Day Is Gonna Come

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Between the son of an archangel and an open portal to a different world, the Winchesters are in for more than... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
01. Lost and Found
02. The Rising Son
03. Patience
04. The Big Empty
05. Advanced Thanatology
06. Tombstone
07. War of the Worlds
08. The Scorpion and the Frog
09. The Bad Place
10. Good Intentions
11. Unfinished Business
12. Beat the Devil
13. Exodus
14. Let the Good Times Roll
15. Stranger in a Strange Land
16. Gods and Monsters
17. The Scar
19. Nightmare Logic
20. Optimism
21. Unhuman Nature
22. Byzantium
23. The Spear
24. Nihilism
25. Damaged Goods
26. Prophet and Loss
27. Lebanon
28. Ouroboros
29. Peace of Mind
30. Don't Go Into the Woods
31. Game Night
32. Absence
33. Jack in the Box
34. Moriah
35. Back and to the Future
36. Raising Hell
37. The Rupture
38. Atomic Monsters
39. Proverbs 17:3
40. Golden Time
41. Last Call
42. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
43. The Trap
44. The Heroes' Journey
45. The Gamblers
46. Galaxy Brain
47. Destiny's Child
48. Last Holiday

18. Mint Condition

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By TheQuietHufflepuff


A man on the TV said, "Do you have unwanted gold just lying around the house collecting dust? Why not turn that gold into cash? Here at Diamond Dave's you can have cash in your hands today! We'll take anything you want to sell us!"

A woman on the TV spoke. "When Aunt Gloria passed away she left me so much jewelry, I didn't know what to do! That's when I called Diamond Dave's!"

"If it's gold, it's cash in your hands!"

The television sounded in the comic book store. A poster for a Hell Hazers movie was seen next to one for All Saints Day.

"You're watching Shocker TV!" a man on the TV said.

A horror movie, All Saints Day, was playing on the TV.

The man continued. "This week on Shocker, it's going to be a blood bath with guts, slicing and dicing. We've got scream queens and killing machines. 24 hours a day, all week long."

"Time to slice and dice," Hatchet Man said.

The TV was turned off by a man; Stuart. He set the remote on the table, opened a cardboard box, and started taking out action figures. There was a life-size replica of Hatchet Man in the shop. Stuart was startled when he took out the action figure on Panthro from Thundercats.

"Whoa, 15 inch megascale Panthro," Stuart commented. "So handsome, so hungry." He chuckled and put the action figure into a bag, His phone rang, startling him. It was a video call from Samantha. He answered it and held the phone up. "Hey, Sam."

"Stuart, what did you do?" Samantha asked.

"I, uh, nothing."

"Really? Because according to Yelp and this awesome one0star review we just got, you screamed at a customer and called him a, quote, mongoloid Tribble in a robotic exoskeleton built by Tony Stark's inbred third cousin, which is not cool and weirdly, creepily specific."

"That. He said I couldn't beat up Superman."

"Okay. Again, Superman is not real."

"That's not the point."

"And I have seen you get winded eating a taco."

"Okay, that doesn't matter! If I had kryptonite gloves I could beat up Superman. Anyone could. That's science, Sam!"

"Look, I, I like that care, really really care about this stuff but we need every customer we can get okay? So just chill a little, please."

"Yeah. Um, okay. I'm sorry Sam I'm just, I just get spun out sometimes."

"I know."

"Coming to Game Night?"

"Of course. I'll see you there."

Stuart waved goodbye and disconnected the call. He picked up his keys with a Batman keychain and the bag with the Panthro figure. He stopped for a few seconds looking guilty, then continued out of the shop after turning off the lights. He locked the door and left.


Stuart shouted on the phone, "Yeah, well, all I'm hearing is excuses! Okay, look, I don't even care about traffic, okay? It has been over 30 minutes so hello! Free pizza!"

The Panthro figure was on the table. As Stuart was on the phone, the figure turned its head to look at him. There was a noise and Stuart turned around, startled. The figure was on the floor.

Stuart looked confused and muttered, "What the heck." He walked towards the figure and crouched down. "How did you...?"

The figure began spinning its nunchucks and attacked Stuart who screamed.


