Chapter 3

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---Mara's POV---

In the war-torn nation of Ravka, turmoil deepened as the conflict raged on and whispers of the fabled Sun Summoner, who possesses the power to bring light and hope, grew louder by the day. Mara, torn between her feelings for Nikolai and her frustration with him, found herself amidst the chaos, navigating the treacherous corridors of the palace. She felt like a caged bird.

With the escalating danger, Mara's heart ached for the people of Ravka, for the lives lost and the suffering endured. She sought solace within the palace walls, her mind consumed by the weight of the war. Hiding away in her room, escaping into her nightly dreams with the Darkling. He had remained constant and has given her comfort in his stability. Continuing her lessons in private.

One morning, as Mara made her way through the palace in a lovely lilac dress, adorned with bows and roses. Her hair flowing down her back in loose curls, seeming to frame her face in sunlight. Her heels clicked quickly as she wandered through the opulent halls, Genya at her side. Nikolai had made the arrangements for Genya to be Mara's companion. Knowing that her anger wouldn't bring her to him. Mara didn't argue and enjoyed her company despite it being due to Nikolai.

"Why did he leave?" Mara asked, turning to Genya. "I mean the palace. His duties."

"He wasn't ready. And he isn't the first in line, so it wasn't as urgent for him to prepare for the throne." Genya spoke softly. "Many thought he'd never return, and as Prince Vasily grew older, and more... for lack of better words, disagreeable." The girls softly giggled. "It was clearer than ever before that this nation would fall without Nikolai's return. We are lucky he came back at all."

"But he still isn't first in line." Mara added.

"He isn't, but he'll find a way. He's returned smarter and braver than before. We just need to help as much as we can. After all he's just a man. He needs as much help as he can get."

Mara remained quiet.

"You have been avoiding him for weeks. I know what he did wasn't fair, but he's here now. He asks how you're doing every day. You should at least try to talk to him."

Mara's stomach twisted. She gave Genya a soft smile.

"Thank you, Genya. I think I need a moment. I'll meet you upstairs in a while." Mara spoke, reaching for Genya's arm and giving it a small squeeze. Genya nodded, and Mara watched her walk down the hall before turning around and running towards the large French doors against the wall behind her. She opened them swiftly, breathing heavily.

She gripped the railing as she pressed a hand to her ribs. The dresses they had given her were much too tight. And they made her bones scream constantly. She took a few deeper calming breaths as she gazed out over the city from a balcony, but the sound of footsteps approaching from behind her broke her attention from the scenery.

"I'm alright." She said, as she waved the person away assuming it was either a guard or Genya. But when they didn't respond she turned to find Nikolai standing beside her, his eyes filled with concern. Mara jumped. Causing Nikolai's mouth to turn up into a slightly amused smile.

"Hello Mara. Are you sure you are alright?" He said softly, his hand hesitantly raised as if to rest it on her back. But his arm fell at his side, when she didn't reply. She just looked at his face, shutting down her feelings as he searched her eyes. He wasn't the person she wanted to see right now. "Listen, I understand your anger, and your disappointment when you realized that I was the prince. But please, we can't let our personal differences tear us apart when Ravka needs us the most."

Mara's gaze remained fixed on him, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "Nikolai, you broke my trust. I don't know if I can let things be as they were. And why does Ravka need me? This is your country not mine. I don't want to be here. Especially if it's just to be another pretty face for you to see in the halls." Her gaze slipped from him and fell to the intricate gold stitching of his dark green uniform.

His voice quivered with a mix of sorrow and conviction. "I bear the weight of my decisions, Mara. I wanted to keep you safe. The past few years have been nothing short of chaotic. But I am determined to end this war, to bring peace and prosperity back to Ravka. And I need your help. Ravka needs you because you are the Sun Summoner. You have an amazing gift. One that is powerful. The Fold is a major component of this war, and if what the legend says is true, I think you can help me bring it down. And it's creator. But there are also rebellions and contention between my people and Grisha. You see there is so much good that can be done with your help."

"And what does the conflicts between the people and Grisha have to do with me?" Mara spoke, turning towards the railing again.

"You're not going to like it." He said slowly. Shifting his weight. His hands now resting at ease behind his back. "At least not with how you've been acting towards me. No one believes me when I say that we once shared a great and epic romance." He smirked.

Mara turned to face him again. "I'm so glad that that is the story that is being told. Being left on an island alone for 4 years is hardly romantic." She rolled her eyes. "The rumors of the Sun Summoner residing in the palace... they're putting everyone at risk, including me. I didn't want any of this."

Nikolai's expression softened as he reached out to gently touch Mara's hand. "I won't let anything happen to you, Mara. But my personal advisors, me included, think that a union between us would show that coexisting together is possible. Grisha and not." She remained frozen; but his fingers were warm as he gently took her hand. "Together, we can protect everyone and find a way to use your power for the good of Ravka. Trust me." His eyes were earnest, drilling into her inner thoughts. She felt pinned against a wall, but in reality, was standing perfectly still.

"Trust you," Mara laughed under her breath, pulling her hand away sharply. "I did. With my whole heart. But Nikolai do you know what it's like to think someone is coming for you, only for you to be left. Forgotten. Abandoned." She said firmly, taking a step closer to him, looking him dead in the eye. "And now you want me to marry you, just like that. How convenient for you."

"I know it's sudden. And I haven't been a saint. Far from one. But who I was when I was with you on the island, on the sea, that was me. It wasn't fake. I did love you." He swallowed. "Please, I cannot do this alone."

"This is rich." Mara muttered. "You've lost your mind." Pushing past him, entering the palace and walking down the hall. Nikolai jogged to catch up with her and grabbed her arm. His firm grip caused her to stop, looking directly in his eyes. Their faces inches away from each other's, the air around them falling painfully still.

"This is bigger than you and me." He whispered, loosening his grip slightly. "At least tell me that you'll think about it. And if your answer is no... Well then you'll never have to see me again. I'll leave you alone."

Mara's heart began to slow, and she took a smooth breath in. "Fine. I'll think about it."

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