From Hating You To Loving You

By emelywrites_

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Sophia Wilson has always been in love of reading even thought of becoming a writer of how much she reads. Sop... More



2.7K 41 21
By emelywrites_


Today is the day, and I've never been more nervous in my life, I had to do reservations and preparations just for this day-- Sophia's birthday and I just hope she loves it because God knows I haven't done this for anyone else, not even Mich and that's saying a lot

I have a lot planned, I'm taking her to this nice restaurant with the most beautiful view and then to the state carnival and we'll go where there, I want this day to be perfect for her

"Earth to Romeo!" Michael shouts, as he enters my room as he throws a pillow to my face

"Shut the fuck up dumbass, you're going to wake her up and then I'm going to beat you're mother fucking ass" I reply back, as I send Sophia a happy birthday message and look at the clock on my side table and sigh to see its 4:30am and remember we have to be at practice by 5am

I sit up from bed, and look at Michael to see him still standing by my door looking at me, I stare at him with a confused look on my face, "Are you going to stand there, and look at me while I change?" I tell him, as I start packing my bag for practice and for our game later on in the day

"Well if you insist, but it's not my fault that I have a best friend who has an eight pack and gets all the fucking girls, but other than that I'll wait in the to make sure all your food isn't expiring" Michael says, to me as he gives me a wink before exiting my room

Shaking my head, I finish getting ready and getting anything, I need for the game before leaving my room with an envelope in my hand before placing it on the table with a note for Sophia to read when she wakes up

"Alright, lover boy lets go before coach takes our heads off and places them in his trophy wall" Michael says, as he tosses me a water bottle and puts some in his bag before he shoves some snacks in there as well

I let out a small chuckle before opening the door, to let Michael pass and locking the door as we make our way to the locker room

"Well, let's get this day started" I mumble as we get in the elevator, as Michael lists all the things he got Avery and Sophia, then how he's coming up with a plan to have coach Z like him

After a Michael's ramble, we finally arrive at the locker room and surprise, surprise, we see coach waiting outside for us "Boys! Glad you were able to make get you're ass on the rink!" He yells

"Grumpy in the morning, aren't we coach Z, I see you didn't get you're good morning kiss" Michael says, as he runs past coach to not get hit with his clip board, making me laugh and salute coach as I pass

"Morning coach" I say, making him nod at me before hitting the back of my head with his clip board

I hope the this day goes by quick, I can't wait to see how the night goes

I wake up, to the bright ass fucking sun blinding my eyes. I groan, and slid off the bed and lay on the floor for a few seconds before I stand up and check my phone, to see that Garrett sent me a message at four in the morning

He was the first person to wish me a happy birthday-

I open his message,

"Happy birthday, Angel! Finally 21, wow you're getting old sweetheart but, I left an envelope on the table for you...also I have a surprise for you after my game so wear something fancy or nice whatever you want ;)"

This has to be the most creative, thoughtful thing someone has ever done for me. I mean, for my 19th birthday all I got was a slap on the face, some bruises, and then all my family got me was a cookie and said they didn't have enough time, to go shopping

Rude I know, I put my hair up before exiting my room and towards the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face before leaving the bathroom and walking towards the table, where he said he had left me an envelope

My eyes widened, when I see two tickets for the boys game later today with a note next to it

"Here, are two tickets for you and Avery to go to our game and yes it's the seats you guys always sit in, hope to see you there, Angel"

I stare at the tickets, for a couple more minutes before remembering I have class in 30 minutes and rush back into my room to get ready

After, I finished brushing my hair and putting on my light blue ripped jeans, white crop top, and a black leather jacket with my black and white air forces, before putting mascara and lip gloss

I grab my bag, my computer and phone before running out of the dorm and just as I'm half way towards the elevator I remember, I didn't lock the door behind me

"Shit, shit, shit, get you're shit together Sophia!" I whisper yell, at myself as I ran back to the our dorm room and lock the door before running back to the elevator and get in, releasing a breath and lean against the wall of the elevator

You got this Sophia, no shit head is going to ruin you're day today and if they do smack the living shit out of them, I tell myself as I leave the elevator and walk to the campus building and entering the lecture hall and see the room pitch black, before the lights turn on and everyone is screaming happy birthday as Avery runs towards me

"Happy birthday bitch!" Avery shouts, as the rest of my classmates pop the confetti cans as confetti flys everywhere

