Yo-Kai Watch: Secrets of the...

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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After the Events of Yo-Kai Watch 4, introduces a insane Adventure. The Demon world has been breached, allowin... More

Demons + Kyle's Bio
Chapter 1: Here come the Demons
Chapter 2: Forsaken Demon World
Chapter 3: Enter Yo-Kai and Demon
Amber Finch Bio
Chapter 4: Yo-Kai Watch D-1
Chapter 5: Back to the Start
Chapter 6: Yo-Kai Love
Chapter 7: Castle in the Graveyard
Chapter 8: Battle of the Giant Spirits
Chapter 9: Kyle's Truth and Tribe
Chapter 10: Bringing out the Best
Chapter 12: A Human and A Blackevoir
Chapter 13: Kyle meets the Oni Princess
Chapter 14: Top Summer Song
Chapter 15: In a Ink Drop and a Black Place
Chapter 16: Mysteries in Springdale
Chapter 17: Sparkling Sparkopolis
Chapter 18: Hunteress of the Mirrorverse
Chapter 19: Rivally Between Siblings
Chapter 20: Awkward Demon Date
Chapter 21: The Lustful Sin Art
Chapter 22: The Bridge Between Worlds
Chapter 23: The Heavenly Tribe
Chapter 24: Demonic Beach Day
Chapter 25: Overlording Helluva
Chapter 26: Secrets of the Shadowside
Chapter 27: Anger from Amber
Chapter 28: Princess Problems
Chapter 29: A Large Threat
Chapter 30: The Tale of Succuaura
Chapter 31: The Enemies Plan
Chapter 32: The Final Dimension
Chapter 33: Kyle's Human Home

Chapter 11: Seven Deadly Sins

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By BlackvoirYanderevoir

A/N: Thought of how the Chapter will go, and I thought of placing this Chapter in the Forever Friends worlds, as well as introducing another Gardevoir Demon. This will also be the first Chapter to introduce the first Deadly Sin.

After Touma borrowed the book about the Seven Deadly Sins, Kyle told Charlie about it, telling her if it was ok.

Charlie: That book? Sure, he can borrow it if he wishes.

Kyle: Really? Didn't think you would be that reasonable?

Charlie: Well, I did read about them before, however, I didn't believe them, until now.

Kyle didn't know why she didn't believe anything about her worlds history, since she was the princess.

Kyle: I get ya. I mean I was down here for years and I didn't know any history about it. But with teaming up with Yo-Kai and Humans, we have much bigger things to get passed.

Charlie thought of what he was talking about, since he was going to be more busy than he ever was.

Charlie: Since we're talking about the Seven Deadly Sins, I can tell you one thing about your friends watch: It was previously owned and made by them! Until it was taken by the Yo-Kai gods themselves.

Kyle thought, not knowing Touma's watch was owned by Demons.

Charlie: He'll understand. I mean they'll work with it after these last few Century's.

Kyle: Huh? Well, thanks for the history lesson, I better get going. The others are heading to another world. Apparently, they're other worlds.

Charlie: Be safe.

Kyle: They did say it'll be cold, but I'll live. Just like the time in the Frozen Wastelands.

Once he left, Charlie was thinking about their talk.

Charlie: The Seven Deadly Sins? They'll return!

*Insert Intro*

Forever Friends World

Once Kyle, Red and Missi all headed to the others, they accessed another Universe. It was another Springdale, but it looked very past modern and it was snowing.

Kyle: Well, no Wasteland, but I'll stick to it.

Red: Ah, the wastelands. Good times, good time.

Missi looked around the place, finding nothing related to Springdale from the other worlds.

Missi: This doesn't look like any Springdale I ever been too?

Summer: Because this isn't Springdale... yet at least.

Inkurella, who everyone didn't bother asking came over to them all.

Inkurella: This place is 'Sakura Motomachi', whatever it is?

Summer, Nate and Touma both knew they woulden't get it.

Nate: We should of told them about our previous Adventure.

Summer: Agree.

