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By defmxl

12K 310 21

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1.1K 24 3
By defmxl


˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱


     The day had started lovely. The sea was alive. The big blue ocean always intrigued the young girl. Kxari always loved venturing out into the sea. Watching the animals swim around here and loved to watch the sea plants. Today was no different. The young girl woke up straight in the morning already darting out of her mauri. But her mother had other plans. 

The older Na'vi had dragged the young girl back inside the mauri. She shook her head quickly. Dragging the young girl back to a soft padded spot. Her ears were pulled back and a soft worried look was plastered onto her face.

"You cannot go out today Daughter."

Kxari always knew how her mother was strangely connected to Eywa. Well her mother convinced her that she was one with Eywa. At times her mother swore she could see the future.  Her mother was a great healer. She dreamed of being Tsahik but she couldn't be. So she worked alongside Ronal. Feeling her mother's uneasiness the little girl reluctantly nodded. At times Kxari and her little sister weren't allowed out of the mauri for days because of her mother's paranoia.

The mother sighed softly and stroked her daughter's cheek. She stood up once again and went to one of the baskets in the corner of their family's shared mauri. Grabbing a fruit and returning to the little na'vi. Kxari took it gratefully and bit into it. The cold tasty juices swarmed into her mouth. Quietly watching as her mother got up again and paced around the room. She would often do this to feel the air. Believing that Eywa would send her some sort of message like that.

The villagers would call her a freak. Calling her a sea witch. Such stupid rumors the young na'vi would think. She would glare at the villagers when they would start speaking such things. She believed her mother was special. 

Coming back to reality the fruit was no longer there. Seeing that she ate it all she stood up from her sitting position and went to rinse off her hands in a small bowl full of water. Her mother opened her eyes and spotted her daughter rinsing her hands off. Instead of the worry she displayed earlier, she had an energetic ring to her voice.

"Come Kxari. We are going to collect medicine near the reef."

Kxari's ears perked up and quickly turned her head towards her mother. A small smile reached her chubby cheeks and jumped up grabbing onto her mother's hand.

"You are letting me go near the reef mother? Really?"

"Yes daughter, now let's go." 

They both exited the mauri finding their way into the water. Hopping onto their ilus they have made it in no time where her mother needed to be. Her mother had ordered her to stay on the pile of rocks and try to find shells.

She did not remember how it happened. Nor how everything went down. Everything had been long forgotten from her mind. The only thing she knew was that she came home without her mother. Without a warm loving hand holding hers. Without her mother's loving care.


Disconnecting her queue from the spirit tree. The now older na'vi blankly looked at the spirit tree a bit and swam upwards towards the surface of the sea. Once a week since her mother had died she goes to the spirit tree to find out what happened that night. But it never came to her, only little memories of her when she was a child.

As she raised from the bottom of the water she took a small breath of air. Treading in water to keep her afloat she looked around for her ilu. Once she caught sight of it she called it over. The ilu gracefully swam towards her and Kxari easily mounted onto the ilus back. Forming tsaheylu she felt the ilu's emotions, it's every breath it took. 'Go.' Then the ilu swam off. Kxari turned her head to look back at the spirit tree. A sigh escaped her mouth and turned around again now submerged underwater.


Very quickly Kxari had exited the cove of ancestors. Looking around noticing that it had gotten dark she couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knew her father would yell at her for being out so late. Thinking she was out doing things she shouldn't be. Making way to the shallow end of the water she dismounted the ilu and patted it goodbye. As she reached the beach it was completely deserted. Families winding down in their mauris. She started walking towards her own. A familiar back faced her a huff escaped his nose before turning around and spotting his daughter. A scar ran across his face. His hair was braided back into a bun. Tattoos covered the side of his face. He stood up and walked towards his daughter and aggressively grabbed her arm.

"And where were you?"

He never showed any type of emotion other than hostility. Ronal and Maufaey shared that trait. But her father was much more strict. At times he did not treat his daughter as his daughter but as a warrior. 

