Emerge the Dragonborn | The H...

By evenstar_

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"To fight evil; you must first understand the dark." From the blood of Dragons, a child shall rise, Born of... More

The Cast
The Prophecy
- An Unexpected Journey -
Chapter 1 - Songs of Spring
Chapter 2 - A Choice
Chapter 3 - Mister Boggins
Chapter 5 - Home Is Behind
Chapter 6 - Braids and Bows
Chapter 7 - Troll Supper
Chapter 8 - Warg Chase
Chapter 9 - Rivendell
Chapter 10 - Night Stroll
Chapter 11 - A Life in Imladris
Chapter 12 - Moon Runes
Chapter 13 - The White Council
Chapter 14 - Thunder Battle
Chapter 15 - The Fever
Chapter 16 - The Emergence
Chapter 17 - Down in Goblin Town
Chapter 18 - Daylight
Chapter 19 - Through The Flames
Chapter 20 - The Great Eagles
Chapter 21 - To The Skies
- The Desolation of Smaug -
Chapter 1 - The Journey Goes On
Chapter 2 - Santuary
Chapter 3 - House of Beorn
Chapter 4 - Threshhold of Shadows
Chapter 5 - Dark of Mirkwood
Chapter 6 - Arachnophobia
Chapter 7 - The Wooldand Realm
Chapter 8 - The Young Prince
Chapter 9 - The Feast of Starlight
Chapter 10 - A Fate Inescapable
Chapter 11 - Barrel Riders
Chapter 12 - A Bargeman
Chapter 13 - Laketown
Chapter 14 - Welcome
Chapter 15 - Ruins
Chapter 16 - Kingdom of Erebor
Chapter 17 - A Dragon Hoard
Chapter 18 - Blood Bound
Chapter 19 - The Will
Chapter 20 - Revenge
- Battle Of The Five Armies -
Chapter 1 - Firestorm
Chapter 2 - Dragons Demise

Chapter 4 - A Burglar

366 15 2
By evenstar_

Gandalf opened the door to reveal the leader.

Thorin II Oakensheild.

There was no doubt when looking at Thorin. He was a king. The way he held himself was that of sovereignty and nobility. His icy gaze and demeanour dripped with power, filling the room with awe before he even entered.

"Gandalf," the Dwarf leader greeted as he lowered. He proceeded to step into the doorway, "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice."
Anaynah mentally chuckled at the irony. She too had a hard time making her way to Bag-End with his nephews, "I wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door."
His Dwarven companions bowed their heads in respect for their leader.

"Mark? There's no mark on that door, it was painted a week ago!" Bilbo retaliated as he shoved through the crowd and came to the front.

"There is a mark; I put it there myself," Gandalf replied, well and truly over the incessant complaints from the Hobbit.
"Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakensheild." 

The mighty Dwarf stepped forward to meet Bilbo, stark judgement seeping from his stare causing the Hobbit to feel smaller than he already was.

"So, this is the Hobbit." Thorin concluded, "Tell me Mr. Baggins have you done much fighting?" he questioned circling, Bilbo as he examined him like prey, up and down.

"Pardon me?" Fighting? The Hobbit was puzzled at the bizarre question.

"Axe or sword? What is your weapon of choice?" He continued as he came to a standstill.

"Well I do have some skill at Conkers, if you must know, but I fail to see how that is relevant," Bilbo responded. The Company smirked at his response. It was clear to Anaynah that he truly had no idea what the matter of this gathering was.

"Thought as much, he looks more like a grocer than a burglar." Thorin mocked Bilbo, the rest laughing along with him as they guided him to the dining room.

Anaynah simply gave a light smile before it faded as she realised the Hobbit was very well quite taken back, still confused out of his mind. However, Gandalf said that there was something special about him, and she was going to trust him.


The Dwarves once again gathered around the table, including Gandalf and Anaynah. Thorin sat at the head of the table, sipping at a bowl of warm soup.
Anaynah, who now sat by herself in the corner of the room, listened intently to the conversation.

Thorin spoke of his meeting in Ered Luin, where representatives of all seven Dwarf kingdoms had gathered to discuss their quest. However, it was decided that they would not aid them. Their hearts sank as the room was filled with much dismay.