A man on the TV spoke. "He must have brought them back, back from Hell, again. Hell Hazers 3, it lives again. And now, back to Hatchet Man, All Saints Day. There'll be no further interruptions."

Dean was lying on his bed, laying avidly, watching the TV while he ate pizza. The room was full of beer cans, pizza boxes, a couple empty sippy cups where juice had been, and chip packets.

"Time to slice and dice," Dean repeated.

On the TV, a man was mopping up a corridor and sopped to steal candy out of a vending machine when his hand got stuck. Hatchet Man came up behind him, carrying two hatchets and wearing a gruesome half mask over his scarred face.

"Hey, this area is closed off," the man on the TV said. "I said beat it buddy."

Hatchet Man swung the hatchet at the man's outstretched leg. Blood splattered across the candy machine while the man screamed in agony. A door opened further up the corridor and a woman appeared.

"Time to slice and dice," Hatchet Man stated.

The woman screamed.

There was a knock at the door and Dean called, "Yo."

Sam and Seylah entered. "Hey."

"Hey," Dean repeated.

"What you doing?" Sam asked.

"Horror marathon on Shocker," Dean replied. "Just made my way through the Halloweens and now I'm about to..." He looked up at Sam and stopped talking. Sam looked confused. "Oh, wow."

"What?" Dean touched his own cheek. "Oh yes, I shaved."

"I mean, it's so smooth. It's like a dolphin's belly."

Sam pulled up a chair and sat down. "Yeah, yeah. Hey uh, we wanted to check up on you. You doing okay? I mean you haven't really come out of your room in almost a week."

"Well, since when is okay part of this job, huh? Yeah. Cas is you know, showing Jack the ropes and Dark Kaia and her spear are in the wind and we have no clue where Michael is or what he's up to. And not that I'm complaining, but the house is full of strangers, so."

Seylah glanced at her uncle. "No, I get it. Lotta people I don't know. I don't like lots of people I don't know."

Sam glanced at her a moment before focusing on his brother. "So, your plan is to just lay in here watching Hatchet Man movies? Seriously?"

"All Saints Day is a classic," Dean told him. "They tend to bury their heads into me."

"Time to slice and dice."

"Oh, is it?" Sam questioned.

Dean looked at his brother. "What do you care, you don't even like scary movies."

"Well, yeah, Dean, our life is a scary movie."


Hatchet Man spoke again. "I like it when they run."

"All right well I hate to disturb your marathon, but I think I found us a case."

"More Michael monsters?" Dean asked.

"No, killer toy."

"What kind of toy?"

Sam set the tablet on the bed in front of Dean who moved it so Seylah could see. A video of Stuart with cuts on his face played with the title: THEY LIVE: Killer Toys! True Story!

Stuart spoke. "...and then the thing freaking jumped me! I mean, it wouldn't stop. It was over and over..." He mimed nunchucks and Dean looked bemused. "Panthro kicked my ass."

"Thundercats?" Dean questioned. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," Sam confirmed. "But I mean, you've got your pizza, at least eight more of these movies so I'll just leave you to it and I'll get one of the other guys..."

Dean got up off the bed. "Oh, hell no, hell no. No, Panthro, that's mine."

Seylah looked up at her father. "I promised Jack we'd watch Star Wars and maybe some Star Trek. Can I stay?"

Sam nodded. "Sure. But stay where people can see you."

"You're so protective. It's annoying."

"You're my daughter. Of course I'm gonna be protective."

She gave him a small smile and walked away, humming The Imperial March.


The Impala drove down the road.


Sam and Dean walked to the door of the comic shop.

"What if we're talking like, one toy gone bad or it's like a whole crew, you know?" Dean wondered. "Like public master style."

"Do you actually want there to be more than one?" Sam asked.

"I don't know."

Some children dressed in costumes yelled "Boo" at the boys as they passed them. Sam looked disconcerted.

Dean looked at his brother. "Still not a fan of Halloween, huh?"

"Nope," Sam replied.

Dean chuckled. "It's so lame."

Sam and Dean entered the comic book store. All Saints Day was playing on the TV. Dean helped himself to a lollipop from a har on a table in front of the TV.

"Hey, I can help you guys in just a second," Samantha told them.

"Hm, she's like you're twin," Dean commented.

