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The West Kartajh City Police Department questioned a man named J. Gen, a young man who calls himself 'Magnifi... Plus

Knowing the Characters
Chapter 1: Tiger Cage.
Chapter 2(a): Hidden Service.
Chapter 3: Earth & Sky.
Chapter 4(a): (Prince) Peter Crouch Abbow.
Chapter 4(b): (Prince) Peter Crouch Abbow
Chapter 5(a): Doom at Hidden Service.
Chapter 5(b): Doom at Hidden Service.
Chapter 5(c): Doom at Hidden Service.
Chapter 6(a): The Intuition of the Chameleon
Chapter 6(b): The Intuition of the Chameleon.
Chapter 7(a): Pinocchio Virus.
Chapter 7(b): Pinocchio Virus.
Chapter 7(c): Pinocchio Virus.

Chapter 2(b): Hidden Service.

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Par MillStairs

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Chapter 2(b): ~


"Good afternoon, Uncle Thony!" greeted a college girl who had just entered the room. She was wearing a blue bleaching jumpsuit and a yellow T-shirt. Her hair style is one pigtail. Wearing leather slippers, black. Her back sash a rather large bag, but it seemed to contain little of stuff.

"Afternoon, Nuel! Back from college?" responded Mr. Anthony, he's barely able to sit up, the adder is already settled. Actually it wasn't Mr. Anthony who was supposed to be serving the coffee customers, Usup who used to handle the rather complicated work was on his day off, he had some personal business that he needs to deal with right away.

"Yes," replied Nuel. Big bro.!" she said, greeted for Topan.

"Look who just came..? Want a slice of jumbo squid toast?"

"Of course," replied Nuel, she stopped in front of a long table, in front of Topan. "Thank you," she answered, accepting a piece of bread that Topan gave her. Then she went up the stairs, heading upstairs.

(Doma Nuel, Mr. Dobade's daughter)

"Dad..! I'm home..," exclaimed Nuel loudly. She devoured with the relish of that jumbo squid on her hand.

Therein lies Hidden Service.

Hidden Service was in the house above the stall. Someone who is entering there would have the sensation of entering most homes. The house was neatly furnished with furniture, some photos of it on the pigura, hanging on a few sides of the wall. There's a soft sofa in the living room. The house is as big as the ABCD's. There were two bedrooms, one restroom, a kitchen, as well as a balcony next to it, running out of it, a view of the small street with its various houses visible from the second floor of the building. A neat, clean little house.

In one of the rooms was a small board hanging on the top, there saying, 'Nuel's Room. Unauthorized Entry, Direct Hit.' Nuel came straight to her bedroom door, opened it, threw her purse from the door.

"Dhanck...! Dhanck...! Dhanck...!' something clenched up, probably from the aluminum jar that hit that girl's purse. But she did not care, she hurried up to the other room, calling out to her father.

"Dad..," she shouted.

An old man sitting near the fountain is smiling, watching his daughter light up with a radiant face, running toward him. "What makes you so happy, Nuel?" he asked.

"I got the Kartajh City Fashion Show Intercollegiate, Dad, and you know what? I got first place in the championship," she said excitedly by hugging her father closely from behind the chair.

"Really?" her father responded, but his eyes come back to the ancient book on his thighs.

"What's that? Such a stench undermines daughter's skill..,"? asked Nuel, pretended to investigate, joked.

"How can i underestimate you, my dear, a talented daughter..," the father responded.

"Guys, that's my mom. My beloved mother, her beauty can take the men in the Angkal District and her college friends by surprise. A cheerful, optimistic, energetic and kind person. The finest model for women in her age. And as you know, all those qualities have been passed down to me in male versions. The perfect man..," said Gen, boating, leaving Bella looking sideways, about to throw up all of a sudden. The Chief Inspector remained silent, shot back, leaning his back back.

Back to the beginning.

"You know what, Dad? There are so many presents. I will treat you with a delicious meal," she said, her face is still glowing, happy.

"Don't drool, Dad. She must've received only a few cents," said a young boy behind them, in a tone of cynicism, or feigned cynicism in order to tease Nuel. He stood up, leaning against one of the wooden posts. He was dressed in a green shirt, underdressed in formal black pants, sneakers. Short hair, in two.

