By OutKast23

12.8K 547 38

In which she helps a transfer student coming from the Dominican Republic "Promise you'll be here for me." "I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 7

367 17 1
By OutKast23

February 3rd 2023

Carmén has settled into her new home town pretty nicely. Jahzara has been helping her with her homework almost everyday, sometimes over the phone. She didn't really want to bother the girl, but it seems like she wanted to help. But Carmén didn't question why she was offering, she wanted to talk to the girl almost everyday anyway.

Jahzara had been over Carmén's house multiple times anyway. Carmén's mother loved the girl and always asked her to come over.

Carmén loved that the girl was by her side. She was someone to help her in moving and getting familiar with things here.

Carmén was now walking to their 4th period from her English lesson. She was so happy to see Jahzara, like she hadn't just seen the girl earlier this morning.

Carmén was walking with her head down and her music in. She accidentally bumped into someone because if it.

"Lo siento." Carmén said in Spanish out if habit to the person she ran into

(I'm sorry.)

"Uugh. It's you, the Spanish girl. Why are you here. Go back to where you come from if you can't even speak Spanish." The racist ass white bitch, Allison said

Carmén looked at the girl with a confused expression. She figured it wasn't good since she looked disgusted and angry. So Carmén just decided to walk away, but the girl stopped her.

"Where are going? Say sorry in English." Allison said while pushing the girl back against the lockers

Now people had stopped in the hallway to see the confrontation. People started pulling their phones out.

Carmén stayed quiet, getting a little nervous since it looked like the girl was going to hurt her.

"I didn't get my apology. " Allison said aggressively while pushing the girl against the locker

Carmén pushed the girl off of her, out of agitation. Her mother told her before she started coming to school in person, to only let a person touch you twice before you retaliate. Carmén at first didn't understand why. She never had to fight someone at her old school. But now she was about to find out.

"Did you just push me? Your gonna get it now bitch." Allison said getting up and charging at the girl

Carmén closed her eyes in fear and waited for the girl to hit her until her eye shot open at the sound of Jahzara's voice. Even though she only understood a couple words, that's all it took for Carmén to know who it was.

"Allison, why yo dirty ass touching on her like that?" Jahzara said coming in between the two girls

"She bumped into me. She didn't apologize. She can't even speak English. And she pushed me. Move out the way." Allison said standing up off the ground

"Nah. You good. Move along." Jahzara said calmly

"No. She shouldn't even be here. She's probably here illegally. So let me just do all of us a favor and beat her up." Allison said

That's when Jahzara snapped and punched the girl.

"Don't. Talk. Bout. My. Friend. Like. That. You. Ugly. Ass. Rasict. Bitch." Jahzara said after every punch, while the Allison pulled her to the ground

"Damn. Shorty getting her ass beat." Some random in the back round said

Allison didn't land not a single punch on the girl. She tried to grip her hair, lightly scratching Jahzara's face but Jahzara had too much force.

"Don't come up to my friend again. You pussy bitch." Jahzara said getting her last punches in before administration came in

"Alright, alright. Break it up." The administrator said while pulling Jahzara off of the girl

"You wanted to fight bitch. I gave you one and you got yo ass beat." Jahzara said furiously as the administrator held her back

Allison was bleeding from her nose,lip, and top of her head. The girl's face was swollen. It did not look good.

The while time Carmén was shocked. She didn't know Jahzara could fight someone like that. She was always so nice around her. Carmén got out of her shock and went over to Jahzara to check on her.

"Dios mío. ¿Estás bien? Laments haberte metido esto." Carmén said lightly touching the girl's face, scanning her eyes over Jahzars cut

(Oh my God. Are you ok? I'm sorry I got you into this.)

"Soy recto. Ella no me golpeó ni uns Sola vez. Y no es tu culpa. Ella estaba jugando contigo. No estuy con eso." Jahzara said, slightly leaning into the girl's hand

(I'm straight. She ain't hit me once. And it's not your fault. She was messing with you. I'm not with that.)