"Thank you guys!" I say, as everyone is yelling happy birthday's and wishing me a great day as Mr.Miller smiles and tells everyone to take their seats, and start getting everything ready for class

Me and Avery go to our seats, which is at the very top and sit down as I get the envelope Garrett had left for me, and handing her one of the tickets as she looks at me confused

"What's this for?" Avery said, as she waved the ticket around

"Garrett, left me two tickets for their game today for us to go" I tell her, as I take my computer out and start typing notes

"So, tell me I was the first person to wish you a happy birthday" Avery says, as she takes out her computer and looks at me

"No, babe but if it makes you feel any better you are the second person to wish me a happy birthday!" I rely, with a sarcastic tone as I turn to look at her glaring at me

"Fine, who was the first asshole to wish you a happy birthday?" She says

"Garrett" I tell her, as she looks at me with wide eyes as she shakes my shoulders

"Shut the front door!" She whisper yells, as she turns to the front to see if Mr. Miller wasn't glaring at us

"Yeah, but i was hoping it would be my family but I knew I shouldn't had my hopes up" I tell her, as I bite my lip and turn my attention back to my computer, as she leans her head on my shoulder to comfort me

Finally, after countless hours and minutes of Mr.Miller talking and teaching we get to finally go home, me and Avery are the last ones to leave the lecture hall

"Hey, Soph how about later tonight like very very, late we go to the club to celebrate your birthday-I know lover boy might have a few things planned for you, and I won't take a no for an answer" Avery says, as she puts both of her hands on my shoulder as we leave the room

"Fine, I'll go" I tell her, as she shouts in happiness and tells me she'll see me later as we make our way towards our dorm rooms and get ready for the boys game

A few hours later

I'm finally ready, as I put on the same jeans from earlier today and wore it with Slender man's jersey, and paired it off with some black high heel boots, and put my hair in a half up and half down, and waited for Avery to be done getting ready

"The second bad bitch, has arrived! Where's my birthday bitch at?!" Avery yells, as she walks inside my dorm, slamming the door open

She's, wearing a dark wide jeans with Michael's jersey, and a pair of heel boots as she hands me a bag and smiles at me

I give her a look, before taking the bag from her and opening it as she sits next to me. I take out, a beautiful long red dress with a deep v-neck cut in the middle and a slit, on the side-I turn to look at her

"What's this for?" I tell her, as I let out a nervous chuckle

"Just wear it tonight trust me! You're going to look sexy ass hell!! Now come on, we don't want to be late for the boys game" She says, as she stands up and pulls me with her as we make our way out, and head towards the other university campus where, the boy's game is taking place

We get there, after a couple is minutes of driving in circles of us getting lost and we take our seats next to the boy's bench as they start playing, Garrett and Michael scoring ten minutes into the first period. A few minutes, later we are beating the other team with 5-3 and as soon as the time starts ending slender man scores the last point.

"Man, this was a good game I've never stressed about a game this much before" Avery says, as we make our way out and towards the guests locker rooms to wait for the guys.

"There's my sweet Avery!" Michael yells, as he runs towards Avery and picking her up making her yell at him to put her down, as they play fight with each other Garrett makes his way towards me with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.

"Happy birthday, Angel" He says, as he pulls me towards him and squeezes the life out of me making me slap his arm.

"Bloody hell, are you trying to kill me?" I tell him, sarcastic as he mimics me, I roll my eyes before smiling at him and I get picked up from behind.

"Happy birthday bestie!! You're old now, how does it feel?" Michael says, as he shakes me still holding me up making me laugh.

"I'm not that old" I tell him, as he sets me down and hands me a small box as I look at him with a suspicious look.

"It's not a grenade, just open it bitch" Michael tells me, as I glare at him

Fucking bitch ass, who let him cuss at me all of sudden?

I open the small box, to see a bracelet with all of their initials on it-making me smile as I take it out and thank him as I put it on.


"All right, we'll we need to get going we'll see you guys later tonight" Garrett tells Mich and Avery as they nod, before me and Garret make our way out of the Game Center thingy, I see Avery at the corner of my eye smiling and giving me a thumbs up .

