Eren x reader | Smile for the...

By mikasaluvbug

709 12 3

Everyone knows y/n as the smart conservative perfect girl, but what they don't know is she's living a double... More

Say cheese (smut)
Double date (smut)
Ice cream trip

The party

52 1 1
By mikasaluvbug

"I brought some clothes for you since the only sex clothes you own involve a hoochie cut out and rhinestones for nipples," Mikasa joked as I laid in my bed scrolling through Erens instagram. He had 2000 followers yet only followed 200 people counting Lebron James and funnymemes.

Who are you Eren Yeager?

"Here try this on." Mikasa laid out a pencil skirt and a corset.

"How does this tiny thing fit your huge boobs?" I asked holding the up the corset that was 2 times too small for her.

"It'll fit you perfectly then," she teased. I flipped her off and unbuttoned my blouse. "I don't know how I feel about wearing this for so many people to see. Why can't I just wear my clothes?" I nagged.

"Because then you're going to look like a grandma that spends her free time knitting and feeding 300 stray cats, plus it's not like anyone from school is going to be there."

"True I guess. Help me tighten this shit."

She sucked any air my lungs had tightening the corset. "Jesus Christ I'm going to collapse."

"Beauty is pain deal with it. Take these off too." She pulled my frames out my face.

"Wow, it's such a shame you hide ur beauty," Mikasa commented as we stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was down, my glasses were off, my skin was out, I only presented myself like this for photo shoots.

Suddenly I remembered what trouble I drew the last time I let someone see me like. Sometimes bleeding in the with the crowd is better. I'm not one to care to draw attention. I put my glasses back on and started to struggle out of Mikasas clothes. "Hey, what are you doing?! That work just took me 15 minutes and three arm days," Mikasa whined at the sight of me changing into my own clothes.

"Sorry Mika, but I'd like to feel more like myself," I said as I put on a plain shirt and jeans. I tied my hair back into its usual ponytail. "Fine, whatever you're more comfortable with. All I'm saying is It's a shame you hide your hidden beauty. Like to be honest, if I was a guy and I saw you in stilettos and a pencil skirt, I'd do bone you."

I cringed and threw the corset at her face. "Pervert."

"Our Ubers here!" Mikasa said grabbing her bag and getting ready to go. "You know I could've just driven us," I presented. "No cuz what if you wanna drink," she responded winking at me.

"I highly doubt it." She rolled her eyes at my response as we exited out the front door and entered the Uber.

Once we exited the Uber I stared at the house in front of us in awe. There stood a huge mansion. From the fence I could see people standing outside and I could hear splashing of a pool and loud music blasting through the laughing and screaming of college students. I felt so out of my comfort zone.

Same thing when we walked inside. Packed with drunk college students dancing and mingling or playing drinking games.

"And who are you guys?" A tall intimidating man approached us. His demeanor seemed reserved and well put together. Man, maybe college guys are more my thing, this guy was seriously attractive. "We're friends of Pieck Finger, I'm Mikasa, and this is y/n."

"Oh shit, your friends of Pieck? My bad, nice to meet y'all I'm Porco," he greeted himself, his demeanor changing to friendly.

"Mika! You made it!" A girl came rushing towards us with her arms opened up to Mikasa. She had messy black hair and sleepy looking grey eyes with a friendly wide smile. "I see you've met Porco," the girl said looking over at Porco.

"Yes, he's a little scary," Mikasa teased giggling. "Don't mind him, he's a grouch," Pieck said ruffling Porco's head. "Pieck, you're embarrassing me," he said scratching his neck with a pink tint to his face.

"C'mon let me introduce you guys to everyone." Pieck grabbing Mikasas hand leading her away. "You go, I'll stay around," I said to Mikasa as she looked back at me. "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna chill around here."

"Okay we'll meet back here at 2, may the one with the craziest story wins!" I rolled my eyes at her kiddish challenges.

I turned to go find somewhere sit before Porco stopped me, "Hey wait, sorry about earlier."

