Beating the odds - Catglass

By 97crazyfangirl

16.1K 550 367

What happens when Kitty goes back to KISS for her second semester after everything that has happened to her? ... More

Before you read
Chapter 2x01: Going back to the source of the mess
Chapter 2x02: If things were different
Chapter 2x03: Closer and further
Chapter 2x05: Misunderstandings
Chapter 2x06: Magnets
Chapter 2x07: Clear as water
Chapter 2x08: Facing the truth
Chapter 2x09: Daydream
Chapter 2x10: Closure

Chapter 2x04: Coming clear or run away

1.1K 48 64
By 97crazyfangirl

(Close up to Kitty's face. A couple of bookshelves, a world map, and a board with information from KISS are behind her.)

KITTY (Off): Sometimes in life, you face impossible situations. Sometimes, we don't have the power to control them and we feel powerless. Like we don't matter and the univers is against us. And it's possible that we may don't have the power to do anything. At that moment, we have two options.

(Minho is sitting on a blue couch. Alone. A brown wall is behind him. His body doesn't move. His eyes are lost on the ground. He has a sad face on. He's lost in his thoughts.)

KITTY (Off): Face the situation ourselves, without telling anyone else. That can lead to us closing ourselves off from the world and stop trusting anyone because we don't feel like they will understand.

(Q appears from Minho's right side and offers him a cup of hot chocolate, being careful about his actions. Minho turns his face a little to look at the cup.)

KITTY (Off): Or share what happens to us with the people closest to us. They probably can't fix the situation either. But their support can be crucial to be able to cope with the situation in a much easier way.

(Minho raises his head to look at Q's face. Q nods and gives him a half and comforting smile. Minho looks back at the cup and, carefully, takes it with his hands. With his eyes on the cup, Minho smells it for a few long seconds and takes a sip. Minho closes his eyes as he relishes the chocolate. A few seconds later, Minho opens his eyes and turns his head towards Q.)

MINHO: (In a low and soft voice) Thank you.

Q: (Nods and smiles) My pleasure.

(Q takes a few steps back and sits in the armchair next to the couch. From Minho's left side, Dae appears and sits next to his friend. Dae puts a hand on Minho's shoulders, caressing them.)

DAE: (Carefully) How are you feeling?

(Minho turns his head towards him. Minho makes a half and quick smile. He thinks abut his words for a second.)

MINHO: (Small voice) Vented, I guess. I can't say that I'm better. But at least, I'm somewhat alleviated. Thank you for asking.

DAE: Don't. Don't thank us. We're friends. It's our job... (Before he can say anything else, he thinks for a second about the words he has used and rephases his sentence) Wrong. It's our duty to care about our friends.

(Minho gives him a half smile and Dae squeezes his shoulder in support.)

KITTY (Off): In my case, I think I know what I would do in these types of situations. Especially, if I had friends like them.

(A few seconds of silence settle in the room. Kitty, Q and Dae don't dare to say anything. They look at each other, waiting for the other ones to say something. Minho keeps drinking from his chocolate cup. When he's had half of it, Minho puts the cup down on the small table next to the sofa, where Q has left a coaster.)

MINHO: (Sighs) I greatly appreciate your support and that you do not want to put pressure on me in this situation. But I'm sure you're dying to know what's wrong with me.

Q: (Answers, quickly) That's not important right now. You're not feeling your best right now. If you don't want to talk about it, we understand.

DAE: Exactly. If you haven't said anything before and you're like this, we can assume it's a personal matter and we won't ask or push you to talk about it.

KITTY: We're here to support you and we'll be here if you end up deciding to tell us.

KITTY (Off): I'm not sure if I should be included, because I'm not a friend by the book to Minho. But, whatever. Unimportant nuances.

MINHO: I think I should speak up and tell you what has been going on with me. Also, I think it can help me vent a little bit.

KITTY (Off): Thankfully, we all agree.

MINHO: (Takes a few seconds to put his thoughts in orden before speaking) Just the day before I came back from Christmas vacation, my mother decided to take me to a rather expensive restaurant in Los Angeles. It's not something unusual she likes to do, so I didn't think about it too much. Dinner was going well enough, but I saw my mother talking too much about my future. She kept asking me what I wanted to do when I finished high school and what my life plan was. In the end, it all seemed so strange to me that I decided to ask her what all that was about. My mother stopped short and changed her face completely to a very serious one. One that I had never seen in her. Not even when she told me that she was divorcing my father. So when I saw her face, my heart stopped dead. I had never felt so afraid as I was at that moment.