The administrator interrupted the two girls.

"You two come with me. We have to contact your parents." The administrator said

"Vamos." Jahzara said, holding out her hand to Carmén

(Come on.)

"Don't eva try no shit like that again bitch. I won't hesitate to beat yo ass again." Jahzara said turning around to the girl who was getting assistance from the nurse

"Yeah. I'm not messing with her. I don't know bout yall." Another random on the class said

"Get to class before I write you up." Yhe administrator said, causing the students to scurry to their classes

"Te vas a meter en problemas, ¿no?" Carmén asked worriedly

(You're going to get in trouble aren't you?)

"No te preocupes. No me arrepiento. Lo hice por ti." Jahzara said smiling at the girl

(Don't worry. I don't regret it. I did for you.)

"Gracias." Carmén said feeling herself blushing at the girl's words

(Thank you.)

"De nada. Y dime si alguien más se mete contigo, ¿está bien?" Jahzara said

(You're welcome. And tell me if anybody else mess with, alright?)

"Lo haré." Carmén said lowly

(I will.)

The girls got to the office and Mrs. Gonzalez was already present.

The administrators went into another room to discuss the consequences that would be given to both girls.

"Jahzara we don't expect this type of behavior from you. We are disappointed." The principal said, causing Jahzara to roll her eyes

"She was bothering my friend. What did yall expect. That bitch deserves it anyway. She always been racist." Jahzara said angrily

"Language please." The principal said

"My bad." Jahzara said

Carmén could tell it was bad news. The principal looked really disappointed.

"We understand that you were standing up for your friend but we are suspending you for two weeks. You beat the girl up pretty bad." The principal said

"I understand." Jahzara said nonchalantly

"Carmén will receive a three day suspension." The principal said

Jahzara was quick to react while Mrs.Gonzalez translated to Carmén.

Carmén was worried what her mother would say. But she was hoping she would understand. Carmén just did what her mother told her to do.

"Wait, what she getting suspended for? She ain't do nothing." Jahzara said angrily

"She pushed the girl on the ground. She essentially started the fight." The principal said

"Mmtch nah. Allison had her pushed on the lockers. It was self defense." Jahzara said

"She is getting suspended one week." The principal explained

"One week?! She rasict and is harassing people. She need to be expelled." Jahzara said

"Sorry. That's our decision." The principal

"That's cause she white, ain't it? Sick world we live in." Jahzara said while shaking her head

"We have your mother on the phone in the other room. Please go talk to her." The principal said after sighing, disregarding her statement

Jahzara stood up to go to the door on her left and was stopped by Carmén.

"¿A dónde vas?" Carmén asked grabbing the girl's hand

(Where are you going?)

"Voy a volver. Lo prometo." Jahzara responded

(I'm coming back. Don't worry. I promise.)

Carmén nodded her head and let the girl's hand go.

Jahzara went into the office and the assistant principal handed the phone to her.

"Queé diablos? Why are they telling me you got suspended two weeks?" Jahzara's mother shouted through the phone

(What the hell, Jahzara.)

"Cálmate Mamí. They overreacting." Jahzara said nonchalantly

(Calm down Ma.)

"Overreacting. They said you made the girl's face swollen and her head, nose, and lips was bleeding. That's not my idea of overreacting." Her mother said angrily

"Lo hice por una razón. Esa punta estaba jugando con mi amiga." Jahzara said

(I did it for a reason Ma. That bitch was messing with my friend.)

"Language!" Her mother exclaimed

"Lo siento." Jahzara said


"And what friend?" Her mother asked

"You don't know her she's new." Jahzara explained

"No puedes ir a pelear así, Jahzara." Her mother said while sighing

(You can't go fighting like that Jahzara.)

"She was being racist Ma. And she had her pushed against the locker. She was trying to fight her." Jahzara said

"Entiendo. Y quiero conocer a esta chica, ya que es muy importante estar peleando por ella." Jahzara's mother said

(I understand. And I wanna meet this girl since she's so important to be fighting over.)