Yeah, it's Doja Mac, Doma Nuel's brother who was adrift three years older. Don't forget, it was Doja Mac in 1995, not Doja Mac in 2021 who was now locked up in the narrow prison of the West Kartajh Police Station. Who knows that time could tamper with one's identity? Who knows..?

"No," said Nuel, grumbling.

"Don't buy dad a bag of candy, it's bad for his teeth and it may affects his blood-sugar levels," he said. He walk slowly. Step aside.

"Look out, you!!" Nuel right after her brother and took the small ball in the grassy garden with the showers in the middle. Throw it at Mac.

Unfortunately, Mac's quick arms caught the ball before it hit his face.

"Come here, you..!"

Mac just shook his head, making a shitty face. Nuel got even more annoyed. She ran toward the Mac, but she fell in a grassy garden, her feet tied to the grass that was browsing one of her feet.

"Mac!" screamed Nuel in exasperation.

Mac just laughed. Nuel's hand now leads to a circular pool with a shower attached to each side, behind the Mac's knowledge.


"Ah..! "Mac mutters speechless. How come, her face and mouth are now full of water. The six small showers surrounding the pool were directly in Mac's head, with a powerful spray of water. Mac was soaking wet from the hair up to the feet.

Nuel laughed back, satisfied, and immediately ran to his room, leaving Mac that is laughed by most of the people around that grassy park.

There were some who were standing on one leg, one foot in the air, straight ahead, their hands extended to the side, holding medium-sized stones, they lined up neatly, concentrating on the balance of the body. There were some people standing on sticks from short to high enough, squatting. Some on the upper floors were also studying ancient records, visible from the ragged sheets and covers of parchment and the faded colors that had been eaten with age.

From different directions, there were someone who tried to chop a large piece of wood with their bare hands, from a distance of two meters. When their hands cut through the empty air, there was a small crescent of white light, moving quickly toward the wood and dividing it. He's done that a lot. A person standing next to him does a gentle movement of his hands and feet, tapping the hands together, his left fist meets the right palm, instantly a light encircling the wooden block scattered about, making the pieces move, gathering and joining again, though not what those used to be, but also look like very closely.

All the people had previously sunk into a sea of calm, until moments later their minds were engulfed by noisy Tom & jerry nearby them. They were now laughing at the silly Mac that was standing bathed in the fountain of the pool, so to speak.

Only two people weren't fooled by what just happened, those under the great falls, way down there. They seem to be concentrating, even as they was shoot  by wild water from the falls. They were Mr. kaimanh, the Hidden Service Leader's closest friend, Mr. Dobade. Strong with his father, his young son, Wigi.

For a moment, instead of doma nuel entering a small room, how did she end up in a place with all those things? Grassy parks, ponds and showers, a field to train on, a multistory house, to get a waterfall in it? How can that be explained?

That was Hidden Service, beginning with the door of the room that Nuel through it, then a rather long passage with vines filling the hall, the vines are multicolored. The corridor led to the covered terrace with wooden posts, all also being covered with flowering vines, some bearing fruit. On the top of these are terraced homes up to six levels, each terraced also known as the balcony. The multistoried house, viewed from above, would constitute the letter 'U.' Everything is made of strong wood, as well as stainless metal on some sides. While inside the base terrace, inside the letter "U," there was a green grassy garden, wide enough with a pool in the middle, surrounded by six showers. In the middle of the pool was a raised obelisk, above which was a lantern, inside a glass tube.

(The multistoried house)

(Flowering Vines)

(Flowering Vines on the wall)

(Terrace is seen from the grassy park)

(Entry to the grassy park)

(Showers in the grassy park)

If a person walked straight past the terrace would find a large brick field, reddish brown, lower from the terrace, low staircase access, fenced with a high stone fence, irregularity, like a fairly steep crag.

(The brick field)

On the right side of the field--by the position of the brick field itself--there was a long stairway going down, into a high waterfall, crashing heavily against the massive boulders below. It emptes into a small lake beneath the falls. The tributaries spread out in all directions, heading toward the orchards of some eight acres [7 ha] of vegetables and fruits. The edge of all these areas is lined with high rocky cliffs, which are on top of a cliff that is almost invisible at the end can only be white, rolling clouds, the view following the cliff as a visual sensation that was obtained from above the horizon, the clouds moving, marching, as far as the eye can see.

