DEMONS | Nikolai Lantsov

By Undertalesoflight

7.8K 216 42

Book Two of the DARLING series! "I am the one thing that I can't protect you from." Highest Ranking: #9 King... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

500 19 16
By Undertalesoflight

---Mara's POV---

From the lighthouse's towering vantage point, Mara's blue eyes watched longingly at the endless expanse of the sea, yearning for the adventure and a love that had once burned brightly.

Years ago, Captain Nikolai had sailed into Mara's life. His ship, The Hummingbird, had captured her heart with its billowing sails and tales of far-off lands. They had spent precious moments together, wrapped in a whirlwind romance fueled by whispered promises and stolen kisses.

But as time passed, Nikolai didn't come, and his promise to return had become a mere echo fading into the vastness of the sea. Mara, ever faithful, eagerly waited for his return, clinging to the hope that he would sail back to her. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, until her longing became tinged with bitterness and a sense of being used.

One stormy night, as the waves crashed against the rocks and the lighthouse's beacon cast its piercing light into the darkness, Mara made a decision. With tears streaming down her face, she whispered her final goodbye to Nikolai and locked away the memories of their love in the depths of her heart.

From that moment on, Mara focused her energy on nurturing the lighthouse and providing guidance to ships that passed through treacherous waters.

But lately, Mara's dreams had been haunted by visions of a mysterious figure. This enigmatic man wielded the power of shadows, an ability that both intrigued and frightened Mara. In her dreams, he spoke to her, urging her to embrace her inner light fully, assuring her that he alone could teach her the path to mastery.

Each night, she would have the same dream, but she dared not to speak back to the man. But after a few weeks of restless nights, Mara couldn't take it anymore. And she went to bed that night with a different plan. She discovered the Darkling waiting, cloaked in shadows, his piercing eyes fixed upon her. "Mara," he whispered, his voice laced with both power and vulnerability, "I have watched you, witnessed your potential. You hold the key to unlocking the true essence of light within."

Curiosity burned within Mara's heart as she questioned the Darkling. "Who are you, and why do you desire to guide me?"

The Darkling smirks, his voice dripping with seduction. "Ah, Mara, my dear Mara, I am the Darkling, a master of shadows and wielder of the secrets of light. I have watched you, observed your potential, and I wish to teach you how to harness the true power of your light. I am like you. And no one else is like us."

Mara's eyes widen, her mind racing to make sense of this encounter. "But why me? What do you gain from guiding me?"

The Darkling's expression darkens, and a hint of menace taints his voice. "You see, my dear, the balance of light and shadow must be maintained. There is no one without the other. We are destined to tear down the fold, but I cannot do it alone. Neither could you."

Torn between her instinctual wariness and a strange fascination with the Darkling's power, Mara hesitates. "And what do I gain from accepting your guidance? What lies beyond this training?"

The Darkling stepped closer, his piercing gaze locking with Mara's. "Power, my dear. True power that will shape the very fabric of your world. With my guidance, you will become a beacon of light, capable of illuminating the darkest corners of existence."

Mara's mind swirls with conflicting emotions, her heart torn between the allure of power and the instinctual caution urging her to resist. She takes a deep breath, summoning her courage.

The Darkling stepped forward, his presence both captivating and unsettling. His dark clothing and raven black hair sent a chill up her spine. As she looked upon him. "I am but a reflection of your own journey, Mara. I have walked the path of shadows, and now I offer you the chance to wield the light as it has never been done before. Together, we can bring down the fold."

Despite her uncertainty, Mara recognized the yearning within her, the desire to embrace her powers completely. With a newfound resolve, she accepted the Darkling's offer, willing to learn from him, to understand the harmony between light and shadow.

Under the Darkling's tutelage, Mara discovered the intricacies of her gift during the light of the moon, only taught in darkness. He taught her to shape light into radiant shields, blinding beacons, and gentle illuminations. But he also showed her the duality of shadows—their ability to cloak, conceal, and protect. Letting her betrayal from Nikolai fuel her powers.

Mara's days were filled with explorations, tending to the island's bountiful gardens, and dreaming of distant lands beyond the horizon.

Weeks later, when the sun painted the sky in hues of gold and pink, there came an unexpected knock at Mara's door. Opening it, she discovered a girl standing on her doorstep. She had blazing red hair that cascaded down her shoulders, eyes as deep as the ocean itself, and a radiant smile that warmed Mara's heart.

"Hello," She greeted Mara, her voice as melodious as a songbird. "I am Genya. I have been sent by the prince. He requests your presence in the royal palace."

Mara's eyes widened in surprise. "The prince? But I've never met him before. Why would he send for me?"

Genya's smile widened. "All your questions will be answered once you arrive. Please, come with me, for time is of the essence."

Curiosity tingling in her veins, Mara grabbed a shawl to shield herself from the evening chill and followed Genya through the winding paths of her island. They journeyed through dense forests, crossed babbling brooks, and climbed up hills until they reached a breathtaking cliff overlooking the sea. A magnificent ship adorned with golden sails awaited them, rocking gently on the water.

With Genya's reassuring presence, Mara stepped onto the ship, her heart a mixture of trepidation and excitement. As the sails unfurled and the ship set sail, Mara couldn't help but marvel at the vastness of the ocean and the possibilities it held. It also brought back that cold sting of the memories she tried not to remember. But she tried to stay optimistic, maybe this prince would be of better character. Maybe he had heard of her powers.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days as the ship sailed across the endless blue expanse. Mara and Genya shared stories, dreams, and laughter, forming a bond that felt as if they had known each other for a lifetime. Mara learned that Genya was not just an emissary; she was a friend who had been chosen to accompany her on this grand adventure.

Finally, the ship arrived at a bustling harbor, surrounded by towering walls of a majestic city. Genya led Mara through the winding streets until they reached the grand doors of the royal palace. As they entered, Mara's breath caught in her throat at the opulence that enveloped her. Intricate tapestries, gleaming chandeliers, and a symphony of whispers echoed through the grand halls.

In the heart of the palace, Mara was ushered into a grand chamber where the prince awaited her. The ceiling was as tall as two stories, and a large fireplace roared to her right. A massive white bed was placed in the opposite corner with two leather armchairs facing the fireplace. Someone sat in one of them. A deep red rug covered most of the floor, tall candles lighting the various corners of the room. But as the person stood, Mara stopped in her tracks. Genya, and the guards that had accompanied her stood back, waiting by the door.

The man stood tall, his eyes filled with warmth and familiarity. It was then that Mara realized she had indeed met the prince before. Just not in this setting. He looked different, he wore polished black boots, and his hair was neatly combed away from his face. He wore a green uniform, all kinds of metals and ribbons practically hanging off of him. She gripped her fingers tightly into fists. Her nails leaving little crescent moons on her palms. Her breathing quickened.

"Y-You're the prince?" She hissed.

With a gentle smile, Nikolai spoke, "Mara." He spoke her name like a vow, causing Mara's skin to turn cold. "I'm so relieved you came, please come sit, I want to explain everything." He motioned for her to sit next to him. The emotion in his eyes scanning over her, his gaze achingly tender.

The mixture of the situation and the fireplace made the room especially warm, and Mara found it hard to breathe. She crossed the room quickly, and Nikolai began to smile in excitement. Expecting to embrace her. But was instead met with the fresh sting of her hand as she struck him across the cheek.

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