"She is. I was gonna bring her to meet you soon. You'll love her. ¿No te enojas?" Jahzara asked

(You not mad?)

"I'm a little mad. I get it though. Pero no vuelvas a hacer ninguna mierda así." Jahzara's mother said

(But don't do no shit like that again.)

"Si Mamí. I wont." Jahzara said even though she would if she had to

"Tampoco vuelvas a llamar a mi telefono. Estoy tratando de trabajar." Jahzara's mother said

(Don't have them call my phone again either. I'm trying to work.)

"Ok Mamí. Bye. Te amo." Jahzara said

(I love you.)

"Bye Jahzara." Her mother said before hanging up the phone

"Yeah. That's what I thought. I knew she wasn't gon get mad at me. I did right." Jahzara said mumbling to herself

Jahzara walked back into the office where Carmén was, and sat down with a smile on her face.

"Ver. Te dije que volvería. Mi mamá ni siquiera estaba tan enojada." Jahzara said

(See. I told you I'd be back. My mom wasn't even that mad.)

"Espero que la mía tampoco esté tan loco." Carmén said worriedly

(I hope mine isn't that mad either.)

"Ms. Dani no se enojará. Usted lo entenderá. Y si necesita convencerla, dile que me llame." Jahzara said reassuring the girl

(Ms. Dani won't be mad. She'll understand. And if she needs some convincing, tell her to call me.)

"Si, estaré en menos problemas si se lo dices. Ustes te ama." Carmén said lightly laughing

(Yeah, I'll be in less trouble if you tell her. She loves you.)

"Lo sé. Sin embargo, me siento mal de que estés sin mi durante dos senanas. Lo siento." Jahzara said while frowning

(I know. I feel bad that you'll be without me for two weeks though. I'm sorry.)

"Está bien. Me defendiste." Carmén said

(It's ok. You stood up for me.)

"Vendré por tus tres días." Jahzara offered

(I'll come over for your three days.)

"¿No te mantendrá tu mamá en casa?" Carmén asked looking confused

(Won't your mom keep you home?)

"Quizás. Si lo hace, entonces me escabulliré." Jahzara said while shrugging her shoulders

(Maybe. If she does, then I'll just sneak out.)

"No tienes que hacerlo. No quiero te metas más problemas." Carmén said

(You don't have to. I don't want you to get into anymore trouble.)

"Está bien. Quiero hacerlo. No puedo pasar tanto tiempo sin verte." Jahzara said

(It's ok. I wanna do it. I can't go that long without seeing you.)

Carmén turned her head, feeling her face heat up at Jahzara's comment.

Just then the administrator tapped Carmén and told Mrs. Gonzalez to translate that Carmén's mother was on the phone.

Carmén stood up a led went into the office yo pick up the phone.

"Hola Mami." Carmén said nervously

"Hola bebé. ¿Hubo una pelea? ¿Ganaste?" Her mother asked frantically

(There was a fight? Did you win?)

"¿Eso es todo lo que te importa? Gracias a Dios. Pensé que ne iba a meter en problemas." Carmén said in relief

(That's all you care about? Thank goodness, I thought I was gonna get in trouble.)

"Sé que solo pelearías por lo que te dije. Así que no estoy enojado. ¿Pero ganaste?" Her mother repeated

(I know you would only fight because of what I told you. So I'm not mad. But did you win?)

"No peleé exactamente. Simplemente la empujé. Jahzara luchó contra ella." Carmén said

(I didn't exactly fight. I just pushed her. Jahzara fought her.)

"Por supuestso que lo hizo. Ella es una gran novia para ti. ¿La golpeó?" Her mother asked

(Of course she did. She's such a sweetheart to you. Did she beat her up?)

"La golpeó mucho, Mamí. La Cara de la niña estaba hinchada y sangraba por todos partes. Fue malo." Carmén explained

(She beat her up bad Mami. The girl face was swollen and she was bleeding from everywhere. It was bad.)