"You're going on a quest?" Bilbo asked from behind Gandalf. Anaynahs head perked up at the Hobbit's keen ears.

"Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light." Gandalf requested, pulling out an old piece of parchment from his robe, unravelling it and spreading it across the table.

"Far to the east, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a solitary peak."

Anaynah sat upright in her chair, trying to her a view of the map from her corner of the room to the side of Gandalf.

Bilbo had returned with a candle, holding the small flickering flame on the table whilst leaning over Thorin's shoulder, dimly lighting the paper.

"The Lonely Mountain." Bilbo read aloud from the map, unsure of what the map was of as he had never even heard of Erebor in his sheltered life. His eyes wander to the red Dragon looming over the mountain.

"Aye! Oin has read the portents and the portents say it is time!" the red-haired Dwarf, Gloin spoke up, a few of the men rolling their eyes and sighing at his comment.

"Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as it was foretold: When the birds of yore return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end," Oin added to his brother's previous comment.

Anaynah tensed at the world.
Biting her lip she shifted uncomfortably, taking a deep breath in to stay relaxed. Gandalf noticed her worried aura.

"Uh, what beast?" Bilbo asked, clearly oblivious to the circumstances. Anaynah raised her eyebrow. Bilbo truly had no idea what he was about to be thrown into.

"Well, That would be a reference to Smaug the Terrible, chiefest and great calamity of our age." Bofur decided to enlighten the hafling, "Airborne firebreather. Teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks. Extremely fond of precious metals." he went on. Anaynah rolled her eyes at Bofur's comments and looked downwards in fluster.

"Yes, I know what a Dragon is!" Bilbo defended, starting to get anxious, just as Anaynah was too.

The young Dwarf, Ori, pushed his chair back and stood up,

"I'm not afraid, I'm up for it! I'll give him a taste of Dwarvish iron right up his jacksies!"
He exclaimed, some of his companions grunted while others cheered, Dori forcing him to sit back down. The Ranger chuckled at his courage.

"The task would be difficult with an army behind us. But we number just 14, and not 14 of the best, not brightest." Balin said grimly as he looked around the room, an uproar from the group protesting against his insult.

"We may be few in numbers, but we're fighters. All of us! To the last Dwarf!" Fili exclaimed to lift their spirits as he banged his fist against the table, his brother then adding on.

"And you forget we have a Wizard in our company! Gandalf would have killed hundreds of Dragons in his time!"

Anaynah choked on the water she had been sipping. Gandalf and her exchanged a quick and uncomfortable glance. He knew how awkward this must have been for her.

"Oh well, now I wouldn't say that I-"

"How many then?" Dori cut off the Wizard.

"What?" The Wizard was dumbfounded at how to respond. Anaynah couldn't help but be slightly assumed at the assumption that Gandalf was a Dragon slayer, eager to see how he responds to this.

"How many Dragons have you killed?" Dori went on. All eyes fell on Gandalf, curious to know this number.

The Wizard however simply began to chock on the smoke of his pipe in embarrassment.

"Go on give us a number!"

The table once again erupted in shouts and fists on the table. Anaynah clutched the temples of her forehead as she let out a sigh of exhaustion. Though she loved many of these Dwarves, they were certainly challenging to be around at times.

"Shazara! [Silence!]" Thorin yelled in anger, slamming the table as he stood up. Everyone in an instant sat straight back down and fell silent, "If we have read these signs do you not think others will have read them too? The Dragon Smaug has not been seen for sixty years. Eyes look east to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risks. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back as others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?" The Dwarf spoke with such majesty, an uproar of cheers sounded through the halls, inspiring his fellow subjects and placing hope into their hearts.

"Was there not talk of Dragon sightings in the Grey Mountains?" Nori asked as the noise settled down.

Anaynah's jaw tightened involuntarly at the mention of the Grey Mountains, a knot of unease in her stomach.

"Aye, there was talk of it. Smaug himself from the North." Dwalin confirmed, "It would make no sense as to why he would return to the mountains so shortly after being triumphant with his dominion over Erebor. The timeframe doesn't line up either."

