♡°•ALL MINE•°♡_{creek}_

By _itzSug4rk1tty_

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yandare AU ⚠️WARNING ⚠️ (this story contains) •blood •Gore •Swearing •obsession •uncomfortable asf •nfws •sel... More

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1K 41 162
By _itzSug4rk1tty_

-(next day)-

3rd POV:
It was a cold, breezy morning in the southwestern side of colorado.

Craig tucker was woken up by the sound of his mother's hand knocking on his door.

Craig's mom:Craig! Wake up,you're gonna be late for school again!
*his mother yelled*

Craig yawned and got out of bed. He puts on his slippers and heads to his bathroom.

He stretched and yawned as he turned on the sink. The water was cold, yet he washed his face and brushed his teeth.

Craig's mom:Breakfast is ready!

He walked out of his bathroom and went over to his closet to pick out an outfit to wear to school,
He picked up the usual fit and he wears a blue jacket and a white T-shirt and black pants.

He got dressed, grabbed his bag, and headed out of the room. He ran downstairs to eat with his family at the table.

The food was prepared and it was good,just the usual breakfast food.

Craig's dad:You kids, be careful at school.
*he said*

Craig's dad:especially you,tricia.
*he added*

Tricia:Dad, that was one time!
*tricia wined*

Craig's mom:Stop goofing around you two.
*she gigled*

She sat down with the family, and she looked at Craig quietly eating his food.

Craig's mom:Craig,honey.

Craig stopped eating and turned to look at her.

Craig's mom:Grandma wants to see you. Would you like to visit her?
*she asked*

*he said with a monotone voice*

Craig's mom:Great! We'll visit her next Saturday.
*she said*

Tricia:mom, I have wondered..... what happened to Grandpa?
*she asked*

Craig's mom:oh!.. well I don't know, sweetie.
*she replied*

Craig's dad:Maybe you guys could ask Grandma when we visit her?

Craig finishes his meal. He gets up without saying a word and goes over to the kitchen. he grabs his plate and places it in the sink.

Craig grabbed his bag and put on his shoes.
Before leaving, he tells his family "bye" like always.

He goes to the bus stop where he meets up with his friends, just a couple of kids that randomly came into his life.

Token:Hey Craig!
*he greeted*

That's toiken, a rich kid from a rich family. Craig met toiken around the age of 6 when Craig got a wound on his foot and toiken gave him a bandaid.

*he yelled*

That's Clyde. He met Craig around the age of 5, Craig was eating lunch by himself when Clyde suddenly showed up and asked for his food,and since then, they have become friends.

Jimmy:h-hello Craig.

That's Jimmy, a boy who tried to make Craig laugh but falses all of the time,he met Craig around the age 8. It started when Jimmy was dared to make Craig laugh but falsed. And ever since Jimmy has finally come to accept that he couldn't make Craig laugh.

He starts hanging out with him.

*he said*

Clyde:token,why aren't you going to school with your dad's car?

Token:you remember the time that we used my dad's car to go to a party last week?


Token:there was a huge gash on the back of it.


Jimmy:h-hey guys, w-what kind of car d-does yoda ride?
*Jimmy asked*

Jimmy: a to- toyoda!

Everyone expect Craig found it funny.

Jimmy:oh c'mon,Craig.


Token:dude,you gotta smile more.

Token:it's a new school year!

Craig:yeah I know.

Clyde:there might be new students and more girls!

Jimmy:cylde stop dreaming.

Clyde:you're just jealous that I have more bitches than you!

Jimmy:what bitches? I don't see any bitches?

Clyde:fuck you!

The bus came and everyone hopped on the bus,
Craig sat at the front meanwhile the others sat in the back which was crowded with teens.

Craig looked outside the window as trees and houses past by,the bus stop and a couple of teens came on.

Some were new and some were from last year.
But one student in particular caught his attention. A messy blonde haired boy wearing a green blouse and black pants walked up to Craig and sat next to him.

Craig looked at him as he twitches,he seemed to be nervous or something.

Craig:are you okay?
*he asked*

Tweek:i-im fine..
*he said nervously*

Craig:You're twitching.

Tweek:i-its normal..
*he replied*


Craig looked away,he suddenly grabbed his chest as his heart started to beat faster.

"What the fuck.."he thought as his face turns red and an overwhelming feelings filled his thoughts.

Tweek noticed Craig, he grabs his hand and checked his pulse.

Tweek:agh!are you okay? It looks like your about to have a heart attack!

Craig looked at tweek,he couldn't speak he was confused of the sudden feelings.

"Is this what having feelings feels like..?" He thought..


Tweek titled his head only making Craig more nervous.

Craig:*blushes*i-im okay! I'm c-craig.

Tweek:I'm tweek,nice to meet you Craig.

Craig felt like he was gonna pass out just by his name was spoke.

Craig stared at tweek as tweek mind his own business looking at the road.

Craig POV:
Is this what my grandma was talking about..?
That I'll meet someone.. that would make me feel complete.. I think I finally meet them..

He looks so adorable! His fluffy blonde hair and his adorable face!! His perfect! I must have him!

He said my name and touched my hand!! I wanna explode!

The bus arrived at school and everyone went off,as tweek went off the crowds I couldn't find him... the feeling of emptiness and hollow came back..


My friends came up to me and we both went in the school..bit I couldn't get that guy out of my head..

When we walked in the school there was the four kids that would always fight, and the popular girls.

Stan:Ugh..guys, can you stop fighting its so early in the morning..
*stan whined*

That's stan right there,he's in the same class as mine and his friends.

Wendy:Stan, can you explain why you haven't texted me all throught summer break!?

And that's Wendy, Stan's girlfriend.


