Miracles of the Warriors Eter...

By Egyptiandragon

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Ever since her failed gifting ceremony Mirabel has lamented how long does she has to wait for a miracle to ha... More

Chapter 2: Curiouser and Curiouser
Chapter 3: Reflection
Chapter 4: Disastrous Proposal
Chapter 5: The Next Step Ahead
Chapter 6: Giant Zombie Elephant
Chapter 7: Who are You?
Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounters

Chapter 1: Waiting on a Miracle

844 7 3
By Egyptiandragon

The time was ancient Egypt and on this dark knight a group of three mystical warriors were fighting a giant magical serpent made of energy.

The first warrior was a handsome elven knight that had pale blue skin, grayish blue eyes, long stark white hair, and large elven ears.

And his armor was sterling silver armor that shined brightly even under the pale light of the moon.

Flying towards his enemy, the man raised his sword to attack it, but the evil serpent flew forward. The man passes right through the creature, yelling out in pain.

Circling around, the serpent was met with the 2nd warrior, a young sorceress with fair skin, ebony dark hair that moved like a flame, pale purple eyes, and was clad in a tightfitting black outfit.

Holding out her hands, the woman is enveloped in black flames. Black flames with a purple core shot out, hitting the serpent.

And while it was distracted, the third and final warrior appeared. He was a bald headed but strong looking monk with amber cosmic eyes, and he wore his robes with bandages on his forearms and legs.

Clapping his hands together, orange colored magic arched off his hands like lightning. Strong hands made of magic appeared and grabbed the serpent by the throat.

The serpent let out a roar as the magic hands ring its neck. Soon it broke free and flew off in the distance at blinding speeds. The three warriors regrouped, watching as it flew off.

The woman looked at her comrades impatiently. "Where is he?" The elf warrior looks at the monk. "Seng! Can you find him?"

Seng closes his eyes for a second before reopening them, they glowed brightly like fire. "He is in time." Seng answered. "What? We need him now." The elf warrior said.

The woman grits her teeth angrily. "He is the one responsible." She proclaimed.

Seng then gasped and held out his hand to the woman. "Melinda!" Melinda shields herself as the serpent came out of nowhere and swallowed her as it flew right past.

Melinda was trapped within the beast's body, however, as tried to catch her bearings she heard a woman's voice call out her name. "Melinda."

Opening her eyes, Melinda was shocked and confused. Conflicted with what she just heard; Melinda summons the rest of what remains of her magic power to rip the serpent in two.

The elf removes his arm and looks up in awe, but it was short lived as Seng informed him, "Melinda is hurt."

Worried, the elf man quickly flies towards the ground and looks around until he found Melinda, laying in a crater. He quickly ran towards her side and held her close.

Melinda looks at him weakly as she cups his cheek. "Edred, my love. I—I heard someone...." Melinda sucks in a deep breath, her teeth grit as she tried to bear through the pain.

"Save your strength." Edred said.

Seng floats down in a mediation pose. "He is coming." A chartreuse portal then appears in front of them. And the thing that came out was a steampunk golden robot with a round body and top hat.

Edred takes out his sword, pointing it at the strange creature. Then another person came out, an old sorcerer that had a long white beard, wore pale blue robes, and held a wooden staff.

"Merlin." Edred said to the old sorcerer. "You have succeeded, as I knew you would." Merlin said.

Edred glared at him at his apathy to see that Melinda had been seriously hurt. "You cold hearted fool! It almost cost Melinda her life!" Merlin dismissively refuted his statement. "But it did not."

Edred continued to glare at Merlin as he put his sword away and listened to the old man's words as he continued. "The evil will return, and so must you."

"Yes. I see it." Seng confirmed.

"Your souls will protect the world throughout eternity." Merlin gestured to the metal man. "This is Copernicus. It will command yourself to return. I have brought him from the future."

A neigh could be heard from the distance. And where stood a very out of place sight, which was a majestic unicorn. "We have the blessing of the magic realm." Merlin declared.