Gandalf's keen gaze flicked to Anaynah, observing her reaction with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He had caught wind of these rumors himself, but the Ranger's response spoke volumes.
Her silence, her guarded expression—they betrayed a deeper truth that she had kept hidden from him.
In that moment of realization, Gandalf knew one thing for certain: Anaynah had lied to him. The question remained: why?

"Dragon or no Dragon, it matters not!" Balin spoke up, "There is another matter that would render that all useless, the front gate is sealed!" Balin spoke, changing the topic of conversation. A quiet sigh of relief escaped Anaynahs lips, "There is no way into the mountain."

"That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true." Gandalf replied with mischief in his eyes. With a twiddle of his fingers, he produces the Dwarvish key. The Dwarves stare at it in awe.

"How came you by this?" Thorin asked in wonder, the literal key to his homeland.

"It was given to me by your father, Thrain, for safekeeping. It is yours now." Gandalf handed the key to its rightful owner, everyone watching in proud astonishment.

"If there is a key, there must be a door." Fili stated, Anaynah rolled her eyes at her friend as he started the obvious.

Ever the bright one you, Fili.

"These runes speak of another passage into the lower halls." Gandalf confirmed.

"There's another way in!" Said Kili with a sparkle in his eyes that made Anaynah smile.

"Well, if we can find it, but Dwarf doors are invisible when closed." the Wizard sighed as he looked back down to the parchment in front of them, "The answer lies somewhere hidden in this map and I do not have the skill to read it. However, there are others in Middle Earth who can."

Anaynah shifted uncomfortably.

"The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth, and no small amount of courage. But, if we are careful and clever, I do believe that it can be done."

"That's why we need a burglar!"

"A good one too, an expert, I'd imagine!" chimed Bilbo from the doorway.

"And are you?" Gloin inquired. Bilbo froze, half afraid and half confused.

"Am I what?"

"He said he's an expert!" Oin laughed along with the other Dwarves trying to con him into coming, and so did Anaynah at Bilbo's innocence in the matter. It was not his fault Gandalf failed to fill him in on his role.

Bilbo's face was livid with shock.

"Me? No, no, no I'm not a burglar. I've never stolen a thing in my life!" The Hobbit exclaimed trying to defend his honor.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr Baggins. He is hardly burglar material." Balin spoke, slightly angering the Ranger.

"Aye, the wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves," Dwalin said as Bilbo nodded in naive agreement, oblivious to the underlying insult.

Anaynah felt a chill sweep through the room as Gandalf rose to his full height, his imposing figure commanding attention.

"Enough!" The Wizard's voice thundered, quelling the rising tide of debate with its sheer force. The sudden hush that fell over the room was palpable, every eye fixed on Gandalf with a mixture of apprehension and respect.
"If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar then a burglar he is!" The Wizard rumbled, his voice bellowing across the room causing everyone to silence in nervousness.
Once quiet, the room lit up again and Gandalf continued.
"Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet! In fact, they can go unseen by most if they choose. While a Dragon is accustomed to the smell of Dwarf, the scent of Hobbit is all but unknown to him which gives us a distinct advantage!" the room listened intently.
"I have also taken the liberty to hire Anaynah. For who's who do not know, our friend is a Ranger of the North, and she will act as a protection for Bilbo so the rest of you need not worry as much for his wellbeing."

All eyes finally fell on the Ranger, almost forgetting she had been here this whole time. They also noticed she had been awfully quiet for the duration of this discussion.

"You asked me to find the 15th member of this company and I have chosen Mr. Baggins." Bilbo's eyes widened, "There's more to him than appearance suggest, and he's got a great deal to offer than any of you know," Gandalf paused as he turned to the Hobbit who had a very stressed expression "including himself."
Thorin and Gandalf shared a gaze,
"You must trust me on this."

Anaynah had heard that before. That is why she was here because she had put her trust in Gandalf, now she will have to put her trust in everyone here as they will put theirs in her.

Thorin took in the information. Then agreed.

"Very well. Well, do it your way." Thorin turned to Bilbo, "Give him the contract."

"We're off!"

