Emerge the Dragonborn | The H...

By evenstar_

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"To fight evil; you must first understand the dark." From the blood of Dragons, a child shall rise, Born of... More

The Prophecy
The Cast
- An Unexpected Journey -
Chapter 1 - Songs of Spring
Chapter 3 - Mister Boggins
Chapter 4 - A Burglar
Chapter 5 - Home Is Behind
Chapter 6 - Braids and Bows
Chapter 7 - Troll Supper
Chapter 8 - Warg Chase
Chapter 9 - Rivendell
Chapter 10 - Night Stroll
Chapter 11 - A Life in Imladris
Chapter 12 - Moon Runes
Chapter 13 - The White Council
Chapter 14 - Thunder Battle
Chapter 15 - The Fever
Chapter 16 - The Emergence
Chapter 17 - Down in Goblin Town
Chapter 18 - Daylight
Chapter 19 - Through The Flames
Chapter 20 - The Great Eagles
Chapter 21 - To The Skies
- The Desolation of Smaug -
Chapter 1 - The Journey Goes On
Chapter 2 - Santuary
Chapter 3 - House of Beorn
Chapter 4 - Threshhold of Shadows
Chapter 5 - Dark of Mirkwood
Chapter 6 - Arachnophobia
Chapter 7 - The Wooldand Realm
Chapter 8 - The Young Prince
Chapter 9 - The Feast of Starlight
Chapter 10 - A Fate Inescapable
Chapter 11 - Barrel Riders
Chapter 12 - A Bargeman
Chapter 13 - Laketown
Chapter 14 - Welcome
Chapter 15 - Ruins
Chapter 16 - Kingdom of Erebor
Chapter 17 - A Dragon Hoard
Chapter 18 - Blood Bound
Chapter 19 - The Will
Chapter 20 - Revenge
- Battle Of The Five Armies -
Chapter 1 - Firestorm
Chapter 2 - Dragons Demise
Chapter 3 - Reunited
Chapter 4 - Clouds Now Gather
Chapter 5 - Burdens and Bonds
Chapter 6 - The Calm Before
Chapter 7 - Alligence
Chapter 8 - War
Chapter 9 - A Soldier
Chapter 10 - The Last Stand
Chapter 11 - Loss
Chapter 12 - Final Exit
Chapter 13 - The Journey Ends
The End
Book Two

Chapter 2 - A Choice

1K 29 6
By evenstar_

    The evening came quickly. Anaynah spent the remainder of the day doing simple chores, mainly caring for her stallion.

She swept the floors, dusted the furniture, and washed the dishes. She thought it the least she could do since Jahan had been taking on more responsibilities with the Rangers.
After she finished her chores, she went outside to tend to Haldor. She brushed its coat, fed him some hay, and gave it a fresh bucket of water.

She breathed in the fresh air and listened to the sounds of the forest. As the sun began to set, Anaynah made her way back to her cottage. She then sat on the porch of her house and watched as the sun sank below the trees. The sky turned from orange to pink, purple, and red. The forest grew quiet as the animals settled in for the night. Still gazing out to the skyline, she observed the colours of the sky. The fiery clouds. Fire. A grim look replaced the one of tranquillity. It brought up a memory. She shut her eyes trying to block out the memory, but it only made it that much more real. The flames, the ash rising from the ground.


Anaynah stood up upon hearing the sound and was pulled right out of her thoughts. With a shaky breath, she walked down the steps of her porch. Another snap sounded. She wasn't expecting Jahan back so early, it would not have been him. Her hand sat upon her dagger as she made her way down to the forest path. It could be an animal, but that would mean it was a big animal for no squirrel could make a sound so loud.

As it was not fully dark and the sun only had just begun to disappear behind the trees, Anaynah was able to catch a glimpse of a silhouette through the trees of the forest path. A tall figure, a man for sure. He continued to come closer, leaves crunching with every step.

"Who goes there?" Anaynah called out. Though her mind told her to be alert, a strange sensation of calm surrounded her like an invisible aura. She knew this man was not here to harm her.

"Now, is that the best greeting I am going to get?" A deep voice spoke, with a warmth in it that could only belong to one. As he stepped into the clearing, his grey pointed hat came into view, cloaked with matching robes and his long wooden staff gripped in his hand. Anaynah couldn't help but grin widely as the familiar face returned it.