Kxari cringed back a bit at the stronghold her father had on her. "I was just out swimming, father."

Her father sneered and pushed her forward. Another sigh escaped her lips at her father's attitude.

"Yeah right. Well you know you shouldn't be focusing on such things now. You must-!"

Ignoring the older na'vi, Kxari walked forwards to the entrance of her mauri. She walked into the dimly lit mauri and saw her little sister sleeping. A small smile formed on her lips and she crouched down near her sister's laying body. Kxari looked over at her sister's face in a quick movement, Kutaan placed her hand on her elder sister's cheek, softly caressing it. Kxari cuddled into her hand softly, then got up when her sister had taken her hand off. 

Going to her hammock and laying down. Hopping onto the hammock and then laying down she glanced outside of the mauri trying to look through the cloth that hung from the top of the mauri so no one could look in. Her eyes felt heavy as she gazed at the ocean, listening to the quiet waves. Finally letting sleep take over her body she fell limp.


Morning came quickly. Her father had let her take a break from training due to Tonowari's orders. Now she sat bored on a rock with Ao'nung beside her and Rotxo sitting in front of her. They had just finished hunting, managing to bring back many fish for the villagers. Ao'nung was laying on his back with his arms behind his head and Rotxo was playing with a patch of seaweed that had managed to get caught in his hair. Kxari was staring off into the deep blue ocean. In a bit, they were to go to Ronals Mauri and tend to her. She had announced her pregnancy a moon ago. So Kxari took it upon herself to help the pregnant na'vi out. Even though she denied even needing any help Kxari just loved hanging out with Ronal.  With Ao'nung and Rotxo accompanying her at times. 

Slowly blinking Kxari kept dozing off. Feeling a small wave of tiredness as she swayed from side to side. That was until a horn knocked her out of her trance. Ao'nung got up slowly from his lying position and Rotxo looked up alarmed. Kxari's brows furrowed as she looked around searching for what the horn could've been for. Ao'nung was searched as well. 

Once she had noticed what it was her posture tensed. Four ikran landed on their village's beach. Kxari got up quickly and examined the bundle of ikran that had landed. Both of the boys had gotten up from their places on the rocks. Rotxo looked uncertain and looked back at Kxari.

"What are those?"

Kxari let out a deep breath and turned to both of them. "Forest people."

Her blunt answer made Ao'nung scowl and he started walking towards the cluster of people that had just gathered. Rotxo soon followed after. Kxari was quick to follow them as well. Making their way toward the crowd, she noticed the group of Omaticaya people. Taking note of how their skin was a much darker shade of blue, their hair was braided from their roots to their ends, and their accessories and loincloths were made of plants and such from the forest. Their eyes are a nice shade of yellow.  It was a family. Kxari noticed that the family standing in front of them was Toruk Maktos.

Since she was young she had adored the story of Toruk Makto. He was one of the people she had looked up to. The crowd moved out of the way so they could pass through. Ao'nung was first to check the people out and Rotxo followed after. The sons of Toruk Makto had put their fingers to their heads and brought them down indicating 'I see you'. Ao'nung just scoffed at them and circled the rest of the family.

A stoic look covered Kxari's face as she passed by the two sons.  Both of them were already shocked by how both of the Metkayina boys had not returned the gesture. The eldest looked at the female na'vi expecting the gesture but she did not return it either. The Omaticaya male scoffed and shook his head. Even though he was disrespected that way he couldn't help but think she was beautiful. But to him the disrespect made her look quite ugly.

Her face was blankly looking at him and he couldn't help but give her a small glare. Noticing this Kxari clenched her fists and bit the insides of her cheeks. Looking away from the two boys she walked toward Toruk Makto and his mate. With a swift move, she lifted her fingers towards the adults and brought them down indicating 'I see you' The older male and his mate noticed and returned the gesture.