Sam pushed his hair back just as Samantha did the same and asked, "What? What are you talking about?"

"Soft, delicate features, luxurious hair. She's like your wonder twin."


A man, Dirk, was crouching in front of the comic book stands picking up comics. He had a lollipop in his mouth.

Sam pointed to Dirk. "Well, okay, if that's me then that's you over there."

"That guy?"


"Yeah, we have zero in common. Whoa, Hatchet Man. No way, Sam check it out. It's David freaking Yaeger." Dean walked towards the figure of Hatchet Man.


"Press the button," Dirk instructed.

Dean pressed the button on the figure of Hatchet Man who said, "Time to slice and dice."

"Oh dude!" Dean exclaimed, pressing the button again.

"We all do bad things sometimes." Dean pressed the button again. "Trick or treat."

"Hey hey hey hey hey dude," Sam said.

"I need this, how much?" Dean asked.

"Not for sale, Hatchet Man's a classic," Dirk replied.

Dean smiled, agreed, and continued looking at the figure.

"Yeah, nothing in common," Sam muttered.

"Okay, what can I help you guys with?" Samantha questioned. "Funko Pops, magic cards?"

"Uh Stuart Blake..."

"Vintage Hot Wheels," Dean said.

"I'm sorry, were you getting helped by Stuart with vintage Hot Wheels or...?"

"No, sorry," Sam replied. "My name is Ian Gillan and this is uh..."

"I'm Ritchie Blackmoore," Dean informed. "We're with Campbell and Sons Insurance. We heard about Stuart's little incident with the toy and we're hoping to speak with him."

"Oh, he's at home, healing up," Samantha told them.

"Well, we went to his place and his roommate said he had moved out," Sam said.

"Kicked out, actually," Dean corrected.

"Right, they had a fight," Samantha remembered.

"Over?" Sam asked.

"Fist of the North Star. Stuart said that the dubbed version was better, but you know what, forget it. Um, I like Stuart, but he's an acquired taste."

"Sounds like a guy who could make a lot of enemies," Dean commented.

"I mean, not real ones. Maybe online, he trolls everything."

"Okay, where can we find Stuart now?" Sam questioned.

"He's at his mom's house."

"Of course he is," Dean muttered.

"Thanks," Sam replied.


Sam and Dean were sitting at the dining table. Barbra placed two superhero mugs in front of them.

"Stewie will be up in just a minute," Barbra told them.

"Thanks," Sam said as Dean switched the mugs so he could drink from the Flash one. "I can't believe you had her make us apple cider."

"She offered," Dean reasoned.

Stuart yelled, "No no! You stupid, dumb, that's not how you play the... argh! Game over, I'm done! Done!"

Stuart came up the stairs in pajamas and with headphones on. He took them off when he saw Sam and Dean. His face had wounds from the toy attack.

"Who're you?" Stuart asked.

"We're from Campbell and Sons Insurance and..." Sam was cut off.

"What are you doing down there?" Dean questioned.

"Fortnite," Stuart replied.

Sam glanced at Dean. "It's a video game."

"It's the video game."

"Yeah, well I'm a Zelda for life so," Dean said. "What are you, burning sage down there?"

"So? I dated this goth chick, like super-hot, met online and she was into Wicca. She said that burning sage was like good luck or some crap like that."

"Hm, so you're not together anymore?" Sam asked.

"Ha, no. I broke it off before we could MIRL. You know, I mean, who needs goth girl drama am I right?"

"Mirl?" Dean repeated.

"MIRL -- Meet in real life," Sam clarified.

"Why do you know what that means?"

"Stuart, we're here to ask you about the attack you reported, with the toy?"

"I made it up," Stuart told them.

Dean frowned. "You what?"

"The whole thing, I lied."

"But, the video..." Sam began.

"That was fake. I didn't expect it to go viral, but it did and I just, I fell."

"Hm, because the hospital report said that you had a mark on your face, your legs, your backhand your genitals," Dean remembered. "That's not a slip and a fall."

"Well I don't see why an insurance company would care, you know. And I think it's time for you to leave."

"Okay, but," Sam said.



The door slammed in Sam and Dean's faces and they walked towards the Impala.

"Wow, lady, you weren't kidding," Dean commented. "That guy is a piece of work."

