ยฐยป IzuOcha One/Smut shots ยซยฐ

By KKGacha5

9.8K 112 97

Hi there! Welcome to my Oneshot collection, featuring one of my favorite ships, Izuocha! Most of these are s... More

ยฐSurviving The Aftermathยฐ
- Love Advice -
๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธ*Mermaid Mishaps*๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธ
๐Ÿ‹Villain X Hero ๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธMermaid Mishaps part 2โœจ
Suggestions box

๐Ÿ‹Midnight Research๐Ÿ‹

1.4K 14 39
By KKGacha5

Author's note:

I'm so sorry this update took longer than it had to! I didn't know how to go about this chapter so please just bare with me 😭

And I already started writing exams, which will continue for 3 whole weeks, kill me now 😫

And y'all, I had NO intention making it this long, 3k+ goddamn words, bruhhh 😭💀

Anyways, enjoy 🩷


Class 1a were talking among themselves as Midnight handed each student a folder.

"Okay, class! Listen up!", She intentionally increased the volume of her voice just enough to grab the attention of the students and all murmurs had gradually ceased.

"As you can see, I've handed you all project assignments that count towards your final mark at the end of the term! These are all due next week. Make sure to read all the instructions, and don't leave it until the last minute! If you have any questions, you can come ask me at my desk."

The class murmured among themselves from this announcement, and discussed whether there was enough time to complete it, Midoriya especially. Based on their weekly class schedule, they only had Midnight for Modern Art History on Wednesdays and Fridays. He'd have to ask on what day of the week the project was due.

Luckily, someone else did it for him.

"Miss Midnight!", Iida called out with his arm raised,"On what day next week? We have you for both Wednesdays and Fridays."

"Ah, good question. On..." Midnight quickly checked her schedule to decide before finally answering,"Friday, dear."

"And how many marks is it worth?"

"About 60."

The entire class gasped in surprise from the idiotically high mark count.

"60!? That high!?" Kaminari cried out.

"That's way too high for just a single project!" Sero followed with.

"Or, you can forget about passing Modern Art this term. Pick wisely," Midnight said in a frighteningly happy tone, almost as if she was telling them "Try me, I dare you". The class promptly went back to muttering quietly among themselves.

"Wow, never knew Midnight could be that threatening." Ochaco appeared beside him.

"Yeah..." Izuku sweatdropped.

"Good on Iida for answering all our questions for us, right?," Ochaco nervously chuckled as she sat next to him in his desk.

"Heh, I guess. I'm just worried if I can finish this project in time. A week and a half doesn't really seem like a good amount of time for a project worth 60 whole marks."

"Yeah, I get what you mean. Teachers can be so unreasonable sometimes..." She made sure to quietly whisper that last part, so Midnight wouldn't hear and menacingly stare her down.

"By unreasonable, I think you mean Mr Aizawa. Compared to him, Midnight's being generous."

They both chuckled at the small joke.

"Hey, I've got an idea," Ochaco perked up,"we can both work on our projects together in my room back at the dorms. Sounds good?"

"Sure, why not." Midoriya accepted her offer, not realising that this one decision would lead to a whole rollercoaster of events to occur next.


One boring class later, Class 1a finally arrived to their dorms. The majority were in the common room, which meant that the hallways leading to the dorm rooms were completely empty, with Ochaco and Midoriya being the only ones there in her dorm room.

"Sorry if my room doesn't really look presentable..." Ochaco said nervously.

"No, don't worry about it! I think your room is great either way," Izuku said.

"Aw, thanks a bunch, Deku-kun," Ochaco beamed,"Now let's get started on the project!"

"Alright." He promptly pulled out the project folder. "I'll read out the instructions."

Ochaco moved next to him so she could also read.

""You will have to do a project about...sexual activity!?""

"Um..." Ochaco was also dumbfounded by the topic they had to do.

"Uh, Uraraka...are you sure we're gonna be able to complete this?" Izuku asked nervously. He was quite shy when it came to topics much like this.

"Oh, come on Deku! I know the topic we're doing the project on is... embarrassing, but we have no choice. We gotta get those 60 marks to pass!" She tried encouraging him.

"Okay...if you say so..."

He continued reading.