But in Kxari's mind she held no hostility towards the newcomers she felt admiration towards Toruk Makto and his mate. She had heard many stories about how Toruk Makto brought together all the forest clans to fight against the tulkun hunters. Also heard stories about his mate Neytiri, she was strong and ambitious. While those stories were told she had also heard some about their eldest son, Neteyam. She admired the male.

Seeing him face to face made her shy and nervous. But she couldn't show that. Not now. He and his family are trespassing. She did not know them. Those were just stories she had listened to and she did not know them personally.  She did not know if they had ill intentions or not so she kept her hard exterior.

She did not know.

Kxari continued walking towards Ao'nung and Rotxo. They had stopped beside the two boys of Toruk Makto. They stopped to tease them both.

"Their tails are so skinny, how are they supposed to swim?"

Their teasing caught the ears of the two boys but they ignored it. Ao'nung smirked and elbowed Kxari, giving her a taunting look. She briefly looked at him and rolled her eyes. That's when she heard a splash of water. Looking back she saw her little sister on her ilu as she trailed beside Tseriya. They dismounted their ilus and disappeared into the water. Then reappeared on land and Tseriya took notice of how they were teasing the boys, she was quick to smack both of the boys. Kutaan raised her eyebrows at Kxari and the older girl shot her hands up defensively.

"Rotxo, Ao'nung. Don't." Rotxo looked at Tseriya slightly offended and Ao'nung only sighed, backing away a bit. One of the Omaticaya boys turned towards Tseriya and raised his eyebrows. A hopeful grin reached his lips.

"Hey." A blush rose onto Tseriya's face as she looked down and giggled softly. Kxari's eyebrows furrowed and she stepped in front of Tseriya and Kutaan. She was covering them from the male's wandering eyes. The eldest glared at her harshly before turning around again.

That's when Tonowari flew above the group of Metkayina people. Kxari noticed how the Forest na'vi crouched down and couldn't help but feel a small smirk rise on her lips. Kutaan noticed and punched her sister's arm. With a swift move, Tonowari landed in the water. He dismounted his tsurak and walked towards land. Walking with confidence he approached the much older Omaticaya. With a kind gesture, he reached his fingers to his forehead and brought them down. Then towards the rest of the family.

That's when the crowd moved out of the way. Kxari straightened her back and looked forward to seeing Ronal approaching from between the crowd. A confused look crossed her face. Now their focus was on the tsahik of the Metkayina and the Kxaris father following behind. A hostile look covered his harsh features. Tonowari held an arm outwards.

"Why do you come to us, Jakesully?"

"We seek uturu." Jake threw his arms outwards as he let out an anxious breath.

"Uturu?!" Ronal exclaimed in shock. Her gaze hardened towards the man.

"Yes, sanctuary for my family."

"We are reef people. You are forest people. Your skills will mean nothing here."  Tonowari let out a breath of surprise as he stared at Jakesully.

"We will learn your ways. Am I right?" Jake noticed how Ronal had started circling the family. Studying them. Kxari watched how Ronals hard gaze fell upon each one of the Omaticaya.

Ronal moved behind Jakesullys mate and grabbed her tail softly, studying it. Then she reached forward to the youngest child and grabbed ahold of her arm.

"Their arms are thin."

Ronal stated bluntly. The scared child ran off into her father's safe hands. Kxari felt bad for the child to say the least. 'Poor thing. Having to move from their  home from such dangers.' A small frown etched her face but shook her head slightly. She looked over at her father and he was already looking at her. An ugly frown was plastered onto his face, 'Don't'. Turning back from her father's gaze to Ronal once again. 

"Their tails are weak. You will be slow in the water." Now grabbing the eldest girl's tail. A faint 'ow' left her mouth. Kxari then took her in for a moment before a low gasp escaped her mouth when Ronal grabbed the girl's hand.

"These children are not even true Na'vi."

Kxari's ears perked up as she saw this. Her mouth left open as she now noticed. Shaking her head slightly her posture tensed. She noticed how now the eldest of  Toruk Maktos sons was glaring at the tsahik. Her glare hardened toward the male. He had a reasonable reason as to why he was showing such disrespect towards the Tsahik but this was still the Tsahik. 

