Double date (smut)

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I groaned rubbing my eyes as I parted them open. My head was pounding and as my eyes fully opened I realized I had no idea where I was.

Please don't tell me what I think....

Then my memories of the night before all rushed in at once and it made my head pound even more. I looked over and Eren wasn't there anymore. I looked down at myself seeing I was still in his oversized grey t shirt and boxers.

"Rough night huh? I slept like a baby." I looked up and Eren stood at the frame of his door holding up a mug in nothing but black sweatpants. "Yeah my heads killing me- hey why didn't you wake me up?!"

"You were far too gone, I didn't want to wake you, here drink this for your hangover. It's ginger tea."

"Thank you. But still you could've woke me." I tried keeping my eyes on his face and avoiding staring at his perfect torso. Man what a shame of a good face and body...

"And end the sight of you drooling over my pillow? No thank you, by the way I took a picture incase you decide to use the one you got last night against me."

I shot him daggers. My hair was still wet from my shower the night before.

Shit, mikasa.

"Eren, where's my phone?" I asked looking around the bed. "It's right next to you on the night stand dumbass."

I reached for it and checked my phone. As expected 20 new text messages from Mikasa and 30 missed calls. Shit she was gonna kill me.

Deja vu huh.

"How do you feel after spending our first night together?" Eren joked. "Well, it didn't go exactly how I imagined, but we can always make up for lost times, right y/n?"

"Shut up Eren,"I said looking at Mikasa's messages down at my phone.

Where are you??

Answer me when you get this

Call me.

Y/n answer the phone

Where the hell are you

I swear to god if something happened to you

Im freaking out seriously answer me

I looked around this whole house for you where the hell are you???

Pick up the phone y/n

Im losing my shit

Im gonna kill you if you're not already dead.

I texted back. Hey sorry I'm fine, I'll explain later.

Immediately she answered, you better be at my apartment in 10 or you're gonna wake up to all your homework shredded on your lawn.

"Shit I have to go eren, thank you, I'll see you at school." I rushed into my clothes turning away to change.

"Now you wanna be shy, huh?" He asked rolling his eyes.

I rushed out before he could say any more. "Wait your- eh whatever."

It took me about three red lights before my dumbass realized I lost my glasses. I didn't remember leaving them somewhere. It's probably crushed under a couch by now, might as well just order a new pair instead. I could wear contact lenses until then. If I ordered them by tomorrow they would probably arrive by Thursday, I was visually paired enough to drive to Mikasas house and mine.

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