Anaynah ran up and tossed her arms around the Wizard's neck, causing him to take a step back to support himself from falling eight over. A hearty laugh sounded from him as he too wrapped his arms around her. "Oh, Gandalf it has been so long!" She pulled away still beaming from ear to ear.

"Indeed it has, dear Anaynah. My, have you grown into a beautiful young woman!" Gandalf smiled sweetly, his heart warm with looking upon her once more.

"Oh, how rude of me! Would you like to come inside, Gandalf? I was just about to prepare some dinner!" She asked as she gestured to her home, eager to catch up on the long years she had missed the Wizard.

"My dear, I would be delighted!"


In the warmth of her cabin, Anaynah had kindled a fire that illuminated the dining room, casting a gentle glow on their supper. Two bowls of soup sat before them, steadily diminishing as they conversed and indulged.

Anaynah shared tales of her experiences in Ithilien and her journeys, while Gandalf recounted his legendary adventures across Middle Earth. The mutual exchange of stories painted a vivid picture of their shared world, filled with wonder and magic.

"You ventured to the Blue Mountains, did you not, Anaynah?" Gandalf inquired, recalling their previous conversations about her interactions with the Dwarvish civilization. Anaynah reached for a bottle of red wine, pouring a generous amount into Gandalf's glass as he nodded in appreciation.

"Indeed, I did. I formed a close bond with the Princes, Fili and Kili. It's quite a tale, really. They are remarkable individuals. I spent several winters immersed in their culture before journeying here, drawn by the presence of the Dunedain," Anaynah shared.

Gandalf smiled warmly, "It warms my heart to hear of your adventures, my dear."

As they concluded their meal, Gandalf asked, "May I smoke my pipe in here?"

"Of course, Gandalf. My companion, Jahan, also enjoys his pipe," Anaynah replied. Gandalf raised an eyebrow, momentarily misunderstanding her meaning.

"Companion?" he inquired, thinking she referred to a romantic partner. Anaynah's eyes widened, realizing the implication.

"Oh, no. Jahan is my brother-in-arms. He's a Ranger from the North and should return soon from his business in Ithilien," she clarified with a chuckle at Gandalf's assumption.

"I see. It's comforting to know you haven't been entirely alone," Gandalf said, his smile tinged with sadness. Anaynah's expression mirrored his melancholy.

"I spent many years alone, Gandalf before I met Jahan. Perhaps solitude was necessary for me," she confessed, her gaze drifting towards the mesmerizing flames of the fireplace. As she stared into the fire, Gandalf noticed her eyes change, reflecting the golden hues of the dancing flames.

    Anaynah drew a sharp breath as she looked back at Gandalf who quickly turned his head so she wouldn't pick up on his stare. She did.
Standing up she offered to take his empty bowl and their dishes to the sink.

Gandalf decided to probe, "Tell me, my dear. You say you met the Durin sons. Did you happen to meet Thorin Oakensheild during your stay in the Blue Mountains?"

"I did." She too cared deeply for Thorin as he had given her a sanctuary.

"And what were your thoughts of him?"

Anaynah continued to clean the dishes, still listening to Gandalf with her back to him,
"Well, I believe he is a great leader. Though, he never seemed too fond of me at first. It was as if he tolerated me for the sake of his nephews. He seemed... uneasy around me. However, when hardships fell upon their city, I stayed and aided. Orc raid hunts, scouting missions, I believed I proved my loyalty as an ally to him."
Anaynah smiled to herself at the memory of her time in the Blue Mountains. Kili and Fili, she missed very much, they had been so kind to her and their relationship grew close.

Gandalf nodded as he listened intently to her words, taking in the fact she sounded quite sole. He decided to push further.

"Indeed. Great leaders often rise in harsh times, with hard pasts... I don't suppose they know of your gifts?" Gandalf slyly asked. Anaynah stopped scrubbing the dish. Silence filled the air for a few moments before she spoke without turning her back.

"If you are referring to the properties of my... blood, then no. It is not something I go about announcing." Anaynah said, with a sternness in her voice, not at all liking where she thought this conversation was heading. Gandalf sensed her uneasiness on the subject.