""You will need to research on the following points: contraceptives, the psychology and how the brain and body reacts to this phenomenon, reproductive organs, sex positions, practices involved in this activity, how to have intercourse, reason why people perform these activities and what to do to make it entertaining. I wish you good luck!""



"Well then..." Ochaco felt speechless. "I have no words."

"Would Midnight really do this though? Doesn't she teach Art?"

"Uh...maybe she thinks that intercourse is a form of art, or something? Nude art models do exist, and she is the 18+ hero after all..."

"I'm still confused why UA thought it was a good idea to employ the 18+ heroine to teach a bunch of underage high schoolers, but it's whatever." Deku remarked.

Ochaco dramatically fake gasped. "Deku-kun being sarcastic!? That's practically unheard of!"

He chuckled at her joke. "Hehe. C'mon, Uraraka-san, you know I have more personality than that."

"You don't say?" She teased back,"I've never seen this side to you. You're usually the nice, cutesy, adorable cinnamon-roll of class 1A. What happened to our Deku-kun, and what did you do to him?"

Izuku laughed a little more than he should have. "You're really funny yourself, Uraraka-san."

Then Ochaco blushed, realizing she was teasing her crush more than she thought she could. She was honestly surprised how she hadn't gotten flustered already and floated up to the ceiling in embarrassment.

"H-how about we continue with the project, shall we?" She quickly said.

"Alright, if you say so," he quickly looked at the project instructions then back at her,"but I'm not sure how we'll go about this. It does say you have to have some experience, right?"

"Yeah, but we can always just research, right? Let's just Google some stuff on your phone!"

"Um...about that..." He sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"What's wrong?" She questioned him, confused. He was supposed to have a phone, right? She did recall seeing him using it to listen to music whenever he went out for a jog in the mornings.

"My phone kinda got wrecked two days ago, and I took it to the repair store, but they're still fixing it. I probably won't get it back until Sunday or the day after..."

"Oh...that's too bad." She awkwardly said. She felt bad, but the inconvenience of not having access to phones, plus her own flip phone not being up to date with the latest technology and generally being garbage meant that they didn't have the most useful source of info at the moment.

Not to mention, it was a Friday. They only had the weekend, and only 4 other school days to complete the project. Deku would most likely not get his phone fixed until Sunday, and they likely wouldn't have time after school due to heroics and having to train, plus dealing with other subjects and homework. They definitely didn't want to waste any more unnecessary time that could've been spent on working on a 60-mark project that would undoubtedly boost their term mark.

And with how both of their grades were looking so far, they definitely needed that boost.

They awkwardly sat in silence, thinking about what to do next, when Uraraka suddenly had the most insane idea she'd ever come up with, one that would risk her currently intact friendship with Deku. But she didn't have any better ideas, and it didn't seem like Deku had any either.

"H-hey, um...I have an idea."

Deku lifted his head upon hearing her.

"H-how about we...y'know..." She struggled to find the words without getting too flustered and floating up to the ceiling. She was grateful Deku had waited patiently until she could gather enough courage to say what she needed to say.

"We could t-try to, um, do it ourselves. Y'know like... inter...course...?" She avoided his eyes as soon as those words left her mouth.

"....what?" Deku.exe has stopped working.

"Actually, what was I even thinking!? It would be better if we just did it last minute..." She continued to let her thoughts slip.

Eventually, Deku rebooted and had finally processed what Ochaco had said before.

"No!" His exclamation had startled her,"I mean, no...i-it's not a bad idea..."

She was surprised at how he didn't even dismiss her suggestion completely, despite it being really risky, dumb and obviously embarrassing. But it was the only idea she could think of, and she doubted Deku had any better ideas.

"O...Okay then! So uh...do we do it or...?"

"Y-yeah...let's try doing....what you said."

As they conversed more, Ochaco realized how awkward the atmosphere was between them, which was understandable considering what they had just agreed to.

If anything, this was honestly feeling a bit too much.

"Just so you know, um...if you feel you need to, uh, d-do it with me just 'cause I asked, please don't. If you don't want to do it with me, just say so, alright?"

"Don't worry, I won't. And um, I-I want to do this..."

She was silent, as to let the situation they were about to put themselves in process through her mind, then took a deep breath, and exhaled all of her nervousness that had been previously stored inside out of her chest.

She stood up, walked to her desk, and opened the bottom drawer.