Touma looked down at his watch again and then the Demons.

Touma: I hope they know what this Watches connection between them is?

???: Summer, Nate?

They then saw a Boy coming over to them, as it also started snowing lightly. The Boy had Blueish hair, Grey eyes and a tan skin complex.

Summer: Oh Hey Jack, it's been a while, hasn't it?

The Boy, who the Demons now know is Jack, saw they might be friends.

Jack: It's been good for a while. But it's good to see you again... and other guests?

He then saw Kyle and the others.

Nate: Oh yeah, these are Demons we kind of met a while ago, due to their world being broken.

Kyle: Hey! I'm Kyle, and these are my friends, Red, Missi and Inkurella.

Amber: And I'm Amber. Not a Demon, just researching them.

Jack was a bit shy to taking to real Demons, but was confused on why Kyle was Human.

Jack: W-Well, glad to meet friends to Summer. I'm Jack Cobbler, but you can just call me Jack.

Missi: That's what I wanted to call you.

Jack then remembered something.

Jack: Since you all are here, I could use some help. You see, just a week ago, this weird Red beacon came from the lake for a moment before disappearing. After that happened, the Weather has been all over the place, as it's starting to snow pretty strong.

Kyle thought of what he said, thinking of a Demon who could do that.

Kyle: Frostevoir! Do you have anywhere we can stay in, just until it'll calm down?

Jack knows a place they can wait out, as they followed him, as the Snow gotten strong. Before it did get strong, they made it to a Mansion.

Missi: Woah! I seen a lot of Mansions, but this...

Red: At least we can rest a little.

Jack: Don't worry, everyones welcome inside, even the Demonic types.

Inkurella: Aww, appreciated!

Once inside, they gotten comfy, but not too comfy. Amber then wanted to know something about Kyle.

Amber: Oh Kyle, since finding Information on all You, Whitevoir, Poundevoir and Vineavoir, everytime I looked into the App, it declares you and the Whitevoir not to be related to the others.

Kyle looked into her App, finding what she was talking about.

Kyle: Well, in truth, they did ask  me to be part of their group, but I refused. You see, each Gardevoir represents each Types in Helluva itself. To me, I'm a Dark Type. The other two are Grass and Rock. The next one we'll be facing is a Ice Type, which is why the Weather is acting weird.

Jack: So what your talking about is one of your kind?

They didn't realise Jack was overhearing them both.

Jack: Sorry for overhearing, I was curious on you two.

Amber: Whatever. I'm kind of in the collecting mood for them all.

Jack then remembered something.

Jack: Oh yeah, Speaking of collecting, someone brought this in. Maybe connected to this also.

They then looked into a small box. It was opened as they looked inside, finding it to be a Sword.


Touma: A Sacred Armory?

Kyle looked at it, finding a Symbol on it that matched one of the Deadly Sins.

Summer: What is it?

Jack: Like I said before, it could possibly be connected to them.

Touma was the only one to take it out, as the Ogre Reacted to it, as it spoke out a Name.

Ogre: Wrath Art: Oblastion!

Once it said that name, it then concerned them.

Touma: Oblastion? Who's that?

Kyle then figured out what Charlie ment about his Watch and what.

Kyle: So that's what she ment about the Watch belonging to them?

They all then looked at him.

Touma: You and the Princess knew about this Watch?

Kyle: Just her. I only learned. But she didn't learn much about them, only about who the Watch belonged too.

Before Touma could complain to him, they heard the wind of the storm outside calming down a little.

Kyle: Looks like we're heading out. Maybe find where she is.

Summer: I'll stay behind to keep a watch around here.

Kyle: Some Pun attended?

Nate: I might stay behind also.

Missi: Me too. I hate the cold!

Kyle just shook his head, knowing she won't go.

Red: This is like the Frozen Wastelands all over again!

Once they made the Groups, the team who were going to face the Frostevoir left.


Demon Frostevoir and Wrath Art Oblastion

Even though the Weather had calmed down, the fog was still thick. They did made it to the bridge where they met Jack.

