Can't Ask, Don't Need, Won't...

By DreamwalkerWanda

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This story is not mine, I did not write it, credits for that to LilRacka on AO3, I'm just putting her story o... More

chapter 1: alone
Chapter 2: Tentative
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Status Quo
Chapter 5: Understanding
Chapter 6: Sheer Stupidity
Chapter 7: Reckoning
Chapter 8: Change of Scenery
Chapter 9: Normalcy
Chapter 10: Honesty
chapter 11: Best Laid Plans
chapter 12: Concrete Jungle
Chapter 13: Little one
Chapter 14: Recovery
Chapter 15: Teenage Kicks
Chapter 16: Consequences
Chapter 17: The Beginning
Chapter 18: Civil Discourse
Chapter 19: Mending Bridges
Chapter 20: Safe Surrender
Chapter 21: The Transition
Chapter 22: First day
Chapter 23: Maturity Matters
Chapter 24: Masking the Moment
Chapter 25: In Sickness and In Health
Chapter 26: A Vision in Red
Chapter 27: Breakthrough
Chapter 28: The Party
Chapter 29: Cognitive Recalibration
Chapter 30: Mrs Rushman I presume?
Chapter 31: Protecting a Minor
Chapter 32: Vasovagal syncope
Chapter 33: Rationalising Denial
Chapter 34: O Tannenbaum
Chapter 35: The penultimate days
Chapter 36: Mutual understanding
Chapter 37: Sartorial Greetings
Chapter 38: Paparazzo
Chapter 39: A New Dawn
Chapter 40: Inbetween days
Chapter 42: The Yalta Conference
Chapter 43: What we see depends mainly on what we look for
Chapter 44: The Rome Statue
Chapter 45: Luminous Introspection
Chapter 46: Back with the Ex
Chapter 47: Ulterior motives
Chapter 48: You and Me equals History
Chapter 49: Reality Bites
chapter 50: Reality Bites part 2

Chapter 41: Krakow at Dawn

214 7 0
By DreamwalkerWanda

Wanda took a deep breath as she felt the sun hit her from the balcony of their small flat in the middle of Krakow. It was so beautiful and quaint, greenery surrounded by the old style buildings. Krakow thankfully had been spared unlike most of eastern Europe, which had been razed and destroyed during World War two and subsequent conflicts. It reminded her of Sokovia and home. Natasha approached her from behind and pulled the witch back towards her, “You know I don’t like you hanging over the balcony.” She wagged her finger playfully in front of the witches’s face.

Wanda rolled her eyes jovially, “it’s not like I’m in any danger Nat.” She let the red energy pulse from her fingertips to evidence her point.

“No powers,” replied Natasha, lightly slapping at Wanda’s fingers.
“Don’t be jealous,” Wanda leaned back into Natasha’s body, who naturally wrapped her arms around the younger girl. Natasha rubbed Wanda’s shoulder and spoke up, “Come on now breakfast is ready…”

Wanda turned to face the older woman, “It’s bread and avocado, I’m not sure you can say you got breakfast ready…”

“Well I sliced it, and I got the butter out of the fridge so you can actually spread it on the bread,” replied Natasha in a humorous tone finally releasing the girl from her grasp and walking back into the kitchen.

“To be fair, that’s a pretty good attempt at cooking from you,” joked Wanda back.

“Do you want juice or water?” Natasha asked as she opened the fridge in anticipation of Wanda’s answer.

“Is it the freshly squeezed orange?”

“Yeah,” said Nat in response.

“Juice please,” replied Wanda. Natasha poured a short glass with the juice and set it on the table, beckoning the teenager to sit down. Wanda nodded but turned the radio on quietly in order to have some background sound as they ate. She grabbed a piece of bread off the platter and started to butter it before continuing the conversation .

“So what are we doing today?”

Natasha shrugged slightly, “I figured we could just wander around the town. There is a place that apparently does the best hot chocolate in the world.”

