musings of the mind | a poetr...

By ehlwrites

284 92 8

Step into the world of emotions with "Musings of the mind," a heartfelt collection of poetry that speaks dire... More

i wish there were blackout curtains for memories.
gift wrapped manipulation.
skimming memories like pages of a book.
would you like this break up tied with strings?
i'm suffocating in this chunky knit.
will you see the human in my being?
my bitterness oozing into the wind.
i want to get off this ride, now.
eyes burning, backs turning, tears returning.
bonfires igniting my inner flames.
i fell for you like autumn leaves.
music vibrations shake my chest.
silky darkness encrusted with gems.
a dusting of iridescent glitter.
mulled adoration.
isolated amongst the cheer.
i'm suffocating in this chunky knit.
contently sleeping in a bed of..
hot chocolate catch ups with friends.
poetry falls onto my page like star dust.
melting under your log fire glow.
i want this moment to be frozen.
hot showers to thaw my thoughts.
belong to yourself first, the world can wait.
it isn't all in your head, it's in my heart.
put our memory in a snow globe.
falling for you like snow.
your love was as fleeting as morning frost.
need to turn off the mind radio.
ice has crystallised in my lungs.
hot soup and cosy knit jumpers.
big smiles can be deceiving.
your words cut through the cold.
soft blankets and softer dreams.
you are my warmth on a cold night.
self care is salient.
i am safer inside.
the lifetime of a sparkler.
tiny pretty things.
skies powdered with grey concrete.
you make me feel warm.
the cold bites my cheeks.
long mornings in bed.
unyielding self-love.
flashing lights and funfair delights.
i am grateful to view the world in a poetic lens.
i have the fairy dust, but i don't believe.
constellations of chaos behind my eyes.
weaving hope from calamity.
the sun is setting in our story.
rain breaking through my window.
emotions planted into soil.
poetry is how i navigate my world.
mist infused roads.
what if i loved you just for fun?
the endings won't end.
walking with my eyes closed.
face pretty, soul prettier.
vibes don't lie.
if not now, then someday.

for my own sanity, i let things be.

1 1 0
By ehlwrites

For My Own Sanity, I Let Things Be

In the depths of chaos, where worries reside,
I find solace in the decision to let things slide.
For my own sanity, a choice to release,
And grant myself the gift of inner peace.

In a world that spins with relentless pace,
I embrace the power of accepting grace.
To loosen the grip, to relinquish control,
And find tranquility within my soul.

Letting things be, like a gentle breeze,
Allows my spirit to find moments of ease.
Releasing the burden of what cannot be changed,
Embracing the freedom of what's rearranged.

In the realm of relationships, I loosen the grip,
Understanding that some connections may slip.
Forcing outcomes brings only strife,
So I let go and honor the flow of life.

In the realm of expectations, I release the hold,
Knowing that perfection is a story yet untold.
Imperfections and flaws, I learn to embrace,
For they are the colors that add depth and grace.

In the realm of uncertainty, I find my way,
Trusting that each step will bring a brighter day.
Instead of fretting, I choose to believe,
That life's mysteries hold lessons to perceive.

For my own sanity, I let go of regrets,
Releasing the past and its lingering debts.
I live in the present, with eyes open wide,
Embracing each moment, taking it in stride.

In the depths of my being, I find the key,
To unlock the serenity that sets me free.
For my own sanity, I choose to see,
That letting things be brings harmony to me.

So, I release the need to control and impose,
And find peace within, where acceptance flows.
In surrendering, I discover a sense of relief,
For my own sanity, I let things be.

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