"It's fine, I told Mikasa at least someone would ask who we are."

"To be honest, when I saw you guys I was thinking to myself who is that girl, I've never seen her before. It caught my attention."

"Yeah, Mikasa usually draws the crowds attention. Every time I go out with her, at least 2 guys approach us for her number. Not that I'm complaining though."

"I was talking about you actually," Porco took me by surprise. "You caught more of my eye to be honest."

I nervously giggled not knowing what to say. I had no idea how to flirt. "Thank you, um, I don't know what to say."

"How about I get you a drink?"

"Um actually I don't really- okay sure." I stopped myself. It's a party after all...

"I'd like to watch you pour my drink though," the logical part of me kicked in. "Smart girl," he chuckled and I got a glimpse of his dimples.

I followed him to the kitchen and watched him pour me a cup of coke followed with Captain Morgan original spiced rum.

I swallowed the fizzy drink and it immediately burned my throat. I never had alcohol, so I was not used to the gross taste most people could easily down.

"So, I have a feeling you don't go to MU," he said referring to Marley University. "I think I would have noticed you by now."

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked as I continued to drink down my drink. Yeah I was definitely a lightweight. "I'm still in High school. I'm a senior at St. Regiment."

"Ahh, where Zeke and Pieck transferred to. You know, my highschool was actually rivals with yours," he said creeping up closer to me.

"It's never too late to sleep with the enemy." His hand made it's way to the left side of my waist.

"Pour me another drink first please."

He smiled, "I like the way you think."

"I got it." I looked up and saw Eren standing there???

Mikasa told me no one from our school would be here why was he even here it was a college party.


"Hey get off that!" Porco yelled at someone climbing up the staircase. "Hold on, I'll be right back." He walked away leaving me and Eren alone.

"Eren? What are you doing here? Do you know anyone from here?"

"I live here. The host is my half brother." My eyes widened. How did I go to high school with both of them and not know this. "Wait for real?? Zeke's your brother, how did I not know that?"

"Well maybe if you looked up from ur textbook once in a while you'd actually notice your surroundings. Seems like more people notice you then you notice them."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused what he meant by that. "Nothing clueless dummy."


"What are you doing here. I don't think I've ever seen you at a party ever. And why are you talking to porkey chops." I rolled my eyes at his cringe nickname.

"Drinking this," I said pouring my own drink since he was just gonna stand there. "No you're not."

"Watch me." I chugged down the drink and gaged in the process as he watched in amusement.  "Uh oh, your party girl sides coming out," Eren said reaching out to my waist teasingly. I slapped his hand away. "Fuck off, dickhead."

"No but seriously, take it easy it's your first time."

"You're right Eren, please take it easy on me it's my first time," I teased. "Don't do that," he replied looking down at my outfit then turning it away. "Why, so you can joke but I can't?" I whined.

"I won't be able to stop this time. Plus you're drunk already. Pshh, you can't take your liquor or anything else for that matter.

"It's okay, I'll find what I want else where," I lied looking towards Porco as he made his way back towards us.  I was just playing around I'd never do that.

"Hey little bro," Porco said ruffling Eren's hair which just made him glare at him at annoyance. "It was nice seeing you Eren, byeee." I waved forcing him to leave his own kitchen.  He looked at Porco than me, before taking his beer to go.

"That's right, you go to the same school as Eren," Porco said pouring my empty cup as he didn't know I had just finished it. "Yeah, I didn't know he was related to Zeke."

A couple drinks later and we were both giggling as I sat on top the kitchen counter.  At this point I was far way past my limit. I didn't notice, but Eren had been sitting at the couch this whole time watching us from a far.

"Ok ok what is the Reciprocal Rule?"

"Uhhh shit uh is it, wait no it's-"

" d ⎡ 1 ⎤ = − g'(x) dx ⎢⎣ g(x)⎥⎦ [g(x)]2," Eren interrupted who was now standing besides us.