"No, no, no!" Bilbo went back to protesting against them.
Balin stood to hand Bilbo a scroll.

"It's just the usual, summary of out of pocket expenses, time required, remuneration, funeral arrangements, so forth."

Bilbo's eyes went wide, Thorin grabbed the parchment and shoved it into Bilbo's hand as he was reluctant to take it.

"Funeral arrangements?"

Anaynahs ears fell upon Thorin and Gandalf's hushed conversation, where Thorin made it known he would bear no responsibility whatever comes Bilbo's fate. She frowned, but she knew that that is what she was there for, to protect him. Well, at least that's what she is to pretend she is there for.

Bilbo read through the contract, mumbling as he skimmed the words,
"... seems fair..." he continued onto the next page, "... Lacerations? Evisceration? Incineration?"

Anaynah stood to face him. Uh, oh.

"Oh, aye he'll melt the flesh of your bones in a blink of an eye," Bofur explained ever so casually.
Bilbo seemed breathless, dropping the contract to his side as he let out a whimper.

"You alright, laddie?" Balin asked kindly as he noticed the frazzled Hobbit.

"Yea..." Bilbo placed his hands on his knees, taking short sharp breaths, "I feel a bit faint."

"Think furnace, with wings," Bofur said as he stood up. Anaynah shot him a glare, this was not helping, Bilbo now asking for air, "Flash of light, searing pain, then POOF! You're nothing more than a pile of ash!"

"Bofur!" Anaynah growled through gritted teeth.

They all turned to look at the Hobbit. He seemed in thought.
Perhaps he is coming around?


That was all Bilbo managed to get out before he fell limp onto the floor with a loud thud.

Anaynah pushed through the crowd to the hobbit's side.

"Nice one, Bofur."


Anaynah had brought Bilbo some water and tea as he sat by the fireplace to catch a moment to breathe after his fainting spell moments earlier.

"I'll be fine just let me sit quietly for a moment." He muttered, still shaken by the whole incident.

Anaynah worried. If Bilbo could barely manage the thought of death, how would he fare when staring in the face of it?

"You've been sitting quietly for far too long!" Gandalf exclaimed in disappointment.

Anaynah walked to Bilbo's side.

"I'll give you two a moment. You'll be alright?" The Ranger asked kindly as she squeezed his should, to which he gave a quick nod and smile. She looked up to Gandalf, giving him a smile which he returned before walking out of that part of the house.

Anaynah went to her satchel from which she pulled out two shiny red apples.
Making her way to the front door, she opened it to greet the cold night air which was a sudden shock given she had spent the last few hours packed in a small hobbit hole with 15 others.

Before she closed the door behind her, Thorin noticed her departure. In confusion, he followed her out.

The night air was crisp, but still. Most of the lights in the windows were now turned off as the town of Hobbiton settled in for the night.
Anaynah made her way to all the horses and ponies tied at the grassy porch, most with their heads now asleep.

"Haldor?" The white stallion's head perked up at the sound of his master's voice. The woman made her way to him, letting his nose muzzle into the crook of her neck causing her to chuckle.
"Here." she raised her palm to feed him the apples which he happily devoured.

"I thought you were about to desert us."

The low voice made Anaynah snap her head around. Thorin stood a few paces behind her with his hands behind his back.

"You know I would not do that."

A smile tugged at his lips, "Who is your friend?" Thorin asked, referring to the horse.

"This is Haldor. Beautiful is he not?" Anaynah replied as Thorin stepped forward to greet the steed.

"Indeed." he turned to face, the Ranger. "Tell me, why are you taking up the responsibility of the halfling?" he interrogated. Anaynah huffed.

"I am not responsible for him, I am simply going to be there to aid him, to keep him safe when he can't do so himself. No one else is willing to." Anaynah responded firmly.

"Is that the only reason you are here? To play babysitter to a burglar?" Anaynah frowned at this comment, detecting a shift in his tone. She had to be careful of what she said next.

"Why else would I be here, Thorin? You are our leader, I am being hired as part of this company." Anaynah said as calmly as she could, not wishing to anger him. Thorin sighed as he looked down slightly.