May god be with me because for all I know is that I could get killed tonight by slender man

"So, are you going to tell me where this surprise is-" I get interrupted by Garrett, slapping his hand on my mouth to shut me up, as I turn my head and look up at him and glare at him

I slap his hand away, as he drags me to his car and as I'm about to open up the passenger door he pushes me away, and opens the door for me giving me a smile

"The fuck was that for?" I tell him, as I go to get in his car

"You're fine, dramatic ass" He says, as he closes the door and walks to the driver side

"Your fine dramatic ass" I mock him, as he gets in and chuckles as he turns on the car and starts driving towards our campus, as I yet again make him listen to One Direction and Taylor Swift

He says he hates it, but deep down in that annoying ass heart of his, he loves my music taste I know it

After, countless hours of me slapping his hand away from my thigh and him putting his hand back to my thigh we finally arrive to the campus, and as I start getting out of the car Garrett rushes towards my side and closes the door I have just opened and opens it again for me, as I look up at him with an annoyed look on my face and get out and start walking to the entrance

I look back, to see slender man taking his things out of the car before walking towards me and before he can open the goddamn door again, I start running towards the double doors and open them and enter like I was running from fucking "Ghost Face"

I turn around, with the biggest smile on my face when I see him glare at me as he walks in glaring at me

"What?" I tell him, as I start walking to the elevator doors as he just glares at me

"Today, I open all the doors for you, I buy you food, clothes, snacks, a fucking dog if you want, but if you ever open a single door or do anything today, I'm ignoring you" He says, as he holds my hand, and we enter the elevator

I'm blushing, I'm fucking blushing like a bright ass tomato

I'm in total shock, and I don't know what to tell this man I mean--I've never felt, seen, or been treated the way this man treats me, like I'm a fragile piece of glass and he's afraid of breaking me

"Well, is that challenge? I smell a challenge slender man" I tell him, sarcastically as I look from our hands intertwined together to look at him, already looking at me with a smile

We finally, arrive to our floor and walk towards our dorm room still holding hands-- neither one of us has decided to let go until we enter our room

"Alright, get ready we leave in an hour" He says, taking his bag off his shoulder and placing it on the couch

"With what?"

"You have the dress, Avery gave you this morning right?" He says

"Yes-- wait how do you know about that?"

"Because I told her, to buy you the sexiest dress there was" He says, before going to his room and winking me before he closes his door

After, a few minutes later I was done with my shower and now I'm letting it air dry as I get my dress off the hanger before I left to class and lay it out on my bed, as I do my usual mascara and lip-gloss before curling my hair as Decode by Paramore

Twilight had an amazing soundtrack-- sue me

Finally, after my hair was done, I put on the red dress that had the deepest v-cut, and the slit on the side, and wore some cute black stilettos as I take one last finally look on my mirror, praying to all the gods that this dress isn't too much for wherever Garrett is taking me

I walk out, as I fix my bracelet Michael got me too see Garrett isn't even out yet--and he complains how long it takes me to get ready. I walk to the kitchen, to grab a water bottle and wait for Princess Jones to finish getting ready-- and by waiting for him is by knocking on his door to rush him

"Hurry up Princess Jones, unless you want to be late wherever you're taking me" I tell him, as I open his door to see him in the middle of buttoning his shirt as he turns to look at me, catching me staring at his open chest-- Michael wasn't lying when he said that Garrett had an eight pack, I laughed at his face of course

"My eyes, are up here Angel" He says, as he leans next to his mirror looking at me with a smirk on his face

I smile at him," I know, now hurry up slender man we got places to be, and you don't make a lady wait asshole" I tell him, as I walk out and close his door as I go to sit and wait for him in the couch, and just as I'm about sit down, he opens his door and walks out with his suit jacket in hand.

"Took you long enough, Princess Jones and here I thought I took the longest to get ready" I him as I walk out with my, purse which only has my lip gloss and some random things because a girl should not pay on her birthday, its the law-- well my law.

"Yeah yeah come on", He says as we make, our way out and into his car, and I let him open the door for me because I do not want to deal with his tantrums.

An hour or two later, we are still driving as trees keep passing as I sigh and turn to look at him with an annoyed and tired look on my face, " Are we there yet?" I tell him, as I rest my head on my window still looking at him.

He nods, as he adjusts his hand on my thigh which makes my stomach get all types of butterflies, "Just a few more minutes, Angel" he says, as he leans back.

