Beating the odds - Catglass

By 97crazyfangirl

16.1K 556 367

What happens when Kitty goes back to KISS for her second semester after everything that has happened to her? ... More

Before you read
Chapter 2x01: Going back to the source of the mess
Chapter 2x03: Closer and further
Chapter 2x04: Coming clear or run away
Chapter 2x05: Misunderstandings
Chapter 2x06: Magnets
Chapter 2x07: Clear as water
Chapter 2x08: Facing the truth
Chapter 2x09: Daydream
Chapter 2x10: Closure

Chapter 2x02: If things were different

1.4K 49 27
By 97crazyfangirl

(Black screen. A voice comes from nowhere. This voice is a mix of different ones)

VOICE: (In a low tone) Kitty. Wake up.

(Kitty opens her eyes. As she does, she blinks a few times, so the image in front of her eyes is clearer. She ends up seeing three people standing in front of her. From left to right, Dae, Yuri and Minho are looking at her, with a blank expression on their faces. There's a white wall behind them. Kitty is confused, sitting on a white floor, trying to find out where she is. However, she doesn't have time to ask)

DAE: (Monotone) Do you think you acted the right way?

KITTY: (Frowns) What? (Stands up) What are you saying?

DAE: Do you think you acted the right way with me? You and I started dating again when you already had feelings for Yuri. Do you think that is acting like a good girlfriend?

KITTY: (Looks at Yuri for a second before her eyes go back to Dae) I... (Doesn't find the right words) I don't know. I didn't. I just loved you so much that I...

YURI: (Same monotone) But you wanted me. (Kitty turns towards her) You liked me. And you wanted to make a move towards me, even though you knew that I already had someone in my life and you had a boyfriend. Didn't you think about them when you wanted to kiss me?

KITTY: I... (Once more, she's left without words) I didn't. And I'm really sorry. (Moves her eyes back to Dae) I'm really sorry, Dae. I was crushing so hard on her and I saw her so close and beautiful that... (Turns her eyes to Yuri) I'm sorry, Yuri. I...

MINHO: (Same monotone) So you like to play with people's hearts like they don't mean a thing? (Kitty frowns and looks at him) People tell you that they like you and you decide not to do anything about it.

KITTY: You caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting your confession. I'm sorry. I was shocked. You hated me one day and liked me the day after. I...

VOICE: (All three of them speak at the same time. Kitty looks at them, changing from one to the other) So what is it going to be? Who are you going to be with?

KITTY: (Shouts) I don't know.

(A second later, she is sitting on her bed, breathing heavily. She's been dreaming. The room is dark, but some light comes from the window. Kitty sights and turns towards the clock at the desk behind her. It's 6:30 am)

KITTY: (Still a bit sleepy) I'm starting to hate dreams.

(A second later, Kitty realizes that she's spoken out loud, so she looks towards the other bed in the room. She finds it done. Nobody else is in the room.)

KITTY: Didn't she come back last night?

(Kitty thinks about it for a second, but ends up going back to sleep)

(Some time later, Kitty's walking around campus with Q besides her. They're dressed in their school uniforms and have a take away coffee on their hands)

Q: (Speaks like he's joking and a bit concerned for his friend) You definitely have a problem with your own dreams.

KITTY: I know. I'm aware but I can't control them. So I have to live with them.

Q: So, what are you going to do about the dream? Because I'm pretty sure what it means.

KITTY: (Frowns) You do?

Q: (Rolls his eyes) Come on, Kitty. It's pretty obvious that you need to talk to all of them. You have unfinished business with the three and need to fix it soon. Or this semester is going to be really awkward. Especially now that you have a really important part of this mess as a roommate.

KITTY: She's really strange, by the way. She hasn't been in the room that much. She wasn't there after Yuri left yesterday and wasn't in her bed this morning. Where could she have been?

Q: I saw her last night glued to Yuri. But I was busy looking for Florian. I didn't...