"I'm not so good at math as you are I guess, y/n," Porco awkwardly said chuckling. "Talking about math at a party is crazy, I mean seriously do you never step outside your room?" Eren said trying to aggravate me. I rolled my eyes. "And do you ever open up a book instead of your mouth?"

"Oh shit," Porco erupted into laughter. "What can I say, my mouth has plenty of uses," he said looking down at me with a cocky smirk making me cringe. "Ewww, you're disgusting and perverted."

"I thought you liked your men like that," Eren side commented down talking Porco discreetly. "No I actually like hard workers with emotional and book intelligence who aren't nuisances to the rest of the world."

"Funny you're making fun of her, but did you know Eren actually used to be the biggest geek himself back in middle school?"

"No wayyy," I gasped. "Don't you dare," Eren warned as Porco pulled out his phone. "Show me! Show me! Show me!" I excitedly demanded kicking my legs up.

"Here a picture of him when he was in the 8th." I  gasped at the sight. There stood Eren with braces holding up a volume of one piece. He had a unibrow and chubbier cheeks, but his sharp green eyes still popped out the way they do now. He was wearing a shirt that said, "I paused my anime to be here," and shorts that past right below his knees showing his scrawny figure. He looked about 5'4 nowhere comparing his current strong tall physique. In the background you could see it was his room and he had shelves filled with different mangas, and goku action figures at the top of the bookshelf. Puberty really hit him like a train.

"Is that a MIKU poster?! There's no way, please send me that."

"Sure for your number." Porco was using this as a way to save my number. "Dude I swear to God, im gonna fucking murder you."

"Dude chill, it's just y/n you probably have like what, 2 classes with her?"

"heheee, I'm keeping this forever, thank you!" I said getting up and hugging Porco. This took him a little back but he just laughed it off.

"Let me get you another seltzer," he offered. "Are you crazy?" Eren asked looking at him like he was insane. "She's had enough."

I kicked Erens leg, "Yeah don't be a buzz kill Eren."

"Ow! Did you just kick me??"


"What are you twelve?"

"What are you, my dad?"

"She's right man, it's a party. Chill," Porco said breaking up our little bicker.

"Zeke was calling you, I think he wanted help setting the poker," Eren told him to get him to leave us. "Oh shoot, well it was nice meeting you y/n."

"Nice meeting you too Porco."

"I'll text you, k?" He walked off somewhere far away to enjoy the rest of his night and I watched at a distance zoning out.

"No he's not. He's gonna forget you even exist by the morning," Eren interrupted me from my trance. "Do you always have to be so mean?" I said getting off the counter and walking away. It's like he forgets just because I don't pay attention to others, I can't have insecurities too.

"Hey I'm sorry wait," he reached out but I found myself dizzily walking unsteady. It felt like the earth was rotating over and over.


Eren grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. "I told you not to drink."

"W-well you're not the boss of me," I stuttered. "I think I'm gonna puke," I said rushing over to the trash. Eren came up behind me and pulled the hair from my face up as I emptied my stomach. This was incredibly embarrassing.  I sat down defeated and put my hands to my head as it was pounding. "I'm really really tired," I said feeling my eyes drop down on their own. Suddenly I felt myself lifted into the air before I realized I was hanging off someone's back.

He walked up the stairs with me hanging off his back like a bag. "Hey where are you taking me! Stranger danger! Help! Someone help!" I was thrown onto a bed. "Would you shut up? Jesus I'm not gonna rape you idiot." I looked up and it was Eren. He closed the door behind him and I realized I was in his bedroom.

I looked around and saw the room didn't  match the photo anymore except he still had that bookshelf filled with manga. He went to grab something and I walked towards the shelf. "Woah! Is that Nana?! How did you manage to get these I've been looking for these everywhere for the past 5 years?"

"I bought them," a husky deep voice said down my ear making me chill. I turned around to face Eren who was now right in front of me with a towel hanging from his shoulder.  "They must've been expensive," I said still in shock.