"Well, whatever happened was not an accident," Sam said.

"Okay, but Big Bang in there, not a great liar."

"No. So what are we thinking, a spell?"

"No, his girlfriend was into Wicca."

"Wicca doesn't always mean witch."

"Except when it does."

"All right, let's wait until they leave. Check for hex bags."



Kids in Halloween costumes were walking around. Sam and Dean were in the Impala staking out the house. Sam was on the phone.

"Yeah, find some lamb's blood," Sam instructed. "Right. Exactly. Nadia and Robert had fun trick-or-treating? That's great."

"All good?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, it was Riley. He'll be fine."

"I don't know who Riley is, but cool. So seriously, what is your deal with Halloween?"

"I don't like it."

"Yeah, but why don't you like it, hm? And don't give me that like, 'well every day is Halloween for us' crap, okay? Because one: it ain't, we don't eat that much candy, two: you've had this hate on for years. So?"

"Mom's on the move."

Barbra was leaving the house dressed in costume. She got in the car and drove away. Sam and Dean laid back so she didn't see them as she passed the Impala.

"All right what about our guy?" Dean asked.

"You know I think I know why Stuart changed his story; the comments on his video are all pretty brutal," Sam said. "People are calling him a liar, a loser, Thunderspaz, Snarf's lovechild, Panthro's B..."

"Rhymes with itch?"


"Gotta love the Internet, where everyone can be a dick."

"Help me!" Stuart cried, standing at the door to his house, covered in blood and clutching his stomach. Sam and Dean ran out of the car towards him. "Help me! Help!"

"Stay with him."

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "Okay, hey hey hey, we're going to get you help."


Dean had his gun extended and was searching the house. There was a bloody handprint and drops of blood in Stuart's room. Dean walked into the room and stopped in front of a Texas Chainsaw Massacre poster. There was the sound of a chainsaw and Dean turned. A floating chainsaw flew at him and Dean dodged while the chainsaw stuck in the poster.


Stuart was unconscious in a hospital bed with his mother sitting next to him. Sam and Dean were standing in front of the bed.

"My poor baby," Barbra said.

"Yeah, it was touch and go there for awhile, but doctors say he's going to be all right," Dean told her.

"I'm just grateful you showed up. I... Thank you, you saved his life. Oh, I should run back home, get Stewie his favorite pillow."

"Actually, you know what, uh... It's probably better if you just stay here."

"Yeah, just until he wakes up you know," Sam added.

"Yeah, of course," Barbra agreed. "You're right. I'm just all flustered.

"It's okay," Dean reassured. "Everything's fine."

Sam and Dean left the room and walked into the corridor.

"Everything is not fine," Dean told his brother.

"Yeah, my first clue is a flying chainsaw," Sam said.

"While you were waiting for the ambulance, I did a quick sweep for hex bags. Nothing, but then I pulled out the EMF, went freaking crazy."

"So it's a ghost."

"Yeah. Hey, we've got to figure out a way to keep Mom here while we clear the house."

"Well, I don't get why a ghost would be gunning for Stuart."

"Murder, grave robbery, stole his favorite Pokemon, I mean, take your pick."

"Yeah. All right you stay here with them, I'll go check the house, ask around, see if anybody..."

"Got dead lately."


"All right." He threw the keys and Sam who took them and left. Dean returned to the hospital room.


The bloody chainsaw was still stuck in the poster on the wall. Sam entered the room and found that the lights weren't working. He pulled out a flashlight and looked through the rom. He saw the action figure of Panthro and startled.

He laughed at himself. "Nice, Sam. Smooth." He took out his EMF meter and checked for disturbance near the action figure to find nothing. "What the hell?"

He turned in confusion. He saw the wallpaper on Stuart's computer and saw it was a picture of Stuart, Samantha, Dirk and Jordan.


Dirk was standing outside the room, looking at Stuart. Shocker Television was playing.

Dean walked up to Dirk holding candy bars and greeted, "Hey."

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Dirk asked.

"Just keeping an eye on Stuart."

"He must have awesome insurance."

"Super awesome. Trick or treat?" He gave Dirk a candy bar. "He's still out."