Kyle: Well, at least we know where we are.

They looked around, finding it to be too dark.

Touma: This Weather might be making things a bit difficult.

Red: Don't worry about it. I been through colder weather. I know cold blooded things might die from colder weathers, but I'm a hot head, after all.

Touma: That wasn't what I was talking about!

Kyle then looked at Jack and Amber.

Kyle: Please excuse Red. Some of her Brain is just...

Amber: Snakes?

Kyle: Vermillion, but yeah.

As they were looking around their surrounding, their was then a sound of the Wind, but unlike a blowing sound, it sounded more like singing.

Inkurella: Oh geez!

Only the Demons understood the song, and where it might be coming from.

Kyle: I might know where to find her. C'mon!

They then followed Kyle across the Bridge on the other side, leading to the Forest.

Once in the forest, they saw it was also darker than the lake and town.

Jack: Now be careful. It's easy to get lost in a forest and...

Kyle: Don't worry, we been through many forests, gotten lost, but we found our ways out.

Touma: And how long does that happen to you all?

The Demons stayed quiet after he asked that.

Inkurella: You humans asked too much.

As they kept walking through the woods, Kyle stopped, knowing they were getting close.

Kyle: We're almost there.

Once he got to the other side of the Forest, they found something big and what might be behind the Weather.

Kyle: And there it is!

What they were looking at was a Giant Light Blue Gardevoir, not like the Whitevoir Kyle faced. It had a Ice style to it and it having three Silver Dynamax Clouds around her head.

Frostevoir(Regret Tribe)

Amber took a picture of it as the App did the rest.

App: Frostevoir, The Frost Demon. A Ice Type. Her's body is mostly ice, which means she can create a Powerful Snowstorm. It's worst when she's Gigantamaxed.

They looked back up at her, as she saw them.

Frostevoir: Well, it looks like some meddling Kids have come to see my rehearsal, too bad you won't be able to ruin it!

She then tried to step on them, but they all dodged it.

Jack: Didn't think Demons can be this big?

Kyle: Welcome to the Gigantamax Era, man.

Red: And let's not get crushed before entering it!

Red then tackled them all, just before she could stomp on them.

Inkurella: Is that everything you got?

Frostevoir then grinned, as Jack then paniced. As they might of guessed from the others knowing him, he has a Yo-Kai Watch like Summers, however, the cover on top was different.

Jack: Yo-Kai Watch Elder Zero, Summon! Come on out, my friend, Gusto!

Once he put a Yellow Keystone on top his Watch, it summoned out a Black Cat Yo-Kai almost like Nate's Jibanyan.

Gusto(Mononoke Tribe)

Inkurella: Another Oozy Member?

Kyle: If that thing was, then we'll know.

Gusto then saw the Demons, confused.

Gusto: So the Rumors of Humans and Demons Teaming up was true?

Jack: Just to help us.

Gusto then looked up, finding the Frostevoir.

Gusto: And this might be trickier than saving other worlds.

Frostevoir then chuckled to herself, knowing it'll be easy for her.

Frostevoir: Using mere kids and Yo-Kai to face me? In this form? Mostly thought it'll be Kyle and his friends, but humans will be fun! G-Max Frostfall!

She then activated her Max Move, which made giant Ice Spikes come falling from sky. Everyone dodged it and quickly hid.

Kyle: Why is this world just snow? This wasn't harder when I first faced her!

Inkurella: Weather man. Empowers us! Like you said before.

Kyle sighed, knowing she'll use his words against him.

Touma, knowing they're not getting far in the battle, looked at the small Blade he obtained. He then looked at the Ogre again, thinking it might work.

Touma: Hope what they said are true about my Watch.

He then inserts the Blade into his Watch, which then Activated it.

Ogre: Wrath Arts: Oblastion!

Once the Watch was activated, He then pressed down on the face, activated the transformation. Once it was over, he now took the form of a Fire being in Black Armor with the Wrath Symbol on it.

