Chapter 19

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---Mara's POV---

She reached out, her arms dangling in the air. It was dark as night inside the monster, so dark that Mara wouldn't have been able to see her own hand if she waved it in front of her own face.

Her fingers and palms tingling in anticipation, before a sudden sensation of contact made her jump. Her touch had landed on his shoulders. His familiar cotton shirt was soft against her skin, but she could feel Nikolai's strained breaths and sweaty skin underneath. She quickly embraced him, and his arms flew around her form in return. 

"I found you." she whispered, her voice trembling with relief. "I've got you."

Nikolai held her tightly, his body shaking against hers. "Mara," he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and regret. "I'm so sorry for everything."

Mara clung to Nikolai's shadowed form; her arms wrapped tightly around him as he convulsed in the grip of the monstrous transformation. She could feel his body trembling, his skin slick with sweat, and his screams reverberated through her being, tearing at her heart.

"Stay with me, Nikolai," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination. "You're not alone. I'm here."

She could sense the battle raging within him, the struggle between the darkness and the flickering remnants of his true self. With each scream that tore through the air, Mara's grip tightened, refusing to let go of the man she loved.

In the midst of the chaos, a part of her felt a flicker of hope. Hope that her presence, her love, could somehow anchor Nikolai to the light within him, even in the darkest of moments. She pressed her cheek against his, feeling the dampness of his skin, and whispered soothing words into his ear.

"Remember, Nikolai, who you are," Mara whispered, her voice filled with conviction. "You are more than this darkness. You are a king, a leader, and the man who holds my heart."

As if in response to her words, Nikolai's trembling began to subside. The convulsions gradually eased, replaced by a profound stillness that settled upon his form. Mara felt his arms wrap around her, his hold gentle yet firm, as if seeking solace in her embrace.

She refused to let the darkness consume him entirely. "Nikolai," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of determination and tenderness. "It's going to be okay."

The shadow monster trembled under her touch, its form shifting and contorting, as if struggling against the bonds of its own existence. Mara could feel Nikolai's presence within, his essence intertwined with the darkness. She held onto him tightly, pouring her love and light into the abyss that surrounded him.

Through the shadows, she could sense the turmoil within Nikolai. His muffled cries reached her ears, the voice of a man trapped within his own darkness. "Mara," his voice echoed, a desperate plea for salvation. "You need to get out of here. It's not safe." His replied, his voice breaking.

"Do you trust me?" Mara asked, reaching into the pocket of her dress. Nikolai only nodded; his eyes shut as he hissed away the pain. Her fingers wrapped around the glass tube with great surety, pulling it out of its safe place in the fabric folds of her garment. She popped off the cork and raised it to her lips swiftly, the cool liquid burning her tongue as it slid down her throat.

After tossing the vile away to the ground, she closed her eyes. Drawing upon the strength within her, Mara mustered her power, igniting a brilliant star of light in the palm of her hand. Its radiance pierced through the gloom, pushing back the encroaching darkness. With unwavering determination, she focused her energy, channeling it into a force that would defy the very essence of the shadow monster.

She pushed it forward onto Nikolai's chest, just over his heart.

Mara gazed into Nikolai's eyes, determination burning within her. She knew that the path to freeing him from the grip of the shadow demons would not be easy, but she was willing to do whatever it took to save him. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached out, gently cupping his face. She could feel the drug beginning to work, so she would need to speak quickly and efficiently. 

"Nikolai, listen to me," she spoke with unwavering conviction. "You must hold very still, and you must not interrupt me, this might be painful as well. But you are strong, and I will be here."

Nikolai nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and hope. He had seen firsthand the destructive power of the shadow within him, but he also knew that Mara possessed an inner light that could counter its influence. With his faith firmly placed in her, he stood ready to confront his demons.

Drawing upon her connection to the light, Mara closed her eyes and focused her energy, allowing her magic to flow through her veins. She could feel the warmth building within, radiating from her core and extending to her fingertips. Slowly, she opened her eyes, the irises shimmering with a brilliant luminescence.

She began to chant ancient incantations, invoking the power of her light magic. Speaking the words as if they were her own language. Waves of pure energy emanated from her, swirling around Nikolai like ethereal tendrils. The dark shadows that clung to him recoiled in response, their oppressive hold weakening under the onslaught of her radiant power.

Mara's hands moved in intricate patterns over his chest and up over his neck, her movements sure and gentle. His skin burned and began to glow wherever she touched, the dark veins on her skin growing and retreating quickly with every touch. Nikolai groaned but did his best to remain completely still. He could feel the war between light and dark within him, and it was the painful experience he had ever endured.

She focused her magic, honing it with precision as she directed the luminous energy towards Nikolai's being.

As the light enveloped him, a struggle ensued. The shadows fought back, resisting the expulsion of their stronghold. Mara's brows furrowed in concentration as she pushed harder, refusing to yield to the darkness. She poured her love, her strength, and her unwavering belief in Nikolai into her magic.

In a crescendo of power, the light erupted with blinding intensity, engulfing both Mara and Nikolai. She pulled him closer, holding his jaw in her hands. She heard him gasp as he realized that her eyes had fully changed into a golden yellow glow. She moved her fingertips lightly against his skin, coxing his eyes shut. This power felt good, it tickled her senses, and it made her smile as she witnessed her fully enhanced abilities.

The dark space around them seemed to vibrate with energy as the battle between light and shadow raged within him. Mara's voice rose in a melodic chant, her words infused with determination and unwavering resolve. Her breath on his lips, demanding the release of her lover from the demons within him. Her voice ringing louder and louder. 

With each passing moment, the shadows weakened, their grip on Nikolai faltering. As Mara's magic intensified, the darkness gradually receded, dissolving into mere remnants clinging to his spirit. She could see Nikolai's features soften, the weight of the shadow demons lifting from his soul.

And then, in a final burst of brilliance, the shadows were banished. Nikolai stood before her; his countenance free from the taint that had consumed him. The light within his eyes sparkled once more, a reflection of his true feelings towards Mara.

"Mara," he whispered, his voice filled with awe and relief. "You did it. You saved me."

A smile graced Mara's lips as she embraced him again, holding him tightly as if afraid he might slip away. Pulling away quickly to press her lips into his once more, feeling that he had regained his full strength as his arms wound around her. Holding her firmly against him, kissing her back earnestly and desperately.

But then everything began to spin, and she tried to grip onto Nikolai, but her mind wouldn't let her. Her limbs felt numb, and she no longer held control. Her knees buckled and her body began to fall. Her eyes turning entirely black before her eyelids fell closed. Gravity gripping her body as Nikolai stumbled to catch her. The world growing dark as she passed out in his arms.

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