"I suppose that remains for the best. I would think Thorin to never trust you were he to find out what you have been hiding, given the circumstances of his homeland." Anaynah turned her head ever so slightly to get a glimpse of the Wizard from the corner of her eyes, taken back by his statement. She knew he was up to something, but what?

"Do tell, Gandalf. Though Ithilien is stunning to visit, come springtime, I hardly think you have come all this way just to sightsee." Anaynah clapped back as she turned around with her arms crossed over her chest, clearly annoyed. Gandalf huffed in defeat at her short temper, he could no longer tiptoe around the subject.

"I'm afraid you are right. As much as I have loved to hear of your now simple life it seems, I have indeed come here on official business." The Wizard spoke, his tone slightly stern as he sat up straight, letting out another whiff of smoke from his pipe.

"And here I thought you were just here for my company." Said Anaynah raising an eyebrow.

"Well, that is not far from the truth." Anaynah nodded for him to go on.

The Ranger shifted uncomfortably.
"What of the Lonely Mountain?"

"In the past recent months, the Dwarves have decided that it is time to take back their homeland," Gandalf spoke as Anaynahs eyes widened.

"You cannot be serious, Gandalf!" Anaynah stepped forward, "That is naught but suicide!"

"I will not deny that it is a dangerous venture, however, I do believe it can but done. The time has come, Anaynah." The Ranger huffed in annoyance as she placed her hands down and leaned over the table.
The realisation struck her. With furrowed brows, her eyes slowly raised to meet the Wizards.

"Time for what?"

"It is time for you to fulfil your destiny."

"What exactly are you asking of me?" She exclaimed as she stood up straight, anger slowly arising. Gandalf too was getting irked at her defiance.

"I want to fight fire with fire. My dear, this quest stands as a disadvantage as it is with but 13 Dwarves and a halfling."

Anaynah turned with confusion.

"A halfling? You have convinced a Hobbit to join this quest?" She asked with surprise. She knew of Hobbits to be cozy creatures, not ones to go off on suicidal quests.

"Uh well, not exactly. He doesn't know he is joining us just as yet." Gandalf fumbled, "That is beside the point! The point is; you are the key. You, my young Anaynah, are the one destined to be their saviour." she rolled her eyes as the Wizard stood to her level. "I ask this of you Anaynah Dovahkin;" She squirmed at that word, "Join me and Thorin Oakensheilds company on this quest to reclaim the city of Erebor."

Silence filled the room as the pair stared intensely at each other.

"You don't know what you ask of me, Gandalf. You do not understand what I have been through. I will not tap into that part of myself."

Gandalf's brows came together in puzzlement as he had a thought, "Can I ask you something, Anaynah? When was the last time that you shifted?"

Anaynah's eyes dropped to the floor, in shame. She thought back to that night. That cursed, abominable night. Her head felt light and her legs felt unsteady, as if the ground were about to give way from underneath her.

"I have not merged since that night, Mithrandir." The Wizard's eyes widened, "I have not shifted in 63 years."

"You mean to tell me you've kept such power trapped in you for 63 years!" Gandalf was in awe, in awe of her strength.

"Well not entirely. At most I will light a fire," she gestured to the fireplace that still burnt hot,  "but no more than that. I will not let the beast come to the surface ever again." Gandalf sensed her distress, her remorse. 63 years had passed and the memories were still untouched in her mind.

"I am not asking you to." Gandalf slowly walked up to her, her eyes, ever so slightly welled with tears, coming up to meet his own. "You are no beast, Anaynah. You are a beautiful young woman with a heavy burden but a heart of gold." She scoffed at the irony. "All I ask of you is to join this quest as a Ranger, your skillset in the wild alone is enough to give us a fighting chance. I would never want to put you in that position."

Anaynah snapped around and took a few steps away. She stood in front of the fireplace. She turned her head to the side and gazed down at her left hand. Anaynah raised it to her side. A soft flame erupted from her palm.
Gandalf's breath was caught in his throat at the sight.

In a sudden, she clenched her fist, extinguishing the flame, smoke rising through the gaps of her fingers.

"Let me ask you something, Gandalf and do not lie to me! When news spread that Erebor had been seized by a dragon and Dale burnt to ash, you cannot tell me that you and everyone else, even for a second, did not believe that it was me!" She turned to yell at the Wizard, her skin heating by the moment and her breath ragged. Gandalf was taken aback by her outburst, mostly because she was right.

