Mighty Champion (Hero Academi...

By AtrayumX

46K 1.3K 1.1K

This is the story of (Y/n) (L/n), a young man from the real world. One fateful night, he falls asleep and wak... More

1. Arrival
2. Arrival: Part 2
3. Here I Am
4. Interlude
5. The Protagonist
6. The One Who Arrived
7. What It Takes To Be A Hero
8. Izuku Midoriya: A Hero
9. One Wild Day
10. New Beginnings...
11. And Roaring Muscles!
12. Just Fine
13. Kickstart The Line
14. And These Guys
15. Quirk Apprehension Test
17. Combat Training
18. Deku vs. Kacchan
19. Izuku and Katsuki
20. Team B vs. Team C
A/n: Look!
22. School Days

16. What We Can Do

1.5K 55 55
By AtrayumX

U.A. Faculty Room

Present Mic: "So... Aizawa's got 1-A taking a Quirk Apprehension Test, and he's gonna kick out whoever's in last place? That's harsh."

Cementoss: "It would seem so. As usual, he doesn't go about these matters the way the rest of us would."

Thirteen: "Well, there's not much any of us can do about his teaching methods. But this isn't really out of the norm, so what exactly did you want to talk to us about?"

Nezu: "I only wished to remind all of you about (Y/n) (L/n). Simply put, he is a special case. Like Aizawa, we must take extra care when dealing with him specifically."

*phone ringing*

Nezu: "Oh! Pardon me."

Cementoss: "... From what we've seen (L/n) is beyond capable. But being a vigilante who's evaded every Pro he's encountered, including Eraserhead and myself, means he'll likely be that much harder to work with. We must be cautious."

Present Mic: "Aizawa did say the kid was a handful the first time he tried to catch him. Hey! I bet that rockstar's gonna get first place in that Quirk test they're all doing!"

Thirteen: "You mean if he doesn't destroy the training area?"

Nezu: *hangs up phone* "Actually... Midnight seems to think (Y/n) will be the one Aizawa expels."

The faculty members looked at a perplexed Nezu for a second before they could process exactly what he said.

Present Mic: "... What?!"

Cementoss: "That can't be right. What's going on out there?"

Thirteen: "We should go see for ourselves. Is she watching him right now?"

Nezu: "She is. And she just informed me that (Y/n) is deliberately trying to fail."

Heroes: "What?!"

Present Mic: "But... why the heck would he do that?!"

Nezu: "This is... unexpected, but I did say he was a special case. Me and Midnight will go and see what the apparent commotion is about."

Within a different area of the school, a curvaceous, blue-eyed woman with spiky, dark-purple hair wearing a suggestive uniform hung up her phone disapprovingly. She looked out the school window to the training area, watching as the tense atmosphere below thickened.

U.A. Courtyard

Aizawa: "You're done here, Grey. Collect your belongings and leave. At least now we can keep the class at twenty even."


Izuku: "Wait! You can't expel him!!"

Aizawa: "He doesn't belong here, Midoriya. That's his problem."

Izuku: "NO!! It's not him!! I-I don't know what might be wrong right now but he needs to be here! Give (Y/n) another chance, please! H-he can't leave!..."

While Midoriya argued with his teacher, Katsuki went up to the lying male and kicked him lightly in his side.

Katsuki: "What are you doing?"

(Y/n): 'That was probably the dumbest shit I've done in a while. Probably could've handled it better, too. Fuck it...' "I have to do this, Katman. You wouldn't understand, or even want to for that matter but anyways. Hey, Izuku!"

When (Y/n), still on the floor, called to Midoriya, the smaller male was snapped out of his fit and looked at his friend like he had the answer to the existence of Quirks.

(Y/n): *getting up* "It's all good. My dream has been thoroughly crushed, but you can still make it here. I didn't, simple as that. Now I have no choice but to take my leave for the sake of classroom symmetry. Farewell, until later today if you want."

(Y/n) began walking back to the classroom when Izuku quickly ran up to him and stopped the taller male in his tracks, not caring for the glare they were both getting from the homeroom teacher.

