Dramatic Love

By BillioBerry

859 77 808

It was a seemingly normal school life for Sarah. She had good friends, decent grades... and a crush. Duh. How... More

01} Great (?) News!
02} A Little too Close. (Or just being clumsy!)
03} I Just Got a Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-O~
04} A Little Change of Plans...
05} Party, Partice, Partay
06} Advice
07} I Don't Like This Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-Ugh.
08} A Friendly Confession
09} Petty Rehearsals
10} Argument
11} Midnight Scores
12} Cooking Mania
13} Detectives for a Day
14} Visits and Gifts
16} Unexpected Encounter
17} Lovesick
18} A Hidden Love Story
19} Invitations
20} Disputes
21} Desolate
22} Pool Craze I
23} Pool Craze II
24} Comfy Bed
25} Imperceptibly

15} Enchanted Night

32 3 51
By BillioBerry

•~|A warning I should've added ten years ago: Part contains mentions of stravation|~•

Brandy was at home preparing for a special guest to arrive. Thanks to his parents both working, he had the whole house to himself for the next few hours. Maya was coming over, which stressed Brandy out as Maya had never seen his home before. He wanted the place to be neat and tidy for her. It's not like this was going to be a date or anything, just a normal hangout for the 2 to chill together.

Right now, Brandy is frantically texting Benjamin to get the best advice he could get.


My Free Therapist

Brandy 🤪

Benjamin ✨️

Brandy 🤪
I need help again..

Benjamin ✨️

Brandy 🤪
MAYA! She's coming over, and I don't know what to do!!!

Benjamin ✨️
Bro, I thought you got it by now

Brandy 🤪
Please, Benjamin, help me 🥺👉👈

Benjamin ✨️
Fine. Do you have snacks ready for her?

Brandy 🤪

Benjamin ✨️
Perfect! After she comes over and you guys chat a bit, you can go to a nearby store and go shopping together!

Brandy 🤪

Benjamin ✨️
Yes, at the Seven-Eleven by your house.

Brandy 🤪
Ooh, ok, ok.. After that?

Benjamin ✨️
Well, you go home, eat the snacks, then chat some more if you want. You can even add some spice in there, too, if you know what I mean 😏

Brandy 🤪
Ohh 😏 okay then. Thanks, Benjamin, you're the best!!

Benjamin ✨️
Anytime, Brandy, anytime.

Brandy 🤪
Hey, how do you even know so much about this stuff, anyway?

And with that, Brandy found himself all confident and ready for Maya once again. This newfound confidence made him do his gummy smile once again.

But then another question popped up on his head. Did he have to wear anything fancy? Brandy ran to his room and slammed the closet doors open. He looked at all his outfit choices. Fancy, (YOU, ALUVALUVA-) casual, chic, street. He looked at all his choices and began freaking out again.

He realized he should calm himself down. Brandy figured he should try and just think about the things he would wear when hanging out with boys and simply wear it as if Maya was one of them.

And that's exactly what he did. He chose a white tank with a plaid vest on top. He then chose some loose light-blue jeans to finish the look. He stared at the bathroom mirror, wondering if he needed to do anything else. He ended up shrugging it off by letting his hand whip his hair around a bit.

Meanwhile, Maya was heading to Brandy's front door. She honestly wasn't expecting much to happen since it wasn't a date but a normal hangout with Brandy. When she got to the door, she rang the doorbell and waited patiently, gently tapping her foot on the cement below.

Brandy jerked up hearing the doorbell. Knowing it was Maya. He ran down the hall and headed straight for the door. Before opening it, he quickly prepped himself; straightening his vest, breathing in and out, flipping his hair a bit. Now he was ready.

He swung the door open, revealing a beautiful Maya smiling happily at the dude.

"Hi!" Maya greeted Brandy.

"Hey, Maya!" Brandy replied, embracing Maya and giving the girl a small kiss on the forehead. "Come in," Brandy exclaimed, inviting Maya in.

The 2 headed to the living room, sitting down as they began to chat already. The couple seemed like they were that 'best friend' couple. The moment they both see each other, they would immediately start to chat, whether it was about school, the weekend, or more! These guys could always be talking, and if they could, never stop.


About 20 minutes of chatting had gone by, and Maya started to feel a rumble in her stomach. It was no wonder she was starting to feel it. She just chose not to eat. That's right, she stayed the majority of the day with no food.

