A Girl In The Valley

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A Girl In The Valley by Lucy Simon

A man who came to my valley

A man I hardly knew

A man who came to my garden

Grew to love me

A girl I saw in the valley

A girl I hardly knew

A girl at work in her garden

Grew to love me

From the gate

He called out so kindly

"Lass, wouldst thou 'low me

Rest here? I've ridden quite far."

"Share my tea,"

She bade me so gently

Oatcakes and cream

Sweet plums in a jar

And every day to my garden

This man, who might he be

Came bearing baskets of roses

For he loved me

A man who came to my valley

A girl I saw in a valley

A man I hardly knew, A girl I hardly knew

A man who gave me a garden, A girl who gave me a garden

Grew to love me. Grew to love me

The Girl In The Valley

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior had been married to Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart for 46 years and it had been a loveless marriage and they had muddled through their marriage and the only good thing that came from it was the five children that they shared together.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior had been 19 years old when he was made to marry 17 year old, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart.

One day in 2274, he was traveling through his great-grandfather's Dukedom of Marlborough Territory on Star Base 12 on his way back to Norfolk Estate.

While driving back in his carriage he decided to ask the driver to stop his carriage so he could stretch his legs and rest on a nearby rock and as he walked toward the rock.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior noticed a very beautiful young woman walking outside on the property and he walked up to her and asked " Excuse me. Mademoiselle. Do you mind if I sit here for a while as I have traveled a long time?"

The young woman answers him " No. My Lord. Please be my guest."

"You are most welcome to rest here and in fact if you would like to join me for some refreshments you are welcome too." The young woman tells him.

"You are most kind, Milady." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior answers her.

"My grandfather was the late Lord John Spencer-Churchill and my late mother was his daughter, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill. I don't get to travel too much to my late grandfather's Dukedom or Territory as I am the Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior tells her.

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