazed over. He is mind linking someone, but I wonder who it might be. I just watched the twins while he was busy on his mind link.

It took him five minutes to come to reality again. He stood up and walked to his office, leaving me to think that asking about the acceptance trials was a mistake.

My mood was changing with every step he took away from me without giving me an answer. This is bullshit, what the fuck was that? If he didn't want to talk about it then he should've just said so. He shouldn't have walked away like I offended him and his fucking title.

I picked the twins up from there spots and put them in their stroller and decided to go for a walk. I grabbed the diaper bag for the twins and then I was out the door. Today was a really nice day out. The typical day you see in the movies, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are chirping and the sky was a beautiful clear blue.

I think the twins will enjoy the fresh air as much as I will. Being cooped up inside that house for a few days will do that to a person.

My mind keeps replaying how Blake treated me. I just asked a simple question, and as far as I know a simple question requires a simple answer. What was so difficult about that? But no, he had to ignore me and just go up to his fucking office.

I think it's for the best that we spend a few days away from each other. We have been in each others face for the past 5 months, without having a break from the other one.

It's for the best that he's going to that other pack to help train their soldiers. It will give us both some time to think things through. 

Maybe coming back here was a mistake, maybe taking him back to quickly was a mistake. He is really fucking with my thoughts, he makes me overthink everything and he makes me doubt my decisions. Which I believe is not really healthy for our relationship.

When I focused on where I stopped with the twins it was the same park where I went to with Shyla to clear my head. This is probably my brains way of telling me this is a safe and calm spot for me and my pups to come when shit gets rough.

I'm not saying I'm going to run from all of my problems, but I need some space when I get treated as if I'm the omega of this pack again. As if I am far beneath my mate and the title he has.

It always seems that he is choosing his title above me. Having that stupid fucking title is not more important than my kids and I are. If he thinks so then he should tell me so that I can leave to go back to Florida. I was happy there, I had friends and people who cared for me. Here yes I have Shyla and Katherine, but the rest of the pack probably doesn't even know that I'm here.

They probably don't even know about the twins, that they have a true heir right under their noses. This is really all so fucked up. To think I wanted to complete the mating process as soon as possible. How fucking stupid can I be? How desperate must I have seemed to take him back this easily? He most likely has a slut on the side, he probably has a witch casting a spell so that I can't feel the pain when he is fucking other girls.

'Soph, you're taking this too far. I know for a  fact that there is no other she-wolf." Sapphire told me with certainty in her voice.

"How would you know Sapph? How do you know that there is no other slut?" I asked not believing her. Max could tell her anything to make her feel better.

"Sophia! You know that I can still hear your thoughts right? You can't block me out from hearing them like you do with Blake. Max keeps me updated on what they are doing every few hours. This what is happening now is you overthinking things. I know how Blake treated this whole situation was wrong. He should've told you what was going on." Sapphire said the last part a bit to excited.

"Sapph, what is going on? What are you not telling me?" I asked, growing suspicious of these three.

Something seems off. Blake walked out on me when I asked him about the acceptance trials, and Sapphire tells me that I shouldn't overthink this situation and that Blake could've handled it better.

This is giving me a headache. I'll just forget about it for now and enjoy my time out of the house in the fresh air with the twins. I sat on the grass with the twins playing with them with one of their rattles, when I realized that I left my phone at home. 

So this means no one can get a hold of me. Blake can mind link me but I sort of blocked him out at the moment. He deserves it though, if he cannot have a normal conversation with me, then I won't let him talk to me through our bond.

I think about an hour has passed. Wow, this is amazing. No one has come to search for us, I don't mind it though. This time away from everything gave me time to really bond with the twins.

The thought wasn't even properly a thought when Blake's truck rolled up to the park along with five other trucks. Blake hopped out of his truck and the rest of the men followed.

I rolled my eyes when I saw Blake's annoyed and pissed off face. I stood up and strapped the twins back into their stroller.

Blake walks up to me with fire in his eyes. He literally looks like he can kill a cow right now. I guess he can do that, but that is just weird. "Sophia what the fuck!? You don't tell anyone where you are going! You leave your phone! What the fuck!? What if something happened to my pups!?" Blake yelled as soon as he was in front of me.

OH fuck no! This bitch is not trying me today. "First of all fuck you! Second of all you don't get to treat me like I'm beneath you and not answer me and walk out of the room! Third don't you ever try to pin this on me if something were to happen to MY pups! This is so like you Blake, Choosing your fucking stupid title above everything else! What happened to' You are my everything Soph'!? What happened to you caring about me!? Or am I just forgotten like the day that I became the omega of THIS pack Blake!?" I yelled back, tears almost spilling over.

Blake stayed quiet, his gaze was on the floor. "Why the hell can't you just answer any of my questions?" I asked my voice almost breaking, my eyes pleading for him to try and fight for our relationship.

Yet he still stayed quiet. "This is the biggest answer you have given me Blake. I hope you have a wonderful three days training those soldiers. I will be staying with Shyla in the pack house until you know where your priorities lie. Go and be the big strong alpha everyone knows you as, and please do me a favor, don't try to contact me at all. You can see Nova and Neveah when you get back." I told him, my voice barely above a whisper.

I turned around and walked to the pack house, hoping no one will remember me and that I can just get in quick to be with Shyla. This is for the best for now. 

We jumped too quickly into this thing without thinking things through. I know this is partially my fault too for agreeing to this relationship so soon, but so we will learn from our mistakes and experiences.

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