"Yeah the nurse told me. Babs went out for a quick bite. Can I stick around, I want to be here when he wakes up. He's kind of my best friend."

"Is that right?"

"Look I, I know Stuart has his stuff but we all do and me and my dad don't get along so great and when we really have it out, Stuart lets me crash at his place, no questions asked. We just eat pizza and watch movies. It's zen."

"Sounds like a good friend."

"Yeah but now? When his mom called, said someone had attacked him with a chainsaw?"

"Looks like, but happy Halloween, huh?"

There was a scream on the TV. All Saints Day was playing. Dean and Dirk watched. On the TV, a woman entered a morgue with bodies covered by bloody sheets. She looked scared.

"Okay, yeah yeah," the woman said.

"Cool!" Dirk exclaimed. "All Saints Day 3."

"Time to slice and dice!" Dirk and Dean cried in sync.

" creeping me out to the max."

On TV, Hatchet Man came up behind the woman and she screamed and fell.

Hatchet Man spoke. "Trick or treat. Time to slice and dice."

"Never gets old," Dean said.

"You know, a lot of people don't like this one, but it's actually my favorite," Dirk told Dean. "I mean, sure, there's no way a hospital would ever be that empty, but that's overthinking it."

"I don't know, been to a lot of hospitals at night. Trust me, they get pretty empty."

"Okay so, All Saints Day 3, that's my top pick. What about you?"

"I mean I like 5 right, Search for David Yaeger? Because it's weird but it's bloody."

"So bloody!"


"In the best way."

"But uh... I've got to go with number 4."

"Hatchet Man Lives? Nice choice!"


""Killed in a prank gone wrong...""

Dirk and Dean spoke together. ""...mechanic David Yaeger comes back every year on the day after Halloween. On All Saints Day Hatchet Man takes his revenge.""

"You really know your ASD."

"Ah well, growing up it was a... it was always nice to check out once in awhile," Dean replied. "I like to watch movies where I know the bad guy is going to lose. My niece is the same way."

"Knock knock, time to die," Hatchet Man said.


Samantha was working late. She was standing at the counter with her laptop open. Stuart's keys were on the table. Sam entered the store.

"Oh um, we're um, we're closing," Samantha told Sam.

"Right, I just uh, I'm just here to... Did you hear about Stuart?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, his mom told us what happened when she dropped off his keys. I mean what happened to him, that's insane."

"Yeah, yeah so I actually have a few questions? Um, and they might be a little different."

"Different, like?"

"Different, like uh, has anyone close to Stuart died recently?"

"You're an insurance dude, right?"

"Yeah, yeah and we wouldn't normally ask these kinds of questions, but it's a special circumstance and..."

"Well, I mean, Jordan."


"Yeah, he owned the store. He taught Stuart, Dirk and I everything we know about comics and games. He was like our own personal Willy Wonka."

"Huh. Sounds like a great guy."

"He was. Cancer sucks, you know."

"Yeah. So, who owns the place now?"

"Me and Dirk. Jordan left it to us."

"But not Stuart?"

"Stuart worked here but Jordan fired him, twice. He kept catching Stuart stealing, and to Jordan, this place was his life you know."

"And you hired Stuart back?"

"He's my friend."

"Okay. Where is Jordan buried?"

"Nowhere, he was cremated."

Sam noticed the glass case behind Samantha frosting up and took out his EMF meter. "Oh um, right, sure. Excuse me; I just have to uh..."

"What's that?"

The EMF flared up and Sam said, "Nothing, it's a, uh, a carbon monoxide detector."

"What, is that, is that bad?"

"Yeah, yup, pretty bad. You know what, you should leave. Now."

"What, no."

"Okay listen to me, this is weird but I think you're in danger..."

Samantha looked afraid. Sam turned and the life size figure of Hatchet Man hit him across the face. Sam hit the shelves and was knocked unconscious. Hatchet Man Figure turned towards Samantha and she screamed.


Sam woke up and looked around. "Samantha? Samantha!"

Samantha was behind the desk, crying.

Sam went to her and said, "Hey, hey. Are you okay?"

"No? What just happened?" Samantha wondered.

"I think uh, I think a ghost..."

"A ghost?"

"Yes, um. All right, listen to me, ghosts are real and they can possess things, people, toys, chainsaws, and apparently life-size figurines."

