Death By A Thousand Cuts|| OC...

By XOastorybyNatXOXO

54.7K 1.6K 369

"Chandelier's still flickering here 'Cause I can't pretend it's ok when it's not It's death by a thousand cut... More

Cast + Disclaimer

six point five

2.3K 103 25
By XOastorybyNatXOXO


Tori knocked on the door to Jordan's apartment and waited for someone to answer it.

It was Wednesday, her day off, meaning that today was the movie day with Jordan, Olivia and Tyler.

It was Tyler that oprned the door, "Baby Grey!" He cheered

"Hi Ty!" She greeted

Tyler moved back so she could come into the apartment. The nurse closed the door behind her and led her to the living room.

"Baby Grey has joined us." Tyler said

Jordan and Olivia turned around, both with smiles on their faces and said their hellos.

The couch was big enough to seat all four of them comfortablely, so Tori sat between Jordan and Olivia.

"Alright, what are we watching first?" Tori asked

"We couldn't agree. I said Princess Bride first, Ty said Fast and Furious first, Jordan said John Wick first." Olivia told her

Tori decided to close her eyes and pick one up at random, "We're watching.... This." She said holding the movie up

She opened her eyes and saw she chose Alien.

The three nurses nodded and Jordan got up to put it in. Before he sat down again, he went into the kitchen.

When he came back, he was holding two bowls of popcorn and four drinks tucked into his arms. He handed one of the popcorn bowls to Tori and the other two Tyler. Once he was seated, he handed out the drinks.

"Thank you." Tori told him and Jordan smiled at her

Throughout the movie, Jordan and Tori were touching in some way, whether it was their thighs touching or his arm around her shoulders.


It was now lunchtime and the four adults had watched Alien, John Wick, and Independence Day. They were currently deciding what to have for lunch.

"Tori, are you craving anything?" Jordan asked

"Pasta." The pregnant woman replied

Olivia hummed, "I love pasta. I can always eat it."

Tyler nodded, "I could do pasta."

Jordan nodded, "Alright, so pasta. Order in or cook it ourselves?" He asked

"I can cook it." Tori said, "Do you have butter, Parmesan cheese, and garlic salt?" She asked

Jordan shrugged, "Couldn't tell you. Let's go look." He said and helped her off the couch

However, once she was standing, he didn't let go of her hand. The two missed the smiles exchanged by Tyler and Olivia.

Jordan led Tori over to the the kitchen, "If I did have Parmesan cheese, it would be in the fridge." He said

The Grey woman opened the fridge and looked. Surprisingly, he actually did have the cheese and had nearly a full bottle.

She moved to the cabinet above the stove and found the garlic salt. The last cabinet she opened, she found spaghetti.

"Spaghetti good with you guys?" Tori asked

"Definitely!" Olivia said

Tori nodded, "Okay, fair warning. I don't know how to make sauce since Ariel, Mer and I only eat our pasta with butter, Parmesan cheese and garlic salt." She warned

"I can make the sauce." Jordan spoke up

"I can do the garlic bread." Tyler added


Not long after they finished eating, Tori left to go pick up Ariel from school.

"How was your day, Monkey?" Tori asked

"Good. I got to be line leader today." Ariel informed her mother

Tori nodded, "Do you want to go home with Auntie Mer or do you want to come with me over to Mr. Jordan's house for a movie day?" She asked

"With you!" The little girl answered


The mother-daughter were back at the apartment with the nurses. They were greeted with the sight of the title page of The Little Mermaid.

"We thought you both would want to want this movie." Jordan told them

Tori smiled as she sat down beside him with Ariel sitting in front of her.

"Is she names after the movie?" Olivia asked Tori

The Grey woman nodded, "She was born 6 weeks early and I hadn't picked out her name yet. When the nurse asked me for her name, I panicked and said Ariel since I was watching that movie while I was in labor." She explained

"What's her middle name?" Tyler asked

"Genevieve." The mother replied

"Any story there?" Jordan asked

Tori shook her head, "It just sounded good together. Ariel Genevieve Grey. I didn't and still don't like any variants of Meredith, so when we were looking for middle names, Genevieve popped up and I loved it."


It was the end of the night. They had watched Alien, John Wick, Independence Day, The Little Mermaid, and Princess Bride.

"We need to do this again." Olivia said

Tori nodded, "Definitely." She agreed

As they walked out, Jordan walked with them.

"Good night, Ariel." Jordan told the little girl

"Good night, Mr. Jordan." She yawned

Jordan smiled at Tori, "Good night, Tori."

She smiled back, "Good night, Jordan."


This was just to show the movie day. I originally wasn't going to write it but then I changed my mind

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