Izuku: "No! (Y/n), tell him you're sick, o-or that there's a problem with your power! You're not leaving!"

(Y/n): "I'm sorry, but I have to. *whisper* Dude, he wants one of us gone, and I'm not the one that belongs here." *smiles*

Izuku: *softly* "What?..."

(Y/n): "Hey, I'll see you back home, alright? Don't blow up and then act like you don't know nobody."

With reassurance, (Y/n) stepped past Izuku and made his way to the administration office.

(Y/n): "Y'know it really would've been too good to be true, in terms of the story... Goodbye, everyone! Katman, I'll see you around at the, uh, psych ward."

Katsuki: *confused*

(Y/n): *to Class 1-A* "And I'll see all of you when I'm a villain, since you either die a Hero or, y'know, the other thing. I mean, you don't but-"

Sultry Woman: "Wait right there, young man!"


From behind Aizawa and the now surprised class was none other than Principal Nezu, and next to him was the R-Rated Hero: Midnight.

Bird-Faced Kid: "It's the principal..."

Taller Girl: "And the Pro Hero, Midnight?"

Pink Girl: *gasps* "It's really her!"

Iida: "What are they doing here?"

Midnight: "Hello, students! Sorry for dropping in out of nowhere, but we heard there was already a troublemaker among you! Thought we'd swing by and maybe bring a little... discipline~."

Nezu: "Hello again, Mr. (L/n)!"

(Y/n): *nervous smile* "He- hey, whaddup... sir? And uh, Midnight?"

*whip crack*

Midnight: "That's Mistress to you, Grey!"

(Y/n): w h a t

Midnight: "Hmph! Hello, Aizawa! I hope you didn't mind that me and the principal were observing Class 1-A's introduction to the Hero Course."

Aizawa: "Whatever."

Nezu: "We wanted to familiarize ourselves with this year's new group, but we noticed that things don't seem to be going so well for the first day."

Aizawa: "No, they aren't. I've decided to expel the vigilante Grey because he's unable to perform to my standards."

Nezu: "Unable? We both know that can't be true."

While a conversation ensued and put a pause to the test, Midnight eyed
(Y/n) up and down, remembering when her friend mentioned him to her.

Midnight: 'That young man... Yuu told me she let him go the first time they met. Mmm, quite easy on the eyes, but he's also the naughty vigilante causing so much trouble around here...'

(Y/n): *avoiding eye contact* 'Why did she say that? I'm not gonna have to call her 'mistress', right?'

Aizawa: "He's deliberately trying to place last. He clearly doesn't understand or appreciate what we're risking allowing him this opportunity."

(Y/n): 'Did my man say 'we'?'

Nezu: "Is this true, (Y/n)? Are you purposefully scoring as low as possible on this test?"

Everyone present looked back and forth between whoever spoke, and now their attention was entirely on the taller male.

(Y/n): "Uhhh, yeah I am."

Nezu: "For what purpose, if I may ask?"

(Y/n): "Well, I don't wanna tattletale but our teacher was literally gonna kick out whoever placed last! It was seriously unfair, right Uraraka?"

Uraraka: "Huh?! I-I mean-"

(Y/n): *hands raised* "That's what she said and I'm only agreeing with her."

Taller Girl: 'I should probably keep my mouth shut...'

Nezu: "Eraserhead is one of our school's most effective and trusted faculty members. His methods, however unconventional, ensure that the most is done for as many of you as possible. We've never found fault in his judgement before, and there isn't much any of us can do when it comes to his own classes, I'm afraid."

(Y/n): "Right. No yeah, I won't argue with that... but there's someone here who has to work harder than anyone else to make it. I just- I won't say who it is and put 'em on the spot, but they're the reason I said yes when I was offered by All Might to enroll here at all."

Midnight: ...

(Y/n): "I could've not accepted the offer, or flunked the entering test too. I didn't even do that much... but for all the trouble that being a vigilante supposedly is, I kept it up for 10 months without trouble.
I'm more than grateful for this chance, but I was already doing what I- what I came here to do. Before today, I sorta had it all figured out. My life and stuff."

Nezu: "So why change your mind?"