"Well, while you drive us to the middle of nowhere, I'm changing the song" I tell him, as I reach for his phone and face it towards him to unlock it, without even blinking he turns to look at me and he tells me his password and I stare at him with a shocked look, which makes him let out a laugh.

"What" He says, as he chuckles and looks at me and then back to the road.

"Nothing-" I say, as I open his music app and to his playlist when a playlist with my name catches my eye and I open it to see all of my favorite artist and music from Tayor Swift, One direction, The Weekend, Cardi B-- This man is going to kill me.

I click on the playlist and turn up all the volume up and lean back before hiding the smile on my face before I blush for the hundredth time today.

We finally make it to this really fancy restaurant, and I turn to look at Garrett, to see him giving me his shy smile like always.

He steps out of the car, and hands a man his car keys and walks over to my side and opens my door and reaches for my hands before closing it. "Mr. Jones, your table is ready for you." An old, man says, as we walk by and Garrett nods back before leading me to an elevator which reaches to heaven because that shit took ages to get to the floor.

I'm not a classy bitch if you couldn't tell--

"This is-- wow-- looks expensive.. what are you? A under cover billionaire?" I tell him, as I take a sip of water that was already on the table, making him laugh.

"No, but today was you're birthday so I had to go all out" He says, as a waiter comes to take our order and I stare at him for a while because I'm lost, it's not every day I get to eat fancy food.

"What can I get you ma'am?" The waiter tells me as I place my menu down, and glance at Garrett before looking back to the waiter and smile at him.

"I'll have whatever he's having" I tell him, which he gives me a weird look before I give him a look in return which makes him retreat his gaze to Garrett.

That's right bitch, fear me--

After, Garrett orders for the both of us he turns to look at me with a look in his eyes that say "don't do anything that will get us kicked out."

" You know, you could've taking me to Mcdonalds, and I would've been happier either way" I tell him, as I look out the window to see the city lights shinning in the dark making me smile, before turning back to Garrett.

"I know, but I want you to have a good birthday, and this is me making sure that happens, you've had crappier birthday's so why not make at least one perfect." He says, as he leans forward and takes my hand in his.

"Hey, I don't want you to worry about anything today--okay? Just have fun, and forget about everything and everyone" He says, as our food comes, and he thanks them before they place a bottle of wine on our table.

We continue to eat and talk about everything you can think about and me being me I talk about everything and when I say everything, I mean everything like dogs, cats, houses, the stars, my favorite flowers and foods. Which, now thinking about it Garrett doesn't care about how much I talk or what I talk about because he listens to every little detail I say.

I stare at him for a while, trying to figure out a way to thank him for this amazing dinner as we type away on his phone before placing it back on the table and looks at me, with a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He says, staring back at me

I shake my head, and let out a sigh " Nothing, just trying to come up with a way to say thank you for this dinner-- this night without crying like a little kid, this was really nice of you even though you didn't have to take me on this expensive restaurant, and yet you did and it just makes me realize how I've been treated my whole life even by my family and ex-boyfriend--Garrett no one has ever done anything like this before, so thank you Garrett" I tell him, as my eyes start to water and am trying so hard not to cry in front of these rich bitches.

Garrett reaches for my hand and looks at me "Angel, if you think this was where our night was going to end, this is just the beginning" He says, with a smile before leaving money on the table and handing the waiter his card and turns to look at me again.

"I don't know many times, I have to tell you this Angel but today is your day, don't worry about the cost, don't worry about what other people thing, just have fun" He says, as he rubs his thumb in a circle motion on the back of my hand to comfort me.

We finally, leave the restaurant and get into his car before he starts driving again as he lets me put one of my favorite songs by Morgan Wallen "More than my hometown".

"Where are we going now?" I ask, as I lean my head back and turn to look at him.

"Going back to the dorm so that we could change, for your next surprise" He says, as he puts his hand on my thigh and continues to drive.

After, countless hours, minutes of me asking him where we're going, or where this surprise is, he won't tell me anything all he did was turn up the volume on the music and smirks when I glare at him.

I turn to the window as the music start fading in the background and everything goes black.

I'm never eating that much food again, made me have a food coma.



I hope you enjoy this chapter! And sorry for the delay!! Got a lot of things going on, but guess who has a job with Starbucks now!! 😏

Anywho, if you see you don't 😘🙊


~Em ❤️

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