(Minho takes a second to breathe. The silence is increasingly tense. The other people in the room wait, patiently but with their hearts beating really fast.)

MINHO: She has been diagnosed with stage two breast cancer.

(When he says those words, everyone's heart breaks. Minho tries to keep his cool, but he can't hide the sadness in his voice when he keeps talking.)

MINHO: Treatment is similar in both the United States and South Korea. However, I think she shouldn't be alone when she starts with it. Therefore, I have insisted that she comes back here with me. But she is in the middle of filming a very important project for her career and says she can't come back now. That she should wait for the project to finish. I have also proposed the possibility that I go with her to Los Angeles to support her at this time, but she doesn't want it either because she says that I must continue with school. (Raises his voice a little, with frustration) Why can't she understand that I can't concentrate on studying when she's going through something as serious as cancer? Do you see any sense in it? Because I do not. (Sighs, before going back to his normal tone) And I don't know how to deal with the whole situation. So I've been keeping quiet ever since I got back because I needed to process everything on my own. But it has been a mistake. I should have told you before. I've been a bit of an ass to all of you these past few days. (Raises his head and looks directly at Kitty) Especially with you. I'm sorry.

KITTY (Shakes her head) Don't apologize. I understand that it's not an easy situation. And I'm sorry I pushed you to talk earlier. I shouldn't have, but I needed you to open up.

MINHO (At that moment, remembers something) By the way, how did you know that it was something related to my mother?

(Kitty looks at Q for a second. Q has panic drawn all over his face. Then, Kitty looks back at Minho.)

KITTY (Off): I'm not going to throw him under the bus.

KITTY: (Shrugs) I just guessed. (Q's face relaxes) If I was as surly as I saw you, chances are it would have been something related to my father or my sisters. (Realizes the word she's used) I'm not blaming you for being surly. It was just a manner of speaking. (Shakes her head) Nevermind. I'll keep quiet.

(Minho can't stop a small laugh from escaping his lips.)

KITTY (Off): He smiled. At me. He's not too mad at me. Hopefully.

MINHO: Well, you guessed it right. Thank you for making me talk.

(Kitty smiles at him. Minho looks at his roommates.)

MINHO: And I hope to be more open with you guys about my feelings.

(Minho looks up at Kitty. It takes a few seconds, but she guesses what he may be saying.)

KITTY (Off): Oh, crap. Is he talking about what I think he's talking about? Is this the right moment to bring it up?

DAE: (Clueless) Well, I think it's time for all of us to end this day.

Q: (Looking at Kitty and Minho back and forth) Yes, I agree. (Stands up) It's time for all of us to go to bed. Tomorrow we will be rested and our minds will be clearer. (Takes a step towards Kitty, who is still standing in the middle of th room) Kitty, do you want me to escort you to your room?

KITTY (Off): (About to laugh) Did he really use that word?

KITTY: (Understanding what's going on) Don't worry. I know the way home. (Looks a Minho and Dae) I'll see you guys tomorrow. Sleep well.

(Kitty waves them goodbye and turns around. But, before she walks towards the door, she rethinks it)

KITTY: Minho. (Turns to see him, who has raised his head) I'm glad you opened up.

(Kitty smiles at him and Minho smiles back. Kitty hopes he has understood the second meaning behind her words.)

MINHO: Thank you. See you tomorrow.

(Kitty nods. She hopes he has understood her correctly.)

KITTY: Goodnight.

(Kitty waves goodbye to Minho and Dae. Q follows her to the door. When Kitty has her shoes on and is leaving the room, Q stops her.)

Q: (Whispering) Did Minho mean what I think he means when he said that about his feelings?

KITTY: (Shrugs and speaks with the same level of voice) I assumed the same thing. But this was not the right moment to talk about it. Some other time when emotions are calmer.

Q: (Nods) Agree with that.

(Q looks behind him in case someone has heard them, but he doesn't see anyone. He turns back to Kitty.)

Q: We'll talk tomorrow.

KITTY: I was counting on that. (Smiles) Goodnight, Q.

Q: (Smiling) Goodnight, Kitty.

(A few minutes later, Kitty gets to her room. She finds Juliana in the kitchen, washing the dishes.)