"You are not from an insurance company, are you?"

"Not exactly. Listen, I'm not sure but I think the ghost of Jordan is trying to kill Stuart."

"Wait, what?"

"Did he hurt you?

"No, he just shoved me out of the way and then he bolted."

Sam tried to open the door of the shop to leave. "It's locked. Where are the keys?"

"Uh, Hatchet Man or whatever took them."

"You sure?"

"I mean, I was pretty busy screaming but yeah I'm sure."

Sam picked up a Cthulhu figure from the table and looked at it. "Is this expensive?"

"What? No, don't!" Sam threw the figure at the window and it bounced back. "Yeah, it's shatterproof glass. Jordan was pretty serious about thieves."


Dean and Dirk were on either side of Stuart's hospital bed, eating snacks. All Saints Day was playing on the TV.

"The aerobics instructor in the giant mixer," Dean said. "Right? And the kids the next morning at theres center are al eating breakfast and then one finds a tooth with all the stringy bits still hooked into it. Oh come on! I mean forget Freddy and Jason, that's top ten horror movie kill right there!"

"Top five even!" Dirk exclaimed.

"Oh and then the jock guy's face when Hatchet Man shoves it into the engine fan of that truck and it just like..." He mimed noises and the explosion.

Dirk laughed. "Did you know that they made the brain splatter with salt water taffy?"

"I did not know that. That's pretty cool. Excuse me." His phone started ringing. He walked away and answered it. "Yeah, what's up Sam?"

Sam, in the comic store, said, "We were right, it's a ghost. The guy's name is Jordan MacNeal, he used to own the comic shop."

"All right, so we're going to a graveyard or what?"

"No no no, he was cremated and um..."

"And what?"

"So he possessed the David Yaeger figure at the shop and I think he's coming for Stuart."

"Wait wait wait wait, are you telling me that Hatchet Man, David Yaeger, is coming here?"

"Uh, I mean, not literally but..."

Dean spoke in a gleeful tone, "Hatchet Man is coming here!"

Hatchet Man on the TV said, "Trick or treat."


Possessed Hatchet Man Figure was walking along the street carrying his hatchets and Stuart's keys. People were walking around in costumes.

Across the street a man dressed as Hatchet Man noticed the figure and exclaimed, "Hey look at that! Hey man! Woo! David Yaeger! Killer costume."


Dean was making a salt circle around Stuart's bed.

"If ghosts are real does that mean vampires?" Dirk asked.

"Yup," Dean replied.




"Unless it's Godzilla, it's real. All right, get in."


"Now! Listen to me, ghosts can't cross a salt line okay? So, whatever you hear, whatever you see, whatever happens, stay inside. Capiche?"

Dirk sat on Stuart's bed and nodded.


Sam was trying to pick the lock on the door. "What I don't get is why Jordan is going after Stuart now? It doesn't make any sense."

"Stuart's been stealing," Samantha informed.


"I mean, not cash, just stuff that he thought was cool. Stuart doesn't have good impulse control. I've been taking money out of his checks to make up for it, but I guess a ghost wouldn't know that."

"Yeah, I guess not. Oh come on!" He held up a broken lock pick. "Damn it."

"Yeah, it's a hardcore lock."

"All right, we've got to get out of here."

"Okay, how?"

"Do you have cleaning supplies?"


Dirk was sitting on Stuart's bed while Stuart was still unconscious. Suddenly, it got very cold and Dirk's breath began to fog.

"What the...?" Dirk began as the lights started flashing, the TV turned on and the cupboard started banging. The whole room began to shake. "No! Somebody help me! I've got to get out of here!"

Dirk ran from the room.


Dean grabbed a hatchet from an emergency cabinet.


Barbra was carrying a tray of food and walking. Jordan in the Hatchet Man Figure appeared in front of her. She dropped the tray and screamed. Dirk ran up behind Jordan.

"Hey!" Dirk yelled. "Jordan, I know you're trying to kill Stuart but he's my friend! He's our friend! So if you want to do this, you'll have to go through me." Jordan turned and started walking towards Dirk. Barbra ran away. "Crap."

Dirk turned and ran with Jordan in pursuit.