And so, throughout history, Copernicus would find the chosen ones destined to fight the great evil.

At one point the reincarnations of Edred, Melinda, and Seng. Where a Viking, a chinse assassin, and Celtic druid, respectively. And it's with them, they battled a water serpent as it rose from the water.

And then there was the time that the great evil had returned as a giant one-eyed monster carrying an entire redwood tree trunk as a fiery bludgeoned which was used to hit the castle it was attacking.

And at the roof was a female knight and her men trying to fight off this monster.

However, during one of the battles the new reincarnations of Edred and Seng arrived with Copernicus. And they were a night, and sorcerer, respectively.

Opening his stomach, Copernicus shot out Melinda's soul, putting it into the female knight's body.

And it's here that her once sterling silver armor was turned as black as night, with her formally short black hair becoming long once again.

With the team now assembled, they fought off the monster and many battles commenced after this before they finally defeated the evil.

Then there was the time during the golden rush, the great evil had reappeared. But this time around, it had turned into a giant wolf that was terrorizing a town.

But just like last time, the three warriors had been reincarnated and were there to stop it.

Now fast forward to the 1902's, something was amidst as three mysterious men with shovels make their way through the foggy abandoned graveyard.

They then soon stopped when they finally found the correct tombstone.

Using their shoves and pickaxes to dig through the earth until one of the men's shovels hit something metallic.

The mysterious man moves the dirt with his hand, revealing Copernicus who was currently inactive.

Reaching into his coat, there was beeping and whirring sound as the man in the hole brings out an entire chainsaw.

Starting it up, the man tried to penetrate Copernicus's chest, but it seems that the robot was impenetrable.

Waking up, Copernicus narrows his eyes, the golden robots fist breaks through the earth, nailing the chainsaw man right in the stomach.

The two others watched as their comrade went flying. They then turned their attention to Copernicus's elongated arm as it rears back and knocks them back.

Placing both hands on the ground, Copernicus climbs out of the grave.

Despite the blow being enough to kill a regular person, the three men get up and tore their hats and coats. Revealing that they were in fact robots as well.

Copernicus's head pops up for a second, releasing steam.

The robots ran towards him and as they got closer, Copernicus stood still and opened his stomach, which revealed mini canons inside.

Despite being more advanced looking than Copernicus, they were still no match for the cannonballs which tore through their frames, even decapitating one of them.

Copernicus picks up the head of the robot he had decapitated. He blinks at it before dropping it to the ground.

Gears cranked and shifted as Copernicus's legs grew longer until he finally parted with the dense fog and clouds.

Where he could see a nearby jungle, but more importantly, he could see past the mountains, where Encanto was rested.

Steam left Copernicus as he lowered himself back to the ground and took his leave.

However, unknowing to him there was a robotic eagle watching his every move before flying off in the opposite direction.

Meanwhile in Encanto, Mirabel silently watched as everyone pooled into Antonio's new room. She should've known that animals would be a part of his gift.

She was happy for him, happy that he had received a door of his own cause that meant he won't have to endure what she had felt for the past 10 years.





After her failed gift ceremony, she could hear whispers of people calling her, "The Madrigal with No Gift" or "The Useless Madrigal."

She tried to keep her head high by being her happy, upbeat self but being constantly reminded that she is not like everyone else in her family made it feel like a piece of her would crack like glass.

Especially since it's not just the townspeople but two people in her own family. Which made it even more heartbreaking.

Mirabel used to be so close to her sister and Abuela. But after her gift ceremony, that's when everything changed.

Now, all they do is try as best as they can to hide their palpable disgust for her very existence and constant advice of staying out of everyone's way so as not to burden them.

There are times that Mirabel wondered what she did to deserve to be treated like this.

She always tried to make up for not having a gift to help wherever she could, but it was never good enough for anyone, especially for her Abuela Alma.

Even now, she was left on the sidelined as the entire family takes a picture together.