As though he felt her hard glare, he turned around and glared at her back. Their fiery eyes met. With a small huff, he turned around to face the situation at hand once again. 'For the love of Eywa let's hope I don't ever encounter this woman if they accept us to stay.'

Now Ronal was showcasing the girl's hands. The girl looked back anxiously at her father but he did not do anything. When she had noticed she struck back at the tsahik and pulled her hands out of her soft grip. "Yes, we are."

Ronal walked faster toward the youngest of the boys. She forcefully grabbed onto his hand and now showcased his hand. "They have demon blood!"

The crowd now started snarling as they learned this news. The boy's head hung low in shame. Their voices almost grew louder until the voice of Jakesully rang throughout the crowd.

"Look. Look!"

Ronal turned her head towards Jake. Then threw the boy's hand down.

"Look I was born with the sky people and now I am na'vi, Okay? We can adapt. We will adapt!"

Jakesully was trying to persuade the tsahik and the crowd of people as he looked around trying to look for gazes of reassurance only to find none. Their eyes held hostility. Now his mate stepped forward.

"My husband was Toruk Makto." Her voice was laced with pride towards her mate. But instead of Toruk Makto holding his chest up high in pride, he only cringed back at his mates' words.

"He led the clans to victory against the sky people." Neytiri's glare moved from Ronal to Tonowari.

"This is what you call victory? Hiding amongst strangers? It seems Eywa has turned her back on you. Chosen one." This seemed to have riled up Neytiri as she stepped forward quickly. She bared her teeth and let out a low growl. Ronals ears pinned back as she let out a hiss in return. Kxari looked at her father, noticing his body seemed much more tense. His grip tightened so hard around the spear that the teal skin on his knuckles had turned white.

Kxari couldn't help but stare in astonishment. Her jaw hangs lowly. Before anything else could happen Jakesully jumped in. "I apologize for my mate. She has come a long way,"

"Do not apologize for me."

"And she's exhausted."

"Jake." Neytiri had looked over at her mate trying to quiet him down. But only for him to look at her dismissively as she turned around in defeat and backed up in annoyance. Ronal as well backed away. Tonowari looked uncertain between both of the angered females.

Kxari looked at Tonowari, he felt uneasy to try and interact with his wife in fear of being bit back as well. Kxari knew Ronal to be fierce and protective so she felt some pride when she witnessed Ronal stand her ground. Tonowari waited a few moments, thinking of what to say next. He stepped forward once again to take control of this heated argument.

"Toruk Makto is a great war leader. We all know his story. But us Metkayina are not at war. We cannot let you bring your war here."

He reached forward and patted Jakesully's shoulder. After he had let go, the small child ran to her father's embrace and he swiftly picked her up. "Look I'm done with war. I just wanna keep my family safe."

"Uturu has been asked." Neytiri held her daughter's hand that was settled on her shoulder as she let out a defeated sigh.

Tonowaris gaze softened toward both interactions. As well as Kxari, her brows unfurrowed as she watched. Now, Tonowari moved to his mate's side and pulled her aside. Their silent conversation ended quickly with Ronal giving a slight nod.

"Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless." The last sentence was made to jab through each of the family members. To try hard. Jakesully sighed, relieved. He turned towards the family.

"Now what do we say?"

The whole family had uttered small 'thank yous.'

"My son Ao'nung and our daughter Tseriya will show your children what to do."

"Father, why do I-?"

Tonowari was quick to dismiss his complaint. Tseriya turned to the family with a huge grin. "Come I will show you our village."

Kxari laughed in Ao'nung's face when she noticed she wasn't assigned to teach them. But Kutaan was quick to dismiss her glee. Her younger sister brought a hand forward onto her arm and pulled her back before she could go anywhere.

"Nope, You're going to help us bring their stuff to their new mauri."