(High rocky cliffs)

(High rocky cliffs)

(After the cliffs)

(Waterfall is seen from the last stairway)

(Waterfall is seen from the front, from this one, see the picture below)

(The tributaries among the gardens)

Incredible blessing for the Hidden Service guards.

Don't forget the most important thing. In the multistoried house there was something guarded and had to be guarded by the Hidden Service guards. On the ground floor of the house was a stone table carved neatly and beautifully, on top of which was a medium-sized, luminous ball. The light enters the golden opening of the outer layer when irregular movements are made by itself. That's the White Element, the engineering power element, Tanglo. Safe haven all along on the Hidden Service.

That was the Hidden Service, the place with two doors. The first was the door of the ABCD cafe, while the second was the door next to Doma Nuel's room.

Few people who knew the Hidden Service, only the hereditary guardians of Mr. Dobade's family, as well as the people who happily joined. Most have suffered bouts of depression, in desperation, they feel that they have no choice to move on. People who access special leaflets such as those spread out and are pasted in places where small-minded people are. The rooftops, the ravines, the riverbanks, and the various tourist attractions of the small-minded people, which in their minds is a kind of belief that to stop in action is the best way to break the shackles they feel, that to give up is the best and most effective way, or the easier way to walk.

It has been said that Hidden Service visitors are people who need peace of mind. People who are walking aimlessly, who are on the verge of giving up or even giving up. They came to the address listed on the special handout, just casually trying to bribe a few slices of ABCD's bread that was claimed 'It Can Stop the Time.'

A strange and seemingly impossible claim, isn't it? Or just to be mysterious and tempting one?

The special flyer used to be spread by ABCD's hostess usually would read:

"The Magic Bread ABCD"
'Would fall freely from 500 meters safely?
Wanna be able to stay underwater all day?
Want to have the power that can stop time?
To stop a train with your bare hands?
Nice cheap prices.
Try one bite! Feel the power!
Pay up first, no return of the bite.
No lies, no deceit. If you have any, come here, please check for yourself. Reporting the police without evidence is a form of slander.
Come alone.
No delivery.

Just come to Batu Kepala, number 41, E-9 block, Angkal District, North Kartajh City. ABCD Cafe '

Anyone who sees it, or maybe everyone just looks at it will think it's a silly leaflet full of lies. Amateur hustler trick. Many of them will crush it, their mouth as well as moss, and then use the exclamation words: 'You an Insolent Fraud!', Shit, why is my eye on this shit?', 'Fuck!', 'Bedbugs!', 'The dregs of society!', and another word of wise--for them maybe ata time-- like those.

But what's weirder and funnier, is not least of them are curious, of how this guy who screams in broad daylight that he's the 'Big Time Swindler.' Hesitantly, leaving the place where they stood and slowly but surely, finding themselves standing in front of a stall, the ABCD stall, being led willingly by silly leaflets that had recently been squashed, or torn up, or had been spit on and tossed in the wet trash.

They were simply malevolent people who is looking for evidence of mass fraud. Dabbling in some mysterious stall bread, and out of a trial, got hooked, hooked on Mr. Anthony's bread and Mr. Dobade's coffee. They were finally happy to join together in the 'Community of Freaks,' in the Hidden Service. Uhmm.., maybe it's wrong, 'Crazy People?', 'Bedbugs?', 'Frauds?', 'The scum of society?', oh.., there are many names, please select them at will. It's okay, they made those nicknames for themselves.

It was a place with special service for the strangers, a kind service for the needy, which was also hidden from the public. So it has been named: the Hidden Service.

"Yeah, it was the old Hidden Service. Kind of old, I'd say. Therefore, I'm going to redesign the new Hidden Service until it become so magnificent, fashionable and trendy," said Gen.

"Interesting..! Like a castle? Like the huge and extravagant mansion?" Inspector asked.

"No way. It's just a big idea right now. All my ideal reforms have failed because of the protests of a person who feels she has total control over the Hidden Service," explained Gen, looking annoyed at the memory of it. The woman he's referring to is Dyan, daughter of Mr. Kaimanh. "Fuck, that woman..!"


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