KITTY (Off): Okay. Hopefully, I can speak more than two words with her.

KITTY: (Happily) Hey, Juliana. How was your day?

(Juliana turns around and looks at Kitty, with a weird face.)

JULIANA: Kitty, you don't need to.

KITTY (Frowning) I'm sorry. I think I don't understand. What do you mean by that?

JULIANA: We don't need to be friends if you don't want to.

KITTY: (More confused) But, why wouldn't I want to be friends with you? (Shakes her head) I'm really not following you.

JULIANA: (Crosses her arms in front of her chest) Just because Yuri is your friend, doesn't mean we must be friends as well. We don't even have to get along. Let's just have a civil coexistence in this room. You have your space, I have mine. You have your stuff, I have mine. We don't need to interact or talk to each other. Only if it's strictly necessary. Okay?

KITTY (Off): Is she serious?

KITTY: But, do I have no say here?

JULIANA: (Shrugs) Let's just say that I don't think a friendship would work between us. Okay?

KTTY: (With a weird face on) Okay.

JULIANA: (With a half smile) Goodnight, then. And I hope you learn a lot of Korean from Yuri. Only Korean.

(Kitty is about to open her mouth to ask what that means when Juliana turns around, walks inside their bedroom and closes the door. Kitty is still standing in the middle of the room, confused.)

KITTY (Off): I guess I have to tag along?

(Kitty shakes her head and starts cooking something fast to eat before going to bed.)

(Time jump. The next day, Kitty is in the library with Yuri. Kitty is trying to correctly pronounce some difficult words. Yuri corrects her. But there comes a time when she's having such a hard time for Kitty to pronounce them that Yuri can only sigh.)

YURI: Okay. Let's leave that aside for a second and let's focus on grammar structure.

KITTY: Yuri, you must admit that there are words that are complicated to say. And reading is hell. How is it possible that you have so many different vowels?

YURI: Don't look at me. I didn't invent Hangeul. It was created in 1443 and promulgated in 1446 by King Sejong the Great, the fourth king of the Joseon dynasty, noting the frustration felt by his servants at not being able to express their feelings through the Chinese ideograms used until then.

KITTY: (Opening her eyes, wide) What? Do you know all of that?

YURI: (Shrugs) I think it's just basic Korean culture. I'm sure every Korean person knows about it.

KITTY: (Smiling) Or are you actually a nerd and you don't want to admit it?

(Kitty comes closer and taps her a little with her shoulder. Yuri blushes.)

YURI: (Annoyed) Don't say that. I'm not a nerd.

(Yuri hits her in the arm. That action makes Kitty laugh.)

KITTY: (Still laughing) I'm not saying it as a bad quality. In fact, I find it really cute.

(Kitty stops herself when she realizes what she has said.)

KITTY (Off): Oh, crap. Did I just say that? What the hell are you thinking, mouth?

(Yuri just laughs, making Kitty relax a bit.)

YURI: Whatever, if you like nerds, I'll be one for you.

KITTY: You don't have to be anything to anyone.

KITTY (Off): Don't say it. Don't.

KITTY: You're already perfect.

KITTY (Off): Kitty. If you don't want her to know how you're feeling, you're doing a terrible job.

YURI: (Laughs and looks at her) Oh, Kitty. Don't say such things or I'll feel like you're hitting on me.

KITTY (Off): Oh, Yuri. You have no idea.

KITTY: (Raises an eyebrow) Do you think I am good at hitting on people?

YURI: (Frowns, still smiling) Why are you asking me this?

KITTY (Off): Okay, let's just go along. 

KITTY: (Shrugs) Just, in a hypothetical situation, if I were hitting on you, would you think I was good at it?

YURI: But...

(Kitty doesn't let her finish)

KITTY: Just answer.

YURI: Come on, Kitty. You already had a boyfriend. You should know the answer to your question.

KITTY: But, it's not the same thing.

YURI: (Confused) Why not? I mean. I don't like boys that way but I assume hitting on boys is pretty much the same thing for all of them.

KITTY (Off): Oh, right. She thinks I'm "totally straight".

KITTY: This is a hypothetical situation. So, forget everything you know about me.

YURI: (Frowning) Kitty, where is all of this coming from?

KITTY: Please. Just help me. Okay? (Turns to her left to look at Yuri a bit better) Let's pretend I'm hitting on you. Would you think I was doing a good job?

