Forget Me Not : A Sequel to R...

By ladykarissa

940 1.9K 409

Forget Me Not Is The Sequel to Remember Me I am going to submit for Watty Awards 2023 that begins on July 1... More

I was only Ten Years Old When My Great-Grandmother Died
The Dark-Hair Second Cousin
June 14, 2330
The Girl I Meant To Be
The First Suitor, Lord Willliam Seymour,
The Second Suitor: Lord Edward Somerset
Two Dukedoms United
The Promised Kept and Fulfilled
Two Years Before The Birth of Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard
The Two Third Cousins
My Dear Son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth
The Romance of Lord Frederick William Howard
Lord Patrick William Howard The Third
My Maternal Grandmother
The Happiest Marriage
What Are Friends For
The Daughter of A Duke
My Step-Great-Grandfather, Lord Richard William Carey
My Grand-Aunt, Lady Caroline Matilda Carey
The Howard-Carey Actors and Their Wives
The Mysterious Picture
What Is My Destiny, Great-Grandmother
My Cup Over Flows With Joy
My Succession to The Dukedom of Norfolk
Part One :My Heir, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth
Part Two: My Heir, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth- His Brides
Part Three: My Heir, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth - His Brides -
Part Four of My Heir, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The fourth -The Brides
45 Years Later After The Death of My Great-Grandmother
Lord Jerome Alexander Stuart, Earl of Moray on Star Base 10
The Duke of Lennox Territory and His Lady
A Girl In The Valley
The Future Duchess of Sussex Territory
Lord Anthony Christopher Howard The Second & Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard
Lord William Patrick Howard and Lady Charlotte Augusta Stafford
Lady Patricia Charlene Howard and Lord Ralph Neville
Listen to Your Heart Based On The Song by Roxette
Look To Your Dreams Based a Song By The Carpenters
The Romantic Side of Lord Andrew Charles Howard
The Highland Lass
Hello Young Lovers : Taken From The King and I
The Two Rivals Meet
The Cherish Picture
Part Two: The Cherished Picture
Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard,
The Untold Love Story
Part One- Strong Mothers -Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort
The Gentle Mother- Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill
Part Two: The Strong Mothers- Lady Karissa
I Can Dream Can't I Based on A Carpenter Song
The Becks of Star Base 12
Born to Governor The Dukedom of Norfolk Territory
The Howard Ancestry
The Flight From Pre-World War Three Planet Earth - April 30, 2153
BeWare of Wolves In Sheep Clothing
From A Distance, Based on The Song by Bette Midler
Lady Florence Clara Howard, 3rd Duchess of Norfolk Territory
From Patrilineal to Matrilineal Primogeniture
The Reopening of Norfolk Estate
The First Countess of Moray on Star Base 10
The First Matriarch of The Howard Family
Lord John Carey, 1st Duke of Bedford Territory on Star Base 12
The Progressive Duke on Star Base 12
The Decision
Come Home To Me
Litha at Beltane Manor
The Gathering at Beltane Manor
The Long Waited For Heiress of Bedford Territory
Lord Anthony Christopher Howard's 2nd Birthday
Welcome To Star-Base 12

How Could I Ever Know

17 30 9
By ladykarissa

How could I know I would have to leave you?

How could I know I would hurt you so?

You were the one I was born to love

Oh, how could I ever know?

How could I ever know?

How can I say to go on without me?

How, when I know you still need me so?

How can I say not to dream about me?

How could I ever know?

How could I ever know?

Forgive me, can you forgive me?

And hold me in your heart

And find some new way to love me

Now that we're apart?

How could I know I would never hold you?

Never again in this world

But oh, sure as you breathe I am there inside you

How could I ever know?

How could I ever know?

How can I hope to go on without you?

How can I know where you'd have me go?

How can I bear not to dream about you?

Oh, how can I let you go?

How could I ever know?

All I need is there in the garden

All I would ask is care for the children of our love

Come, go with me, safe I will keep you

Where you would lead me, there I would

There I would, there we would, there we will go

Oh! How could I know?

Tell me how could I know?

Never to know you would ever leave me

How could we ever know?

How could we know?

How could I ever know?

Source: LyricFind

How Could I Ever Know lyrics © Concord Music Publishing LLC

How Could I Ever Know

Taken From The Broadway Musical :The Secret Garden

It hadn't been more than five days ago that my family celebrated my great-grandmother's 75th birthday on June 14, and everyone went out to Beltane Manor to celebrate the birthdays of my grand-uncle, Lord Anthony Christopher, Duke of Lancaster Territory, my grand-aunt, Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, her father, was not only my third cousin twice removed he was also my step-great-grandfather and my great-grandmother birthdays.

All of a sudden my family is plunged into grief as my grand uncle, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard found my great-grandmother had passed away in her garden at Beltane Manor.