“Better not tell Steve that,” said Wanda, before she realised her words and her mood darkened as she remembered the man was still back at the compound.

“You can tell Steve if his is better when we see him next week.”

Wanda allowed Natasha’s words to wash over her and she managed a small smile, “Yeah you are right.”

Natasha smiled back in relief at the fact the witches mood had picked back up again. The week so far had gone well. She managed to hide her hurt at the fact that once again Wanda was switching randomly between calling her Nat and Mama. Natasha knew patience was a requirement in this position, and that the witch wasn’t doing it out of spite or to hurt her.

Wanda spoke her up, “you know Krakow seems oddly familiar, like I’ve been here before.”

Natasha’s attention snapped back to the teenager, “yeah maybe you came as a child, Sokovia isn’t that far from here.”

“Yeah maybe,” replied Wanda, “I don’t really know much about where I’m from…I think my maternal grandfather might have been Polish.”

Natasha kept tightlipped she knew this detail through her contacts when she was trying to research Wanda’s age and origin but recognised now was the not time to divulge this fact.

“We can spend some time if you want after the conference looking into your heritage,” stated Natasha. “I can understand wanting to know where you have come from…”

Wanda awkwardly jumped up, “No Nat. I didn’t mean I need to know about… I don’t need… I have you…” She finished weakly, worried she had upset the spy with this conversation.

“Wanting to know about your past doesn’t negate your future Wanda. You will always be my kid. I was the same, one of the first things I did once I was free from the KGB was try to find my birth parents,” said Natasha in reassurance.

Wanda looked at her thoughtfully, “did you have family in the Red-room?”

Natasha paled slightly at that, “you could almost say that, but my history is complicated. Finish up your bread, and then we can head out into the town.”

Wanda sighed but recognised this was one topic that Natasha did not want to discuss right now.


Wanda wasn’t sure there was anything better than wandering down the square eating local street food. Zapiekanka and Pierogi they shouldn’t really go together but Wanda didn’t care. Natasha laughed at the teenager, “you could try and get some of the cheese in your mouth.”

Wanda shook her head, “it’s so big, and it’s ok I will run it off tomorrow during training.”

Natasha smiled and bumped the teenager’s shoulder, “Oh don’t you worry about that sweetheart.”

Wanda frowned at the older woman before descending into giggles. She looked thoughtfully at the woman, “What’s your favourite place in the entire world?”

If Natasha was surprised by the random question she concealed it well, “the farm.”

Wanda scoffed, “you have travelled all over the world, and a farm in America is your pick.”

Natasha wrapped her arm around Wanda’s shoulder, “Sometimes it’s not about the place, it’s about the people. It was the first place that ever felt like home.”

Natasha hesitated as her mind wandered, and Wanda picked up on the pause.

“Did you ever have another family? Other than the Barton’s. Do you remember your parents?”

Natasha sighed and shook her head, “I don’t know who my father is. I was abandoned at the Red Room as a child.”

“You have mentioned the Red Room a few times, what exactly was it?”

“It was a KGB training facility for the Black Widow Programme. It was designed to create elite Assassins. It was a harsh, unforgiving and cruel, and it created me.”
Wanda grabbed Natasha’s hand that was swinging limply by her side. “You are none of those things. You are my loving, caring, stubborn Mama.”

Natasha snorted with laughter at the stubborn, “you would say that.”

“Why did you join Shield?”

“Atonement,” answered Natasha quickly. “I did some terrible things for the KGB.”

“But that wasn’t your fault,” replied Wanda quickly.

“Did you know you were Jewish?” replied Nat.

Wanda looked at her with cocked eyebrow, “I am?”

Natasha nodded, “it’s why I haven’t fed you any Pork or Shellfish. But I don’t really know much else unfortunately.”

“Why mention it now?” asked Wanda in confusion. Natasha gestured to the holocaust memorial in front of them.