(Q's about to say something else, when someone talks to them)

ALEX: (Happy tone) Good morning, Kitty. Good morning, Q.

KITTY: (Really excited to see him) Alex! (Tries to walk closer to hug him, but Alex stops her) Kitty. I'm your teacher here.

KITTY: Sorry. (Trying to keep it together) I'm just really excited you're here. I didn't see you last night and, for a moment, I thought that you had gone back to Australia without saying goodbye. (Makes a cute face that melts Alex's heart)

ALEX: (Smiles, sweetly) Please. I would never. I spent the entire break getting to know Jina in a personal way. She asked me to stay at KISS and here I am.

Q: (Really curious) And, what about professor Lee?

ALEX: Do you know...? (Answers his own question by looking at Kitty, who is asking for forgiveness with her face) Nevermind. (Makes a weird face) Well, he's still a bit off about the situation. I understand him. In the blink of an eye, he's a father, something he never expected or wanted. And he's still trying to figure out what that means. I don't blame him for being awkward towards me. (Shrugs his shoulders) I'm giving him space and time to come to terms with the new situation. And he is softening.

KITTY: Hopefully he's in a better mood in class. I passed his class by the bare minimum, so I have to keep working hard. And, if he's nicer, he could be better in class as well.

Q: (Looking at Kitty) Don't think so, at all. But let's hope for the best. (Turns to look at Alex) And what about Yuri? How is she as a sister? (Kitty swallows)

KITTY (Off): Why did he bring her into the conversation?

ALEX: She's the best, actually. We've been hanging out to get to know each other personally as well. But not that many times, because she's been enjoying herself with Juliana. (Kitty closes her eyes, feeling the pain. Alex raises his head a bit) Speaking of the couple of the moment. (Waves his right hand)

(Q and Kitty turn to see what Alex is looking at. Yuri and Juliana are walking towards them. Kitty sees it in slow motion. The couple are holding hands and have big smiles on their faces. Both are glowing in happiness. Everyone turns to look at them, some disgusted, some curious and some admiring them.)

KITTY (Off): They really are a power couple. But seeing them that happy doesn't make it less painful.

ALEX: (Smiling happily) Yuri. It's so nice to see you so happy.

YURI: (Turns to see Juliana and smiles at her) And it really feels like this now. (Hugs her girlfriend's arm)

(Kitty tries to smile, but it's hard to do so. Juliana looks at her for a second)

JULIANA: And I'm the happiest person alive to be able to be with her. (Comes closer and kisses Yuri's neck)

YURI: (Jumps a bit and moves to her right side.) Baby, not here. (Looks around for a moment) It's not appropriate. (Blushing really hard)

JULIANA: Sorry, can't contain myself. (Smiles brightly, with a huge confidence on herself)

KITTY (Off): So, should I say something to break the ice?

KITTY: Hey, Juliana. I didn't see you in our room this morning? Do you like to wake up early to go for a run? (Tries to joke, but it comes a bit off. Q wants to put a hand on his face, dying of embarrassment)

JULIANA: (Makes a half smile) Actually, I was enjoying myself with this lady all night...

(Before Julaiana can continue, Yuri stops her, blushing really hard)

YURI: (Embarrassed) Please, don't talk about that in front of my own brother.

ALEX: (Embarrassed as well) I'll play the dumb card this time so I can forget I've heard anything. (Looks at his watch) Classes are about to start, so I should get going. (Waves his hand to all of them) See you later, everyone.

(Alex leaves and Yuri comes closer to Kitty, grabbing her by her arm. She starts walking towards the building, and Kitty goes along. Q is left behind with Juliana, who is not looking really happy. They don't talk on their way to the building)

YURI: (Asks, with a huge smile) So, I didn't see you that much last night at the party. Did you have a good time? 

KITTY: (Infected by her happiness) I did. I spent most of the night dancing with Q. It was fun.