My great-grandmother, Lady Karissa had told my great-uncle, Lord Anthony and Lord Richard William Carey, that she was going out into her garden and taking some fresh air.

My grand-uncle and step-great-grandfather thought of it, when my great-grandmother went out into her garden, but when she didn't return at noon time.

My granduncle, Lord Anthony Christopher, got worried about my great-grandmother and when he walked into her garden, he found that she had died out in her garden in favorite French Provincial Chair.

My grand uncle ran to his mother and he tried to resituate her but he kept breathing into her mouth until Dr. Crusher could be summoned, but by the time she arrived, it was too late my late great-grandmother had died.

When Lord Richard William Carey and Dr. Beverly Crusher found my great-uncle with my great-grandmother in his arms and he refused to let her go.

"You arrived too late, Dr. Crusher. My mother is gone." Lord Anthony Christopher tells her "If my cousin, Lord David William Beck hadn't died and he was still the medical officer on Star-Base 12. This would have never happened." Lord Anthony states.

"Please Cousin, Lord Richard William. Summon my sisters and brothers to Beltane Manor." Lord Anthony Christopher asks.

"Please let my father and Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley knows." Lord Anthony asked.

"My dear cousin, Lord Anthony Christopher. Your mother knew her time was short here on Star Base 12." Lord Richard William explains.

"You are besought with grief and it is understandable." Lord Richard William states " Your mother had lived for 75 years and she had raised eight children between Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, your father and me."

My mother receives the news from my grandmother and I hear her crying " What is wrong mama?" I ask.

"My dear Lady Victoria. Your great-grandmother died today in her garden. Your granduncle, Lord Anthony wasn't able to resuscitate her and by the time Dr. Crusher had arrived; it was too late." My mother tells me.

"Mother, We just saw her five days ago." I told her.

"Lady Victoria Elizabeth. Life is unpredictable and no one is guaranteed a long-life. We are like candles and some of us have short wicks and some of us have long wicks." My mother tells me.

"Your great-grandmother had a fairly long wick in her candle, but finally it died out." My mother tells me.

"Mother. How long will my wick be?" I ask.

"I don't know Lady Victoria Elizabeth. It all depends on Odin. You see." My mother tells me.

"I am only 35 years old and your grandmother is 55 years old." My mother tells me " You are only ten years old and I believe your great-grandfather, the next youngest child of your great-great-grandfather will leave us." My mother tells me.

"Your great-great-grandfather outlived his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather." My mother explains.

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior outlived his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and he outlived his two brothers, his first cousins, first cousins once removed and even twice removed." My mother told me.

"Your great-great-uncle, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third died in 2310, and he was followed ten years later with the death of his brother, Lord Patrick William Howard The Second, and I believe Lord Andrew Charles Howard will be the next to go and it only leaves your great-great-aunt, Lady Frederica Wilhelmina Howard." My mother explains.

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior outlived his first cousins, his uncles, his aunt, and his two brothers." My mother explains, "He has even buried a niece." My mother explains.

"Lady Victoria Elizabeth. It is the custom for young women to wear black at their great-grandmother's funeral and interment." My mother tells me.


When my great-grandfather heard the news of my great-grandmother's passing he started to yell " That murderous bastard. He killed the only woman that I will ever love."

"I will murder my second cousin for sending my beloved Duchess to her grave. This is a war between The Howard's and Careys and I don't know why my great-great-grandfather saved Lord John Carey on April 30, 2153." Lord Andrew Charles tells his son.

"I don't know what Lord Thomas Howard was thinking when he let his great-granddaughter, Lady Mary Boleyn marry Sir William Carey." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Lord Anthony Christopher. After we lay your mother to rest at Beltane Manor. I am calling in our kinsmen and I will take Lord Richard William Carey down." Lord Andrew Charles tells my grand-uncle.

"Who are these damn Carey's but an off-shot of the illegitimate line of Lord John Beaufort and his grandson, Lord Edmund Beaufort and his daughter, Lady Eleanor and her second husband and her daughter, Lady Margaret married Sir Thomas Carey and his second son marries the great-great-granddaughter of our esteem ancestor, Lord John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk who died at the hands of another Lancasterian bastard the usurper, Henry Tudor." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Father. You are grief stricken."My granduncle tells my great-grandfather.

"Father. You will be going against the prime directive that Lord Patrick William and the other Lords created in 2165." My granduncle tells him.

"Lord Richard William Carey is just another Petty Aristocrat, Lord Anthony. He comes from a Lancastarian background." Lord Andrew Charles tells his son.

"The Howard's, The Devereux's, The Neville's, The Staffords have always been staunch supporters of the Yorkists." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lord Anthony.