YURI: (Sighs) God, why are you doing this to me?

KITTY: Yuri, please. (Puts her hands on Yuri's shoulders and turns her to her right, so they are looking at each other face to face) Just pretend I'm a queer girl who is hitting on you. Did I get your attention by saying that you're cute and you're perfect?

(Kitty makes a cute face, with causes Yuri to roll her eyes)

YURI: (Defeated) Okay. Let's pretend you like girls. I think you didn't do a bad job.

KITTY: (Smiles) Great. And, if I said that you are to me the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Would you blush?

YURI: (Not believing it) You don't think that.

KITTY: (Looking at her with a serious face) What if I did? What if I told you that you put my world upside down? What if I really believed that you've taught me more about love than I could have ever imagined?

KITTY (Off): Okay, I shouldn't let my mouth talk without thinking first. But I couldn't stop myself.

(Yuri keeps quiet for a few seconds, not taking her eyes away from Kitty's. She's in shock. On the other hand, Kitty's heart is beating really fast against her chest.)

KITTY (Off): Oh my god. Did I break her?

KITTY: Yuri. Are you...?

YURI: (Seriously) Kitty, are you talking for real?

KITTY (Off): Oh, crap. I screwed up. Big time. What do I do?

KITTY: (Starts laughing, nervously) What? No. What are you saying? We were in a hypothetical situation. I'm not...

YURI: Kitty, what were you trying to say to me at the airport?

KITTY: What? (Trying to laugh) Why are you bringing that up right now?

YURI: Kitty. Don't avoid this.

(Kitty is shaking. She knows she was playing with fire and, now, she has to deal with the consequences. But she wasn't expecting any of this, so she doesn't know where to start explaining herself.

KITTY (Off): Should I make up something so Yuri can forget about this? But is Yuri going to buy what I tell her? Is she going to hate me if I tell her the truth?

KITTY: (Panicking) I... (Stops speaking for a few seconds)

YURI: Kitty, you can tell me what is going on. It's just me. I will understand everything.

KITTY (Off): Are you sure you will when I tell you that I tried to kiss you when you had a girlfriend and I almost told you that I liked you when you were about to meet your girlfriend after months of being apart?

KITTY: (In a low voice) I just don't know what to tell you. (Lowers her head so she doesn't have to look Yuri in the eyes)

YURI: Kitty. (Takes her chin and raises her head once again. Smiles sweetly) I'm going to be here by your side no matter what. You know that, right?

KITTY: I'm not so sure.

YURI: (Frowns) Why would you say that?

(Kitty doesn't have time to respond, when Yuri's phone starts ringing. They both move their eyes towards the phone. Both recognize who's calling when they see the word 'Baby' on the screen. Yuri looks at Kitty for a second and doesn't have time to respond when Kitty talks.)

KITTY: Pick up the phone.

YURI: Kitty. I can get it later.

KITTY: It's okay. (Starts packing up her belongings) This is not as important.

KITTY (Off): This is the perfect moment to escape this conversation.

KITTY: (Not looking at Yuri) I need to go, anyway. I'm meeting someone. (Stands up and gets her bag pack.)

YURI: Kitty. (Grabs her arm to stop her. Kitty turns to look at her) I don't want to pressure you, but I want to assure you that I'm going to be here no matter what.

KITTY: (Giving her a half smile) I really hope so. I'll see you tomorrow.

(Yuri lets her go and Kitty walks away from her. Yuri sighs as she sees her go.)

YURI: (Confused) Why can't she come out to me?

(Kitty is walking through the corridors of the building, on her way to her room.)

KITTY (Off): Oh, god. I'm so screwed. Why did I do that? I'm such an idiot. She now knows that I like her. I'm so...

(Kitty doesn't look where she's going and ends up crashing into someone.)

KITTY: Oh, I'm sorry.

(Kitty looks up to find Minho. When he sees her, he smiles, brightly.)

MINHO: Hey, Kitty. I'm so glad that I found you. I was looking for you.

KITTY (Off): Oh, god. Nothing good can come up from this.

KITTY: (With a half smile) Really? What for?

MINHO: I was hoping we could talk.

KITTY (Off): Oh, no. Your timing is the worst, Minho.

KITTY: (Nervously) Okay. I don't know if my roommate will be in my room, so...

MINHO: (Calmly) So let's go outside, then.

