The Lost Kingdom

By sunflowersatdusk

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Man and elf cross paths to fight against the war of Sauron More

Chapter 1: The Arrival of the Warrior Maiden
Chapter 2: The Battle Begins
Chapter 3: Meeting the Fellowship
Chapter 4: Joining the Fellowship
Chapter 5: The Mines of Moria
Chapter 6: The Battle in the Chamber of Mazarbul
Chapter 7: A New Understanding
Chapter 8: Drawn
Chapter 9: The Journey Continues
Chapter 10: The Battle on the River Anduin
Chapter 11: The Uruk-hai
Chapter 12: The Betrayal
Chapter 13: A Promise
Chapter 14: A New Day
Chapter 15: The Battle for Middle-earth
Chapter 16: The Elven Union
Extra Chapter

Chapter 14: The Journey to the Second Battle - "The Unspoken Bond"

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By sunflowersatdusk

As Aria rode towards the Two Towers, her mind was filled with thoughts of the upcoming battle. She knew that this would be her greatest challenge yet, and that the fate of her people rested on her shoulders.

Legolas rode beside her, his eyes focused on the horizon. Aria stole a glance at him, her heart racing as she remembered the way they had acknowledged their feelings for each other. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him, but she was unsure of how to act on it.

As they rode on, the tension between them grew, their unspoken bond stronger than ever before. Aria could feel Legolas' eyes on her, and she knew that he wanted to say something, but he remained silent.

The wind whipped through her hair, and Aria closed her eyes, trying to push away the fear and doubt that threatened to overwhelm her. She felt Legolas' hand on hers, and she opened her eyes, looking into his deep blue gaze.

"I know we've talked about this before, Aria," he said, his voice low and intense. "But I need to tell you again. I want to be with you, to fight by your side, to protect you, and to be there for you no matter what happens."

Aria's heart skipped a beat, and she felt a surge of emotion wash over her. She knew that Legolas was risking everything by confessing his feelings, but she couldn't deny that she felt the same way.

"I want that too, Legolas," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But we have a battle to fight first. And who knows what the future holds?"

Legolas nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "I understand, Aria. And I'll be there for you, no matter what happens."

As they approached the battlefield, Aria drew her sword, her heart beating faster with every passing second. She knew that this would be a difficult fight, but she was ready for it.

Legolas drew his bow, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. Aria could feel his strength and determination, and she knew that they would make it through this battle together.

And as they charged into battle, their unspoken bond stronger than ever before, Aria knew that they were unstoppable. They would fight for their people, for their love, and for their future.

As Aria fought her way through the battlefield, a Nazgûl suddenly appeared before her. She had never seen one before, and her heart raced with fear and uncertainty.

"Where is the halfling? Where is the ring?" the Nazgûl demanded, its voice sending shivers down Aria's spine.

Aria knew she had to protect Frodo at all costs, and without hesitation, she lunged forward and stabbed the Nazgûl. But as soon as she did, she heard Legolas's voice behind her, yelling, "Aria, no!"

She turned to see Legolas lighting one of his arrows on fire, and the Nazgûl flew away, escaping their grasp. Aria felt a wave of relief wash over her, knowing that Frodo was safe, but in that moment, she also felt something else.

Her body began to feel weak, and she struggled to keep her balance. She knew something was wrong, and as she looked down, she saw the black tendrils of the Nazgûl's Black Breath creeping up her arm.

Despite her body being able to resist the sickness better than most, she knew she needed help. She stumbled towards Legolas, her vision blurring as she felt herself slipping away.

And then, everything went black.

Aria slowly opened her eyes, her head throbbing with pain. She looked around and saw that she was in a small room, lying on a bed of straw.

"Where am I?" she groaned, trying to sit up.

Legolas walked into the room, dressed in his elvish tunic. The fabric was a deep green, with intricate gold embroidery adorning the edges. The tunic hugged his lean frame, emphasizing the fluid grace of his movements.

"You're in a nearby villager's house," he said, his voice soft and soothing. "You passed out after the Nazgûl attacked you."

Aria's eyes widened as she remembered the encounter. "Is Frodo safe?" she asked urgently.

"Yes," Legolas replied. "He's with Aragorn and the others. But you, my friend, are not well. The Nazgûl's Black Breath is a powerful sickness. You were lucky your body was able to resist it as well as it did."

Aria frowned. "But I stabbed the Nazgûl. Why didn't that kill it?"

Legolas sighed and sat down on a nearby chair. "You cannot simply kill a Nazgûl with a sword or a dagger," he explained. "They are not mortal creatures, but rather spirits bound to the will of the Dark Lord. The only way to truly destroy them is to destroy the source of their power - the One Ring."

Aria nodded, understanding the gravity of their mission more and more with each passing day. "But what about the Black Breath? Can it be cured?"

Legolas shook his head. "There is no cure for the Black Breath. It can only be resisted. That is why we must be careful when facing the Nazgûl. Even the slightest wound can lead to infection."

Aria nodded, feeling grateful for Legolas's knowledge and guidance. She knew she had much to learn from the skilled elf, and she was eager to continue her journey with him and the rest of the Fellowship.

Aria's eyes filled with tears as she listened to Legolas's words. "But what am I going to do now if I can't be cured?" she sobbed, feeling helpless and scared.

Legolas's face softened, and he sat down beside her on the bed of straw. He looked even more handsome up close, his elven features glowing in the dim light of the room. Aria couldn't help but notice the scent of sage and cinnamon that seemed to radiate from him.

"You're strong, Aria," he said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "And you're healing faster than anyone I've seen who's been attacked by a Nazgûl. You'll get through this. We'll get through this together."

Aria wiped away her tears, feeling a small glimmer of hope in Legolas's words. She knew she couldn't give up, not when her friends and the fate of Middle-earth were at stake.

"Thank you, Legolas," she said, her voice still shaky. "I don't know what I'd do without you and the rest of the Fellowship."

Legolas smiled, his eyes sparkling with warmth and kindness. "You don't have to worry about that. We're here for you, always."

Aria felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, and she leaned in to hug Legolas, feeling his muscular arms wrap around her in a protective embrace. She knew that no matter what lay ahead on their journey, she could count on the support and strength of her companions. Together, they would face whatever came their way.

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