"First the murderous mother of Henry Tudor murders the two princes in the Towers and blames it on King Richard The Third." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"If it is not that bad enough, her son, Henry Tudor kills Prince Richard, Duke of York and Lord Edward of Warwick, and if that is not bad enough his son murders Lady Margaret De Pole, the last descendant of Lord Richard, Duke of York and Lady Cecily Neville." Lord Andrew Charles tells his son.

"Henry Tudor murders two of the great-great-granddaughters of Lord John Howard, 1st Duke of York, one of his great-grandsons, one of his great-great-grandsons, and finally under King Charles The Second, The Howard's are reinstated to their Dukedom of Norfolk in England." Lord Andrew Howard states.

"Old King Henry The Eighth didn't believe that his daughter, Princess Elizabeth who was part Howard could reign but she did for 45 years." Lord Andrew Charles tells my granduncle.

"Looks like the Howard's got the last laugh over the Tudors anyway." Lord Andrew Charles tells his son.

My grandmother arrives at Beltane Manor where my granduncles and grandaunts are embracing each other with tears in their eyes.

My grandmother looks at my grandaunt, Lady Caroline Matilda and she tells her "Get out of Beltane Manor. It belongs to Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard and she is no damn Carey." My grandmother tells her sister.

"Your damn father murder my mother and I wish we were never related." Lady Elizabeth tells my grandaunt.

"She was my mother too, Lady Elizabeth." My grandaunt, Lady Caroline Matilda tells her.

"I was her oldest child." Lady Elizabeth retorts "You were only her love-child."

"I guess you can say the same thing about Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard." Lady Caroline Matilda screams.

"Don't you dare insult my little sister. She is a Howard and she is the granddaughter of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior and the great-granddaughter of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior." Lady Elizabeth shouts.

"What are you, Lady Caroline Matilda. A nobody. A Petty Aristocrat like my great-great-grandfather stated your damn great-great-grandfather was." Lady Elizabeth states.

"No, your damn great-great-grandfather had to marry my great-great-aunt, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard, because my great-grandfather interfered with his father." Lady Elizabeth retorts.

"When Lady Karissa Ann becomes Duchess of Norfolk she will run you out of Star Base 12." Lady Elizabeth tells her sister.

My mother tells her mother "Mother. I won't do any such thing to my aunt, Lady Caroline Matilda because my grandmother wouldn't want it." My mother tells my grandmother.

"I can see you have no backbone, Lady Karissa Ann Howard. I thought I raised you better than that. I guess Lord Frederick William Howard The Fourth has turned you weak and soft." My grandmother tells my mother.

"To Think I was going to abdicate in favor of you, but now I have to rethink my plan." My grandmother tells my mother.

"I will name your brother, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Fourth, Duke Regent of Norfolk Territory until Lady Victoria Elizabeth comes of age in 2338." My grandmother retorts.

My grandmother turns to my uncle, " Lord Richard Edward Howard The Fourth. Don't tell me you have turned soft and mushy too." My grandmother asks.

"No mother. I am not weak and spineless." My uncle tells my grandmother.

"Your sister is truly not fit to become Duchess of Norfolk Territory." My grandmother retorts " Your great-great-great-grandfather's oldest son, Lord Frederick William Howard The Second must have been soft as butter and not very tough." My grandmother tells my uncle.

"I don't think that is fair mother how you talk about Lord Frederick William Howard The Second." Lord Richard Edward Howard The IV tells my grandmother.

What? He only married the youngest daughter of a Bourbon for her good looks, and one child did they have." Lady Elizabeth states.

"Lord Frederick William Howard The Second was born in 2184 and he didn't marry until 2248 and he was 64 years old when he married Lady Beatrice Isabella Bourbon who was born in 2222." Lady Elizabeth states.

"Lord Frederick William Howard The Second was 64 years old when he married Lady Beatrice Bourbon and she was 26 years old when she married Lord Frederick William Howard The Second and she was 28 years old when she had Lord Frederick William Howard The Third and he was 67 years old." Lady Elizabeth retorts.

"Lord Frederick William Howard The Second must have liked robbing the cradle by marrying a young woman older enough to be his granddaughter." Lady Elizabeth states.

"Please sis. Don't cut my husband down." Lady Sophia Dorothea asks her older sister," It is not fair."

"We all miss mom." Lady Sophia Dorothea tells my grandmother.

"You are not the only one who misses her." Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann tells my grandmother.

Lady Samhain looks at my grandmother," Lady Elizabeth. I won't have you cut down Lady Caroline Matilda, Lord Richard William Carey, or Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey." My grandaunt  tells my grandmother.

"Father. This is doing no good by waging a war on the Carey's." Lord Albert Edward explains " It is not Lord Richard William Carey's fault that mom died."