“Because I am still responsible for my actions in the KGB,” stated Natasha firmly. “I had a choice.”

“You were brainwashed!” stated Wanda firmly.

Natasha sighed, “Most War criminals say they were brainwashed or they had to do it.”

“You were a weapon,” said Wanda firmly.

“I agree,” replied Natasha. “I joined Shield to try and make amends, be a force of good. Being an Avenger I knew I was doing the right thing.”

“How did you know that Shield was good?” asked Wanda innocently.

“I didn’t,” said Natasha. “I wasn’t even sure they always were, and I was proven correct when it turned out Hydra was eating away at them. But there was one big difference between Shield/Hydra and the KGB.”

Wanda turned to her inquisitively, “What’s that?”

“Free-will,” answered Natasha. “I had a choice. I could refuse missions, and while I had to follow orders to an extent. I was allowed my own moral compass.”

Wanda nodded in understanding.

“You are powerful Wanda, and as you master your abilities. People may fear you, people may try to use you for your own agenda, just remember to always keep your own Moral centre,” said Natasha.
“I’m not sure I have one,” stated Wanda weakly.

“Of course you do. You will make mistakes. it’s called being a belligerent teenager. I am here to guide you and help you. I want you to learn from my errors and be better than I could ever be.”

“That’s a lot of pressure Nat,” replied Wanda in worry.

“Don’t overthink it,” said Nat quickly. “Come on let’s wander back to the flat. I’m hot, tired and sweaty, and I think wine on the balcony is a must this evening.”

“Me too?” asked Wanda.

“One glass yes,” stated Nat. Wanda smirked, “I think I like this version of you Mama.”


Wanda was still giggling as they climbed the stairs in the old building. Natasha groaned, “I had to book the traditional place, I couldn’t have gone for the one with an elevator.”

Wanda snorted in amusement, “Like you are actually tired.”

“Good point,” replied Natasha approaching the door. She went to put her key into the lock, but paused suddenly, appraising the wood in front of her. She noticed the faint scraping down the side of the door, and narrowed her eyes dangerously.

“Wanda stay in the hallway. Do not come into the flat. Do you understand?”

The smile fell from Wanda’s face, “What? Why?”

Natasha brought her hand up to her lips to shush her. “Quiet Wanda,” she whispered. “Do as you are told…”

Natasha reached under her jeans, and pulled out her Glock and cocked it. She slowly entered the flat sweeping carefully and fluidly through each room. Natasha slowed her breathing down and listened carefully until the only thing she could hear was her own heartbeat in her chest. She focused herself and then she heard it, the faint murmur above her head. Natasha instinctually shot up to the ceiling, the loud bang reverberated around the room.

The figure dropped down knocking the gun from Natasha’s hands, it skidded across the kitchen under the table. Nat reacted quickly pulling a knife from her ankle holder, throwing it against the assailant. The figure dodged the knife fractionally too slow and it sliced against her arm before embedding in the wall. An arm shot out to punch her in the face which Natasha quickly blocked, she dropped down to the floor in order to sweep out the legs. The figure anticipated this move and jumped up, kicking Natasha in the chest sending her flying backwards against the floor.

“You have gotten sloppy Natalia,” the voice mocked in the shadows. Her accent evidencing that english was not her first language.

“You got lucky,” replied Nat in annoyance. She dropped into a fighting pose and approached the woman, as they mirrored each punch and kick.

Wanda burst into the room at that moment, unable to wait outside any longer. Seeing the wreck in front of her. She gestured quickly towards the knife embedded in the wall, and sent it hurtling towards the woman combatant. Natasha reacted quickly and stepped in front of the woman causing Wanda to force the Knife to drop mid-air.

Wanda paused in genuine confusion, “what’s going on?” she stuttered.

“Who is this Natalia?” asked the woman sharply. “Seems a bit young for you.”