Two guards were watching All Saints Day and sharing a bowl of popcorn. On the TV a woman saw Hatchet Man and screamed.

"Ooh run, run girl," guard one commented.

Hatchet Man on TV said, "I like it when they run."

"Did you see that?" guard two asked. "You see that, that's my favorite part."

On the security cameras, Dirk could be seen running frantically through the corridors, followed by Jordan. He passed the security office, but the guards were oblivious.

"Enough talking, more killing."

"Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Right?"

"Ooh, it's bad," guard one stated.

"She's so slow."

The woman on the TV cried, "Somebody please help me! Where is everybody?"

"Ooh, run girl run! You've got to run girl, come on now. Don't let grandma run faster than you!"

Dirk, still shown on the security monitors, ran through the hospital. "Help! Somebody! Anybody help me! Where is everybody?" Dirk and the woman on TV both ran towards the elevator with Hatchet Man following. "Oh God, oh God, Jordan please! You're dead!"

"Get away from me! We killed you, you're dead!"

The elevator opened.

"We all do bad things sometimes," Hatchet Man said.

"Press that button, press that button," guard two commented. "He could never catch me, I'll tell you that much."

The guards still hadn't noticed Dirk running n the security cameras. Dirk entered the elevator and so did the woman on TV. Both frantically pushed the button.

"No, this can't be happening," the woman muttered.

"No, no," Dirk said.

Hatchet Man spoke."You can't run from Hatchet Man."

"This isn't..."

"...real!" Dirk cried.

The elevator doors closed. On TV, Hatchet Man stopped the door closing with his hatchet. Both guards jumped while the woman on TV screamed.


Sam poured liquid into a Scooby-Doo lunchbox. There were a few chemicals near him.

"All right, pretty sure this will work," Sam said.

"Where did you learn how to do this?" Samantha asked.

"I had a messed up childhood. Okay, here goes." He poured baking soda into the lunchbox and the concoction bubbled up. He closed the lid and hung the lunchbox on the door. Both took cover behind the table. "Get down."

An explosion sounded and the door was blown off its hinges. Sam and Samantha looked up cautiously and smiled.

"Cool," Sam and Samantha stated.


Dirk ran into the room and saw a number of bodies covered by sheets. He backed into the room and Dean grabbed him by the shoulder.

"I thought I told you to stay put," Dean said.

"You don't... He's here," Dirk replied.


One of the bodies rose and Jordan in the Hatchet Man Figure turned to face them.

He pressed the button on his body. "Time to slice and dice."

"Oh hell," Dean muttered.

A trailer for All Saints Day played.


The narrator said, "David Yaeger was an honest man making an honest living until one night, when a practical job turned deadly."

Halloween night, David Yaeger was fixing his car. Someone brought the car down on him and was set on fire. The body was put into a bag.

"One day, we're going to have to answer for the things we did that night," a man warned.

"It was just a prank," the woman admitted.


Hatchet Man walked the corridors with his hatchets.

The narrator spoke. "Now, David Yaeger is back with his faithful hatchet to get revenge on those who took his life. If the people responsible for this death weren't torn up about it, they're going to be."

"Time to slice and dice," Hatchet Man said.

"In this stark, quiet hospital, they can run, they can hide but there's no escaping the Hatchet Man."

"Trick or treat."

"This can't be happening," the woman mumbled.

"We all do bad things sometimes."

The narrator introduced the movie. "All Saints Day 3: The Reckoning. Coming soon to a theater near you. Pray for survival."


Dean, carrying a hatchet, faced Jordan and said, "All right look man, I know once you go Casper, things can get a little, well a lot, crazy. The way I see it you've got two options: one, you let this go and you can walk into the light or two, I send you there."

Jordan pressed the button. "Time to slice and dice."

"I was kind of hoping you would say that."

Jordan and Dean fought. Jordan overpowered Dean and pushed him back. Dirk tried to help.

"Stay back!" Dean yelled. "I've got this."

Dean threw things at Jordan and hit him with bed pans.


"Problem is the ghost is always tied to an object right, its bones, something that meant a lot to it in life, whatever that this is the ghost is usually stuck there but Jordan, he's been all over, the shop, Stuart's house, so how is he moving around?" Sam wondered.