Maya just felt a bit fat. Now, lemme tell you right now, Maya is skinny, 100%. It's just that underneath those clothes, she has some belly fat. It makes her insecure, and she dreads it. Even if no one can tell, they would if she were to wear a swimsuit at a pool party.

Because of this, she thought the only way it would go away is by simply not eating. She's been doing this for the past few days, hoping something would happen by now, but it looks the same. Her parents aren't aware of the situation, which Maya finds lucky because if they were to ever find out, they would probably make her stuff an entire turkey down her throat.

Despite all of this, she's starting to feel like she's going to pass out if she stayed another hour without food. She felt incredibly starved and couldn't wait to eat something. Well, a bite wouldn't hurt, right?

"Hey, Brandy," Maya starts, Brandy looking at her, "Do you have any snacks for us to eat?" She asks.

"Oh, we're all out," Brandy replied.

I should've known Maya thought, lightly grabbing her stomach to help ease the pain a bit.

This is going just as Benjamin said it would! Brandy cheered in his mind. Everything was going like plan.

"We could go to the nearby Seven-Eleven to buy some more, though," Brandy suggested.

"No, no, it's probably far from here," Maya replied in her defense, hoping Brandy would now change his mind.

"It actually isn't! I think it's just a block away, so we can walk," Brandy answers.

"Um, but I actually don't have any money right now," Maya stated as a good excuse. Really, the girl was broke.

"I have like, what, 100, 200 dollars in my wallet? Whatever, I have enough to buy all the snacks we need!" Brandy replied, killing off all of Maya excuses.

"Fine, let's go," Maya says, standing up whilst holding her hissing stomach.

Brandy gets up, and the 2 head out the door, Brandy locking it with the spare key he had in his pocket. They begin to walk over to the store, chatting once again like the lovely best friends they were. Brandy wasn't wrong. After just 5 minutes, Seven-Eleven was already in sight. When they entered the place, Brandy insisted on buying as many things as Maya desired. She hesitated at first, but with his consent, she grabbed bag after bag. She might've accidently grabbed things she didn't need, too, but that didn't matter. By the time the 2 were done, they carried 2 bags filled with delicious snacks.

Maya kept looking at them as the duo made it back to Brandy's house. She made sure no one were to steal the snacks, and most importantly, she couldn't wait to munch down on them all.

The 2 entered Brandy's house after Brandy unlocked the door.

"Let's go eat in my bedroom this time!" Brandy exclaimed, Maya agreeing. They headed to the dude's room, throwing themselves on the bed.

Maya took the bags filled with snacks and immediately dumped them out all over the bed. She then grabbed one, a lays classic, opened it, and ate away. Brandy did the same as her.

After a couple minutes of no talking but noisy eating, the 2 began to talk again.

"Woah, are you going to keep that pace the whole time you eat that?" Brandy asked, astonished. I mean, he wasn't wrong. Maya was eating like a messy pig at that point, some crumbs falling on her lap.

"Well, no, just until my stomach fills," Maya answers with a half full mouth.

"When was the last time you ate?" Brandy asked, Maya putting a pause to her chewing. Swallowing her food, she straightens her posture and looks at Brandy.

"Um," She hesitates a bit, "Yesterday morning..." She answers, saying the last bit in a quiet tone.

"WHAT?!" Brandy said, shocked."Why would you starve yourself until up to now?" Brandy asked, worried. Maya looks down.

"I don't know," Maya replies in a dead tone.

"Is something wrong, Maya? Please tell me!" Brandy begged, scooting closer to the girl.

"I," Maya starts quietly, "feel fat," she says.

"F-fat?" Brandy stutters, "how?!"

"Trust me, on the outside, it looks okay. But inside, I have so much belly fat, and I hate it," Maya explains, lowering her head to avoid eye contact with Brandy. She fidgets with her fingers.

Brandy lifts Maya chin so that he can look her in the eyes. Maya can easily see the concern in Brandy's eyes.

"Maya," Brandy starts, putting his voice in a serious tone Maya has never heard before. "It's okay to have a body part you're insecure about, but it's not okay to risk your health just to fix it," Brandy says seriously, Maya paying full attention. For once in this dude's f@cking school life, Brandy sounded smart.

"I know Brandy," Maya replies, "But I just don't like it," She says, looking down yet again.

Brandy scooted even closer to Maya until their thighs touched. He placed his hand on Maya chin again, lifting her head so that he could look her in the eyes.