As she stood right there in front of her, the emptiness in her heart that had been festering for many years grew bigger, making her feel so close yet further away from her family.

Clenching her fist, Mirabel's eyes turned glossy as she turned away from her family and left to get some fresh air. Mirabel silently walked through the crowd of people, all too busy to even notice her presence.

Some even bumped shoulders with her, they had the decency to apologize but they quickly paid her no more mind as they hurried into Antonio's room.

Mirabel walked through the streets; they were so usually vibrant of life even during this time of night. But now, they were calm and serene.

Sighing, Mirabel began to sing to herself to make herself feel better.

Don't be upset or mad at all
Don't feel regret, or sad at all
Hey, I'm still a part of the family Madrigal...

And I'm fine, I am totally fine
I will stand on the side as you shine
I'm not fine, I'm not fine!

I can't move the mountains
I can't make the flowers bloom
I can't take another night
Up in my room.

Waiting on a miracle
I can't heal what's broken
Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane
Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain.

Always waiting on a miracle, a miracle
Always walking alone
Always wanting for more
Like I'm still at that door!

Longing to shine like all of you shine
All I need is a change
All I need is a chance
All I know is I can't!

Stay on the side
Open your eyes
Open your eyes
Open your eyes!

Mirabel smiles as she gets a pep in her step as she imagines how amazing it would be to finally to be recognized by her family, to finally be seen for who she is.

Picking up her skirt, she began to swish it around as she danced around and continued to sing.

I would move the mountains
Make new trees and flowers grow
Someone please just let me know
Where do I go!

I am waiting on a miracle,
A miracle
I would heal what's broken
Show this family something new!

Who I am inside
So what can I do?
I'm sick of waiting on a miracle
So here I go!

I am ready!
Come on, I'm ready!
I've been patient and steadfast and steady!

Bless me now as you blessed us all those years ago
When you gave us a miracle...

As Mirabel uttered the last chorus, she stopped in her tracks to look at the Casita, which had grown dark now as everyone was most likely in Antonio's room.

Am I too late for a miracle?

Sighing, Mirabel wiped the tears as they rolled down her face in droves.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Jumping, Mirabel looks around as she hears the thundering sound of someone's footsteps. She tried to peer through the darkness, but it was too dark to see anything.

"Uh...hello?" She called out.

She received no answer as the heavy footsteps got closer. Having a strange feeling in her gut, Mirabel decided that it might be time to get home.

Turning on her heel, Mirabel speed walks back to Casita. However, the footsteps seemed to get closer, against her better judgement Mirabel looked back.

Her eyes widened when she spotted Copernicus, whose form was surrounded by darkness revealing only his glowing amber eyes.

"Nope!" Mirabel breaks out in a run, muttering under the same word under her breath like a chant.

Stopping in his tracks, Copernicus's limbs slinked back into his body. As his round body rolled around Copernicus goes into vehicle mode.

His engine roared as he quickly got closer to Mirabel. Looking back, Mirabel screams as she picks up the pace.

In Antonio's room, Dolores stiffens and looks back. "Hm?" Camilo, who was right next to her dancing to the music asked, "Something wrong sis?"

Dolores continues to look at the door in suspicion. "I thought I heard someone scream."

"Probably the people having fun." Camilo presumed, he grabs her hand and drags her to the dance floor. "Come on let's dance."

Turning another corner, Mirabel ran through the street before jumping into an alleyway and planting herself onto the wall as Copernicus drives right past her.

Breathing heavily, Mirabel placed her hand over her heart. "Dios mío, that was close."

Hearing steam, Mirabel looked at the entrance to see that Copernicus had driven back and was now staring at her.

"Miércoles." Mirabel grumbled as she quickly ran off into the alleyway.

Revving his engine, Copernicus goes after her. "Miércoles! Miércoles! Miércoles!" Mirabel screams as she dives into another pathway that led to a dead end.

Seeing a few wooden crates lined up on the walls created stairs, Mirabel jumps onto them and uses them to climb onto the roof of a single-story house.

