The Romantic Side of Lord Andrew Charles Howard

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The Romantic Side of Lord Andrew Charles Howard

There was a romantic side of Lord Andrew Charles Howard that no one ever saw but his mother, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart taught all of her five children to appreciate music, dancing, and singing. She taught them all how to dance.

Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart was a very cultured young woman when she traveled South-east From Lennox to Norfolk in 2226 at the age of 16 years old.

Lord Charles Alexander Stuart was just a cultured as his two children, Lord James Alexander and Lady Patricia Eugenie, although he was married to a shrewd like Lady Catherine Gordon that lived back in the puritanical age where dancing, singing, and music was strictly forbidden due to her rigid Christian beliefs perpetuated by her father and mother.

Lord Charles Alexander Stuart made sure that his two children learned how to appreciate music, dancing and singing and he brought in a dancing instructor to ensure that his two children learned to dance, and he brought in a musician to teach his children to sing.

Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart learned to appreciate all kinds of music from Bach to Beethoven, and she learned all the dances of a lady of her class.

Lady Patricia Eugenie also learned how to play the organ, piano, and the harp as well and when she traveled North to Norfolk Territory in 2226 she brought with her skills and she passed them onto all of her five children.

However, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third was clumsy and he didn't like music, dancing, and singing, but he excel in athletics and sports, but both Lord Patrick William Howard The Second and Lord Andrew Charles Howard loved to dance, and sing, and they loved music, art, literature, and they both excelled.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard had a fun side to him as well, but he was pushed by his father to provide his grandfather with his first male grandchild, and she was Lady Elizabeth named Queen Elizabeth The First , Victoria named for Queen Victoria, Anne named for Queen Anne and Beltane for the Pagan Sabbat that she born on in 2275.

Lady Karissa explains " They were all the three Queen Regnants of England that ruled by themselves and this is why I am naming her after the three Greatest Queens of England."

"King Henry The Eighth didn't see much value in Elizabeth when she was born and he had hoped that her mother would give him his long desired son, and it was his maternal grandmother that placed the curse of The Tudors and they would have sons." Lady Karissa states.

"Queen Elizabeth Woodville bore King Edward The Fourth two sons and they blame King Richard The Third for their murders, but it was Lady Margaret Beaufort who had the two little Princes murders in the Tower of London in 1483 and with them out of the way it meant that her son, Henry Tudor would become king of England." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"Henry Tudor became King of England by conquest in 1485 with the brutal murder of King Richard The Third but he never knew that Queen Dowager Elizabeth Woodville had placed a curse on The Tudors for the murders of her two sons." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"The curse would ensure that The Tudors wouldn't continue but it didn't include their daughters, and King Henry The Eighth murders innocent men and women like Queen Anne Boleyn, Lord Thomas Boleyn, Mark Smeaton, Sir Francis Weston and many others just to marry a woman whose son bears the same curse and he would have no children and neither would his two sisters, Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth, but the conclusion was clear that Princess Elizabeth was the healthiest of all of his children and she rules the longest." Lady Karissa states.

Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart brought with her from Lennox Territory the gift of dancing, music, and singing and she passed it onto two of her sons, Lord Patrick William Howard The Second and Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

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