(Y/n): "Because apparently there's a right way to do this, that I wasn't doing, and I knew my friend wanted to do it that way."

Aizawa: ...

(Y/n): "He wants to become a real Hero. It wouldn't be fair to him if I stayed a vigilante... and he did make it look pretty cool. So I ended up wanting to do the same.
That's what everyone here wants, but everyone else deserves this chance. *turns to class* I can look at these guys and I just know that they all belong here!"

Class 1-A: ...

(Y/n): *nods* "... Trust me when I say that I don't.
So Mr. Aizawa can do whatever he wants. Fine. But if he wants to kick anyone out of this school because they don't belong here, then it's gonna be me... and there isn't much any of you can do about that if you really want me to stay."

Nezu: "... I see."

(Y/n) slowly turned to Midoriya and could only give him a weak shrug because he pulled that speech out of his ass.

Nezu: "(Y/n)... I didn't know you could be so considerate as well as capable!"

(Y/n): "What?"

Nezu: "If you didn't care, you would have used your true ability at the start, and let whoever placed last simply be sent home! For whatever reasons you accepted my offer, not many aspiring heroes would do something as selfless as this! I suppose I was right about you in that regard! But do not discredit yourself, Mr. (L/n), because I still believe you can achieve great things here. Give us a chance, and we will accommodate you to the best of our abilities!"

(Y/n): 0_0 "Uh, wow... ok! *smiles* Thank you, sir!"

Hearing it for themselves surprised the entire class and the Heroes: U.A.'s principal truly wanted this boy to be here. Nonetheless, they were all impressed and flattered by the taller male's words as well as his conviction to thwart his own chance at being a Hero for the sake of not only his friend but also people he didn't even know.

Midnight: *smiling* "Hmm..."

Nezu: "I don't believe any discussion is needed. Mr. Aizawa?"

Aizawa: *heavy sigh* "... Alright kid, you win. On my word, nobody is going home."

(Y/n): "Really?!"

Aizawa: "No. If you don't impress all of us then you will be going home. That shouldn't be a problem since you're already so comfortable with the idea. Is that understood?"

(Y/n): *smiles* "Yes it is!"

Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Uraraka had an idea as to why, and somehow she felt the same way.

Uraraka: "I'm glad that, uh, the rest of us can stay, and I'm sure he'll make it. Hey, are you okay?"

Izuku: "Y-yeah. At least now I am..." *smiles*

Aizawa: "Alright then, (Y/n) (L/n). Let's see what you can do."


Once again, the 50-meter dash.

Robot: "Runner, on your mark!"

Aizawa had (Y/n) retake his botched tests alone, and now he was completely on guard for whatever the (H/c) male's power could do.

(Y/n) simply stood up straight behind the start line and pointed at the finish, not caring to take a runner's stance.

Lightning Kid: "So is he weak or not?"


Lightning Kid: "H-hey! I-I mean I was just thinking he'd be more suited to be a d-doctor with that healing Quirk I heard he has instead of a Hero, a-and not doing too well on the tests?"

Katsuki: "Did you hear nothing anyone said?!"

Iida: "Why didn't he just use a portal to get across the first time?"

Uraraka: "Yeah, or fly to the finish?"

Izuku: "That's because he likes to alternate between his powers!"

Katsuki: *defeated groan*

Only a few were skeptical while most were curious about what he could really do, but everyone figured Izuku had an idea. From the way he visibly shook with excitement and watched.(Y/n) stand at the starting line with stars in his eyes, they imagined it would be something impressive.

Aizawa: ...

Robot: "Ready...!" *gunshot*

The (H/c) male casually stepped forward. The microsecond his foot activated the start line's indicator...


... (Y/n) warped to the finish line, setting off the corresponding indicator for his time.

Robot: "0.00 seconds!"

The robot announced the impossible time to the brief confusion of the class and teachers before they noticed (Y/n) was no longer at the start, but instead already passed the finish line with less than a single step forward.

Everyone: "... ZERO SECONDS?!?!"

Nezu: "Teleportation, Just like when we first met, and first parted ways!"