Mirabel looks down smugly at Copernicus, who was staring at her. "Ha! Can't get me now!" She said smugly.

Turning around, Mirabel decided to quickly use the rooftops to make her way towards the casita.

Hearing a boom and hot hair pushed against her back, Mirabel looked back and gasped when she saw that Copernicus had rid himself of his wheels and was now flying.

"It can fly?" Mirabel muttered in shock; her eyes widened when she saw that he was heading towards her. "IT CAN FLY!" She cried.

Screaming in terror, Mirabel ran away.

Opening his arms, Copernicus was about to grab Mirabel when she jumped onto the next rooftop.

Where he missed her by an inch thanks to her losing her footing on the roof tiles and falling.

Mirabel yelps as she slides off the roof and thankfully, the fall was short as the building was a one-story café.

Grunting, Mirabel quickly got up and ran off. As she neared her home, Mirabel looked all around for Copernicus but could not see any sign of him.

Thinking that she had finally lost him, Mirabel turned away and continued running towards Casita, a relieved smile on her face.

However, if she had not turned back at that very moment, she would have seen Copernicus appear from behind some clouds.

His eyes zeroed in in Mirabel. His jetpack pushes out more steam as he gets closer.

Hearing the sound of his jetpack, Mirabel turned around and gasped when she saw the robot.

"CASITA!" She exclaimed, the tiles of the walkway buckled as Casita pushed Mirabel forward and into the courtyard, where the door was then shut and barricaded with planks of wood.

Then one of the beams from the wall shot out and nailed Copernicus in the chest.

Copernicus goes flying at least a mile away from the Madrigal home, where he crashed and skidded to a stop.

Mirabel quickly gets up and walks backwards staring at the door.

"Mirabel?" Shrieking, Mirabel turned around to see that it was just her family, who were making their way out of Antonio's room with the townspeople behind them.

"Oh, it's just you." Mirabel said in relief.

Noticing how haggard appearance, Julieta quicky makes over to her over to her.

She grasped her face and began to inspect her to see if she could spot any wound that needed healing. "Mirabel are you okay? We heard your scream from Antonio's room."

Mirabel pulled her mother's hands off her face. "Mama, I'm fine. That's not important right now. There is a stranger in Encanto!"

Everyone froze at that. Alma quickly took her away through the crowd and stood on the stairs with Isabela. "What? But that is possible! We are protected by the mountains." Alma said.

"Well, somehow that...that thing made it inside and chased me all through town! And he's far from normal."

Alma raises an eyebrow at how her granddaughter had called the intruder an "thing" instead of "he" or "she."

"Thing? You make it sound like you aren't sure." Alma stated.

"Because I don't know what it is! It looks like a man, but I don't think it was human! Since its body was made out of gold steel!"

Everyone looked at her strangely after she said that.

Isabella raised an eyebrow before scoffing. "Oh, please. A man made out of gold steel? That's obviously a lie."

Crossing her arms, she looked at her sister with disapproval. "And I think you're just making this all up for attention, there's no intruder."

Everyone looked at Isabela and then at Mirabel with varying expressions of annoyance, Alma being the most egregious.

"Honestly, Mirabel really. Can't you be happy for Antonio?" Alma complained.

Humming in confusion, Dolores looks up at the sky as she can hear a combination of sounds.

She could hear steam being released, the shifting of working gears, and the sound of heavy footsteps.

She places her hand on her mother's shoulder. "Mama, I hear something...it sounds like footsteps" Her eyes widened. "And it's getting closer."

Felix and Pepa gave each other worried looks, if Dolores can hear something maybe Mirabel is telling the truth.

Pepa quickly goes over to her mother. "Mama, I think you should listen to Mirabel, Dolores—" Alma shushes her daughter. "Quiet Pepa, I tire of Mirabel's attention seeking ways."

She points at Pepa. "And you should too, today is your son's gifting ceremony. A day of celebration and will not have ruin it with her jealousy."