YURI: You should have tried to find me. We could have danced together for a bit. (Makes a dance move, making Kitty laugh)

KITTY: I should have.

KITTY (Off): I shouldn't. It was not right.

KITTY: I thought you were bussy with your mom, so I didn't want to interrupt.

KITTY (Off): With her mom and Juliana. What the hell did I have to do with it??

YURI: You wouldn't have interrupted. We're friends, so don't ever think that. Okey?

KITTY: (Nods, happy) Okey. Won't happen again.

YURI: (With a big smile) Great. (Realizes something) By the way, we definitely need to see each other after the classes are over. To talk about how the break went. And you can finish what you wanted to say at the airport.

KITTY: (Freaked out) I...

JULIANA: (Not letting her say anything, and in a rush) I think we need to go. (Both girls turn to see her) Professor Kang won't like it if we don't make it in time.

Q: Actually she...

JULIANA: (Grabs Yuri by the waist and starts walking) See you later.

YURI: (Waves from afar) Bye, guys. (Turns to walk closer to her girlfriend)

Q: (Confused) She didn't let me finish. Don't you have your next class with Kang as well?

KITTY: (Sighs, resigned) Yes. I guess she wants to spend more time together with Yuri. (It can be seen in her face that she's hurting)

Q: Okey. (Grabs Kitty by her shoulders, so she can look at him face to face) Listen to me. (In a more serious tone) We both know that this semester is going to be harder, now that Juliana is in the picture. But, as Yuri has said, you two are friends, so don't let her come in between you two. I don't know if that's what it is, but just in case. I don't want you to stop yourself from doing what you like and being with who you want. Are we both on the same page?

KITTY: (Nods) We are. (Starts walking once again) Yuri and I are friends. And that's the most important thing. I can't jeopardize that. I almost did and I regret that so much.

Q: But you still need to talk to her. (Rethinks his words) Well, maybe telling her how you feel right now it's not the best option because of Juliana and the mess you have in your head.

KITTY: Don't remind me about that. I was trying to forget about it for a second.

Q: (Keeps talking, like Kitty hasn't said a word) But apparently she's really keen to finish your airport conversation. Were you really going to confess there, after the fight you two had on the stage the day prior?

KITTY: (Sighs) I was about to leave Korea and not come back to KISS. I thought I was never going to see her ever again. So yes, I was going to tell her how I felt because I had nothing left to lose.

Q: Well, now you need to think about what you're going to tell her.

(They have arrived at Kang's classroom and Kitty finds the perfect way out of the conversation)

KITTY: Agree, but I really have to go now. See you at lunch.

Q: (Defited) Yes. (Realized something) Then you can help me find out something about Florian and be a matchmaker once more, okay?

KITTY: (Nods and smiles) I'll do my best once more. I have to keep my reputation going.

(Q and Kitty laugh and say goodbye with a hand. Kitty gets in the classroom. As soon as she steps a foot in, Mr. Kang sees her)

KANG: Miss Covey.

(Kitty turns around)

KITTY (Off): Already?

KITTY: (Trying to be polite and nice) Professor Kang. How has your break been? Have you enjoyed...

KANG: (Keeps his calm and serious tone) Miss Covey. You passed my class with the lowest score possible. So don't pretend to care about my well-being when you should be thinking about getting a tutor as soon as possible for this semester.

KITTY: (Before he says something else, talks with all the confidence she can find on herself) After class today, I'll be at the tutors' office. I was already thinking about it. So you don't have to worry about it. (He makes a questioning look) I'll prove myself to you.

KANG: (Nods) Alright. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Don't make me regret myself.

KITTY: (With all the confidence she can show) I won't let you down.

KANG: Alright. Sit down.

(Kitty, with a huge smile, sits on the first row of tables)

KITTY (Off): Best way to show your disposition towards a class is to sit in the closest spot to the teacher. Or something like this.