Now it was Ao'nungs turn to laugh in her face but she simply rolled her eyes and put her hand in his face. Now Kutaan had dragged her forward to follow Tseriya who was already assisting the newcomers. Kutaan let her arm go and went to ask if they needed a hand. Kxari only hung back with Ao'nung and Rotxo next to her. Then the smaller na'vi ran forward with a box in her hands holding up to her.

"You have to help me take my toys!"

Kxari noticed and reached her hand outward to grab the box. Giving the younger a firm nod she held the box protectively near her chest. "Don't worry. I'll keep them safe for you."

The little girl smiled up at her and returned to her family to grab more stuff. Ao'nung turned to her and raised his brows at her. Then he gave her a taunting smirk.

"Don't worry. I'll keep them safe for you." He mocked his impression of her voice. If she wasn't holding this box she would've smacked him upright. She only glared at him and pushed him away with her elbow. Tseriya and Kutaan came walking forward with their hands full and passed them both. The family followed suit. The older brother had passed by and glared at Kxari. 'Oh, Eywa. What's his problem now?'  With Kxari sighing defeatedly, she walked behind them all.

As always the homes of the villagers were bursting with energy. But stopped all at once when they had passed by. Curiosity rang through their minds as they noticed the chief's children with newcomers. Then the homes became much more secluded. That's when she noticed she had passed her mauri. Looking back at Ao'nung he only gave her a smirk in realization. 'We're going to live close to each other.'

Kxari knew Ao'nung was going to laugh in her face later. But she couldn't care less, she was just praying that they weren't obnoxious. Now they have made it to their new home. The family had entered the mauri taking in the new scenery. With a loud sigh, Neytiri dropped her large mat. Kxari looked uncertain for a bit. Her lips pressed together as she looked around the mauri. 'Is it not to her liking? No. No, it isn't she must be stressed since she had to leave her home.'

They had started placing their stuff down then the smaller child came up to her again. Urging her to return her box of toys. Kxari gave her a small smile and returned it. "Seems like I gave it back to you safely, huh? But you gotta pay now."

The smaller child's ears perked up in surprise but let out a small giggle when she noticed that Kxari was playing pretend. Placing the box down, she opened it and crouched down as she looked through the box. That's when she pulled out a piece of wood and reached a hand out for Kxari to take the treasure. Kxari took it and noticed what seemed to be a broken piece from one of her toys. She looked down at the girl who was giving her an eager look.

Fiddling with the broken piece she held it up to the sky and closed one eye. With a firm nod, she placed it in her pouch. "Yup, Thank you for your service, little lady."

"It's Tuk! Not 'little lady'! Get it right."

Tuk played along with a huge smile on her face. Kxari's nose scrunched as she felt her smile widen. "Why, of course. My apologies Tuk." 

Her father then ushered the little girl back into the marui so she can help them out. Jakesully looked at her with a small smile and let out a 'thank you,' Kxari only looked back at him nodding a bit. Now that they were dismissed the five na'vi walked away. Kutaan was first to walk forward and grabbed a hold of her sister's arm.

"Neteyam was cute, wasn't he? Right, Kxari?"

Kxari gave her an unimpressed look, trying to shrug away her younger sister. "I saw how you two were looking at each other."

Ao'nung then jumped in. "Yeah with such love. Looking like they were going at each other's throats."

Rotxo laughed loudly. Kxari then smirked when she looked at Tseriya. A lovestruck look was stuck on her face as a huge smile was plastered onto her face. Kutaan went forward to her best friend to tease her as well.

"And Tseriya with her new boyfriend, huh."

Ao'nung was quick to look at Tseriya and gave her an accusing look. She only shot back by giving Ao'nung a small eye roll then giggle and ran forward to latch onto Kxari's other arm. Tseriya looked up at Kxari with a smile on her face.

"Tomorrow we will be teaching them to swim. Will you join us?"

Kxari frowned a bit and shook her head. "No. Can't I have to train early in the morning? But I can join a bit later if you'd like." Kutaan smiled and pressed her cheek against her sister's arm.

"Yes! Yes!"


˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱

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