"Oh Dios. Debo agradacerle por defender a mi hija. Dile que venga." Carmén's mother exclaimed

(Oh goodness. I must thank her for standing up for my daughter. Tell her to come over.)

"Mamí, ella allí casi todos los días. ¿Intentas robsr a alguien hija?" Carmén joked

(Mami, she's over there almost everyday. You trying to steal somebody daughter?)

"Sabes que ya amo a esa chica." Her mother said

(You know I love that girl already.)

"No creo que pueda. Su mamá probablemente la hard quedarse en casa." Carmén said

(I don't think she can. Her mom is probably gonna make her stay home.)

"De acuerdo. Bueno, dile que venga una vez que esté fuera del castigo." Her mother said

(Ok. Well tell her to come over once she's off punishment.)

"Está bien, lo haré." Carmén said

(Ok. I will.)

"Está bien, vengo a recogerte ahora." Carmén's mother said after a sigh

(Ok. I'm coming to pick you up now.)

"Nos vemos pronto." Carmén said

(See you soon.)

"Bye bebe." Her mother said before hanging up

Carmén let out a breath of relief. She was grateful her mother was understanding.

Carmén sat back down next to Jahzara to tell her the news.

"Mamí no estaba enojada por eso. Y usted quiere que vuelvas otra vez." Carmén said

(Mami was not mad about it. And she wants you to come over again.)

"Te dije que no se enojaría. Y por supuestso, ella quiere que venga, me ama." Jahzara said with a smile

(I told you she wouldn't be mad. And of course she wants me over, she loves me.)

"Ella está en camino ahora. No me sorprendería si ella deberías algo" Carmén said

(She's on her way now. I wouldn't be surprised if she brought you something.)

"No me enojaría. Y mi tía probablemente me recogió. Mi mamá no sale del trabajo." Jahzara said

(I wouldn't be mad. And my aunt probably picking me up. My mama is not getting off of work.)

"Así, ¿que vienes mañana?" Carmén asked after she nodded at Jahzara's statement

(So you're coming over tomorrow?)

"Yeah. ¿Está bien?" Jahzara asked

(Is that ok?)

"Si." Carmén answered quickly

"Me quieres tan mal. Te encanta past tiempo conmigo." Jahzara teased

(You want me over so bad. You love spending time with me.)

"¡eh! Tú eres a quien se le occurrió la idea." Carmén said

(Hey! You're the one who came up with the idea.)

"Sí, porqe no puedo pasar tanto tiempo sin estar contigo cara a cara." Jahzara said

(Yeah cause I can't go that long without being with you face to face.)

"No lo digas así. Suenas enamorado de mí." Carmén said while blushing and looking down

(Don't say it like that. You sound in love with me.)

"Lo siento, no puede evitarlo. Eres como mi mejor amiga en today el mundo." Jahzara exaggerated

(Sorry I can't help it. You're like my best friend in the whole wide world.)

"Y tú eres mío." Carmén said taking the girl's hand

(And you're mine.)

"Lo sé. Me gusta que soy." Jahzara said while looking at their intertwined hands

(I know. I like that I am.)

"Me encanta que seas mi amiga
No sé dónde estaría sin tu ayuda." Carmén said

(I love that you're my friend. I don't know where I'd be without you helping me.)

Jahzara smiled at the girl. She'd forgotten about the fight completely. Carmén seemed to do that a lot, distract her.

"Tu madre está afuera, Carmén." Mrs.Gonzalez said after she opened the office door

(You're mother is outside, Carmén.)

"¿Nos vemos mañana?" Carmén asked as she stood up

(See you tomorrow?)

"Nos vemod mañana. Adiós Carmén." Jahzara said with a smile

(I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Carmén.)

"Bye Jahzara." Carmén said in English before walking out

Jahzara smiled once the girl walked out of the room. She was happy Carmén was comfortable with speaking a little English. She was glad they were getting somewhere along with her English lessons at school.

She knew thats what Carmén would most likely make her do when she came over. But she didn't care.

She just wanted to be around her.

To be continued...

Hope yall enjoyed!!!

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