The party

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"I brought some clothes for you since the only sex clothes you own involve a hoochie cut out and rhinestones for nipples," Mikasa joked as I laid in my bed scrolling through Erens instagram. He had 2000 followers yet only followed 200 people counting Lebron James and funnymemes.

Who are you Eren Yeager?

"Here try this on." Mikasa laid out a pencil skirt and a corset.

"How does this tiny thing fit your huge boobs?" I asked holding the up the corset that was 2 times too small for her.

"It'll fit you perfectly then," she teased. I flipped her off and unbuttoned my blouse. "I don't know how I feel about wearing this for so many people to see. Why can't I just wear my clothes?" I nagged.

"Because then you're going to look like a grandma that spends her free time knitting and feeding 300 stray cats, plus it's not like anyone from school is going to be there."

"True I guess. Help me tighten this shit."

She sucked any air my lungs had tightening the corset. "Jesus Christ I'm going to collapse."

"Beauty is pain deal with it. Take these off too." She pulled my frames out my face.

"Wow, it's such a shame you hide ur beauty," Mikasa commented as we stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was down, my glasses were off, my skin was out, I only presented myself like this for photo shoots.

Suddenly I remembered what trouble I drew the last time I let someone see me like. Sometimes bleeding in the with the crowd is better. I'm not one to care to draw attention. I put my glasses back on and started to struggle out of Mikasas clothes. "Hey, what are you doing?! That work just took me 15 minutes and three arm days," Mikasa whined at the sight of me changing into my own clothes.

"Sorry Mika, but I'd like to feel more like myself," I said as I put on a plain shirt and jeans. I tied my hair back into its usual ponytail. "Fine, whatever you're more comfortable with. All I'm saying is It's a shame you hide your hidden beauty. Like to be honest, if I was a guy and I saw you in stilettos and a pencil skirt, I'd do bone you."

I cringed and threw the corset at her face. "Pervert."

"Our Ubers here!" Mikasa said grabbing her bag and getting ready to go. "You know I could've just driven us," I presented. "No cuz what if you wanna drink," she responded winking at me.

"I highly doubt it." She rolled her eyes at my response as we exited out the front door and entered the Uber.

Once we exited the Uber I stared at the house in front of us in awe. There stood a huge mansion. From the fence I could see people standing outside and I could hear splashing of a pool and loud music blasting through the laughing and screaming of college students. I felt so out of my comfort zone.

Same thing when we walked inside. Packed with drunk college students dancing and mingling or playing drinking games.

"And who are you guys?" A tall intimidating man approached us. His demeanor seemed reserved and well put together. Man, maybe college guys are more my thing, this guy was seriously attractive. "We're friends of Pieck Finger, I'm Mikasa, and this is y/n."

"Oh shit, your friends of Pieck? My bad, nice to meet y'all I'm Porco," he greeted himself, his demeanor changing to friendly.

"Mika! You made it!" A girl came rushing towards us with her arms opened up to Mikasa. She had messy black hair and sleepy looking grey eyes with a friendly wide smile. "I see you've met Porco," the girl said looking over at Porco.

"Yes, he's a little scary," Mikasa teased giggling. "Don't mind him, he's a grouch," Pieck said ruffling Porco's head. "Pieck, you're embarrassing me," he said scratching his neck with a pink tint to his face.

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