Becoming numb, Mirabel's heart ached painfully in her chest.

She was deeply hurt by Abuela's words, does she think so little of her that Mirabel is nothing but a jealous, attention seeker that would even go as far ruin her Primo's gifting ceremony?

"Jealousy?" Mirabel repeated in a hush tone.

Taking a deep breath, Mirabel's numbness subsided but was quickly replaced with rage and frustration as it bubbled to the surface.

Gritting her teeth, Mirabel glared at Alma. "I am not jealous of Antonio! Do you really think that little of me that you really believe that I would do something like—"

Alma held up her hand, making Mirabel cut herself off. "I said enough! You cause embarrassment for one day." Finally at the end of her rope, Mirabel sarcastically scoffs. "Embarrassment?"

Scoffing again, Mirabel stated rather bitterly. "Please, Abuela be real. We all know that as far as you concerned, I've been nothing but an embarrassment to this family ever since I was five."

Mirabel's lip quivered as she tried to keep it together, but it was futile as tears rolled down her face as she continued, "I am not stupid; I know that you wished that I were never born let alone into this family."

She scoffs bitterly again as she continued, "But then again, you and Isabela for that matter already act like I hardly ever exist unless it suits you, so I'm guess you're off to a great start."

Gasped littered the area, Alma looked at her in shock. Antonio grasped his mother's dress. "Is that true mama?" He asked, he looked at her sadly.

"Oh..." Pepa frowns as she has no clue on how to refute Mirabel's claims, however, she can see where her niece is coming from. Her mother hasn't treated Mirabel with the best of respect.

Unfolding her arms, Isabela looked at Mirabel. She was shocked but strangely enough, she was also crestfallen at her words. "Mira..." She muttered softly.

Dolores places a hand over her mouth. "Oooh."

Julieta grasps her hand softly. "Mirabel, I think you should stop." Julieta said, trying to calm her down.

Mirabel wretches her hand away from her mother and takes a few steps back. "No! Mama! I'm tired of pretending that I'm fine because I'm not!" Mirabel shouted.

Julieta gasped and covered her mouth in sorrow at her daughter's declaration.

Moreover, as she continued, small cracks began to silently appear on the walls, and they only grew as Mirabel continued.

"For 10 years I've been treated like a burden, a stain on the Madrigal family name just for something that was outside my control! And no matter how hard I try, nothing I do is ever good enough for her."

Mirabel looked at Alma with pain and frustration in her eyes. "And I've come to realization that I'll probably never be good enough for her..."

Julieta and Agustin looked at their daughter sadly. "Mirabel—" Augustin started but before he could finish, something crashed into the ground.

Everyone turned their head to see that it was one of the roof tiles.

Walking over, Mirabel kneeled and slowly picked up the title slowly. She inspects it closely, not realizing how close the sharpest side was to her before she accidentally cuts her palm.

Yelping, Mirabel held her hand close to her chest and dropped the tile to the floor.

She looks back at her family in confusion, but then back at the ground in front of her as the floor started to shake very violently, the sound echoing off halls.

Mirabel moved a hand towards the floor. "Casita?" She said, worried and nervous to what's going on.

As soon as her hand had gotten an inch away from the floor, a crack appeared on the floor. Gasps of horror can be heard from everyone present, but it did not stop there.

The crack became longer, and its path headed towards the frightened townspeople. All their gazes moved to the floor, seeing that the cracks were growing rapidly.

The cracks continue up the stairs, spreading to the walls behind the portrait of Abuela's late husband, Pedro Madrigal.

The cracks continued to creep up the walls and traveled behind all the doors, which started to flicker uncontrollably.

Gasping, Dolores places a hand over her ears as everything went silent for 5 seconds.

She could no longer hear the leaves rustle from the soft breeze, the rats running through the walls, or the sound of every heartbeat in Encanto.

"Mama...I couldn't hear your heartbeat for a few seconds." She looks at her mother in horrified confusion. "I can always hear everyone's heartbeat."