(Kitty nods and turns around to undo the walk she had done the last few minutes. They walk in silence. Kitty feels a bit uncomfortable. A lot is going on in her mind.

KITTY (Off): I have been expecting this conversation a lot. But after my meeting with Yuri, I'm not in the best state of mind to talk to Minho. However, I know that he has been keeping his feelings to himself. So now that he is opening up to me, I have to listen to what he has to say. I need to get myself together and deal with a much needed conversation between Minho and myself.

(After a few minutes, they're outside the dorms' building.)

MINHO: (Pointing at a bench close to them) Shall we sit here?

(Kitty nods and sits on the bench. Minho follows her. Kitty looks at him, waiting for Minho to start the conversation. After a few seconds, he eventually does.)

MINHO: I think we need to talk about what happened on the plane. (Kitty nods, but doesn't say anything else) I think I was a bit too much that day. I blew something really huge to your face and you may have been shocked, so you couldn't say anything.

KITTY: (Nodding) You said it yourself. I was caught off guard.

MINHO: And I'm sorry about that. And I ran away because I felt embarrassed. I should have thought things through before doing that.

KITTY: It's okay. Don't worry about that. I get it.

MINHO: (Takes a deep breath before continuing) The thing that is still bothering me is that I don't know how you feel. I know that you broke up with Dae not long ago and you probably don't want to start a relationship with anyone else right now. And Dae is also my best friend, so it's not something really great to have your best friend dating your ex girlfriend. So I would understand if you said no to date me. The only thing that I want to know is if there's a possibility between us . Maybe in a close or a distant future. Because, if there is, I would consider going all in. Meaning, I would talk to Dae about my feelings. And I would also wait for you if you don't want to start a relationship right now. (Holds her hands between his own) I have really strong feelings for you, Kitty, and I would be patient if you say to me that you feel something for me too. So, what is it going to be?

KITTY (Off): Oh, crap. Now I'm really screwed. How am I going to tell him this right now?

KITTY: (Worried) Minho, you want me to be completely honest with you, right?

MINHO: (Makes a weird face) Of course. I don't want you to lie to me ever, Kitty.

KITTY: (Swallows) Okay. (Cautious) Then, if I'm honest with you, I don't have romantic feelings for you at the moment. (Minho separates his hands from Kitty's and looks away) I would love to tell you that I like you as well, but I don't. You never know what's going to happen in the future, but I can't promise that I will ever feel something for you. Maybe it happens some day in the future. But nothing is guaranteed. (Puts a hand on Minho's right hand, that is on his thigh) I'm really sorry. You don't know how easy it would make things for me. I really like you as a friend. But I don't see you as something more right now.

MINHO: (Looking back at Kitty) Do I need to do something to make you change your feelings?

KITTY: (Shrugs) I guess you could try. But I don't know if it could work out. Nobody can guarantee you that I'll fall for you. Besides, I already have...

MINHO: (Stands up) I can try to win your heart.

KITTY: Minho, you should not do that. You should be focused on your mother's well-being. At least right now. Maybe, whenever things are calmer.

MINHO: (Determinated) No. I want to change your mind. I want you to fall for me.

KITTY: (Stands up) Minho, don't do it. I'm not sure it is going to work out. You'll never be sure with love. It's like an equation. It doesn't always has a concrete answer. (Takes his hands) So, please. Let's stay as friends right now. Don't do that to yourself. And don't put me in that position. I beg you.

MINHO: If I can win over an idol's heart, I'll be able to win yours, Kitty Song Covey.

(Minho turns around and walks towards the boys dorms. Kitty stays still for a few seconds. Then, a phone call makes her wake up.)

Q: (Happily) Hey, Kitty. Haven't seen you much today. Any interesting things happened in that mess you call your life?

(Kitty can hear his laughter at the other end of the phone. But she doesn't laugh. When he realized what's going on, Q stops himself.)

Q: Okay, something big happened.

KITTY: A lot of things happened. Where should I begin?

Hello everyone!

There you have it. A new chapter full on chaos. Kitty just went all in with Yuri, and things backfired a little bit. And then Minho just can't listen to Kitty. So now, she's in a lot of messes. How do you think everything will be resolved? You'll find out in the next chapters!

I'm really happy about how this story is working out. I'm really excited to keep writing and sharing it with all of you. So, don't miss the new chapter on Sunday!

Thank you so much for reading. If you liked the chapter, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story with everyone you know. 


Crazy Fangirl

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