Kyle is Stan's best friend,they are often seen together.


That's cartman, the school's trouble maker.
Or the bully, his both in general.

He makes fun of everyone except himself. He rips on people for his amusement.

Which is why they call him "a narcissist".

And over there near them is Kenny mccormick,
Kenny is one of the poorest guys in town. He is usually reading/looking at Playboy magazines.

I have seen a playboy magazine before and I don't know what's the fuss about, it's just girls.

My friends and I arrived at our lockers.

Token:I wonder if we have a new teacher.

Clyde:of course we will. I am tired of Ms.
chokesondik yelling at us all the time.

I agree, Ms. Chokesondik yells and screams at the class all the time last year.

We grabbed our books, and the bell rang.
We all headed to class, I sat down on my assigned seat.

The teacher walks in, and it's Ms chokesondik.

*the teacher yelled*

The room went silent when the teacher yelled.

Teacher:I would like you to greet our new student.

A smile appeared on my face when the boy from earlier stepped into my class.

Tweek:h-hello.. my name is tweek tweak.

Teacher:Tell us something about yourself,tweek.

Tweek:u-uhm.. im 18 years old, and my parents own a coffee shop, and.. that's it!..
*he said*

Teacher:Okay,tweek.. you be sitting next to..

The teacher looked around the room,I wish he would sit next to me.. so I can admire him up close! A tint of red appeared on my face.

Teacher:tweek, you can sit over there to Craig tucker.
*the teacher said and pointed next to me*

Tweek went to the desk beside me and sat down. The teacher started to lecture about something, but I was distracted at admiring tweek.

Maybe I was staring at him for too long cause he suddenly looked at me and smiled awkwardly.

I blushed and looked away as I couldn't help it smile.


Class is over, and everyone starts to leave class.
I grabbed my bag, and my friends suddenly came up to me.

Token:Yo Craig, wanna go basketball with us?

Craig:I'm busy.

Token:Busy with what?

I remembered tweek.. I blushed and thought about talking with him and touching his hair...
And admiring his adorable face...
His blonde messy hair..

And the way he talks.. if beautiful blue eyes..

Token:Craig? Craig??

*Clyde yelled*

I snapped back into reality.


Clyde grabbed me by my shoulders and started pushing me back, and forth.

Craig:I'm okay. You can stop pushing me.

Clyde stopped and turned to look at Token and Jimmy.

Jimmy:C-check his temperature,g-guys.

Not again. They think I'm sick, Token walked up to me and checked my temperature.

Token:His okay,guys.

Clyde:He looks red! Take him to the hospital!!

Token:His okay,cylde.

Clyde then checked my temperature.

Clyde:Oh,his fine.

Craig:Are you guys going to play basket ball now?

Token:Oh, yeah.. see ya Craig!

Token and Clyde headed out to play basketball, and Jimmy went out to do something.

I grabbed my bag and headed out, I walked through the hallways of the school and arrived at my locker.

I opened my locker, my locker was mostly empty. I only store my books there, unlike my friends who decorated theirs.

I put my book from my class from earlier in my locker, I then heard some footsteps coming towards me, and that loud voice.


I turned around seeing him come up to me with a smug face.

Craig:What do you want,cartman?
*I asked*

Cartman:Hey emo, you got some cash on ya?
*he said*

I had no money on me since I already got lunch.


Cartman:You better not be lying! Or ill fucking beat you up!

Craig:I don't have money-

Before I could finish my sentence, I got cut off when cartman pulled me and kicked me on the ground.

I hit the ground, and everyone looked at us.

*cartman yelled*

Cartman walked up to me and grabbed my collar. He then punched me hard in the face that my nose started bleeding.

He kept punching me as people started a circle around us,I saw my friends in the back of the crowd screaming my name out.

*Kyle yelled*


My vision started to get blurry until..

*tweek yelled out*

Cartman stopped and dropped me onto the floor. My back hit the ground, and I groaned from the pain,I looked at tweek and blushed..

Cartman:What are you gonna do about it,new kid!?
*cartman said*

Cartman was gonna throw a punch at tweek, but tweek grabbed cartman's arm and twisted it.

Cartman dropped down onto the ground,screaming in pain. Tweek then ran to me.

Tweek:g-gah! Are you okay!?
*he twitches*

My friends then ran to me.

Clyde:Dude! Let's get you to the nurse!

Token:I'll go tell the principal!

---[timeskip]-(after school)--

I lay in the nurse's office, I had a black eye and some bruises.

Tweek and my friends were by my side.

I was happy that tweek saved me, I couldn't get my eyes off him.

Craig:Thank you for saving me, tweek..
*I smiled*

Tweek:No problem,craig.. just have some rest when you get home.

Jimmy then looked at me confused.. oh yeah.. I smiled.

Jimmy:I have tried years..

Clyde:woah, Craig, you got a nice smile.
*Clyde complemented*

Token:we don't know why you never smiled? And at any event, you smiled after you just got beat up..

Craig:I'm just happy that tweek saved me-

All(expect tweek&craig):HAPPY!?
*they said*

Token:I never hear you say that..

Token:it was always, am okay, am fine.

Clyde:This isn't you! Where is Craig, you imposter!!

Craig:I'm Craig.

The nurse then walks in with my mom.
My mom ran up to me and hugged me.

*my mom said*

She turned my face side to side seeing my black eye and bruises.

Tweek:He got beat up,Miss tucker.

Craig:Luckily, tweek saved me.

My mom turned to tweek.

Mom:thank you so much for saving my baby!

I felt embrassed of my mom calling me her baby infront of my crush.. a slight hint of red appeared on my face.

Thanks for reading my story!
And don't forget to vote.. pls..


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