Deku looked at her in confusion as she took something out before closing the drawer again and walking back to where she'd been sitting. Curious, he looked at what she had grabbed, and what he saw was...

"C-condoms!?" He shouted in surprise.

"I mean, we're doing this, right? Gotta do this safe. I just hope I have the right size for you..." She said as she opened the box full of condoms.

"Right..." He would've questioned about her having those in the first place, but he didn't want to pry too much.

"Okay then.." She carefully pulled out a single, blue packet from the box, and placed it aside, before staring at Deku.


"Y-you have take your c-clothes off..."


He stood up from the bed, and began unbuckling his belt, while Ochaco started to pull her stockings off. Once unbuckled, Deku then dropped his belt aside onto the wooden floor and took his pants off, letting them drop down onto the ground before kicking them away with his feet.

They continued removing their clothing until they were down to only their underwear.

Ochaco felt Deku's gaze avert to her breasts and down the rest of her body, which made her blush. She was wearing a matching pair of undergarments that could be considered as sexy, with it's bright pink and light material. Though unintentional (she prioritised comfort over looks), she caught on at how relieved she felt that they were matching. Did she really care about how Deku would view her that much?

Meanwhile, Deku was freaking out inside. He was with a girl who was half-naked, and about to have sex with her for goodness sake! Not-so-innocent thoughts and images began flooding his mind and he felt hot and super embarrassed, evident with how he felt Ochaco's eyes gaze at his All Might-themed boxers.

They stared into each other's eyes, waiting for the other to make the first move, not realising their bodies were subconsciously moving closer.

Soon, they were at nose distance and could feel each other's breaths exhale and tickle their faces. Lust was building up and showing through their pupils. Until their lips touched.

At that moment, all logic and any shame left were thrown out the window, as they hugged closer and kissed more, getting to taste their flavoured lips before separating.

They looked at each other for confirmation to continue, then kissed once more.

They experimented at first, before it escalated to tongues twisting and turning, exchanging saliva as they frenched passionately.

Then, Izuku groped her breast, and she froze. He quickly parted his lips from hers, realizing his mistake.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-I don't know what came over me..."

She stared at him. She was startled from the sudden, bold move, especially from a guy like Izuku Midoriya.

'Probably was subconscious.'

"Uh, U-Uraraka? Is something wrong?"

She ultimately sighed, and said nothing.

Izuku was beginning to think that he had totally messed up big time by ruining the moment, when she suddenly grabbed the hem of his boxers, and pulled them down to reveal his private part.

"W-what the- Uraraka!?" Izuku yelped from the action.

His d*ck was now in full view for Uraraka to stare at. And damn, he was a big one.

Heat started to rise in his face as Uraraka admired Izuku's size. "U-um, is it too small?"

"W-what? No no, definitely not! If anything, this is the biggest one I've ever seen!"

"You've seen others?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Um, let's not talk about my search history."


Getting over the embarrassment, she then began to take her underwear off, unclipping her pink lace bra and slipping her panties down her legs, before pointing to her bed in question. He nodded, and they climbed onto the bed, with Ochaco lying on her back and Izuku on top of her.

They stared each other down before bringing their faces closer and began to kiss. Izuku managed to slip his tongue into her mouth, and their make out session transformed into an intense dance battle between their tongues, eating away at each other's lips. Ochaco gripped his hair to bring him into a deeper kiss.

While doing so, Izuku trailed his rough fingers along her soft skin, down to her stomach and right up to under her breasts. He stopped kissing her and stared into her eyes, as to ask for permission. When she nodded, he kissed her once more and lightly gripped onto her left breast, softly squishing it while they frenched intensely.

Their already steamy moment started getting more intense, both hypnotized into deep lust.

Eventually, they stopped kissing to catch their breaths, a trail of saliva connecting both their bottom lips as their mouths finally separated. Panting in the shortest of breaths were the only sounds that could be heard.

Their eyes were already filled with seduction by this point, both ready drive each other to the brink of exhaustion.

Then suddenly, she pushed him away.

Confused, Izuku pointed it out. "Is something wrong?"

"Safety first." She said, pointing to the condom packet she'd placed aside earlier on the desk next to the bed.

"O-oh, right! Protection." He quickly grabbed the packet and carefully ripped the top open. He then pulled out the rubber and promptly wrapped it around his hard member, being careful not to accidentally damage or rip it. Once done with the task, he went back to position. Ochaco stretched her legs wide open.

