Boy To Girl || Svt

By Whoskebin

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Six out of thirteen males living in the same house woke up with a insufferable headache, but that's not all t... More

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1K 28 17
By Whoskebin

"So what now?" Samuel asked as the two walked down the busy sidewalks of downtown. "That's a good question. It's still early in the day." Chan said as he checked his watch for the time. "Wanna get something to eat? It's been quite a while since we ate.?" Samuel asked as he turned his head towards the other.

"Yea, something to eat sounds good." Chan said with a nod and a smile. Samuel smiled back and they went on their merry way to a near by restaurant they could eat at.

They made it to the restaurant with the word 'Darl+Ing' above the restaurant's door written in a beautiful font and big letters. "Interesting name for a restaurant." Chan said with a hum as he stared at the tall building in front of him. "Interesting name, amazing food. Come on!" Samuel exclaimed as he grabbed hold of Chan's arm and pulled him through the big black doors.

"Hello! Welcome to Darling, how could I help you?" The waitress that waited for customers politely asked as she smiled up at the two. "A table for two." Samuel answered with a smile and the waitress nodded her head as she collected the menus. The two followed the waitress to the far corner and let her set the table before taking their seats.

"I feel a little out of place." Chan said as he looked around at the fancy interior of the restaurant. "Its so fancy here." He added in a whisper as he looked at Samuel who laughed softly. "You'll get used to it." Samuel replied, waving the other off as he looked at the menu in front of him.

"Do they serve small size dishes?" Chan whispered to the other after reading over the menu, leaning a bit closer to the other so it was just Samuel who heard him. "No you silly, they serve normal portions of food." Samuel answered as a small chuckle pass through his lips.

"I was just making sure." Chan murmured softly as he went back to reading the menu. Soon enough a waiter came over and took their order. "So tell me more about yourself, the real you." Samuel said after taking a sip from his glass and setting it to the side.

"Wasn't the text messages not enough?" Chan asked with a confused expression placed on his face. "You mean the multiple lies you told me?" Samuel asked with a smirk as he watched Chan's face morph into one of shock. "I read in between the lines Chan, I was just playing along to see if you'd actually go through with what you said." Samuel added as he took another sip from his drink.

"Well, I didn't lie again graduating from college. I did do that, as of right now I don't have a job. Mainly because I live with my twelve hyungs in this huge house." Chan started off as he continued to think of more to say about himself, Samuel leaned onto the top to give the other his full attention.

As they were talking, their food came out and started to dig in. "You sound like a fun person to be around Chan. You didn't have to lie to impress me." Samuel stated as he wiped his mouth clean and cleaned up his mess. "I'm easy to impress if I'm being honest." He added as he gave the other a smile.

Chan smiled shyly as he looked down towards his lap. "Here's your check." The waiter said as he placed the paper on the table and Chan instantly grabbed for it. "Here let me pay." He said as he took out his card. "But I thought you're unemployed?" Samuel asked confused as he watched Chan do the math for the tipping.

"Just cause I don't have a job doesn't mean I don't have any money." Chan stated with a cheeky smile as he placed the items at the end of the table. "That's exactly what it means though." Samuel retorted still confused by the conversation at hand.

"Remember my twelve hyungs? Yea, they spoiled me. I tell them not to, but they do it anyway." Chan explained as Samuel nodded. "Why aren't you employed?" Samuel asked as he leaned onto the table. Chan sighed at the question and leaned back in his chair. "There isn't a job that fits my profession nor a place I'm willing to work at." Chan answered and Samuel nodded as a way to tell the other he understood.

"What is your profession?" Samuel asked curiously to know what the other went to college for. "I studied graphic design." Chan answered as he placed the twenty on the table as a tip. "Oh, so it's not because there isn't a job that fits your profession because there's a lot of places. It's because you probably didn't like the people and or they rejected you." Samuel stated as he gathered his stuff and stood up.

Chan chuckled as he let Samuel walk first and out the restaurant. "Aren't you a smart cookie." Chan stated which made Samuel roll his eyes, but smile nevertheless. "More so I know how to read people." Samuel retorted and Chan hummed to his stated as they walked down the lit up streets as its now nighttime in the city of Seoul.

"You know, you and my Wonwoo hyung would get along. You both like to read books and can read people easily." Chan stated with a smile as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I would love to meet the people who basically raised you. Can't hide me forever now." Samuel said with a smug smile as he leaned closer to Chan.

Chan laughed at the other's cuteness and shrugged. "Who knows, maybe I can." Chan answered as he walked further ahead than the other. "Hey! Get back here!" Samuel called out as he jogged to meet up with the other who was laughing his butt off. "Am I walking you home? It's pretty late." Chan asked and Samuel thought about it.

"Sure you can walk me home, don't be annoying though." Samuel answered as he looked at the other. "Can't promise you anything."


I wanna say it's been a few months since I updated this book. About 7 months to be exact, May 15th is when I last updated.

And I'm truly sorry, but I had the hugest writer's block for this chapter for some reason and a ton of ideas for new books as some of you may have seen. But it was my goal to update a chapter for this book before this year end and I can say that I achieved that goal😌

So with that

I hope you enjoy this very much needed chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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