"The keychain!" Samantha realized.


"It was Jordan's and then Stuart closed up the night he got attacked and he brought the shop keys home and then his mom brought them back after. I mean, could that, does that make sense?"

"Yeah, it does. Come on."


Dean and Jordan were still fighting. Jordan had Dean cornered.

Jordan pressed the button. "We all do bad things sometimes."

Jordan raised the hatchet to kill Dean when Dirk stabbed him in the back with a knife. Jordan turned and Dirk dropped the knife.

"I, uh, sorry?" Dirk apologized in a questioning tone.

Jordan hit Dirk and he went flying. Dean grabbed Jordan from behind and they tussled. Jordan got Dean in a chokehold against the wall. Sam and Samantha came running into the room.

"Dean, keychain!" Sam yelled.

Dean struggled to lift the keychain off Jordan. He grabbed it and threw it to Sam. Sam tried to light it on fire and was unsuccessful. Dean motioned for them to hurry as his air supply was cut off.

Samantha grabbed a bottle of ethyl alcohol and gave it to Sam. "Here, use this.

Dean, struggling, cried, "Hurry up!"

Sam put the keychain in the bowl with the ethanol and set it on fire. Jordan went up in flames and the Hatchet Man figurine dropped to the floor, motionless, its audio trailing off.


Sam, Dean, Samantha and Dirk stood over the Hatchet Man figure.

"Is it really over?" Dirk asked. "Just like that?"

"Just like that?" Dean repeated.

"Yeah," Sam confirmed.

"You're all safe now, even Stuart."

"Jordan, is he?" Samantha asked.

"He's in a better place."


"Thanks man," Dean said. "You, uh, you got me out here because you needed to get me out of my funk and give me a win and you did. So, thanks."

"I've got to admit it didn't go exactly like I thought it would," Sam replied.

"Hey man, I just went toe-to-toe with David freaking Yaeger. That was awesome!"

"Yeah, it wasn't really..."

"Don't ruin this for me."

"Hey Dean, when we get back to the bunker, man you've got to stop hiding out in your room."

"I'm not hiding out."

"And I get why you're doing it, I do but what happened with Michael... You said yes for me, for Jack, for Seylah, for your family. You did the right thing. What happened after, just because Michael was wearing your face doesn't mean any of this is on you. I don't blame you, no one blames you. You've got to try and stop blaming yourself. Please."

"I've never going to get over it, okay? I'm just not. But you're right; I'm not doing anybody any good by just staying cooper up in my room so, whatever you need. I'm there. All right, Chief." Sam smiled and Dean's watch beeped. "All right well that is it, Halloween is officially over."


"Okay seriously, why? Why do you hate Halloween? What was it, was it the time I, I ate all your Halloween candy?"


"Was it something that Dad did?"

"No dude, you don't want to know."

"No I really do, really. What?"

"All right, you remember Andrea Howell?"


"When I was in sixth grade we were living in Bismarck and I had a huge crush on her."

"Aw, that's adorable. Continue."

"So, she invited me to her Halloween party. I said yes and I went over and at first everything was great, um, and then we started to play games."

"Spin the bottle."

"Bobbing for apples. Like I said, I had a huge crush so the entire night my stomach was in knots and when it was my turn I bent down and..."


"...hurled, everywhere. Lunch, dinner it all came up, on Andrea mostly. People ran and screamed and it was so bad."

"Ah that's great."

"I ended up hiding out in the woods till you finally came and got me."

"So that's why you hate Halloween."


"Oh come on man you've got to deal with that, that's I mean... All right this is what we're going to do, next year we're doing Halloween right okay? I'm thinking matching outfits like uh, Batman and Robin."


"Bert and Ernie."


"That's weird."


"Uh, Rocky Bullwinkle."


"Shaggy and Scooby!"

"Why would we?"

"Turner and Hooch. Ren and Stimpy."

"Come on now."

"Thelma and Louise."

"Thelma and...?"

"We just put it in drive and go."


Guard two entered the morgue and the lights flickered and went out. He pulled out a flashlight and noticed the disturbance. He saw the hatchets on the floor. He saw the Hatchet Man figure.

"What the...?" guard two wondered.

"Trick or Treat," Hatchet Man said in a distorted voice.

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