"I cannot lie to you. Yes, we worried that our fears had come true. But they didn't. No one had heard from you. Your father, his heart broke on the day you left." Gandalf spoke grimly, trying to find her weakness.

"I have no father." the Ranger said bluntly.

"What nonsense! You have a father! And he is very much alive! And he misses you, with every passing day, praying you are safe."

"I did not want to hurt anyone again."

"You already did, when you turned your back on them. Trust me when I say this, that was more painful than dragon fire."

Anaynah huffed as she shook her head to herself.

He is not going to let me be, is he?

"Is this the choice I must make?" Anaynah asked softly, her skin cooling off, turning her head to see Gandalf walking up to join her in front of the fire.

"I do believe that this is one of many choices you will make. All I can do is offer you the option. And all I am offering you is an adventure..."

A brief silence filled the room before the front doorknob turned, and Jahan stepped through the open door.

"I didn't know we were expecting company!" Jahan said with a smile as he saw the Wizard in the living room with Anaynah. She quickly cleared her throat, trying to cover the fact she and Gandalf just had a heated argument.

"Jahan, let me introduce you to Gandalf the Grey. Gandalf, this is Jahan, the Ranger of the North who I was telling you of earlier."

Gandalf's demeanour shifted into that of jolly as he stepped forward to shake Jahan's hand.

"Of course! Mithrandir, the Wandering Wizard! I have heard a great many stories!" Gandalf chucked at his flattery.

"As have I of you, young man!" Jahan bowed his head slightly in respect of the Wizard.

"Will you be staying with us the night?" Jahan inquired, Gandalf smiled awkwardly.

"Oh I would hate to intrude, I'm sure I will find myself some lodging in town."

"Nonsense! We would have no trouble accommodating you, Mithrandir. Anaynah would agree!" Jahan exclaimed as he looked at his fellow companion. She nodded, as angry as she was with Gandalf, she did not want him to leave on such terms. "Then it is decided. I will go ready your room for you."

As Jahan left upstairs, Gandalf turned to get another word into Anaynah. But much to his surprise, she had gone.


    Anaynah sat on the roof. Solitude was what she craved. However, solitude she would not get it

Not long after Jahan readied Gandalf's room, he went to find Anaynah. When she wasn't to be found in the house, he thought he might try on the house.

Anaynah sighed in annoyance as she heard the heavy movements of Jahan climbing up to join her. To her pleasure, however, he didn't speak once he sat down beside her. They both simply gazed up at the clear sky. It must have been nearing midnight as the sky was almost pitch black, the full moon and stars twinkling against the dark.

"Stars cannot shine without the darkness to accompany it," Jahan spoke, barely above a whisper. She smiled at his words of comfort. He was not wrong. A darkness had always hovered over her soul. Though as much as she tried to push it away, it got harder with every day that passed.

"So tell me, how much of our conversation did you hear?" Anaynah knew full well he had heard them, he had been waiting outside the door for a while before he found a chance to come in.

"Just enough."

Anaynah sighed as she rested her head against Jahan's shoulder. In return, he leant his head upon hers. Within seconds he felt warmer, the contact of her skin let the heat absorb into him. The dragon heat.

"I do not want to leave you," Anaynah spoke sadly. It was true, when she travelled Middle Earth alone she felt at peace. But she had found somewhat of a home with Jahan. The past few years they had been inseparable, she was attached to him, as he was to her, however, he may have been attached in a slightly different way. In ways of the heart.

"You were always going to leave. Do not lie to yourself, you are not truly at home here. And you will never be." he too spoke sadly. It hurt him to think that she did not feel at peace here. Though they had built a simple life, he knew it was not the life she craved. She craved experience, thrill, and rush. He craved love, companionship, and peace. He knew his place in the world, but he also knew of her part to play in the fate of the world. He accepted it all though. He accepted her. Beast or not a beast, to him, she was the epitome of magnificence and perfection. But he could not have her that way. And though it ached his soul for her to be just out of his reach, it was better to have her as but a sister in arms instead of losing her entirely.

"I am scared. I am scared of what I will become."

"Do not worry about what could be. Think of what is." Jahan lifted his head to look at her, Anaynah did the same for him.
"Besides, you are not one to turn down an adventure."


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