Oblastion(Wrath Deadly Sin)

Everyone saw what happened to him after inserting the Blade into his Watch.

Jack: What the?

Kyle: Interesting. Got to payback Charlie for telling me.

The Frostevoir then chuckled after seeing what he had become.

Frostevoir: That Armor won't protect you much!

Oblastion: Well, let's try out my new Powers!

The Frostevoir then attacked again using her Max Move, but Oblastion was more quicker with his fire power. Just as some ice was about to land on him, he threw bombs at them, shattering them.

Frostevoir: What?!

Oblastion: No wonder this watch was made by Demons first!

Just then, Oblastion then rocketed up infront of her and threw a few Bombs at her to distract her.

Oblastion: Wrath Burst!

He then rocketed through her check, which deactivated her Gigantamax form, making her shrink down. Once she was deactivated, the Weather cleared up.

Red: Now this is better. The Cold was kind of getting to me.

Oblastion then landed back down, which also reverted back to Touma. He almost fell down, but was helped up by Kyle.

Kyle: At least we know they're Real.

Touma: Tell me about it.

Once everyone returned back to the mansion, they told the others what happened.

Summer: So that's why the Weather was strange?

Kyle: And to me, I'm picking up a pattern.

Nate: About what?

Kyle: The Beacons that come to the worlds, will also be a sighting of Demons going to appear.

They knew they might be needing more help in other worlds. Touma was sitting down for a little, since Oblastion took out a lot from him. Summer then came over to check on him.

Summer: Hey Touma, Kyle did tell me about the blade and what it did to you. How did it feel?

Touma looked at her and told her.

Touma: I don't know, but once I did use it, not only did I feel Anger, but I also felt a power I coulden't control. I might have to be careful when I use it again.

He looked at the Blade again, knowing he must be careful.

Meanwhile, underground in another unknown world, a Tomb and a Gate was glowing a Bright Pink, until dying out.

*Insert Outro*

A/N: Came out better than I expected, but this won't be the only Deadly Sin in this series, as I had an idea for two of them. Oblastion being the first.

I did look into the Deadly Sins and what they represent, so I might know much as I need too. Forever Friends I don't have much ideas, since it was part of the Fourth Game, and I also thought of another Gardevoir infecting the Weather in that world.

Next Up is where Summer wants Kyle to hang out with her, since she wanted to know more about him and his friends history.



Oblastion is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. He is also knowned to be The Wrath Arts.


He is simular to Dark Edition Blast Zone from Swap Force. He also has the Wrath Symbol that replaces the Fire Element Symbol.

Arkchive Entry

The Wrath Art and Leader of the Deadly Sins, his Fire Power is much stronger than his Anger. The Bombs he throws are intenced more than he's more angry!


Techique: Fire

Soultimate Move: Wrath Blast(Blasts towards enemies. May burn them)


His name comes from Blast and Oblivion.



Frostevoir is one of the Demons, part of the Regret Tribe. She is an Ice Healer.

She has a Gigantamax Form


She is a Light Blue Gardevoir with an icy desigh. She also has a Silver colored thorn on her chest.

In her Gigantamax form, she has more of an Ice desigh on her skirt, thorn and hair. She also uses a Giant Megaphone and three Dynamax clouds floating around her Head.

Arkchive Entries


Her body can get to tempretures below -50, due to this, no other Demon would think of going near her.


She can sing a frozen song that can create a powerful Snow storm. It can be heard perfectly from Demons, but humans and Yo-Kai just hear nothing but wind.


Attack: Slap

Techique: Ice

Inspirit: Frozen Stiff(Opponents can't move)

Soultimate Move: Icy Melody(Defence Boosts on Allies)

GMax Move: Max FrostFall(Giant Ice Spikes fall from the sky, Damaging opponents. Raises Defence on Allies)

Skill: Frost Heal(Ice attacks heals her)

Her Gigantamax Cry(Since I didn't know where to put it)


Her name comes from Frost and Devoir.

Up Next: A Human and a Blackevoir

Word Count: 2637

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