Instead of saying something smart again, Brandy carresed Maya's jawline, brushing some of her hair on the side. He kept eye contact with Maya as he did this, Maya looking at the dude contently with shiny eyes.

Brandy moved his face closer to Maya's, closing his eyes slightly. Maya closed her eyes completely as she felt Brandy's breath softly hit her lips. Brandy moved his head closer, tilting his head to the side as he slowly connected his lips with Maya's. The 2 shared a passionate kiss, one of Brandy's arms making its way to Maya's waist while his hand held Maya's chin. Maya moved her arms to slowly wrap around Brandy's neck.

After a couple of seconds, the 2 unconnected from their kiss, staying close to each other faces while looking at each other. Their lips were still close, and their breath circled around their lips.

Brandy stood up and reached out a hand, motioning for Maya to take it. She did, standing up and wrapping her arms back around Brandy's neck. Brandy wrapped his arms around Maya's waist before pulling her close to him. The space between their bodies was closed as the only space between them then was between their faces. Maya closed her eyes and brought her face closer to Brandy. Brandy closed his eyes and connected their lips again. It started pretty sweet and innocent, then Brandy decided to deepen the motions. He nibbled on Maya's bottom lips for a bit, patiently waiting for Maya to part her lips.

Noticing Brandy's demand, Maya parted her lips. The gap was big enough for Brandy tongue to slip in. He immediately began to beat up Maya's tongue, gaining dominance as Maya's weak tongue barely fought. At that point, it felt as if Brandy would accidentally let his tongue hit the back of Maya's throat since it was far now. The feeling made Maya moan a bit. The first moan Brandy heard Maya do was enough to turn the dude on. They unconnected their kiss, Brandy wiping his swollen lips.

He picked up Maya, her legs wrapped around his waist as she looked at the dude surprised.

"What? Am I not heavy?" Maya asked.

Brandy chuckles a bit, "Is that even a question? You're light as hell," Brandy answered, bringing Maya to the bed and lying her down. He got on the bed and hovered on top of Maya on all fours.

"You're only saying that because you're strong," Maya added.

"Tsk, shut up."

Brandy came in again and kissed Maya yet again, the 2 sharing an innocent yet sweet kiss. When they unconnected it, Brandy came to the girl's neck. He softly kissed on the side of Maya's neck, Maya closing her eyes and letting soft exhales out from the contact. Brandy explored every area on her neck, all until he kissed a spot right under Maya's right ear. He kissed the area, and Maya let out a soft moan.

"Ah, not there," Maya muttered softly, her eyes still closed.

Brandy realized this was the girl's sensitive spot and kissed the same place again and again. This left Maya letting out soft and quiet moans from the sudden pleasure. Brandy enjoyed the colorful noises.

Finally, Brandy lifted his head a bit to check if he accidentally left a hickey on Maya, which, thankfully, he didn't.

After checking, he got off Maya and laid beside the girl, gesturing for her to lay on Brandy's chest. Maya does as told, laying her head down onto Brandy, closing her eyes as if she were sleeping. Brandy gently stroked Maya's hair and massaged her back.

"How do you feel now?" Brandy asked.

"So good," Maya answered softly, "I think I even forgot about my belly, too," She adds.

"Maya, you're very beautiful the way you look right now, alright?" Brandy starts while rubbing Maya's back. "Please don't do anything dangerous to change that," He says, almost like he's begging.

"Don't worry, I won't," Maya replies.

"And you won't starve yourself anymore, right?"

"Nope, God, I almost died without eating for that long," Maya exclaimed, Brandy chuckling.



Maya felt her eyes get droopy. She shuffled a bit on Brandy's chest to get in a comfortable position and let her eyes close. All of a sudden, she fell asleep. Brandy noticed and adjusted the pillow he laid his head on. He then grabbed his blanket and put it on the top of them both. After they were snug and comfy, Brandy wrapped his arms around Maya's back, giving the girl a sweet kiss on the head before letting his head rest. He, too, began to feel tired afterward. So when he laid on his pillow, he fell asleep.

Later on, Brandy's Mom would return from work to see the sight displayed in Brandy's room. How the snacks and food were spilled all over the floor but also how the couple were in each other arms comfortably that day, sleeping peacefully.


Goodness, I'm starting to write chapters with more than 2000+ words now. I mean, that does let you guys have more juicy content sooo 🤷‍♀️

Edit: The ending is soo cringe like how did yall survive reading this 😭😭😭

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