The Madrigals looked at Dolores in horror but that only grew when Mariano points yelled out, "The candle!"

Gasping, the Madrigals turned their attention back to the cracks which had conjoined together to where the candle was placed. The flame slowly quivers along with the doors themselves.

Mirabel goes back to her mother's side. "Mama, I think something's wrong with the magic. It's almost like it's...it's dying."

Bristling, Alma looked at her granddaughter angrily as she stubbornly denied this claim. "No! You're wrong Mirabel, the magic is strong—"

However, if that was not enough, further disaster struck in the form of Copernicus, smashing right through a second-floor door like a cannonball.

"Mama!" Mirabel grabs her mother and pushes her out of the way, Copernicus missing hitting Mirabel herself by an inch as he lands in the courtyard.

Getting pushed back by the shock wave, Mirabel falls onto the floor, hitting her head.

"Mirabel!" Luisa and her parents quickly go over to Mirabel's side. The others watched silently as Copernicus rose from the crater. They gasped in horror at the sight of the man made of steel.

Her mouth dropping to the floor, there was a hint of regret and disbelief in Isabela's voice as she softly spoke. "She was really telling the truth."

"Mirabel are you okay?" Luisa asked.

Mirabel, who had regained consciousness slowly got up. "I'm fine." Mirabel assured. She hisses as she places a hand on her head, which was starting to bleed.

"No, you're not. Quick Augustin, we have to get her to the kitchen." Julieta urged.

"Right." Helping Mirabel up, they tried to lead her away, but Copernicus was not about to waste any more time getting his hands on her.

Copernicus opens its stomach, finally unleashing the power from his unicorn sigil.

"Luisa! Mama! Papa!" Isabela exclaimed.

Gasping, they all looked back as the soul reached closer. Luisa quickly gets in front of her family, but the soul knocked her right out of the way and did the same to Julieta and Augustin.

Engulfed in the dark flames, Mirabel screams as she is lifted into the air and slowly begins to transform.

Grasping the balcony bars, Antonio screams out to her. "Mirabel!"

Getting up, Luisa runs towards Copernicus. "Hands off my sister!" Luisa punches him with all her might, however, much to her shock and horror the punch didn't faze him.

In fact, Luisa for once in her life shrieked in pain at punching something, she pulled her hand back and held her bruised and bleeding hand. "What?" She looks down at her fist in horror.

Mirabel let out a cry as the transformation completed, people cowered at the wave of magic that moved throughout the area. They looked back at Mirabel and saw that she was now different.

Her hair was longer nearing ankle length while still retaining its wild messy curls. Her formally bare lips were now painted a dark plum.

As for her outfit it was a mix between Melinda and Mirabel's outfits.

It was formfitting and covered her entire body, however, there was a long flowing skirt that had purple embroidery and tassels that resemble the ones that Mirabel had stitched onto her outfit herself.

And she had kept her earrings, which were now purple as well. And the frames of her glasses were silver.

With that taken care of, Copernicus then turns his attention to Antonio. Activating the sigil again, he shoots out another soul.

Noticing it, people screamed and quickly got out of the way, but Antonio was not so lucky. Antonio shrieks as he is lifted in the air as well, curled up in a ball.

"Antonio!" Pepa exclaimed, she then looked at Copernicus angrily. "What are you doing to my son!"


Everyone looks up as a giant storm cloud appears overhead which created a hurricane that surrounded Copernicus.

However, it did not faze him as he had his feet anchor themselves into the earth.

"Tony!" Camilo tried to touch him, but his hand was zapped back. Shrieking in pain, Camilo shapeshifted into a plethora of different people until he returned to normal.

Looking back at his brother, still thrashing around. Camilo frowns with determination and reaches out for Antonio's hand and despite the pain grabbed it.

He managed to hold onto Antonio for longer, but he was eventually zapped back. Groaning, Camilo looks down at his hand which had become severely burned.