For the Grip Strength Test, (L/n) gently held the dynamometer straight forward in his left hand, but to the surprise of everyone he used his right to smack himself on the forearm.

(Y/n): "OW!"

In response to the self-inflicted attack a dark, veiny, metallic substance instantly burst from the slapped area and spread until it completely covered his arm.

Izuku: "Whoa!"

(Y/n): "There we are!"

(L/n) squeezed until the device shattered not a moment later, and he brushed the bits and pieces off of his side dramatically.

Elbow Kid: "What was that growing on his arm?!"


Nezu: "Nanomachines...?" *taking notes*

Aizawa: "We'll just call that the max: 900 kilograms."


For the standing long jump, (Y/n) pulled an umbrella from behind himself and lightly pushed himself up to glide over the sandpit, clearing it.

Invisible Girl: "Where did he get that umbrella from?!"

Earphone Girl: "I'm so confused..."



And after that was the Repeated Sidesteps.

Robot: "Ready!..." *gunshot*

(Y/n): *yes the saitama side-step gif*

Class 1-A: 'TOO FAST!!!'


And finally, the Softball Throw.

Everyone waited in anticipation for (L/n) to throw. Even Aizawa didn't want to interject in any way and miss whatever was about to happen.

(L/n) nonchalantly made his way to the circle and positioned himself.

(Y/n): "Just gonna wind up, and..."

The taller male took far longer than normal to wind up, but not a beat later launched the softball out of the figurative ballpark, the object flying with a whistling sound that faded out the farther it went until it disappeared.

Class 1-A: ...

Teachers: ...

Izuku: *squints*

Nezu: "... Mr. Aizawa?"

The homeroom teacher, assuming the ball had landed, waited for his score-keeping device to record how far it went, tapping the machine because it hadn't yet brought up the distance.

Indeed, confusion swept all those around the courtyard because the (H/c)' male's throw was quick, silent, and anticlimactic. It wasn't a powerful throw like a certain someone's, nor was there any visible ability behind it, and it was now going on three minutes that the ball had been thrown without a score coming up.

Nobody said anything because everyone, even the one who threw the ball, collectively began to believe that it just disappeared without explanation.

(Y/n): "... Where'd it go? Did it land at all? Maybe it-"


(Y/n): "OW!"

But before he could get his own words out the softball hit (L/n) on the back of his head, knocking him over. Aizawa hesitantly approached the downed male, looking from him to the ball and finding it covered in stamps of landmarks and novelties from around the world.

Looking back at his scoring machine, he reluctantly decided to trust that (Y/n) casually threw the softball 40,074,274.9 meters... or the circumference of the Earth.

Aizawa: "That's... I'll call it infinity. I don't care anymore."

Uraraka: *gasps* "Infinity?!"

(Y/n): *getting up* "Alright."

The remainder of the day went along quickly and smoothly with the additional observers, except this time around (Y/n) would basically destroy any kind of competition, and it was obvious he would get first place.

Midoriya still struggled among some of his classmates, but without any painful handicap he felt as if he was holding his own well enough, and he appreciated his taller friend helping him and even some of the others during the tests.

Izuku: *huff* *panting*

Purple-Haired Kid: *dying cuz let's be real*

(Y/n): "Here, dudes!" *tomahawk throws them both water bottles*

Izuku: *chuckles* "Thanks!"

Purple-Haired Kid: "T-thank you..."

And before long, all the students had completed each standardized test.

Nezu: "Well done, everyone! I'm glad we were able to see just how determined this group is for ourselves. Continue to do your best, and Go Beyond! Midnight, let's head back and let the others know that everything's fine."

Midnight: "Of course. Farewell, everyone! Until next time, stay out of trouble~!"

Class 1-A: "Yes ma'am!"

Midnight and Nezu eyed the class with pride before they each gave (Y/n) different looks and made their way back into the school.

Aizawa: "Alright, all right. Time for the results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should have a good idea of your standing already. Here it is."

(Y/n): 'Okay, these are everyone's names. I think I can match em' with the faces, maybe...'

Izuku: 'Whoever ranked last was originally going to be expelled, and the only test I did any good on was the Softball Throw. But if I am last, then I'm not going home...'