"They were, I bought the set for 500-"

"500??" "Yes 500 I'm glad you're auditory responses are working," Eren answered sarcastically.

"Here take a shower, you'll feel better." Eren threw the towel onto my face and I grabbed it off. "No," I decided to argue crossing my arms while sitting down on the bathroom floor.

He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration before picking me up again. "Hey!"

"What I'm your chauffeur . At your service," he chucked putting me down once we made it to the bathroom in his room. He turned on the faucet. I looked at him stubbornly not cracking.

"Why are you so frustrating, will I have to undress you myself?"

"I'm tired Erennn , I just want to sleep."

"You will I promise, just after you shower."

"Undress me then," I caught him off guard and he looked back at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What, to shower remember? It's not like it's anything you haven't seen before."

"Okay then, but if you start screaming stranger danger again I'm gonna lock you in here and leave you there forever." I hid my eyes into my face remembering I did say those exact words.

He crouched down and I watched him as he unbuttoned my blouse and took off my clothes. My glasses were somewhere on the sink counter.

He tried to be respectful and remain with his eyes on mine not looking down. "Okay now look, I'll pour the water, you scrub yourself." He said grabbing a bucket and sponge and and handing me a sponge. He filled it with water and poured it over my head. "Eren it's cold!" I shrieked holding myself. "Oops hehe."

"You did that on purpose!"


"Eren why are you doing this?"

"What, bathing you like you're 2? I don't know I'm asking myself the same question to be honest." "No, well yeah, but I mean being so nice for no reason." I started scrubbing my body while he continued filling up the bucket with water.

"Because you're way too drunk and I know the kind of people at these parties. You're way too out of it to take care of yourself properly right now. I saw some guys looking at you weirdly already when you started to stumble. How are you even here by the way? I thought you knew Porco, but then he asked you to put in your number on his phone."

"Mikasa convinced me to come and she's friends with this girl named Pieck, do you know her?"

"Yeah I know her she's my brothers bestfriend."

"I really had no idea he was your brother. I can't see the resemble to be honest." Zeke had light blonde hair that matched his full beard in contrast to Eren's dark brown hair. His blue eyes were mostly covered by his circular frames and he was shorter than Eren was.

"Yeah well we have different moms and he inherited her genes and I inherited more of my fathers. Well at least now. I don't really go around broadcasting it anyways."

"Why?" I pried while scrubbing my hair with shampoo.

"Because my dad was having an affair with his mom while my mom and him were still married. Then when she died he just packed up and moved here with this new family I didn't even know about. I didn't even know Zeke existed for the longest time. "

"Oh." "Yeah." "Sorry for asking."

"Well your showers done," Eren switched the topic handing me the towel. "Change into this for now," he said referring to the shirt and boxers he left on the the sink counter.  "Um."

"Just do it." He walked out the bathroom to let me change.

When I walked out Eren was sitting on his bed with his legs out scrolling through a book.

"Maid sama? I didn't catch you as a romance kind of guy." I said stumbling next to him on the bed. My headache kicked in again and the temporary energy boost I had was now gone. "Don't tell anyone."

"It'll be our secret," I said pointing out a pinkie. "Another one?" He joined pinkies with me.

"Shut up," I said looking away. "Can I just lay here for a while till my headache goes away?" I asked laying away from him. "That was the plan dummy."


"Yeah, y/n?"

"Can you tell me a bedtime story?"

"Ok well, once upon a time there was this super sexy bulked up guy with a huge cock-"


"Okay well once upon a time there was this really clueless girl that was too dumb to ever notice her surroundings. She was the top of the class every year and that made another kid in second place very frustrated. He tried to outsmart, but it never worked. She never even noticed someone was. She was too caught up in her own world. He watched her from afar and soon instead of trying to compete with her, he started to admire her and how smart she was...."

I doze off into slumber forgetting all about the story he was telling me.

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