"Forgive me, I just do not understand why you are helping us. This is not your battle."

Anaynah smiled sadly at the Dwarf.
If only you knew, Thorin.

"I came to you when I had no home. You and your family gave me that. A home, for a while at least. Though I left, you never ceased to be family. And now, I have a chance to help you get back your own home. Why would I not help?"

It was true. When Anaynah arrived in the Blue Mountains she was still freshly alone, not knowing much of the world. Though Thorin was hesitant to trust her, she had given him no reason to doubt her.
"That, as well as the fact I needed a change of scenery."


    The Dwarves had begun to settle. The party had ended, and their energy was spent.

Anaynah sat silence in one of the lounge rooms. She had curled up on the sofa with a blanket across her lap. Her eyes had started to get heavy and she could tell she was not far from greeting slumber.

The Rangers attention was pulled by deep humming.

Turning her head, she looked through the doorway into the main lounge, where all of the Dwarves had gathered.

In harmony and sync, their low voices resonated together sending vibrations through her veins. It was haunting.

"Far over the Misty Mountains cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
We must away, ere break of day, to find our long-forgotten gold.

The pines were roaring on the height, the winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread, the trees like torches blazed with light."

Anaynah felt every word. Every word of anguish. For she had too seen trees like torches blazing with light. She shut her eyes at the awful memory.

"Do you understand now, my dear?" Gandalf pulled her from her thoughts.

"I would understand better if you were to stop speaking in riddles." Anaynah attempted to jest, but the Wizard remained serious.

"Do you see how desperately you are needed? If this is to be successful, if we are to come victorious, then we need you."
Anaynah did not respond.
"They will survive, and it will be because of you."

"I cannot save them from themselves. Nor can I save them from... myself." Anaynah trailed off as her eyes fell on her hands.

"You won't need to. Do not doubt the strength of your heart. You are the one in control of your own mind. And you are the one who will take control when the time comes." Gandalf and her eyes met, hoping she would understand what was trying to say. She sighed, nodding. Though she loved Gandalf's company, he had a way of getting people to agree to things that annoyed her ever so slightly.

Gandalf decided to leave their conversation as is. Thought it best to not bring up the conversation from the meeting earlier, of the rumours of a Dragon in the north. Best to find time away from all these Dragon-loathing Dwarves to discuss it.

He squeezed her shoulder in comfort before bidding her a good night.

Before Anaynah could even enjoy the moment of peace, a light tap on her arm caused her to look up. The face of a very weary Bilbo greeted her.

"Uh, I thought you might like to have your own room." The halfling offered awkwardly as he gestured to a room down the hall, "You know, away from all the..." he trailed off, what he meant to say was away from all the racket of the Dwarves.

Anaynah smiled warmly.

"That is very kind of you, Bilbo. Thank you." she expressed her gratitude before following behind Bilbo as he guided her through the doorways.

They reached the extra room, dimly lit with a candle and the bed already made up.

Bilbo thought she might be a tad uncomfortable sleep around all these men.
Anaynah however was accustomed to sharing accommodation with men due to scouting and hunting trips. Nonetheless, she accepted the thoughtful gesture.

"Well, uh, goodnight."

"Bilbo?" Anaynah called out softly stopping him from scampering away. She stepped closer and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"A long time ago I left my home. Everything I had ever known."
Bilbo listened to the words she spoke, piecing together how it related to him. "Though I left for different reasons, I learnt that we all must leave. We must step out from our comforts to grow. To learn. I have not returned and have not once regretted not looking back."

Bilbo shook his head, "I do not know why Gandalf chose me. There is nothing special about me." He said as his eyes fell to the floor.

"Bilbo, everything is special about you. But you will not learn that until you step out that door. I too have my doubts, my fears. But, you may find that this is what your destiny calls for."

With a final squeeze of his shoulder, the Ranger headed inside her room, to settle in for the night. Bibo too headed to his room. The gentle words of the woman swarmed around his mind.

Soon, every soul in Bag-End had drifted into slumber, readying to begin their journey to The Lonely Mountain.


Another big chapter but phew, there you go!
Please vote and comment if you enjoyed!

-I <3

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