"Lady Elizabeth. I won't tell you how to govern your Dukedom." Lord Albert Edward tells my grandmother.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley appears with Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The Second ' I hope all of you damn aristocrats are happy with the death of Karissa. She gave all of you a heiress and now she is gone." Lt Kevin Thomas Riley states.

"I wish all of you damn aristocrats would just disappear from Star Base 12." Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley tells them.

"I don't know what to think now. Now that Karissa is gone, but I can tell you that I got the best part of her and it is her daughter, Lady Caroline Matilda Carey and I just want you to know." Lt Kevin Thomas Riley tells them all.

"I didn't need a heir/heiress, but you did Lord Andrew Charles and so did you Lord Richard William Carey and she gave you both one." Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley tells them.

"You both killed her by turning her into a breeding mare for your damn families" Lt Kevin Thomas Riley states.

"Please dad. I know you are grief stricken by the death of Lady Karissa." Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The Second tells his father.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley looks at my great-grandfather and step-grandfather and he tells them " I will avenge her death on you both."

Finally it is my grandfather, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Third tells everyone " Everyone calm down. This is getting us nowhere and my wife is upset because she has lost her mother, and so are my second cousins."

"Lord Richard William Carey, Lord Anthony Christopher and Lord Benjamin Lawrence and Lord Albert Edward will help you with the wake, and the funeral arrangements and the interim at the New Howard-Carey Mausoleum." My grandfather tells my granduncles and great-grandfather and step-grandfather.

"Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, and Lady Caroline Matilda as three oldest daughters. You prepare your late mother's clothes." My grandfather tells them.

"Lord David William Beck the Second, Lord Albert Edward Howard, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Fourth, Lord David Andrew Beck. You will be Lady Karissa's pallbearers of her casket." Lord Richard Edward Howard The Third tells them.

"Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard William will walk in behind the casket, followed by Lady Elizabeth, Lady Karissa Ann, Lady Samhain, Lady Patricia Eugenie, Lord Anthony Christopher, Lord Alexander Andrew, Lady Caroline Matilda, Lady Isabella Karissa, Lord Albert Edward, Lady Alberta Edwina, Lady Anastasia Christina, Lady Olga Titana, Lord Benjamin Lawrence, Lord George Frederick The Second, Lady Sophia Dorothea, Lord William Frederick The Second, and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann and Lady Charlene Andrea." Lord Richard Edward The Third tells everyone.

Following behind Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann are : Lady Susan Virginia, Lady Eliza Katherine Beck, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third, Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard, Lord Richard Spencer-Churchill, Lady Sophia Charlotte Carey, Lord Frederick William Howard The IV, and Lord Albert Edward Spencer-Churchill the Second.

The rest of the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren by order of Lady Karissa's children" My grandfather tells them.

"Lady Elizabeth is the holder of the New Howard-Carey Mausoleum and she holds the key." Lord Richard William states.

"Out of respect for Lady Karissa. I am asking anyone in our family to hold off having their marriage until 2232." Lord Richard Edward Howard III asked everyone.

While all the adults were arguing with each other who killed my great-grandmother I heard the sweetest voice from the garden and it was so clear and when I ventured out to the garden the garden door was open and I looked over at a tall oak tree in my late great-grandmother's garden and I saw her standing there and she was singing this song " How Could I Ever Know."

"How could I know I would have to leave you?

How could I know I would hurt you so?

You were the one I was born to love

Oh, how could I ever know?

How could I ever know?

How can I say to go on without me?

How, when I know you still need me so?

How can I say not to dream about me?

How could I ever know?

How could I ever know?

Forgive me, can you forgive me?

And hold me in your heart

And find some new way to love me

Now that we're apart?

How could I know I would never hold you?

Never again in this world

But oh, sure as you breathe I am there inside you

How could I ever know?

How could I ever know?

How can I hope to go on without you?

How can I know where you'd have me go?

How can I bear not to dream about you?

Oh, how can I let you go?

How could I ever know?

All I need is there in the garden

All I would ask is care for the children of our love

Come, go with me, safe I will keep you

Where you would lead me, there I would

There I would, there we would, there we will go

Oh! How could I know?

Tell me how could I know?

Never to know you would ever leave me

How could we ever know?

How could we know?

How could I ever know?"

Source: LyricFind

How Could I Ever Know lyrics © Concord Music Publishing LLC

I looked over and saw my late great-grandmother dressed in a simple black Victoria dress and she looked at me and called out my name "Lady Victoria Elizabeth. You are the Hope of The Howard's as your grandmother was."

"What if I am not ready, great-grandmother?" I ask her.

"Lady Victoria Elizabeth. You are not ready at ten years old,but in eight years you will be. Fulfill your destiny." My late great-grandmother told me.

All of sudden my late great-grandmother had disappeared but I remember what she told out in the garden at Beltane Manor. 

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