(While Kitty is getting her pens, book and notebook out, Yuri and Juliana get to class, right before the teacher starts talking. They look like they've been enjoying themselves)

KANG: (With a warning look) Please, don't be late ever again to my class.

(They both nod and giggle. Kang lets them come in)

KITTY (Off): (With a broken heart) This is going to be a long and complicated semester.

(After class, Kitty's waiting at the tutors' office. She's sitting in a chair, looking at her phone. She has the Instagram app on. She scrolls and finds a photo of Minho posing like a model on a beach in California)

KITTY (Off): He's never going to change.

(Examines the photo a little longer)

KITTY (Off): And he said he's in love with me? How could that happen? Doesn't make any sense.

(Kitty keeps scrolling and finds a photo of Yuri and Juliana. Zooms in Yuri)

KITTY (Off): She's so beautiful. She doesn't deserve anything but happiness in this world.

(Zooms out and looks at Juliana)

KITTY (Off): And, if she makes her happy, I'll have to learn to live with it.

(A voice coming from her right makes her pull out the phone. Kitty recognizes it immediately. She looks up and stands up form her chair)

DAE: (Looking at the papers on his hands) Next please. (Looks up and finds Kitty) Kitty, you're here once more? (Laughs at his joke and Kitty with him)

KITTY: (Shrugging, with a smile) It gives me so many great memories that I had to come back.

DAE: If it's a good memory, why change it?

(They smile at each other for a moment)

KITTY (Off): He's such a nice guy. It would have been so much easier if my heart really wanted him. But...

YURI: Hey, you two.

(Kitty and Dae turn to look at Yuri, who has a big smile on her face. Kitty moves away. Her heart is beating really fast seeing her)

KITTY: (Asks, curiously) Yuri, what are you doing here?

YURI: I came to bring some paperwork to the tutors' office. I'm guessing you came to do the same. (Laughs a bit and turns to Dae) So, what are you doing here? Do you work here?

DAE: (Nods, a bit shy) I do. This is the only solution they gave to keep a huge part of my scholarship going.

YURI: (Gives him a severe look) Why didn't you come and talk to me? I could have asked my mom to do something.

DAE: (Firmly) No. I have to thank you for helping me out last semester. But, this time, I have to do something on my own. So I'll be working here. It's not as difficult as I thought. I have to organize paperwork and guide the other tutors. I can deal with it.

YURI: (Still with a questioning look) Are you sure?

DAE: (Nods and smiles) Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry. (A few seconds in silence after, Dae looks at Kitty) So, what where you doing here?

KITTY: Came to ask for a tutor. I have to give this to you, I assume? (Stretches out her arm and shows him the document in her hand)

DAE: (After taking a look at it) Yes. That's right. (Grabs the document and puts it into his folder) The office will send you the information about the time to meet the tutor at the latest tomorrow after class.

YURI: (Jokingly) The office or you?

DAE: (Smiles at her) It's the same thing. (They laugh for a moment) And you? Need a tutor as well?

YURI: You see me with pretty bad eyes. (Gives him a document as well) Actually, I'm going to be a tutor myself.

(Both Dae and Kitty open their eyes, wide)

YURI: (Offended) Why did you two seem so surprised. I was one of the best in the class this year. (Rethinks her words) Not in all of them, but I wasn't a bad student.

DAE: I'm not surprised about it. You improved a lot last semester. I'm surprised about the fact that you want to be a tutor. Why?

YURI: (Shrugs) Because it gives me extra credit and I need it. So here I am.

KITTY (Off): How would it be to have Yuri as a tutor? Would I be able to concentrate with her by my side?

DAE: That makes more sense. (Takes a quick look at the document and puts it on his folder) Okey. I'll call you whenever I have your assigned student.

YURI: Great. In the meantime, ...

(Grabs Kitty by her waist to put her closer and interlocks their arms. Kitty sees this in slow motion, with her heart going full speed)

YURI: ... we're going to have some coffee.