Opening his eyes, Antonio stared blankly as his eyes transformed into Seng's amber cosmic eyes.

He then gets into a mention pose with his legs crossed and holding his hands together.

But his calm and serene expression only lasted for a second before he got a goofy look on his face.

Somewhere else, Antonio found himself floating in another dimension between space and time with floating debris everywhere.

"Whoa." Sensing a presence, Antonio turns around and saw Seng. "Uh, mister who are you? Where am I?"

"I am you, this is the cosmic realm, a place between space and time." Seng answered, Antonio raises an eyebrow. "But you don't look like me."

"Our souls are now linked together forever, as one. Eventually, you will understand." Seng proclaimed.

"I must go." Seng floats away, he turns his back towards Antonio. "The future has been altered, but there's still time."

Unfolding his legs, Seng held out his arms at his sides and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the real word, the newly reincarnated Seng looks around curiously before spotting Copernicus. He smiled brightly as he floats over to him. "Copernicus!"

He gives the robot a big hug, the robot hoots in response.

Her tornado ceasing, Pepa looked at her son as he went over to the robot. "It's been a while...I think?"

"Antonio, get away from that thing." Felix warned but Seng had ignored his parents' cries to get away from the robot.

"Antonio Feliciano Madrigal!" Pepa exclaimed, finally getting his attention.

Seng looked at them before zeroing in on Pepa. In the cosmic realm, she had a big, forced smile on her face while a storm cloud thundered and rained over her head.

He gasped in sympathy. "Your inner soul, you're under a lot of stress and pain. You hate your gift, seeing it as something that can only cause inconvenience and harm on others if you're not careful."

Pepa stared at her son in shock, she took a step back as Seng moved closer, he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"You shouldn't hold back your emotions, if you just expressed yourself freely then your powers would surely flourish." Pepa stood there, stupefied with her son's insightful speech. "Uh..."

Luisa looks at Mirabel, whose feet had finally touched the floor. "Mirabel...?" Luisa asked warily as she walked over to her sister.

Opening her eyes, anyone gasped when they saw that her once hazel brown eyes were now pale violet.

She looked at Luisa and looked at her apprehensively. "Who—who are you?" She asked.

Luisa's eyes widened; dread began to creep into her heart. "Mirabel are you serious? It's me, Luisa, you're sister." She reminded.

Melinda looked at her with a blank stare. "My sister..." Blinking, she questioned herself. "I have a sister?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Augustin angrily turned his gaze to Copernicus. "You! What did you do to my daughter?!" Melinda frowns at his declaration. "I am not your daughter." She denied.

Everyone gasped, shocked at her words. Isabela scoffed in outrage. "Mirabel! How can you say that to Papa!" Julieta looked at her disapprovingly and hissed at her sternly. "Isabela hush!"

She slowly walked over to her daughter and softly grasped her hand. "Mirabel, I don't know what's going on but all I do know is that thing...it did something horrible to you and Antonio."

"You need to be healed; I don't know if my arepas will work but even if they don't, I won't rest until I figure out a way to fix this. I promise."

Melinda looked at her for a moment before she gained a strained expression like she was at war with herself. Was she Mirabel? Are these people who seem familiar but not at the same time her family?

Snatching her hand away, Melinda flew into the air and shouted, "I AM NOT MIRABEL!" She unleashes a burst of magic that sends everyone flying back.

Turning around, she then starts to fly away. Copernicus quickly followed her via jetpack. Meanwhile Seng follows them. "Hey, wait for me."

However, thick vines burst out of the ground and grabbed both Melinda, but they calmly looked at them and used their powers to destroy the veins and flew off into the night sky.

"Mirabel..." Julieta muttered softly before her tears fell and rolled down her face in droves. Falling to her knees, Julieta cried woefully for her daughter.

Augustin quickly bends down to her side to comfort her. "There, there Julieta...." He looks up at the sky sorrowfully. "We'll get her and Antonio back somehow."

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