Midoriya warily scanned the holographic list, peering from his friend's name in 1st to the student in 10th place, then to 16th place, which was where he was.

(Izuku above Denki, etc.)

Izuku: '... I'M NOT LAST?!?!'

'Mineta: *tearing up* "I knew it was gonna be me!"

Izuku: "I..." 'I can't believe it... I actually did... good. If I had done the remaining tests with my sore finger, I would've definitely been last. If it hadn't been for (Y/n)...'

(Y/n): *reaches for Mineta's hair* "Hey you tried- EUGH!! Dude, is that your real head I thought that was a hat!!"

Mineta: "H-hey!"

Aizawa: "That's it for today. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom, and read it over before tomorrow morning when your actual training begins. Make sure you're all prepared."

Afternoon, in the Classroom...

The rest of the students apparently wanted to get home quickly because Izuku was the last one in the classroom, gathering his things.

He looked down at the school supplies in his bag, then to his healed finger with a bright, shaky smile on his face.

Izuku: "... My first day, and I didn't do so badly... I made it... we made it..."

In the corner of his eye, Izuku noticed a backpack under the desk next to his.

Izuku: "His bag..."

*skidding shoes* *SLAM*

(Y/n): *points* "Show me your hall pass."

Izuku: "Ah! H-hey!"

(Y/n): "Still here? That's cool, I forgot my stuff. Something up? You look like you're thinking."

He was thinking; there was so much on his mind from everything that unfolded today. But for Izuku, it could wait another day.

Izuku: *smiling and wiping face* "No, I'm okay. Let's go!"

(Y/n): "Right on. Also Iida's waiting outside. Wants to talk to us."

(Y/n)'s House

A clone of (L/n), Eri, and Atsuko were inside and grouped up around a small table, each with a set of playing cards.

(Y/n) Clone: "Do you... have... any... eights?"

Eri: "Mmm... *gasps* Uno!"

Atsuko: *barks*

(Y/n) Clone: "Wait, what are you playing?"

*knock at door*

(Y/n) Clone: "Hey Eri, I'm gonna go outside for a bit."

Eri: "Okay."

The (Y/n) who was at home with Eri went outside and met up with the one who got back from school.

They high-fived before the clone dissipated and the original re-entered the home.

(Y/n): "Okay, I'm back."

Eri: *runs and hugs (Y/n)* "Hi!"

(Y/n): *hugs back* "Hi, yeah it's me! I was just here!"

Eri: "No you weren't! You weren't wearing your school dress."

(Y/n): *looks up* "Oh yeah that's true- hey this isn't a dress, it's-!"

Eri: *smiles*

(Y/n): "Oohhh... I think you knew that. I don't wear no dresses like you do you little nugget."

Eri: *giggles* "When you send one of you away, I always think they're lonely, so I want to say hi to every 'you' that I see!"

(Y/n): "Aw, Eri. I'm never lonely with you here. If anyone here's lonely when I'm out it's-"

Atsuko: ...

(Y/n): "... Not you."

Eri: "Did you go to school today?"

(Y/n): "I did, and the first day wasn't so bad! I even made some new friends, which was just as easy as I thought it would be."

Eri: "O-oh, friends... with other people..."

(Y/n): "Hey, I know you're still... waiting, but I also know that you really wanna meet new people. When you're ready, you'll be making too many to know what to do with. And rhey'll love you, like I do. Okay?"

Eri: *small smile* "O-okay..."

(Y/n): "Literally just be nice like you already are, that's all it takes it's kinda weird how easy it is... Wanna go to America?"

Eri: "Yeah! Can we get hamburgers?"

(Y/n): "Sounds like a plan!"

Atsuko: *barks*

A/n: I don't know about this chapter. I hope you liked it.

Another thing: consistency.

From here on out, I will try to have a new chapter out every Friday or earlier. So no more guessing if you're still interested in my story.

Feel free to comment ideas on what you want or don't want, and I will take them into consideration!

Thanks for enjoying the story, ladies and gentlemen.

Until next Friday, peace out!

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