"Just tell me if it hurts, okay?"

"Mhm." She nodded.

He sat back up to position the end of his d*ck on her entrance, with Ochaco holding it to guide him. Then she tightly gripped the sheets of the bed in preparation for this moment.

This was it. It was now or never.

He began to slip inside of her slowly, with Uraraka hissing and shutting her eyes closed halfway. He managed to push it all in, when she suddenly groaned in pain.

"Uraraka-san, a-are you okay!?"

"N-not really, it k-kind of hurts..."

He immediately stopped all pelvic movements as to not cause her anymore unnecessary pain. "We can stop if you want..."

"No! I j-just need a bit of time to get used to t-this..."

"Okay...tell me whenever you're ready."

He kissed her slowly to help her get used to the pain a little faster.

"Okay, I'm ready," she said a minute later.

He nodded, moving his d*ck once more into her.

He noticed her stiffen from her insides once again being penetrated by his p*nis.

He slowly began moving his pelvis, sliding his d*ck out of her then sliding it back in. She soon relaxed, getting used to the sensation of his slow thrusts. The pain finally eased enough and soon turned into pleasure, and her breathing started to get hotter.

He tried going a little deeper this time, while in search of her G-spot. He continuously went in deeper with each thrust, until...


A moan.

It was a moan.

A moan had come from Uraraka. Caused by him.

He felt lustful ego from knowing he was the cause of Uraraka's pleasure. And he planned to give her more.

He could feel her walls gripping his shaft as he pumped faster this time, adapting to his now harder thrusts, and he made sure to repeatedly slam his p*nis into her G-spot, causing Uraraka to now become a moaning mess.

"Ah! I-Izuku, yes- ugh...!"

Her eyes looked drowned in an overload of pleasure as they slapped skin to skin.

Izuku himself couldn't hold back his moans as he thrusted. It honestly felt amazing.

He was so glad he broke his phone.

He suddenly felt a rush of bliss as he felt his p*nis twitch inside her ever so slightly.

"Ochaco, I-I...I-I'm about to-!"


With one last thrust, he orgasmed into the condom, his d*ck deep inside her. Ochaco moaned loudly as she orgasmed as well.

Izuku collapsed onto Ochaco, both panting loudly from exhaustion before recovering enough energy to speak.

"Hey Deku."

"Yeah?" He pulled out and rolled off of her to the side so that he now lay next to her.

"You called me Ochaco just now..."

He blushed ever so slightly. "C-can I call you that?"

She chuckled. "Only if you let me call you Izuku."


After their "moment" and some more lovey-dovey making out, they now had valuable info to use on the project, which they did. But on the day before the due date, some infuriating news had flourished.

Well, apparently the project Midnight handed to everyone was a misprint.

The printing machine located in the school library (that was basically the only printer available that everyone used) had malfunctioned, and had instead printed the life science project papers meant for the senior grades, which went unnoticed by Midnight and the rest of the teachers.

Safe to say, most of the lower grades who were taught by Midnight were not happy. It didn't take long for the news to spread across the school until it eventually reached the teachers.

Of course, Midnight and the school principal himself, Nezu, had apologized to the students affected, and went out of their way to ensure that this incident never happened again, with the school purchasing several printers from a well-known advanced tech company for everyone to use. And of course, replacing the very printer that caused these issues in the first place with a more improved version, one that wouldn't easily malfunction.

Obviously, both Uraraka and Izuku were increasingly annoyed and agitated by this, but Midnight did give them all average marks on the project they were supposed to get.

But thanks to that misfortune, they had experienced something many students would never experience for the next 20 years of their life or so: their sex life.

Once they got over the shy, tame and embarrassing stage, they had grown accustomed to exploring other sources of sexual pleasure while doing it during the weekends, all the while making sure no one would be around their room to hear their obvious steamy activity from their moans and kisses.

Today was one of those days, with Ochaco having just orgasmed from Deku fingering her, when she realized something...

"Hey Deku, I just realized something..."

"Yeah?" He looked up as he was licking her fluid off his fingers.

"We could've asked some of our classmates if we could borrow their phones."


"And we could've just used the computers at the library..."



Y'all, this was my first time writing actual smut, so pls tell me how I did 👀 was it good? Idk.

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