KITTY (Off): Oh, god. Why did she do that? Can't she hear my heart beating like crazy against my chest?

(Kitty's looking at their joint arms. But, when she realizes where she is, she turns to look at Dae. He seems more defeated than sad, looking at the folder in his hands)

KITTY (Off): I have to do something.

KITTY: Okay. But, Dae. (He raises his head and looks at Kitty) Can we meet later to talk?

DAE: (Giving her a half smile) When I'm done with all of this, I'll text you.

KITTY: (Giving him a bigger smile) Perfect. See you later. (Turns to look at Yuri) Shall we?

(Yuri nods and they start walking towards the corridor. Kitty is looking at Yuri. Yuri's voice can be heard in the background)

KITTY (Off): I'm going to talk to Dae tonight. But, now, I want to enjoy my time with Yuri.

(Time jump. Kitty and Yuri are leaving the coffe shop with a drink in their hands. They are laughing at something)

KITTY: (While laughing) Did Alex do that? I would have never imagined that that could happen.

YURI: (Laughing as well) I didn't think it was possible either. But it happened. Am I being a bad influence on my own grown up brother?

KITTY: (Jokingly) Are you a good influence in any way?

YURI: (Acting like is offended, but is laughing) Hey, don't say that. (Touches Kitty's ribs, causing her to jump from being tickled. Yuri's face changes to a malicious one) Are you ticklish?

KITTY: (In terror) Please, don't.

(Yuri smiles, happily and comes closer to Kitty, while she starts walking backwards)

KITTY: (Exclaiming) Yuri, don't!

(Kitty starts running and Yuri chases her. They run around campus, making people turn around to see them. They run after one another like kids, with huge smiles on their faces. In the end, Kitty trips and ends up on the floor. Her smile doesn't leave her face. Yuri gets to her a few seconds later)

YURI: (Laughing) Are you okay?

KITTY: (Laughing as well) Can you help me get up off the ground and then you keep laughing at me?

YURI: (Nods): For sure.

(Yuri holds out a hand so that Kitty can cling to it. Once they are standing side by side, Yuri starts tickling her, making Kitty die in pain.)

KITTY: (Laughing) Please, stop.

YURI: (Laughing as well) Okay, I think that's enough pain for today.

(Even though she stops, she's still holding Kitty between her arms. Kitty turns around. They are really close to each other. Kitty's eyes go to Yuri's lips for a second.)

KITTY (Off): In the world of my imagination, I would close this gap between us and kiss her.

(In that moment, Kitty's phone rings. She takes a step away from Yuri and takes it out. She sees a text from Dae.)

KITTY (Off): Why now, Dae?

KITTY: (Not too happy about it) Dae texted me. I'm going to meet him now.

YURI: (Curious) Are you thinking about getting back together with him?

KITTY: (Frowns, confused) What? Why?

YURI: (Shrugs) I don't know. Just asking. You made a cute couple and I really don't know why you broke up, so I was curious.

KITTY (Off): If you knew...

KITTY: (Determined) I'm not getting back with him. But I think we need to have a proper conversation about everything. To really close whatever confusion there can be between us, so we can both move on. I really care about him, but not in a romantic way anymore.

YURI: (Nods) Alright then. I'll have to go back home. It's getting late and my mom wants us to have a meal a day as a family. See you tomorrow?

KITTY: (Smiling) Of course.

(Yuri comes closer and hugs her for a second. Kitty loses herself in the hug.)

KITTY (Off): It's so great to be hugged by her.

(Yuri takes a step back and smiles at Kitty. They wave goodbye and Kitty sees her go. Kitty sighs)

KITTY (Off): Okay, let's leave that for another moment. It's time for Dae.

(Some time later, a knock makes Dae go to his room's door. When he opens it, Kitty is on the other side. She smiles at him, softly and cautiously.)