Natasha rolled her eyes at the other woman. “It’s not like that….”

Wanda looked between the two sweating woman, the blood and the wreckage. “I don’t understand…..”

Natasha sighed and turned to her assailant, “Just for once. Could you knock like a normal person?”

The woman shrugged before picking up a tea towel wrapping it tightly against her bleeding arm.

“Who is this?” asked Wanda again in confusion.

“Yeah big sister, aren’t you going to introduce me?” asked the figure who stepped out of the shadows into the light. She was wearing a jump suit, her blond hair braided at the the back.

At those words Wanda’s jaw dropped as she struggled to comprehend what the woman had inferred. The word fell quietly from her lips, “Sister?”

Natasha sighed, “Wanda, this is Yelena.”

Yelena smirked at the younger girl, “nice to make your acquaintance Wanda. So who are you to Natalia?”

“It’s complicated,” replied Wanda weakly.

“No it’s not,” responded Natasha. “Wanda is my kid.”

Yelena smirked, “so I have a niece. I thought you would have mentioned it Natalia.”

“It’s not like we text each other,” snarked back Natasha. “Do what do I owe this visit?”

“We need to talk,” replied Yelena more seriously. “Let’s have tea.”

“Hold up,” interrupted Wanda, “You two were just kicking the crap out of each other! Someone needs to tell me what is going on?”

“Wanda. This is my baby sister Yelena. We grew up together.”

Wanda looked confused for a second before she really acknowledged and processed Natasha’s words. “The red room,” she stated.

Yelena just nodded, “You are looking at the top two graduates of the Black Widow programme.”

Natasha snorted, “She is the second best graduate of the programme.”

Yelena narrowed her eyes at her older sibling. “Are you ever going to let that go?”

“Are you ever going to stop trying to stab me with sharp implements?” snapped back Natasha.

Natasha walked over to the kitchen side and flipped the kettle on, being careful to avoid the broken glass and wood on the ground.

“Did you have to destroy our place?” asked Wanda with her arms crossed against her chest glaring at the blonde woman.

Natasha appraised the kitchen, “I think we are losing our deposit.”

Yelena scoffed, “I like this one.” she gestured animatedly towards Wanda, “She has sass.”

“I have more than sass,” threatened Wanda as her eyes started to glow red, as she lifted her arm towards the blonde woman.

Natasha looked over at the teenager, “Wanda stop that,” stated Natasha firmly. “She is family.”

“Family, I never even knew about. She broke in here and attacked you!” moaned Wanda in confusion. Still slightly in shock at the sudden turn of events.

“It is our way,” replied Yelena with a shrug of her shoulders. Natasha poured the water in the cup with the green tea, and handed it to Yelena, “Do you need stitches?” she gestured in concern to Yelena’s shoulder.

Yelena shook her head, “No, sis. One day I’m going to cut you first.”

Natasha snorted in amusement, “whatever you say Little Sister.”

Yelena looked at the woman dangerously but didn’t say anything else. “So why are you here, Yelena?” asked Natasha.

Yelena cocked her head to the side, “I could just be here to visit my favourite sister.”

“I’m your only sister that is alive,” shot back Natasha.

“Only because we killed the rest,” replied Yelena.

“Don’t,” interrupted Natasha with a sideways glance towards Wanda. There were certain details that Wanda did not need to know.

“I’m here because the red room still exists,” stated Yelena seriously.

Natasha looked at her in confusion, “what do you mean? We razed them all to the ground.”

Yelena shook her head, “they are not. They are back, and they are Hydra.”

Wanda sucked in air when she heard that word. Yelena looked at her in curiosity, “so you are familiar with Hydra.”

“Not the time Yelena,” snapped back Natasha.

“You are very protective of your little spider,” stated Yelena in amusement. “Anyway I need your help taking them down. Mother and Father wish to see you as well.”

At those words Wanda’s head nearly exploded. “What???”

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