KITTY: Thanks for meeting me.

DAE: (Smiles back) Of course. (He moves to the side) Come in.

(Kitty nods and walks inside the room. She takes her shoes off and starts walking towards the living room. Kitty looks around)

KITTY: No one is here?

DAE: (Coming from behind) No. There was no one when I came back here.

KITTY: (Nods) Should we sit, then?

(Dae nods and then sits on the couch. He is visibly nervous and doesn't know what to do with his hands.)

KITTY (Off): Where should I start?

(After a few seconds of silence, Dae breaks it.)

DAE: So, what did you want to talk about?

KITTY: (Sighs) Alright. I have to start from the beginning.

DAE: (Frowns) What?

KITTY: (Shakes her head) Nevermind. Just listen to me.

(Dae nods and lets her continue. Kitty looks at him while she talks)

KITTY: I loved you when we were together, Dae. I did. I don't know if there was a time where you thought I didn't, but it is not true. I loved you for so many years and I did when I came to Korea. But, as you already know, at some point, I started liking Yuri. I didn't realize until the night of Minho's party, but it happened. And I thought I should leave it still because, back then, I thought that you two were a couple and I was upset because of it. But then you two broke up and we started dating once again. It was something that I had been imagining for a long time, being together wth you in person. And it was magical, so I went with it. I really wanted to be with you like that, so I tried to push my feelings for Yuri aside. But the two of us were so close that it was impossible, so I ended up telling you everything. (Kitty takes a deep breath before continuing) I'm really sorry about how our relationship ended. I fell out of love for you not because of something you did, but because of me. I'm really sorry we didn't work out, but I will always care about you. And I want to keep you in my life as a friend. I hope you feel the same way.

(They are in silence for a few seconds. Dae processes everything Kitty has told him. When he does, he sighs.)

DAE: I'm really thankful that you told me all of this so I can understand better. I'm sorry that this didn't work out, as well. (Takes her hands) I really loved you, too. And, because of that, of course I want to keep you in my life. If we try, I'm certain that we'll be able to be really close friends. Maybe I'm not comfortable with you telling me all about your love life right now, but I will.

KITTY: (Smiles) I'm really happy to hear that. (Remembers something she wanted to tell.) And, I also wanted to tell you that, even though I like Yuri, she doesn't know anything about my feelings. I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't. And she's really happy with Juliana, so nothing has happened between us. Just in case you have thought otherwise.

DAE: (Gives her a half smile) I thought about it for a quarter of a second this afternoon, but I have seen Yuri and Juliana around campus and they seem really in love.

(Kitty makes a sad face. Dae realizes it.)

DAE: (Worried) I'm sorry I said that. I just...

KITTY: (Stops hims) Dae, it's okay. I have seen them as well. They look really happy together.

DAE: (Concerned) So, what are you going to do about her?

KITTY: (Shrugs) I really don't know, yet.

DAE: Well, whatever you need, I'm here if you need me.

KITTY: (Smiles, gently) Thanks, Dae. (Thinks about something for a second) Can I hug you?

DAE: (Smiles) Of course.

(They hug each other for a few seconds. When they break the hug, they realize someone has opened the door and is looking at them. Kitty opens her eyes and mouth, trying to say something, but Minho, who hasn't changed his poker face, walks inside his room and closes the door)

KITTY (Off): And I still have to figure out what am I going to do with him.

Hello everyone!

There you have it. Chapter 2 is out!

I think it was time to close Dae's door properly, so we can focus on something more important. I really liked Dae as a character, but his relationship with Kitty wasn't destined to last. That's my opinion, at least.

At the same time, there you have a really cute interaction between Yuri and Kitty. I hope you liked it. Kitty is down bad. But, do you think it helps her with forgetting about her crush? Let's see.

Thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to vote for it, comment and share this story with the world. I'll be back as soon as possible.


Carzy Fangirl

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